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Liquid Coal Plant, South AfricaStopping Liquid Coal from Taking Root in the U.S.
Friends of the Earth is launching a new campaign to stop a proposed liquid coal plant in Carbon County, Wyoming. The coal industry is seeking financial backing from the Obama administration in order to attract investors. If constructed, the plant would consume massive amounts of energy and water and produce a fuel that emits twice the amount of greenhouse gas pollution as traditional fuels. Join Friends of the Earth today and help us stop the Obama administration from taking a huge step backward.
Learn more | Related on Huffington Post: President Obama: Fired Up for Clean Energy or Dirty Coal?

White House Climate Work Party 10/10/10 Global Climate Work Party Challenges Politicians to Lead
On Sunday, October 10, partnered with Friends of the Earth and other allies around the world to implement climate solutions via more than 7,000 work parties in 188 countries, making 10/10/10 the world's biggest day of climate action. Our unified demand was that politicians stop dragging their feet and get to work with us.
Check out pictures from around the world | See our pictures from the White House Work Party

Tianjin Climate NegotiationsInternational Climate Negotiations Proceed in China -- Next Stop Cancun
Friends of the Earth U.S.'s Nick Berning and Karen Orenstein participated in UN climate change negotiations in Tianjin, China from October 4-9, 2010. These negotiations were the last preliminary talks before this year’s major summit in Cancun. Friends of the Earth is pushing countries to make progress toward a strong and just international response to the climate crisis.
Read updates from the negotiations in Tianjin, China

Friends of the Earth Protests MTRDemanding an End to Mountaintop Removal
Thousands of Appalachian residents, retired coal miners, and citizens from across the country united in Washington, D.C. from September 25 to 27, 2010 for Appalachia Rising. During a march and rally from EPA headquarters to the White House, participants demanded that the Obama administration abolish mountaintop removal, an extreme form of mining that has already destroyed more than 500 mountains, buried 2,000 miles of streams, and polluted headwaters that supply drinking water to millions of Americans.
Take action | See pictures from the Day of ActionLearn more about Appalachia Rising  | Learn about our work fighting coal

GE Salmon Endanger Atlantic SalmonFrankenfish on Your Plate?
For the first time, the federal Food and Drug Administration is considering approving a genetically modified animal for human consumption. The modified salmon known as frankenfish threatens human health and the survival of its natural counterparts. 
UPDATE: The uproar generated by Friends of the Earth activists and 20 other environmental groups forced the FDA to extend the timetable for approval of the frankenfish! The FDA will now conduct more research and allow more public input on the environmental impacts this fish could have. We could not have achieved this success without the 7,900 comments submitted to the FDA by Friends of the Earth supporters.  
Donate | CBS: New Food: Genetically Engineered Salmon? | NBC: Critics Unconvinced of Genetically Modified Salmon's Safety | See pictures from our White House demonstration | Learn more

Protecting Our Communities from Toxic Coal Ash
Coal ash is a toxic solid waste produced by coal-burning power plants that is contaminating drinking water, rivers and communities across the country. The EPA is considering the first-ever federal safeguards for coal ash disposal. Tell the EPA that you want strong, federally enforceable safeguards that guarantee coal ash will not pollute our communities.
Take Action: Submit Comments to the EPA | Learn more

Tar Sands RallyMomentum builds in campaign to stop the Keystone XL pipeline
The Keystone XL pipeline would stretch from Canada to Texas and double our country's reliance on the dirtiest crude available -- oil from Canada's tar sands. Friends of the Earth and our activists are urging President Obama to reject this pipeline plan -- and our pressure is starting to work.
Learn about our recent campaign successes | Send your message to Pres. Obama | Donate

Taxing Wall Street greed to pay for global needs
The Investing in Our Future Act, H.R. 5783, introduced by Representative Stark (D-Calif.), would place a tiny levy on the untaxed foreign currency exchange market -- where one currency is exchanged for another -- to raise urgently needed funds for climate change and health programs in impoverished countries.
Take action | Learn more | Huffington Post | Solve Climate

Meet the BP Ten
We can clean up the Gulf while we clean up our politics. Join our new campaign to ask the BP Ten to take the dirty oil dollars they received from BP and donate them to the Gulf Coast Fund.  If every member of the BP Ten makes a donation, the Gulf Coast Fund would receive more than $100,000 for cleanup. 
The BP Ten | News release | Join the campaign on Facebook | Day of action photos

Responding to the disastrous oil spill in the Gulf
The disaster in the Gulf of Mexico continues to worsen, with oil still spilling uncontrollably, and vast quantities of toxic chemical dispersants being dumped into the sea. It's time for an end to offshore drilling.
Take action | Watch Erich Pica on MSNBC | More Information | Contribute

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