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Friday, August 13, 2010

Today's Quick Mention:  There are so many good shows this weekend that I can't recommend anything.  Sorry.  On the bright side, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World hit theaters today and it's totally worth seeing at least five or six times.  Have fun!

Because I care, I came home after 10 hours of moving and put together this awesome post.  Enjoy.

:Kelley Stoltz - I Don't Get That:  I have a very weird relationship with Mr. Stoltz.  His music always impresses (this track is him once again doing retro pop as good as anyone can), but as soon as he releases an album I just straight up forget about him.  It makes no sense.  I should be following along and anxiously awaiting a show in Austin or something, but I never reach that point.  Sorry, Kelley.  I promise to try harder when Sub Pop releases To Dreamers on October 12.

:Like Pioneers - Gift From A Holiday:
  It isn't an EP unless one of the songs is at least somewhat cheesy, so I present to you Like Pioneers and this little number, which is fairly easy to imagine as the main attraction in a montage for some teen-based TV show I'd never watch.  Expect it to get lodged in your head like any good pop rock track would.  My friends over at Abandoned Love Records will release Piecemeal on August 17.

:No Age - Glitter:  I don't fall out of my chair with glee whenever these guys put out something new, so for me to be excited about this track is actually saying something.  Perhaps it's the lack of ear shattering noise?  Maybe the perfect summer vibe?  I don't know.  Whatever the reason, I do love it.  The band will release a full length called Everything In Bloom later this year.  This song will also be available on a 7" on August 24.

:Roman Ruins - The Comedown:  Graham Hill is a rather busy man.  Not only does he drum for high profile acts like Beach House and Papercuts, but he also makes really cool-sounding electronic tracks under the moniker of Roman Ruins.  In your face, lazy people!  Gold Robot Records just put this number out as a 7".  You should run out and buy yourself a few copies.

:Cee-Lo - No One's Gonna Love You (Band Of Horses Cover):  The only thing you need to know about this song is that it works solely because of that amazingly soulful voice that Cee-Lo packs.  A bouncy electro-beat?  Swirly effects that leave me only with an image of sparkles?  Yuck.  However, throw in the sweet sound of Cee-Lo and I'm in until the track ends.  His new LP Lady Killer is said to be out in the fall.

- John Laird -

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Today's Quick Mention:  Just a heads up, I'll be moving out of my apartment over the next couple of days, so there may not be any content for you to feast upon.  If for some reason you feel like you won't be able to get by then I advise re-reading older posts until you pass out.

Finally!  After months and months of hearing about an impending full length from the Pomegranates (who put out one of my favorite albums last year), a single/taste/morsel has been released.  Check it out in all of its glory below.  One Of Us, which is the band's third LP, is due out
October 26 on Afternoon Records.  Enjoy.

:Pomegranates - Create Your Own Reality:  To be honest, this is better than what I was expecting.  They more than pulled off the step up on the technical level that I figured would happen, but they also managed to keep all of the charm and youthful energy that has always made them standout (to me, anyway).  I hope you're ready for the Pomegranates to take over your world in October.

Pomegranates - Whom/Who

- John Laird -

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You have to give it up to Austin’s own Monahans.  After releasing the majestic Dim The Aurora (one of my favorite albums of 2009), the band has continued to churn out evocative and beautifully atmospheric tunes.  Currently, they're in the middle of Monahans 2010 Recordings, which is a project to release one free song a month for 10 straight months (through the end of the year).

The inspiration for the project was a road trip in the Fall of 2009. The band loaded up their instruments and recording equipment and headed to an isolated hunting cabin in West Texas (see video below for clips from the trip).  Monohans' songs have always been mood music, evoking picturesque country roads or rocky landscapes (not surprising considering they’re named after a desolate area of West Texas), so the trip out of the city and in to the country was a good way for them to get their creative juices stirring.  I'd say it worked out well.  Below you'll find my three favorite tracks from the project so far.

