Upcoming Events

Kebele Allotment and Community Orchard bimontly workday

Title: Kebele Allotment and Community Orchard bimontly workday
Location: Royate Hill Allotments
Link out: Click here
Description: Royate Hill Community Orchard and Kebele Allotment
Regular bimonthly workday
Saturday 15th January
11am-4pm – drop in anytime before 3pm (we usually start cleaning up sometime between 3 & 4)

Gardening tools and gloves provided
Please bring your own lunch and snacks to share – we’ll brew the tea (lots of it!)

No experience required, only enthusiasm (and warm clothing)

It may be hard to believe, but Spring isn’t far away now, so we’ve got lots to do on the orchard in preparation for the coming growing season.

The weather forecast is for rain, but don’t let that put you off! We can seek shelter in the roundhouse and do some seed sorting while we drink tea and discuss gardening…

Hope to see you there!
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 2011-01-15
End Time: 16:00

Prisoner support letter writing night

Title: Prisoner support letter writing night
Location: Front cafe space
Link out: Click here
Description: Simple yet practical solidarity. Bristol ABC returns with its monthly letter-writing session to political prisoners. We hope to use a number of venues around Bristol this year, but for the first one we return to Kebele.

Wednesday 12 January, 7 to 9pm at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Road, Bristol BS5 6JY

We’ll have our latest list of UK and international prisoners along with info on how to support prisoners in various ways, and details of other related campaigns. Come along to find out more, and to send cards and letters to prisoners. We’ve got the info, pens and paper, you do the rest. Hot drinks are available cheaply, bring snacks and cake to share.

Letters are a simple and practical way of supporting prisoners and helping them know that people are aware of their case and situation. It can be a one-off solidarity message, or the beginning of a long correspondence that both you and they can benefit from. If you’ve not tried it, come along and give it a go. Remember they are inside for us and we are outside for them.

It is likely that increasing struggles over the next year will see a further clampdown on protest and dissent by the ConDem Coalition. Well over 200 people were arrested at student protests around the country in late 2010, and some of these may go to prison. We need to ensure that protesters sent to jail know they are not abandoned by the wider movement. Solidarity is the key.

Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-01-12
End Time: 21:00

Kebele General Meeting

Title: Kebele General Meeting
Location: Events room
Description: The Kebele General Meeting is open to users of, and all involved with Kebele. We hope to continue the process of “horizontalising” and sharing the collective work of organising our social centre.
If you have any items you would like included on the agenda please send them into us by Monday 10th January (kebelesocialcentre@riseup.net or via poster on cafe wall or crabgrass).

It would be really useful if activist groups and collectives could also e-mail us a short report on what you’ve been up to since the last general meeting by the 10th January. These will be compiled into one document for the 17th Jan, and a are a great way of letting other groups and users know more about your activities and plans.

Start Time: 18:30 Prompt start!
End Time: 20:30
Date: 2011-01-17

Return of the Vegan Chocolate Tasting Evening (due to chocular demand)

Title: Return of the Vegan Chocolate Tasting Evening (due to chocular demand)
Location: Kebele
Link out: Click here
Description: Chocolatey fun to raise funds for animal sanctuaries
Suggested donation £2+

Range of yummy free chocolate samples, plus hot chocolate pudding!
Chocolate fountain
Sugar-free corner
Hot chocolate
Mulled wine
Chocolatey cooking demo
Tombola and raffle
Organised by Bristol Animal Rights Collective: www.bristolanimalrights.org.uk
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2011-01-25
End Time: 21:30

Last Cafe's Before Xmas/Solstice/Hanukkah/New Year...

Yeah, delete the above as you think appropriate. But make sure you get your last Breakfast of 2010 this Saturday from 11.00am. You should also consider getting those essential anarchist reads from our recently re-stocked Info Shop for your newly radicalised student nieces and nephews.

Plus :

The new Kebele Library Collective presents a Grand Book Sale.
Hundreds of books are being sold to make room for new & better books.
Everything must go, so it's 50p a book or three for a pound, with further
discounts negotiable.
Sunday December 19, 1pm-8pm (so you can eat dinner & browse at the same time)

Don’t miss Sunday’s dinner as it’s being cooked by the Cafe Collective, so it’s sure to be a good one (No pressure guys). From 6.30pm as usual.

