
Decent Work Central to Joint EU - Africa Strategy. An Objective to Be Reconfirmed

Decent Work Central to Joint EU - Africa Strategy. An Objective to Be Reconfirmed

A large group of trade union leaders from Africa and the European Union met in Yaoundé (Cameroun) on 4 and 5 October to remind the heads of state from (...) read more
"Positive Workers Write!"

"Positive Workers Write!"

The International Labour Organization (ILO), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (...) read more
Investing in quality public services – the best alternative to austerity cuts

Investing in quality public services – the best alternative to austerity cuts

In the face of widespread cuts to public services, leaders of private and public sector trade unions, municipal governments and civil society groups (...) read more
Quality Public Services – Action Now!

Quality Public Services – Action Now!

The financial sector and its boosters are deflecting blame for global financial and economic crises and making public sector workers the primary (...) read more


Spotlight interview with award-winning union leader Wellington Chibebe (ZCTU-Zimbabwe) - VIDEO

Spotlight interview with award-winning union leader Wellington Chibebe (ZCTU-Zimbabwe) - VIDEO

"The improvements are only on the surface and trade unionists still face political harassment" read more
Spotlight interview with Miguel Zayas Martínez (CNT - Paraguay)

Spotlight interview with Miguel Zayas Martínez (CNT - Paraguay)

"We are working with our Brazilian colleagues to better defend migrants’ rights" read more
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