:Monahans - All In Love:

:Monahans - Quell:

:Monahans - We Tremble:

By the way, if you like these songs you should check out Shady Valley - B-Sides and Demos (1999-2005) by Milton Mapes, the band from which Monahans was formed.  You can also see them live on September 23 at The Parish with Film School and TV Torso.

Monahans Recording Footage


Dan Corbin also writes for a blog called DC Rock Club.  If you would like to contact him in regards to his writings here at Side One: Track One then please do so here.

- Dan Corbin -

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Today's Quick Mention:  Sufjan Stevens is coming to town!  More specifically, he'll be at the Long Center on October 19.  The show isn't currently listed on the venue's site, so I'm lost on how pricey it might be.  Any ideas?  What's too much for a show from this guy?

So why did Built To Spill's
Doug Martsch and Brett Nelson take a bunch of the band's songs and rework them into 80s-esque wonders under the moniker of The Electronic Anthology Project?  I have absolutely no idea, but you have to give it up to them for knowing how to really take advantage of spare time.  Grab the project's self titled EP here.  Enjoy.

:The Electronic Anthology Project - What If Your Dull (I Would Hurt A Fly):  It could very well just be me, but I prefer this version.  It's more dramatic and where the original felt sort of like a simplistic grunge track, the darker and electronic-centric arrangement here makes for one great headphone-worthy listen.  Now, if we're lucky we'll see if it works live when Built To Spill plays Stubb's on October 22.

Built To Spill - I Would Hurt A Fly

- John Laird -

Monday, August 9, 2010

Today's Quick Mention:  4 years!  As of today, that's how long this site has been up on the interwebs.  I've had a lot of fun.  Hopefully you have too.  Now, let's get back to the music.

I'm actually packing up and moving this week (update your address database, PR people!), so I didn't really have any time to assemble anything other than a normal posting of five tracks.  Enjoy.

:Makeup Monsters - Rude Romantique:  This song is kind of all over the place in its presentation (I hear a little ska/reggae, The Strokes and more), but I think that's what I like most about it.  After all, most bands do good to just pull off one particular sound.  I have no idea if this duo have an album out now/soon, so you're on your own when it comes to getting your hands on something official.

:Eyes Lips Eyes - Tickle:
  I like it when an artist tries a different approach for releasing their music, so Eyes Lips Eyes' free monthly single series was an immediate attention grabber for me.  Although, their gloriously upbeat sound and cheesy lyrics didn't exactly hurt their chances of getting a mention around here.  Do yourself a favor and keep an eye out for the next release.

:Lissie - Bad Romance (Lady Gaga Cover):  I didn't have time to dig through the huge amount of content that the net churned out in response to Lady Gaga's supposedly awesome set at Lollapalooza, but I did happen across this simplistic take on one of her monster singles.  I really dig it.  Lissie has a new album (this song isn't on it) titled Catching A Tiger that's due August 17 on Fat Possum.

:Ducktails - Hamilton Road:  With just the right amount of haze, a breezy pace and a somewhat ridiculous amount of charm, I think it's safe to say that this song is absolutely perfect for the summer.  Also, I believe I'm finally ready to start digging Matthew Mondanile's work as Ducktails.  Woodsist Records will release Ducktails III: Arcade Dynamics at some point later this year.

:Clean Equations - Buried Translations:  If you're feeling impatient today then I would recommend waiting until tomorrow or something to check out this slow burning piece of melodic pop.  Otherwise, grab a good pair of headphones and get on with trying out this well crafted beast!  Peoples/Variables will be fully available for your listening pleasure on August 31 via State Capital Records.

- John Laird -

Friday, August 6, 2010

Today's Quick Mention:  Get out this weekend!  You can get a little music with Ume at Emo's tonight and then some comedy with Brian Posehn and Matt Bearden at Red 7 tomorrow.  Both shows are free if you can make it past the door guy without paying.

