The Blackout Brigade - Death and Dishonesty

Ivan Khutorskoy ~ 17.02.1983 - 16.11.2009
July 27.10
Summer show updates
Big events in east coast Canada you don't want to miss! The Business, Prowlers, Union Made.. it's all goin on >>> HERE <<<

May 12.10
REDSKINS retrospective Epilogue receives a stonking-good in-depth review on the Rebel Frequencies blog..
check it out >>> HERE <<<

April 08.10
HOLD A GRUDGE album Doing Time gets top-shelf review by Hour!
check it out >>> HERE <<<

March 17.10
HOLD A GRUDGE - Doing Time!
Calling all Montreal hardcore fans.... the wait is over! HAG's newest full length offering, 'Doing Time' has arrived! ((( LISTEN NOW ))) Check 'em out on tour soon!!

March 17.10
REDSKINS - Epilogue digipack avaiable for preorder now!
Greatly anticipated by Redskins fans everywhere, this retrospective collection of early rarities and previously unreleased tracks (including material from the band when they were formerly known as 'No Swastikas') is now available! ((( LISTEN NOW )))

March 17.10
THE CLASS ASSASSINS - You've Got It All Wrong!
The Class Assassins get it all right with their storming new full length, hits the streets today! ((( LISTEN NOW ))) The first rave review is already in!

December 01.09
Project Boneyard Volume II - the reviews are coming in...
Scroll down to the bottom of this page for the feedback!

August 17.09
NORTHERN AGGRESSION - Project Boneyard Volume II
The boneheads are peddling their low-fi fascist propaganda on North America's youth again. Let's send 'em packing and bring the kids some REAL street sounds! More here!

February 16.09
DEATH AND DISHONESTY - Debut CD from The Blackout Brigade
This month ushers in the release Death and Dishonesty, the furious breakout full-length from The Blackout Brigade. Hailing from the cold isolation of the Canadian Prairies, these boys have been fine-tuning their sonic aggression and crushing hometown audiences ever since striking their first chords nearly a year and a half ago. The Blackout Brigade sound merges the styles of members' previous projects: the anthemic '77-punk rock ruckus of The Crackdown, along with the Knockarounds brand of brickwall Oi! rounded off in a healthy dose of rock n' roll and hardcore influence for good measure. Look for the Brigade coming your way soon as they build for an east coast tour later in the year.
((( LISTEN NOW )))

February 16.09
KNOCKED AROUND - Full length digital release from the Knockarounds
This digital-format release offers up ten tracks of working-class aggro rock from a group of Winnipeggers who not only helped keep the defiant voice of skinhead rock n' roll alive and well when other bands were packing it in, but did so with a vengeance! A tri-vocal Oi! attack that veers into melodic territory at times but never lets up its edge, Knocked Around will keep good company with your Discipline, Bonecrusher, or Prowlers records! ((( LISTEN NOW )))

January 12.09
BROTHERHOOD - The Oppressed / Prowlers Live in Toronto DVD
Finally, you can get your hands on this just-released DVD of the already legendary 2005 Oppressed show in Toronto, Canada! The only ever North American performance from the Welsh band synonymous with the skinhead subculture and that helped define the Oi! sound is captured here in what many have called the band's most memorable show. Hundreds of skinheads from all over North America descended upon downtown Toronto to be there! Don't miss out! Also includes the boisterous opening set of Montreal's The Prowlers in its entirety as they work the crowd into a frenzy prior to the headlining set people are still talking about! [ WATCH THE TRAILER ]

The two performances have been re-mastered for digital download format:
((( LISTEN NOW )))

November 02.08
DEATH IN CUSTODY - Infected With Rage!
Rage-infected. Unrelenting. Detroit hardcore in the vein of Sworn Enemy, Negative Approach, and Haymaker. This 10-song MCD comes in limited edition 3" *fan* format, complete with a bonus track unavailable on other formats. Exclaim! Magazine had this to say: "Blood For Blood would be so happy to know that their unending well of rage and hatred for humanity has been tapped by another group of loogans. Featuring some of the most aggressive New York-influenced hardcore ever to be packed into three inches of aluminium and plastic - yes, this is a full-sized disc with only three inches of music - Infected With Rage still crams 11 wallops of blast beats, chugging breakdowns and gut-busting screams into what feels like a well-balanced meal." ((( LISTEN NOW )))

October 09.08
THE PRESS - The Complete Press ~ 1984-1994 digipack
You can argue all you want about whether or not THE PRESS were America's first Oi band, but there's no arguing that they were the one band that best emulated the true skinhead sounds and made them their own. The Complete Press compiles all - and we mean all - the recordings of the band's remastered rarities and unreleased gems together in one definitive digipak set. Oi Warning Zine hit the nail on the head in their review: "This 15 track disc epitomises what Oi! is all about and added to that you know the the band are a real working class oufit with sussed politics who took a stance and stood by what they said, and he music ain't half bad either! This should be on everyone's 'to listen to' list!"
((( LISTEN NOW )))

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