Guerilla Gardening is growing food on wasted land, usually owned by banks or landlords, in hopes of gaining a greater degree of self-sufficiency and control over our ecological security. It is done by individuals or small groups who seek economic independence from agribusiness and other qualms of industrial food production, and more generally those wishing to escape industrialized life altogether.

Guerilla gardeners respect personal property but reject private property, that being property owned by business interests who most often prioritize profit over other people and the environment.

By using expropriated land, gardening becomes an option for all people, not just those who can afford a house with a back yard. Guerilla gardening is an intersection of self-sufficiency and class struggle.

We seek a more intimate connection with our land and environment. We don't see the Earth as a resource but rather a living system of which we are a part. Capitalism obscures this relationship, reifying the natural world as a commodity.

We also seek a closer relationship with each other. We're tired of interacting with other humans as mere economic roles. We no longer want human social fabric to be a weave of monetary transactions. By growing food together we create real community. We learn how to work and share together, and come together not as workers or shoppers, but as people.


Welcome to Our Website

Use the links at the top of the page to explore our website.


DIY Green Building Workshop Series

DIY Green Building
Workshop Series

Help Us Build a Small StrawBale Shed/GreenHouse!!

The Gaia collective has partnered with WECSA to build a small storage
shed/greenhouse with a commitment to using natural (or reclaimed)
materials and self-reliant building techniques. We are inviting the
community to share in this project and come helpout. Our goal is to spread
the knowledge we attain through this project and give people a chance to
have first hand experience with sustainable, DIY building methods.

Our plans incorporate the following features:
-No poured concrete


WGGC Growtable

WGGC Growtable

I built this grow table from plans I found on the internet (with a few of my own modifications). Its entirely modular and comes apart for easy moving. The lights can be raised or lowered as the plants grow.


WGGC Spring 2010 Update

Hello everybody!

This is our 4th year of Guerrilla Gardening!! Congratulations to everybody
for making this such an awesome and successful project.

====Spring Agenda====
We will have a planning meeting/potluck in mid April.

We plan to really expand our garden this year. Lindsay has drawn out a
detailed garden plan after many hours of research and contemplation. The
design calls for a living fence, many hex raised beds, and a potted herb
garden, and takes up the entirety of the backyard. The design isn't set


WGGC Presentation For Greater Windsor Horticultural Society

Jae from WGGC will be presenting to Greater Windsor Horticultural Society the philosophy, history and techniques of the Windsor Guerrilla Gardening Collective. Please come and join in this event, admission is free.
St. Therese Church at 1991 Norman Road
Thursday March 11th, 7:30pm


Birth Of Production and The End of Life

The historical contradiction of agriculture has always been how its proliferation destroys the ecological conditions which made its existence possible. As civilization has expanded, it has converted wilderness into grazing and farm land, and ultimately, barren desert.1 The natural world takes the form of a cycle, but civilized man has turned this cyclic process into a resource to exploit. Instead of a cycle, the nature-human relationship becomes a linear transfer of life and energy one way, and pollution and destruction the other way. “Agriculture is the birth of production...


Hanlon Creek Business Park Occupation Activists Present in Windsor

By Jae Muzzin, Windsor Community News
Jan 15th 2010

Matt and Zach from the Hanlon Creek Business Park Occupation in Guelph made a visit to Windsor Ontario yesterday. They presented a history of the occupation and the larger social and historical contexts of this local struggle. Through incredible adversity, the resisters of the business park are continuing to fight off the developers, and came to Windsor to win support and builder inter-city relationships with other activists.


Forest Defenders from Guelph’s Hanlon Creek Coming to Windsor On

Forest Defenders from Guelph’s Hanlon Creek Coming to Windsor Ontario
January 14th, 7:00pm
Windsor Workers Action Center
328 Pelissier

At dawn one day last summer in Guelph, Ontario, 60 people took over an
industrial construction site and set up a temporary home, complete with a
composting toilet, strawbale first aid tent, lookout tower, and kitchen,
protected by roadblocks and trenches. Within hours, word had spread far
wide – work on Guelph’s newest and biggest business park was shut down. A
surviving patch of Old Growth forest and a coldwater stream breathed a



