Almshouses in Europe

Almshouses in Europe
Call for papers for a conference in 2011: Almshouses in Europe from the late Middle Ages to the Present - Comparisons and Peculiarities. Deadline: 1 November 2010.

Migration History in World History

Migration History in World History
Book presentation 15 October in Leiden: Migration History in World History. Multidisciplinary Approaches, edited by IISH researcher Jan Lucassen with Leo Lucassen and Patrick Manning.

Ger Harmsen Inventory

Ger Harmsen Inventory
The inventory of the papers of the Dutch historian Ger Harmsen is now available online. See also the more than 3,000 other archival descriptions.

Fada'i Guerilla Movement

Fada'i Guerilla Movement
Call for papers for a two-day international seminar for the study of Iran's guerrilla movement during the decade of the 1970s. (text also in Persian)

Multatuli Exhibition

Multatuli Exhibition
A selection of letters, books, brochures, journals, cartoons on the Dutch writer Multatuli, from the collections of IISH and Dutch Press Museum. (in Dutch)

Max Kohnstamm
The inventory of the Max Kohnstamm papers is available online. Kohnstamm (*1914) is a Dutch historian, diplomat, and champion of Europe.

Labour History Beyond Borders
New publication edited by IISH researcher Marcel van der Linden: Labour History beyond borders: concepts and explorations.

Erik-Jan Zürcher IALHI secretary
Erik-Jan Zürcher, director of the IISH, was elected secretary of the International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI), at the IALHI conference in September 2010.

Annual Report 2009
IISH's Annual Report 2009 is now available. You can read it on-line or order a printed copy.

Research Fellowships 2011
IISH launches a fellowship programme for researchers from Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus, Eastern Europe, Russia and the former Soviet Union countries. The call for applications is open until 1 October 2010.

>> News Archive 2010
