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Just Us! In the News










Keep up to date on the comings and goings of Just Us!

Just Us! in the Community


Voting is now open for the Eastern Kings Chamber of Commerce BEST OF KINGS awards.  Our Wolfville Coffeehouse has won for the last two years, and would love to win for a third time.  Our Grand Pre Coffeehouse is also eligible, if that is your favourite spot to linger over a cappucino! Go to www.ekcc.ca to vote.


We were happy to be one of the five finalists for the Halifax Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year.  The awards were Jan. 27, 2011 and although disappointed we didn't win, we were excited for Pete's who took the first place honours. Read about us in the Business Voice magazine

Donations for January

Just Us! in the News

Thousands of Canadians help contribute to the economic and social redevelopment of rural areas around the world each morning simply by sipping on a cup of Fair Trade coffee. It’s a simple act, but it’s one that might not have been possible if it hadn’t been for the dedication and commitment of Jeff and Debra Moore, co-founders of Just Us! Coffee Roasters Co-operative. Involved in social justice issues for decades before starting the company that has blazed the trail for other businesses interested in Fair Trade and Fair Trade practices, the Wolfville couple will receive Honorary Doctor of Law degrees from Saint Mary’s University during Convocation ceremonies on Oct. 3. Named as the 2007 Distinguished Co-operator of the Year in Nova Scotia, Jeff has continued to travel internationally and serves as an active ambassador for the co-op movement, developing relationships with the local co-operatives, and creating markets in Canada for their products. As Financial and HR Manager, Debra's has remained focused on day-to-day operations, developing good jobs for people in the Annapolis Valley and Halifax. Just Us! deals in fair trade organic coffee, tea, chocolate and sugar sold through retail stores, e-commerce and cafes. It is recognized as one of the fastest growing in the province.

Congratulations to them both!

Just Us! Travels  



Tom Smith, our new CEO, and Jeff Moore recently returned from a trip to Tarapoto, Peru where they were making contact with producers to puchase coffee for the upcoming season.  The Let's Talk Coffee event is part of Sustainable Harvest.  Check out their website for more information.  www.sustainableharvest.com



In early May 2006 Bill O'Brien accomapanied Jeff Moore from Just Us! Coffee Roasters in Grand Pre Nova Scotia to photograph the general environment of the area encompassing the towns of Lachiguiri, Chayotepec and Lachiviza in the southern state of Oaxaca, Mexico.
The purpose was to help evaluate and support a proposal to CEDA, Canadas' foriegn development agency and working in hand with the Co-operative Union of the Isthmus area, help in the development of a Community Tourism model which will assist coffee farmers in improving their annual incomes.
For more information check out this website:  http://billobrien.com/oaxaca/UCIRI/index.html


Other items of interest

Just Us! chocolate was reviewed on a London-based Chocolate Blog.  See what the international community thinks of our little chocolate production facility - and come and visit (and judge) for yourself at our location in Grand Pre.  www.chocablog.com


Last updated:  Jan. 31, 2011


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