Wednesday, December 2nd
Colasanti's in Ruthven

Jae Muzzin and Maya Ruggles will be delivering a presentation at the
Naturalized Habitat Network's Annual Banquet. Here's a description: 'Food
Security, Food Sovereignty, Food Democracy': What do these terms mean? Why
are these concepts important? Through examples from their own experiences
growing and foraging for food in Windsor, Maya and Jae will discuss the
importance of food for community self-reliance and sustainability. Themes


August 16th WGGC Workshop at Fedup Festival

Sunday, August 16th
Urban Foraging Workshop – hosted by the Windsor Guerrilla Gardening Collective
2 – 4 pm @ 328 Pelissier (Windsor Workers’ Action Centre)
Berries, flowers and other foods are abundant in late summer. Learn to find, harvest and prepare nutritious wild foods.

FedUp Windsor Presents
The 2nd Annual Summer Harvest Festival
August 15th & 16th 2009

Saturday, August 15th

Garden Bike Tour
3 pm: leaves from 1950 Ottawa St. (Citizens Environment Alliance – openhouse at 2pm)
6:30 pm: ends @ 463 Askin St.


Rain Barrel Workshop

Join WGGC in setting up a RainBarrel for water conservation. An important
element of sustainable gardening is rain water harvesting, where rain
water is collected, stored and later used to hydrate the garden during dry
spells. Xeriscaping is crucial to guerrilla gardening, where garden hoses
are not readily available. Also learn other water saving techniques for

Saturday 3pm
July 25th

Email roadwindsor at riseup dot net for workshop location.


Magnetic Planters from Broken City Lab

Broken city lab is making magnetic planters in a grassroots effort to bring life to our urban spaces. These small containers are made of biodegradable paper mache-like material. They have a magnet embedded in them to adhere to lamp posts and chain link fences. Keep your eyes peeled this summer for these magnetic planters, and if you see one, water it! Read more about the project at

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2009 Urban Self Reliance Workshop Series

Windsor Guerrilla
Gardening Collective
Urban Self-Reliance Workshop Series 2009

Transcend the limits placed by consumerist dependencies. Explore familiar places for new discoveries. Join WGGC in learning about the science and magic of self-reliance inside a landscape of urban decay. Help us build new connections with our immediate natural environment. Outmode the permanent crises of industrial capitalism.

Our workshops are hands on and free. A relaxed atmosphere where group discussion is encouraged.

July, (Date & Location TBA)


A Brief Rejection of Agriculture

Alot of people get involved in food politics because of the horrors they
see in modern farming, but industrial agriculture is just a logical
extension of traditional agriculture. For instance, the adoption of
artificial fetilizers is a reaction to unfertile soil that was depleted
with traditional farming techniques. Traditional farming destroys soil
through deforestation and tilling. (A naive counterpoint is the always
productive farmlands of Egypt and Punjab, but these are alluvial soils,
meaning they are flooded with nutrients from higher land, at the expense


August 9th, 2008

Its harvest time! Man what a bounty! (Those are full grocery bags)


July 14th, 2008

3 sisters are thriving. The squash and corn are flowering.


June 27th, 2008

The garden is thriving from all the rain. Unfortunately, so are the weeds. The squash in the 3 sisters bed is supposed to suppress weeds, and its definitely out-competing them, but small weeds still persist. Also shown is our other beds. We are going to put straw down on these beds as mulch, which will definitely keep weeds at bay.


Making Coffee Out of Dandelion Roots

Using the instructions provided by the excellent book Neighborhood Forager by Robert K. Handerson, we harvested dandelions for their roots. We then roasted and ground them to make a great coffee-like beverage.

Becoming friends with "weeds" is an important step towards sustainable horticulture.

Step 1

Any old dandelion will do, but you want to aim for the ones that have the biggest root. Loose sandy soils are best to find these, as the dandelions found in your healthy lawn will typically have small roots. Ones with the thickest flower stems usually yeild the biggest roots.


Autonomous Tree Planting Campaign - 2008

Click the link below to download a printable PDF pamphlet about our tree planting campaign.

Why Plant a Tree?

-Trees do a large part in fighting global warming by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Planting 10 trees a year can offset your total carbon footprint
-During a 50-year life span, one tree will generate $30,000 in oxygen, recycle $35,000 worth of water, and clean up $60,000 worth of air pollution
-Prevents or reduces soil erosion and water pollution