Kebele and facilitation skills introductions: December 12th

Hello all. Please pass this on to members, friends and comrades.
As part of ongoing skills and info sharing at Kebele, on Sunday December 12th we are offering:

Introductions to Kebele infoshare. 2.30-4pm.
This session aims to give practical, useful info about the workings of Kebele; our history, ideas and principles, how decisions are made, how to host cafes, how to get more involved etc… It is intended mainly for people new to Kebele, but old hands may learn a thing or two as well! Please spread the word.

Introduction to facilitation skills for meetings. 4.30-6pm.
We’ve all been there: shit meetings that go round in endless circles / are dominated by a few voices / end up in chaos and scraps / suck the life out of us all etc etc. Meetings don’t have to be a nightmare! Good facilitation skills are essential for organised and energised meetings which will keep people involved.
This is a skillshare which is geared to increasing people’s confidence to facilitate meetings that are based on consensus decision making. We believe well facilitated meetings promote horizontal organising and egalitarian principles as well as making for more focussed, effective and fulfilling meetings as a whole.

We would like to offer consensus and facilitation skillshares to activist groups beyond Kebele, so if you or any friends are involved with any groups in Bristol who may be interested, contact kebelesocialcentre@riseup.net to arrange it.

radiokebele #8: anti-cuts special

A discussion about the cuts, the movement against them, and the future possibilities between:

Jack (Youth Fight for Jobs)

Nigel (Bristol Anti Cuts Alliance)

Sheila (Ex-student churglar)

Millsy’s Mischevious Twin (Bristol IWW)

The nicest pie is Occupy!

Also features an edited interview with economy guru Will Brown on the current crisis and its similarities to Thatcher’s appetite for destruction in the 80’s.

Click this link to listen:


or go to the radiokebele page from the ‘collectives’ tab above.


Philip Glass: Vessels (background to Will Brown interview)

Evangelista: Lucky Lucky Luck

Nina Hagen: Hatschi Waldera


Want to comment? Want to be part of the radiokebele Collective? Email radiokebele AT riseup DOT net

Hats off to the UWE students and other potential occupiers – go get ‘em!! :-0)

Maintenance day

Title: Maintenance day
Location: Whole building
Description: Come and join in the collective work day to keep Kebele kicking (and standing!) with DIY of various descriptions. There’s gonna be something for everyone – and cake. The building is in need of a bit of TLC. It’s our space so let’s be good to it!
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2010-11-21
End Time: 16:00

Autonomous spaces fundraiser

Title: Autonomous spaces fundraiser
Location: Easton Community Centre, Kilburn Street, Easton.
Link out: Click here
Description: KSC big gig to raise funds for autonomous spaces of Bristol


In the Main Room:

AOS3 – Legendary Free-Festival Dub-Ska
Ruckus Collective – Brass-Heavy Funked-up Hip-hop
Primeval Soup – Brighton’s Finest Ska-punkers

In the Anarcoustic Lounge:

Baba Yaga’s Consort – Atmoshperic & addictive freeroaming vocal harmonies overlaid by bluesy guitar
Molly Samson – Deep rich vocals accompanied by wild finger picking guitar
Street Lit – Poetry, Hip-Hop and Dub collective
Bristol Voice Workshop – Choral Folk

In the Rave Room – Bass/Bashment/Mashup:
KSC Residents present a filthy respite from all that “proper” music. Featuring: Miss Fit / Drugray / Peverly Knight / Trozminster Krapawski / Vagabond

£5 b4 10pm. £7 after 10pm.

Start Date: 2010-12-03
Start Time: 21:00
End Date: 2010-12-04
End Time: 02:00

Prisoner support list & letter-writing night

Title: Prisoner support list & letter-writing night
Location: front cafe
Link out: Click here
Description: The updated November 2010 list of UK & international political prisoners welcoming support.

Here is our latest updated monthly prisoner support list to download: http://bristolabc.wordpress.com/2010/11/08/prisoner-support-list-for-november/

Bristol prisoner support letter-writing night Wednesday 10 November, 7pm, at Kebele social centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Bristol BS5 6JY.

Also available…’The Prison Works’ a cracking little pamphlet recently published by Campaign against prison slavery & Brighton ABC. A5 format, 20 pages. Full details here http://bristolabc.wordpress.com/2010/11/06/the-prison-works/

Finally we continue to sell and distro the 2011 Certain Days Freedom For Political Prisoners Calendar, which is a fundraiser. Full details here http://bristolabc.wordpress.com/calendar/

Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2010-11-10
End Time: 21:00