Saturday, July 10, 2010


The People's Potato, a not-for-profit food service organization is looking for a part time staff member. The primary activity of the People's Potato is to serve daily vegan meals to approximately 400 students at Concordia University. The long-term vision of the project is to provide a healthy and ethical alternative to the corporate domination of the food system.

The People's Potato is a worker-run consensus-based organization and applicants must be willing to work within a collective structure. The People's Potato is a unique working environment in which employees both guide and execute the vision of the organization.

We recognize the present nonexistence of a level playing field, with regards to people's experiences and job qualifications, given the structural injustice that affects those who exist within patriarchal racist capitalism. As a result, we recognize the need to compensate for these inequalities in our hiring policy.

We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to the People's Potato, in their cover letter.

The People's Potato undertakes its hiring procedures upon the basis of employment equity. Please indicate in your cover letter if you would like to be considered for employment equity and include the following sentence “I would like to be included for employment equity.” Please note that we do not require applicants to specify the basis on which they are applying for employment equity.

The individual(s) hired will participate in collective meetings, kitchen work and other portfolios to be decided following the hiring procedure.

Requirements include:

-Must be a full time Concordia student in 2010-2011


-Strong organizational skills.

-Ability to work closely with others.

-An aptitude for applying new skills

-An aptitude to cook (both small and large scale)

-Dedication to or involvement in social justice causes

-Ability to work in English and French


-Basic computer skills

-Knowledge of food politics

-Experience with vegan and/or vegetarian cooking

-Knowledge of consensus-based decision making processes

-Willingness to facilitate meetings

-Valid driver's license

Remuneration: $13.91/hour Hours/Week: 10-15 hours

The deadline for applications is August 9th at 5pm.

Applications and cover letters can be sent via fax: (514) 848-7450

(ATT:People's Potato), e-mail: or dropped off in person to the CSU office located at 1455 de Maisonneuve W. H-711. Only applicants accepted for interviews will be contacted. Position to start the week of August 16th.

***For more information about the People's Potato and to see our constitution, please refer to our website:

Offre d'emploi pour un(e) étudiant(e) a temps plein a Concordia : Membre du collectif à temps partiel

La Patate du Peuple, un organisme à but non-lucratif oeuvrant dans le domaine de l'alimentation, est à la recherche de deux employé(e)s à temps partiel. L'activité principale de l'organisme consiste à servir des repas végétaliens à environ 400 personnes par jour à l'Université Concordia. Sa vision à long terme est d'offrir une alternative saine et éthique à la domination des corporations sur la production et les échanges alimentaires.

La Patate du Peuple est un organisme collectivement geré par ses employé(e)s où chacun(e) participe à la prise de décisions par consensus, ainsi tout(e) candidat(e) doit être prêt(e) à travailler dans une structure de gestion collective.

Nous reconnaissons l'inexistence d'un terrain juste, en rapport avec les expériences de vie et les qualifications pour un emploi de différentes personnes, étant donné l'injustice structurelle qui affectent ceux et celles qui vivent sous le système capitaliste, patriarcale et raciste. Résultant de ceci, nous reconnaissons le besoin de compenser pour ces inégalités dans notre politique d'embauche.

Nous encourageons les candidat(e)s d'écrire, dans leurs lettres d'intention, les contributions uniques qu'ils ou elles peuvent apporter à La Patate du Peuple, basées sur leurs expériences diverses.

Ce processus d'embauche se fera selon les principes d'équité d’emploi. Si vous désirez être considéré(e) pour l’équité d’emploi, mentionnez la phrase suivante dans votre letter d’intention: “Je voudrais être considéré(e) pour l'équité d'emploi.” Aussi, veuillez noter que vous n'avez pas à spécifier les conditons pour lesquelles vous demandez d'être considéré(e) pour l'équité d’emploi.

Les personnes engagées participeront aux réunions du collectif, au travail dans la cuisine, ainsi qu'à d'autres portfolios à définir en collectif.

Expériences requises:

- Être un(e) etudiant(e) a temps plein a Concordia pour l’année scholaire 2010-2011.

