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WDDW 2010: Canadian Ambassador ignores labour groups on asbestos

Newly installed Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines Christopher Thornley never responded to the request of the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP), the Associated Labor Unions (ALU) and the Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) for an appointment to receive the trade union statement on asbestos and make a brief response to it on October 7, 2010. The trade union statement: Holds the Canadian government accountable for asbestos deaths; Urges Canada to stop...

BWI Appointed to the World Urban Campaign Standing Committee

At the World Urban Campaign (WUC) Steering Committee that took place in Shanghai from 8 to 9 October 2010 in Shanghai, China, BWI was appointed to the WUC Standing Committee. The Standing Committee, which comprises of 11 members of the WUC Steering Committee acts reviews the progress of WUC, approves unforeseen expenditures, and other areas assigned by the Steering Committee. “We are extremely pleased to be part of the Standing Committee as BWI has actively been a partner of UN HABITAT...

Ghana : Fifteen (15) union representatives skilled on OHS handling in the Construction sector

A two-day intensive educational workshop on occupational safety, health and the environment has been organized for building and construction workers who are members of the Ghana Construction and Building Material Workers Union (CBMWU ) at the Errata Hotel in Accra from the 11th to 12th of October, 2010. At the opening session, Sister Marinna Nyamekye, the SASK West Africa Coordinator, urged the participants to take the educational activity very seriously so as to reduce the growing incidence...

Unions in India and Kuwait join hands to protect the rights of migrant workers

To effectively reach out to the workers, both in the country of origin and the country(ies) of destination, the BWI affiliate – Tamil Nadu Construction and Unorganised Workers Federation (TCWF)* entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Kuwait Trade Union Federation (KTUF) to promote and protect the rights of migrant workers going to Kuwait from the Southern Indian states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. The BWI has been implementing a specific campaign with...

WDDW 2010: India: Skills Training - BMS signs MoU with CSTI run by the Largest Indian Construction Company – Larsen & Toubro

To mark the World Day for Decent Work, BWI Indian affiliate Bandhkam Mazdoor Sangathan (BMS) from the Western Indian State of Gujarat signed an MoU with Larsen and Toubro (L&T;) Construction Skills Training Institute (CSTI) on 7 October 2010. BMS and L&T; CSTI shall jointly identify young workers in the age group of 18 to 35 years through organizing of “workers fair” in selected districts of Gujarat state. Vipul Pandya, BMS General Secretary stated "for quite sometime, we wanted to help our...

Serbia: Trade unions have greater expectations in achieving sustainable forest management with the New Law on Forest

Around 700 workers, trade union members and leaders from all parts of Serbia and various companies participated in the traditional gathering of forest workers from Serbia. The programme included sports games in different disciplines for women and men, training sessions for certain forest professions, like for sawyers and two education sessions with experts on the New Law on Forest and the Law on Prevention of Mistreatment at Work. See of Forest Workers “Sumarijada 2010” was held in Zlatibor,...

Croatia: SGH focuses on saving jobs in the construction industry and involving the youth

“Together we are stronger” said Ivan Kovacevic the newly elected president of the Trade Union of Construction Industry - SGH of Croatia closing the 8th Assembly of the SGH held on 25–26 of September 2010 in Sibenik, Croatia. The SGH celebrated its 20th Anniversary and the Day of Croatian Construction Workers on the 26th of September. Delegates also adopted the Declaration for Saving Jobs in the Construction and the Declaration on the Situation of Young Workers at Work Place and in the Trade...

WDDW in Tianjin, China at the negotiations on Climate Change

On the World Day for Decent Work, Anabella Rosemberg of the ITUC chaired a session with Christiana Figueres the Executive Secretary (and key political figure) of the conference in Tianjin, where she faced a number of questions from members of the civil society groupings at the climate change negotiations. On behalf of the trade union delegation at the conference, Bob Ramsay of the BWI asked about the role of trade unions in providing support among the public and union members for the ongoing...

East Africa: Reflection on the Greening of workplaces activities by BWI Affiliates.

BWI affiliates in Kenya and Uganda have for the last few years been involved in workplace greening activities. Workplace greening has been marked with tree planting campaigns, lectures on safer environment, dissemination of Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on sustainable forest management and participatory meetings with tripartite partners. Among companies where greening has been done include Rai ply wood Multinational company, Athi River Mining Company, All Pack...

Kenya : China SINOHYDRO Corp. ordered by court to negotiate CBA with Kenya Building Union.

The Kenya Building, Construction, Timber Furniture and Allied Industry Employees Union has won a Landmark over a Chinese Multinational Company (Sinohydro Corporation Ltd.,) a company which have been mistreating, intimidating, glossily underpaying and arbitrary dismissals and terminations of workers. A Court Award was issued on 28th September, 2010 from the Industrial Court of Kenya. The Company and the Union were ordered by the Industrial Court of Kenya to commence negotiations of a...

Italy: Eggs, smoke-producers and red paint against the CISL in Rome

"On behalf of BWI family, I extend our solidarity in yesterday's attacks against the headquarters of the Italian Confederation of Workers' Trade Unions in Rome." said Vasco Pedrina, Vice-president of the BWI for Europe. One more serious episode against the Confederazione Italiana Sindacati dei Lavoratori, CISL. Twenty demonstrators “Action rights in movement” staged a protest on 6 October 2010 in front of Cisl premises in Rome. In a solidarity message to its Italian affiliate,...

