
Peter Kim, LEAT Volunteer A Law Student's Educational Sojourn in Africa
In the spring of 2001 Peter Kim, a thrid-year law student at the Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon, USA, spent a five month externship with LEAT in Dar es Salaam. Upon returning to the U.S. Peter wrote fondly about his Tanzanian experience and his high regard for the public interest advocates he worked with.

Cow Parsley Biodiversity Programmes
The project "Conservation and Development Opportunities from the Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity in the Communal Lands of Southern Africa" (CODEOSUB) is focused on promoting successes in Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) projects within southern Africa through building the capacity of communities and NGOs who are involved. LEAT has been in the forefront in promoting Community Based Natural Resources Management (CBNRM) in Tanzania.

Bulyanhulu artisinal miner Bulyanhulu Gold Mine
LEAT represents a group of small-scale miners that were forcibly evicted from their mines in 1996 to make way for development by the Kahama Mining Corporation, Ltd., a subsidiary of a Canadian company. LEAT has called on the Tanzanian government to allow an independent international investigation of alleged human rights abuses during the eviction.


LEAT Mwanza Branch
LEAT has been in the forefront to prevent urban pollution. Measures that LEAT has been engaged on include awareness raising, publications and litigation. The campaign to prevent urban pollution is carried in both LEAT headquarters and the Mwanza branch. LEAT Mwanza Branch was established in June 2001 by a generous support from the Blacksmith Institute.

Press Releases

LEAT files Amicus Brief in Tanzanian Failed Water Privatization Case Pending Before ICSID Tribunal

LEAT, LHRC, TGNP, CIEL and IISD allowed to file written submission in Biwater v. United Republic of Tanzania ICSID arbitral dspute

LEAT Releases 2002-2003 Biennial Report

Human Rights Commission Issues Injunction Order Against Tarime Gold Mine and Four Others

Save Mererani Miners, Avert Another Bulyanhulu

LEAT Submits Complaint to Human Rights Commission Against Afrika Mashariki Gold Mine, Tarime

Tanzanian Attorneys Face Charges of Sedition

International NGO Fact-Finding Mission on Bulyanhulu Barred from Visiting Bulyanhulu Communities

Response to the National Post's "Barrick's African tribulations"

Tanzanian Police Raid Offices of Lawyers' Environmental Action Team

New assessment of controversial Commission highlights strategies to resolve contentious development projects

LEAT logo

The Lawyers' Environmental Action Team is the first public interest environmental law organization in Tanzania. It was established in 1994 and formally registered in 1995 under the Societies Ordinance. Its mission is to ensure sound natural resource management and environmental protection in Tanzania.

LEAT carries out policy research, advocacy, and selected public interest litigation. Its membership largely includes lawyers concerned with environmental management and democratic governance in Tanzania.


LEAT publishes Research Reports and Policy Briefs online and in print as a public service after extensive research into critical environmental issues facing Tanzania and East Africa.

Recent additions:
Regulating the Hunting Industry in Tanzania: Reflections on the Legislative, Institutional and Policy-Making Frameworks Feb-04-2003 This work critically analyzes the operations of the hunting industry of Tanzania in the light of existing institutions, the law and policy-making frameworks. The study is essentially a follow up to one of LEAT's Policy Briefs that focused on the granting of hunting blocks in Tanzania as one aspect of the hunting industry. This study provides a comparatively more holistic approach in analyzing the operation, activities and features of the hunting industry of Tanzania from a legislative and policy-making perspective.

Robbing the Poor to Give to the Rich: Human Rights Abuses and Impoverishment at the MIGA-Backed Bulyanhulu Gold Mine, Tanzania Jan-13-2003 LEAT's submission to the World Bank Extractive Industries Review argues that "the Bulyanhulu Gold Mine is a premier example of all that is wrong with the World Bank Group’s support of the corporate mining investment in Africa and elsewhere in the world."

more publications ]


This section is under development. LEAT is currently mobilizing resources and will work in collaboration with Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide to create an online resource of Tanzanian laws relating to the environment.

Draft legislation:
DRAFT Tanzania Environmental Protection Act Aug-14-2003 Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team (LEAT) and the Environmental Coalition of Civil Society Organizations (ECO) for the last six years have been campaigning for the enactment of a framework environmental legislation in Tanzania. This is because Tanzania is the only East African country without a framework environmental law despite of its unrivalled natural resources, breathtaking attractions and a population of more than 35 Million people. LEAT and ECO have drafted the Elements of a Bill For Tanzanian Environmental Protection Act for the purposes of stimulating wider public discussion as to how the Tanzanian environmental legislation should look like.

Visitors are encouraged to read this draft and submit their comments to ECO and LEAT.

About LEAT

LEAT carries out policy research, advocacy, and selected public interest litigation. Its membership largely includes lawyers concerned with environmental management and democratic governance in Tanzania.

more information about LEAT ]