-Être motivé(e) et autonome

-Avoir de bonnes habilités organisationelles

-Capacité de travailler de près avec les autres

-Apte à appliquer de nouvelles connaisances

-Apte à cuisiner

-Participation au mouvements pour la justice sociale

-Capacité de travailler en anglais et en français


-Connaissance de base des ordinateurs

-Connaissance du système d'alimentation

-Expérience en cuisine végétalienne et/ou végétarienne

-Connaisance de la prise de décision par consensus

-Vouloir animer des reunions

-Permis de conduire valide

*Rénumération: 13,91$/hr, 10-15 heures par semaine

**Date limite pour appliquer : 9 août, 2010

Les applications peuvent être envoyées par fax au (514) 848-7450 (ATT: People's Potato), par courriel: ou déposées en personne au 1455 de Maisonneuve ouest, salle H-711. Seulement les applicant(e)s retenu(e)s seront contacté(e)s pour une entrevue

***Emploi debutant le 16 août, 2010.

****Pour de plus amples informations sur La Patate du Peuple et pour consulter notre constitution, veuillez vous référer à notre site internet:

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Full Time Job Offer

Summer 2010

The People's Potato, a not-for-profit food service organization is looking for a full time staff member. The primary activity of the People's Potato is to serve daily vegan meals to approximately 400 students at Concordia University. The long-term vision of the project is to provide a healthy and ethical alternative to the corporate domination of the food system.

The People's Potato is a worker-run consensus-based organization and applicants must be willing to work within a collective structure. The People's Potato is a unique working environment in which employees both guide and execute the vision of the organization.

We recognize the present nonexistence of a level playing field, with regards to people's experiences and job qualifications, given the structural injustice that affects those who exist within patriarchal racist capitalism. As a result, we recognize the need to compensate for these inequalities in our hiring policy.

We encourage applicants to describe the unique contributions they, as individuals with diverse experiences, would bring to the People's Potato, in their cover letter.

The People's Potato undertakes its hiring procedures upon the basis of employment equity. Please indicate in your cover letter if you would like to be considered for employment equity and include the following sentence “I would like to be included for employment equity.” Please note that we do not require applicants to specify the basis on which they are applying for employment equity.

The individual(s) hired will participate in collective meetings, kitchen work and other portfolios to be decided following the hiring procedure.

Requirements include:
-Strong organizational skills.
-Ability to work closely with others.
-An aptitude for applying new skills
-An aptitude to cook (both small and large scale)
-Dedication to or involvement in social justice causes
-Ability to work in English and French
-Valid driver's license

-Basic computer skills
-Knowledge of food politics
-Experience with vegan and/or vegetarian cooking
-Knowledge of consensus-based decision making processes
-Willingness to facilitate meetings

Remuneration: $13.91/hour Hours/Week: 30/35 hours

The deadline for applications is June 30th 2010 at 5pm
Applications and cover letters can be sent via fax: (514) 848-7450
(ATT:People's Potato), e-mail: or dropped off in person to the CSU office located at 1455 de Maisonneuve W. H-711. Only applicants accepted for interviews will be contacted. Position to start the week of August 16th 2010.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

People's Potato presents the annual Planting Party! It's happening this Friday, June 4th
from 9am - 12pm, and 4pm - 7pm. So, come reunite with friends over fresh lemonade and fruits galor and get your garden on! Don't forget your garden boots and gloves, and come help us plant this years crops of tomatoes, lettuce, beets, herbs, etc. in our new permaculture designed garden!

The garden is located at the north end of the east parking lot at Loyola campus. For google maps, use 7079 Terrebonne. Otherwise, enter the campus near the shuttle bus stop and walk straight to the back, through the parking lot, past the giant composter, and we're right there! See you there!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Kitchen is Closed for Summer!

Dear Friends of the Potato,
Our kitchen will be closing on May 1st for the summer and will reopen when Concordia's fall semester begins again on Spetember 7, 2010. You are welcome to come volunteer with us in our garden over the summer months. For more information about the garden and how you can get involved, send an e-mail to Have a great summer and we'll see you again in the fall!!!