Sorry this is going up at such a wacky hour, I had to work an event last night and I just didn't have enough time assemble it.  But it's here now!  Don't judge me.  Enjoy.

:The Black Angels - No Satisfaction (Black Mountain Cover):  I know I just mentioned these locals on Monday, but since then they've released this cover and announced a full co-headlining tour with Black Mountain.  The original version of this has a sort of campfire feel to it, so this bombastic take is pretty interesting.  As I mentioned earlier in the week, both bands play La Zona Rosa on November 19.

:The Drums - Down By The Water:
  This is an awesome song.  Before it came along I "got" why seemingly everyone was on The Drums bandwagon, I just didn't really feel as though it was my thing.  But now?  Well, I'm open to more and I'm definitely anxious to hear this gem live when the band plays ND on September 25.  Anyone feeling friendly enough to send over their currently available self titled debut?

:Swimsuit - Evaporation:  This little pop number was found while I was doing some browsing over at the always reliable Skatterbrain.  According to the site the band only just formed this year, but I doubt I ever would have guessed that since they seem to have a fairly tight sound.  Damn talented bastards!  Anyhow, as of now there's only an EP of demos, so you'll have to join me in waiting for something more official.

:Lauryn Hill - Repercussions:  And just like that, Lauryn Hill has returned.  Or has she?  No one really seems to know.  And, oddly enough, I'm not sure they care either.  It's as though the world instantly forgot about her ten-year absence as soon as they heard that beautiful and entrancing voice of hers.  Can't say I blame them, really, but a solid answer or two would make this an even better song.  On another note, will someone let me know if this is for sure the whole thing?  It sounds clipped at the end.

:Super Wild Horses - Golden Town:  First of all, I would just like to thank this band for going with something snazzy like Super Wild Horses and not anything lame like Horrses.  The recent process of adding an extra letter to something is stupid (I'm looking at you Wavves, Suuns and Busses).  Secondly, this is an awesomely noisy track, and I want more.  Fifteen is due out August 24 on HoZac.

- John Laird -

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Today's Quick Mention:  Pitchfork has reported that Casiotone For The Painfully Alone has decided to call it quits.  Bummer!  The guy (Owen Ashworth) has put out some great stuff, so he'll certainly be missed.  Luckily his final tour has a stop in Austin.  Emo's on September 27.  Be there.

I knew Orenda Fink and Maria Taylor were planning to set aside their solo projects and get back together to tour as Azure Ray, but it wasn't until today that I found out the duo had also readied a new album.  Awesome.  Drawing Down The Moon is what the LP is titled, and it will be released by Saddle Creek on September 14.  Enjoy.

:Azure Ray - Don't Leave My Mind:  Warmth.  It's what Orenda and Maria had going for them all those years ago, and it's what makes this song shine.  Although, this having such an old school Azure Ray sound makes me wonder if all of the new full length is the usual stuff we hear from them when they're together, or if it has some of the large variety of sounds that their respective solo projects churned out.  Guess we'll see.

Azure Ray - November

- John Laird -

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Despite the name, this artist isn’t a dwarfish denizen of denim ... happily.  All things considered, this mister isn’t even a mister.  So what then are you left with?  When you consider all the things you have to dig through to answer that question - oh so catchy hooks, bassline beats, and the prettiest voice you’ll hear today - you kinda wish you could do a little more digging.  At the end of it all though, Mr. Little Jeans is just as much of a mystery to me as she is to you.  Even my greatest efforts of Googling research have offered only trifle amounts of information.  This I can share: It’s a woman.  She’s Norwegian.  She’s fantastic.

The simple fact is I’m a sucker for lady singers, and this Scandinavian songstress is no exception.  With a vocal resonation and clean styling that sounds like the effortless amalgamation of other female powerhouses like Lykke Li and Karen O., Mr. Little Jeans is yet another addition to acts with female-led stylings.  With a swirling richness of sound that’s lighthearted, fresh and buoyant, here’s to hoping Mr. Little Jeans has the makings of a sound that’ll help to keep your summer well alive as we press into the month of August.

