About the Infoshop Network

NEW: Infoshop Zine Project in the works, view the Call for Submissions here!

Welcome to the Infoshop Network, which was born out of the Infoshop Gathering in Baltimore, MD on June 29th-30th, 2006.

The goal is to be a mutual aid network for infoshops in USA and Canada, maybe beyond.

We're hoping to set up a newsletter of updates from infoshops and ideas and all, get a solidarity network going for infoshops and organizations in trouble with state repression, get a help hot-line (or e-mail) for new and old infoshops looking for advice, a touring line for travelling artists and authors, and possibly even stuff like collective bargaining with distributers.

To get onto the Infoshop Network e-mail list, send a message to infoshopnetwork@lists.resist.ca

We have conference calls every third thursday of the month. All Infoshop Liaisons will get a reminder call of this 24 hours in advance. If you'd like to be on the call, just send us an e-mail to get the time and number.

Please feel free to send any questions, ideas, or thoughts to contact@infoshopnetwork.org

Right now, we are in the process of setting up a good communication structure. We are asking each infoshop and radical space to desinate a Infoshop Network Liason, which will do the following things:

  1. Bring back information from the larger Network to their collective.
  2. Bring information to the larger Network from their collective, like updates, calls for help, etc.
  3. Serve as the basic contact person for the Network.
  4. Get people in their collectives to be involved in working groups of the Network, espicially related to their skills.

Once those are set up, we can work on getting working groups set up to handle stuff like a)help and support for infoshops new and old b) publication of a newsletter c) tours d) solidarity for infoshops or organizations in trouble... and anything else! It's a blank page right now!
