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SRI LANKA: Extrajudicial killings and custodial deaths must be stopped and investigated

STATEMENT: Extrajudicial killings and custodial deaths are happening because of: Refusal of the police and judiciary to investigate; The absence of investigations is the result of breakdown of the rule of law; Which is in turn the result of the constitutional decision which has removed all the checks and balances once available. The incidents of extrajudicial killings and custodial deaths in Sri Lanka are now almost a daily occurrence. The story presented by the Sri Lankan Police Service to the Magistrate is always similar.

PAKISTAN: Prison officials remain unpunished despite torturing inmates by taping their male organs

URGENT APPEAL: The Asian Human Rights Commission has received information from the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and other rights groups about brutal form of torture to the prisoners. The male organ of three prisoners were taped for many hours in such a way that they could no longer urinate. Each was then forced to drink three to four litres of water. The jail dispenser subsequently administered each of the prisoners injections after which they started vomiting and had a strong urge to urinate. The three prisoners developed renal ailments as a result of the torture and one has also developed an infection of the urinary tract.

[Interview] ASIA: Women's views on prevention of torture - Interview 43 :2010-10-25BANGLADESH: Police tortured a man to death in custody and authorities cover it up as suicide to provide impunity to perpetrators:2010-10-22
[AHRC Article] SRI LANKA: Undayas and Andayas and 1978 Constitution :2010-10-25PAKISTAN: Prison officials remain unpunished despite torturing inmates by taping their male organs:2010-10-21
[AHRC Forwarded Open Letter] INDIA: Government's failure to relocate and grant compensation to persons affected by the Sada Sarowar Project :2010-10-25BURMA/THAILAND: Gunmen allegedly fired upon Burmese factory workers holding a peaceful protest :2010-10-15
[AHRC Forwarded Article] INDIA: Kashmir: A "No-Peace" Political Initiative :2010-10-25SRI LANKA: A man is shot dead by officers attached to the Pitigala Police Station :2010-10-11
Read More..SRI LANKA: A man is shot while in the custody of the Mihintale Police :2010-10-08
INDONESIA: Indiscriminate shooting by Wamena police results in one dead and two injured :2010-10-08
[AHRC Forwarded Press Release] THAILAND: Rights groups call on UN Secretary General for urgent investigation into abuses against Myanmar migrants deported from Thailand :2010-10-25PHILIPPINES: Soldiers kill four farmers in another 'legitimate encounter' pretext :2010-10-08
[AHRC Forwarded Press Release] CAMBODIA: 19 Anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements -- A time to reflect and a time to look forward :2010-10-25FORWARDED APPEAL (Philippines): Harassment of a prominent Muslim human rights defender:2010-10-07
[AHRC Forwarded Press Release] INDIA / SOUTH KOREA: Majority report of the Ministry of Environment and Forests Committee a vindication of peoples just struggle against POSCO project:2010-10-25SRI LANKA: A man was illegally arrested, detained, tortured and refused medical treatment by the Ahangama Police :2010-10-06
INDONESIA: Video of the military torturing indigenous Papuans surfaced:2010-10-17SRI LANKA: Rattota Police refuse to conduct investigation into a child's abduction :2010-10-05
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NEW HRCS NEW Ethics in Action NEW Publication New article2
Human Rights Correspondence School Ethics in Action Vol. 09 - No. 02 June 2010 -- Diagnoses of the NON-RULE OF LAW IN ASIA

Human Rights Correspondence School

This lesson introduces the right to the truth, which is an inherent part of international law. This right is fundamental in situations of human rights violations, and is closely linked to the realization of many rights.

The lesson outlines various international law provisions making up the right to the truth. It also examines various cases and countries in Asia where the right is commonly denied.

and more...

>> Human Rights Correspondence School

Ethics in Action

- Child labour: Hunger and child malnutrition invisible in the Philippines

- UNJUST: The mirror to see Asia

- The WISE women of Pakistan

- Tribute to murdered environmentalist Charoen Wat-aksorn

- Policing in Nepal

- The Khairlanji massacre is more than another murder story

and more...

>>Ethics in Action

The State of Human Rights in Ten Asian Nations - 2009

In "The State of Human Rights in Ten Asian Nations - 2009" the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) presents analysis concerning the human rights situations, violations and developments it has encountered during its work in 2009.

The AHRC documents and launches campaigns concerning hundreds of individual cases of grave human rights abuses each year in these countries.  This allow it to identify trends in human rights violations and lacuna in the protection of rights that need to be addressed.

and more...

>> Publication

Vol. 09 - No. 02 June 2010 -- Diagnoses of the NON-RULE OF LAW IN ASIA

- Reflection on article 2 of the ICCPR: The role of human rights activists in diagnosing the lack of effective remedies

- A three-part study on the crisis in institutions for administration of justice in Sri Lanka and its consequences for the realisation of human rights in Asia

- The role of the UN Human Rights Council on rule-of-law problems in Asia

- Diagnosing the un-rule of law in Burma: A submission to the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review

>> article 2






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