Next: Special Occasion. Special T-shirt. Special Opportunity.

Rights Groups File Response To Government's Attempt to Dismiss Targeted Killing Case

Rights Groups File Response To Government's Attempt to Dismiss Targeted Killing Case

10/08/2010 – The Center For Constitutional Rights (CCR) and the ACLU today filed a brief in federal court responding to the Obama administration's claims that no court should have any role in ...

Next: ACLU Wins Reinstatement For Lesbian Air Force Major Discharged ...

Special Occasion. Special T-shirt. Special Opportunity.

Special Occasion. Special T-shirt. Special Opportunity.

Become a card-carrying member of the ACLU today and we'll send you our limited-edition 90th Anniversary t-shirt designed by acclaimed artist, Shepard Fairey.

Next: FBI Improperly Spied On Activists, Says Justice Department ...

ACLU Wins Reinstatement For Lesbian Air Force Major Discharged Under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

ACLU Wins Reinstatement For Lesbian Air Force Major Discharged Under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

09/24/2010 – A U.S. federal court today ruled in favor of Major Margaret Witt, a decorated U.S. Air Force flight nurse who had been dismissed under the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ...

Next: ACLU and NYCLU On Controversy Over New York City Islamic Center

FBI Improperly Spied On Activists, Says Justice Department Inspector General

FBI Improperly Spied On Activists, Says Justice Department Inspector General

09/20/2010 – The FBI improperly spied on American activists involved in First Amendment-protected activities and mischaracterized nonviolent civil disobedience as terrorism which improperly placed ...

Next: No Victory Ever Stays Won - 90 Years of Protecting Liberty

ACLU and NYCLU On Controversy Over New York City Islamic Center

ACLU and NYCLU On Controversy Over New York City Islamic Center

Religious freedom is one of America's most fundamental liberties, and a central principle upon which our nation was founded.

Next: Rights Groups File Response To Government's Attempt to Dismiss ...

No Victory Ever Stays Won - 90 Years of Protecting Liberty

No Victory Ever Stays Won - 90 Years of Protecting Liberty

09/03/2010 – Ninety years ago, America was reeling from a post-World War I fear that the Communist Revolution that had taken place in Russia would spread to the United States. As is often the case ...


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