Help us continue the struggle

With the increase of legal persecution against Palestinian demonstrators, AATW are now fundraising to expand its existing legal fund so that it also covers defense costs for Palestinians. This is in addition to covering a standing 15,000 USD debt, resulting from the legal persecution of Israeli anti-wall demonstrators.

We urge you to read our call for support and to please make a donation that will enable us to continue the struggle.


Reports and Videos from October 9-10 Demonstrations

Some sixty demonstrators from across the globe marched together in the Ma'asara weekly demonstration against the Wall, which focused especially on the killing of two Palestinians in Hebron that morning as well as on the burning of a mosque by settlers earlier in the week.

The attack on clowns in Ma'asaram - and more weekend demonstrations

West Bank demonstrations continue, and with a twist: In Ma'asara, soldiers attacked a circus preforming in front of village kids. In Beit Surik a demonstration was held in light of new restrictions, and more and more.


Demonstrator Shot with Banned 0.22 Live Bullet

During last Friday's demosntration in Bil'in, a demonstrator was shot in his calf with a 0.22 live bullet - a bullet that the army itself banned from use for crowd control.

Arrests, Violence and one small Victory - Weekend demonstrations during Yom Kippur in the West Bank

Reports from demonstrations in Bil'in, Al Ma'asara, An Nabi Saleh and Beit Ummar.


Friday, 03 September weekly demonstrations

Weekly demonstrations in the villages of Niilin, Al Maasra and Bili'n. Demonstrations over the weekend were violently attacked by the army using  tear gas and shooting stun grenades ditrectly at protestors.

Arrested and Injured Demonstrators During Weekend Demonstrations

During this weekend's demonstrations across the Occupied Territories, Israeli soldiers detained Palestinian Red Crescent medics and used shock grenades as injuring weapon against demonstrators.

An Nabi Salih

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