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Site Last Updated September 10

Say Farewell to Lillian Thomas
CUPE Local 500 is hosting a Farewell Reception to honour Councillor Lillian Thomas who has made many outstanding contributions to the labour movement and has been an exceptional City of Winnipeg Councillor. Everyone who appreciates the work she has done for the citizens of Winnipeg is invited to attend. It's being held on Friday, September 17, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the VIP Lounge in the Winnipeg Convention Centre. Tickets are $20 with a cash bar. For tickets or more information, contact Mike Davidson at 942-1001.

Youth Scholarship Award Winner Announced
The Al Cerilli MFL Scholarship Award has been presented to Daria Hrytsay of COPE 342. The scholarship is to be used by the recipient to help cover the cost of their continuing education or a post-secondary program at a recognized institution. (More/Photo)

New Special Projects Coordinator Hired
Jean-Guy Bourgeois has been hired as the new Special Projects Coordinator for the Manitoba Federation of Labour. Bourgeois brings strong credentials to the MFL that will result in strong support services for the MFL Executive Council and all affiliated unions. (More)

Ken Georgetti during Winnipeg meetings and rally

Labour Leaders Demand Action on Job Losses
At the conclusion of three days of meetings in Winnipeg, the presidents of Federations of Labour from across Canada issued a statement demanding action from provincial and federal governments to stop the job loss hemorrhage. The statement pointed out the obvious - the economic crisis is clearly not over and failure to take effective action would be irresponsible. Governments need to continue their stimulus spending programs. (More)

Also of Interest

Labour leaders say action needed on the economy, job creation
Federation of Labour presidents' meeting in Winnipeg a success
Download a chapter from 'The Social Determinants Of Health In Manitoba' - PDF, free
New Occupational Health Centre Executive Director named
MFL President offered some suggestions to the prime minister on Employment Insurance
Reception to bid adieu to Carol Loveridge and wish her a happy retirement
MFL President wrote letter to the President of the Philippines about labour rights
Numerous issues covered by May MFL Executive Council meeting
Boycott of Canada Post franchise outlets ended
MFL's Health and Safety Conference attended by 150
Leader's March - Memorial Service highlights of the Day of Mourning
Labour Solidarity Award Presented to Eugene Kostyra

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