Kansas City BBQ

October 12, 2010

We’re enjoying a few days in Kansas City with Ben and Katie. Besides family, the trip is pretty much about food.

Highpoints of the feast thus far include:

  • BBQ in Blue Springs: Jake and Susan gathered up the best ‘Que from all over town… remarkable for perfect greasy goodness were the Gates ribs.
  • Burgers at the Westport Flea Market. Consensus is they’re the best burgers in KC. They must be. With promotion like the like the burgermobile (see above) could they be anything but fah-bulous? I enjoyed mine.
  • Shop hopping from McGonigle’s to The Better Cheddar. McGonigle’s is a hoot. They have probably the best beef anywhere, but they also have gift shop kitsch, odd ball sundries (like CPAP wipes… where else can you find them?) and phoney-gourmet goodies. The Better Cheddar offers cheese tasting. Eventually you feel guilty enough that you have to buy something. At least I think that’s howit works.
  • Last night we watched “The Town” at the AMC theater on main. The AMC serves dinner during the movie. My meal wasn’t that great, but the idea is a good one.

More calories and hearty heartland cholesterol today and then we head back home.

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Boots on sale

October 8, 2010

Got this email…

Hi Frank,

For the next 7 days you can purchase a pair of toasty Whooga ugg boots at 50-60% off. This is a further and exclusive discount over our already heavily discounted prices and can only be accessed by clicking the link below.


This sale ends in 7 days or sooner if we run out of stock – so if we sell out, you miss out. All purchases are covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Kind Regards,
Whooga Team

It reminded me that I’d received a free pair of Whooga ugg boots and promised to go all commercial around here until it seemed like a fair trade… my soul for these swell boots. That’s dramatic. Fact is, after I read that email I pulled the boots on and took the dogs for a walk down to the spring. The weird neighbor was out looking for his beagles. He creeps me out with his random presence. I looked him up on the Circuit Court database and he’s one of these guys that knows his way around the courthouse. Somewhat creepy. But he didn’t look at me like my boots were weird or anything.

I waterproofed the boots a week or two ago, and they’ve been impervious to morning dew. I did not go wading in the spring, waterproof or not. That test will come when I least expect it… thin ice, deep puddle, whatever. Anyway, I like the boots. They’re warm but not too hot. They’re tall enough to keep the burrs and the stickers off my socks, if I was wearing socks, which I’m not because I like the feel of fleece on my feet. They seem like they’ll last longer than my commitment to promote them from time to time.

You could buy four or five pairs of these uggs for what your A.Testoni wingtip loafers cost. Of course the uggs don’t look that great with a jacket and slacks.

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The Technology Space at AARP

October 7, 2010

Uhhh… Okay. Let’s just say that the technology space at AARP’s Orlando@50+ sucked. Big time. It was so cold in that corner of the show room floor that people were catching cold, their noses were running, the runny noses were causing mustaches to freeze up. It was not pleasant. Enter the guy from Google. This [...]

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AARP Drum Circle

October 7, 2010

Caught this using my little Nikon Coolpix, a handheld still camera with some video capability. The escalator ride seemed like a good idea at the time, but obviously I should have ridden it down first and then done the long dolly out at the end. Oh well. Busby Berkeley, I ain’t, but I’m pretty good [...]

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Procrustean news patterns

October 5, 2010

The “daily news cycle” killed twentieth century journalism. It drained meaning, the life blood of news dissemination, from the stories we needed to hear. The artificial constraint of deadline driven journalism forced journalists and news-makers to collude in an elaborate ritual more suited to ancient Greek dramatic arts than to newscasts or newspapers. Nine years [...]

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Dances with chipmunks

October 5, 2010

I just got back from a hike on the prairie. Dogs are glad I’m home. They like these daylight rambles in the fall, the season for gathering seeds from the prairie… big blue stem, little blue stem, prairie drop seed, Indian feather grass, compass plant, prairie dock, cone flowers, and umpteen kinds of sunflowers all [...]

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Riding on the crazy train to nowhere

October 4, 2010

Ronni Bennett posted what follows in the voice of her duly appointed ranter, the Crabby Old Lady. I decided to steal it, edit it a little, and re-post it here. Everyone with a blog ought to steal it. She can’t sue all of us! Ronni’s post is titled “Stupid, Venal, Crackpot Politics.” Here goes… Crabby [...]

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For What It’s Worth

October 3, 2010

The last event of the Orlando@50 AARP gathering was a powerhouse concert featuring stars from the sixties. Richie Havens opened the show, and yes, he sang “Freedom” during his set. Next up was Judy Collins and she covered favorites from “Diamonds and Rust”, through “Both Sides Now” to “Send in the Clowns”. When a creative [...]

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