Swedish Painters Union Solidarity Mission to Nepal

Nepal went through a turbulent period not so long ago - though democracy has now taken roots but uncertainty still prevails. The Swedish Painters Union and BWI have been supportive to the unions and the cause of workers in Nepal in this difficult period. As a show of solidarity, a high level 15 member delegation (including President - Bro. Lars Ake Lundin and Deputy – Mikael Johansson) visited Nepal. The high point of their visit was their participation in the Painters’ Skills Training...

Ghana: Lessons emerging from REDD Plus Readiness Preparations

There is increasing debate on the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) plus which integrates conservation and the sustainable management of forests and the enhancement of forest carbon among various stakeholders. Lesson shared in The Forests Dialogue (TFD) and its REDD-plus readiness meetings in Ghana provide insights on issues that in future can inform participation of trade unions. Noting that deforestation occurred at annual rate of 1.8% between 1990 and...

GUF workshop discusses networking at Latin American TNCs

The meeting is the first joint activity on the organization of trade union networks in Latin American companies organized by the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF), the International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM) and the Building and Woodworkers' International (BWI) to develop new strategies together with their affiliates. The meeting exchanged experiences on existing networking activities and joint planning of actions in these...

Unions need a voice in REDD+ schemes

This was the message personally delivered by Ambet Yuson, BWI General Secretary, to Erik Solheim, the Norwegian Minister of the Environment and Development, in Oslo on 27 September 2010. Ambet Yuson was accompanied by representatives of Fellesforbundet, the Norwegian BWI affiliate at this meeting. The Minister and his representatives were supportive of the BWI’s points and would give consideration to the involvement of trade unions in order to strengthen the voice of workers within the civil...

7 October 2010 WDDW: Stand up for your rights in your country & Join BWI campaign against the Commonwealth Games Federation

Trade unions across the world are stepping up pressure for decent jobs and social justice, in the lead up to the 3rd World Day for Decent Work (WDDW). “Decent work means secure jobs and social benefits regardless of immigration status, gender or age. Decent work is also about respect and dignity. The road to decent work is a just road that must be travelled by all.“ says Ambet Yuson, general secretary of the BWI. “Yuson adds: “It is more important than ever that trade unionists across the globe...

USA: Virginia Occupational Safety and Health Division Fines Swedwood, Danville for unsafe workplace practices!

The Virginia OSHA Division levied fines against Swedwood for numerous unsafe conditions and most importantly for improper record keeping. Confirming an IAM report released in July, VA OSHA found that at least an additional 8 workers were injured during the first half of 2010 which would more than double the accident incidence rate from what was originally reported. From the time OSHA drafted its report and the report was finalized at least 2 other workers were seriously injured. The OSHA...

The World congratulates the newly elected chairperson and committee in Europe

BWI Affiliates World Wide joint hands to congratulate Mercedes Landolfi, member of FILLEA-CGL,Italy as new elected Chairperson of the Europe Women Committee, anonymously elected by all affiliates in Europe, her leadership is welcomed by all as she will bring dynamism in the region. The Chairperson of the International Women Committee Edna Opoku Boackye expressed her Congratulations to Mercedes and wished her success in her leadership. Mercedes and her team have a responsibility to ensure...

Repositioning HIV/AIDS workplace interventions: From generalization to specifications in Zimbabwe

“We had been generalizing policies when addressing HIV/AIDS, but with the current approach where we analyze each workplace on its own and identify it own challenges seems to be more effective and offers promising results in terms of negotiation and bargaining”. These were the words of Fozert Mugabe, the deputy General Secretary of Zimbabwe Construction and Allied Trade Workers Union (ZCATWU) and HIV/AIDS focal person addressing the participants who attended the workplace trainings in three...

Angola: SNIMCMA union addresses gender structures

As a part of strengthening gender structures and contributing to BWI Ten for 2010, BWI affiliate in Angola, Sindicato Nacional da Industria dos Matertiais de Construção, Madeiras e Afins (SNIMCMA) held a workshop where they discussed women participation in all spheres of trade union. They also emphasized the role of women in union decision making structures. The training focused on formulation of sectoral and national gender policies. In addition the participants discussed the aspect of...
1:European Regional Conference
2-9:Swedish Painters’ Union visit
7:World Day for Decent Work (WDDW)
12-14:CGU Conference on Quality Public Services
13:Asia Pacific Regional Women' Committee
14-15:Asia Pacific Regional Seminar
15:Asia Pacific Regional Committee
18-22:FNV Visit
25-27:BWI-EURO 2012 Campaign National Conference
26-29:Dansk El-Forbund (Danish Union of Electricians) 30th Nat. Congress
27:EFBWW Management Committee
27-29:Malerforbundet in Denmark (Danish Painters Union) Congress

Full Calendar

  • There will be no solution to the crisis through flexibility and precarious work
  • No habrá salida de la crisis con flexibilidad y precarización laboral
  • Hong Kong unions “Green projects with More Jobs”
  • The financial transaction tax must be introduced
  • BWI and EFBWW call on affiliates to mobilize for European Action Day on 29 September 2010

  • Fair Games, Fair Play

    COP 15

    Euro 2012 Newsletter

    Getting the World to WORK: Global Union Strategies for Recovery

    A union guide to prevention

    Photo Album BWI sectors