:Mr. Little Jeans - Rescue Song: (REMOVED BY REQUEST)

When he’s not sleeping or being lazy, Brad writes and creates for Both Sides of the Mouth.  If you’d like to reach him regarding his writings here on Side One: Track One, feel free to contact him here.

- Brad Benedict Corteza -

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Today's Quick Mention:  Because I complained (probably), Black Mountain have announced a tour that includes a stop here in Austin.  Buy tickets early!  The show will be at La Zona Rosa on November 19 and will feature The Black Angels as the co-headliner.

Oh man.  I saw "Corin Tucker" stamped next to a downloadable track last night and I couldn't think about anything else.  Why?  Because no one wails like the former Sleater-Kinney frontwoman does and anything new from her is like a gift from Zeus.  1,000 Drops is the name of the solo debut and Kill Rock Stars will put it out October 5.  Enjoy.

:The Corin Tucker Band - Doubt:  With one super quick pace and a runtime that clocks in at just over three minutes, you can definitely say there isn't a whole lot to this little rollicking number.  Fortunately though, that doesn't necessarily matter since Corin, as I alluded to above, has the kind of voice of that takes what should be an average tune and turns it into an absolute gem.  I can't wait to hear more.

Sleater-Kinney - Jumper

- John Laird -

Monday, August 2, 2010

Today's Quick Mention:  If you're feeling extra nerdy and happen to have some spare time you should check out the "behind the scenes" pictures that Ain't It Cool has been posting up over the last few weeks.  Most of them are really stellar and will probably blow your mind.

Here's five songs to get your week started right.  Enjoy.

:The Rosebuds - Secret Life Of The Rosebuds:  I don't think I've ever even heard of the Hopscotch Music Festival, but it's coming up in mid-September and to help generate some buzz The Rosebuds have put out a couple of unreleased tracks (the other is a weird cover of Stayin' Alive).  Be warned, this bouncy pop gem may just convince you to head out to Raleigh, North Carolina for the chance to ask the duo when they'll ready a new LP.

:Sean Bones - Let's Do Something Else:  I really like Sean Bones.  Maybe not in a "talk about him all the time" kind of way, but whenever I see his name on something I feel as though I'm in for, as this gem showcases, at least three minutes of interesting material.  If you'd like to own this track you can find it as the b-side on the currently available Rhumba Beat single.  Also, I believe a full length is expected on Frenchkiss later this year.

:The Black Angels - Telephone:  To be honest, I don't exactly know what to think about this song.  I mean, I like it and I'm still appreciative of the fact that the band has clearly aimed for a more accessible sound, but them doing two minutes of garage pop rock is a bit bizarre.  Your guess is as good as mine in regards to what can be expected from the upcoming Phosphene Dream.  It's out September 14 on Blue Horizon Records.

:Suuns - Arena:  Want to get signed to Secretly Canadian?  Then it would seem you need two things.  An expansive take on indie rock and a note from The Besnard Lake's Jace Lasek that describes said sound as "pretty cool."  The band's Zeroes EP is currently available for you to download for the whopping price of nothing.  Do it now.  On a side note, did they really have to go with Suuns?  There has to be a better way to pull a name off than by throwing in an extra letter.

:Paper Tiger - The Bully Prank:  Where have I been on this artist?  This is a great, more than headphone-worthy track and he's done a variety of brilliant things for the Doomtree collective.  I really should have mentioned him at least twice by now.  Bummer.  Help me make up for it by running out and picking up Made Like Us, which is currently available on Doomtree Records.

- John Laird -

Unless otherwise expressly stated, all text in this blog and any related pages, including the blog's archives, is licensed by John Laird under a Creative Commons License.