Against sand mining in Atthanagalu Oya in Minuwangoda - July 2009 ...
Regarding election posters during the Western Provincial Elections - December 2008 ...
Case against Norochcholai Coal Power Plant- July 2006 ...
Climate change has made severe impacts to the poor. But it is due to the lifestyle of the rich and mostly rich nations. It is necessary to safeguard poor from these negative impacts and include them in all climate plans. READ MORE
  CEJ filed legal action on Colombo Floods
A petition, seeking an order to ensure the removal of all the obstacles that create water to stagnate in the Western province, mainly in the Colombo city was submitted to the Western Provincial High Court today by the Centre for Environmental Justice. Recent floods in Colombo is a result of the unplanned activities including filling of wetlands.
  Climate Symposium calls HE President to set up a Climate Commission
Climate Symposium held today(18th November 2010) in Colombo calls His Excellency the President to set up a Climate Commission to bring multi stakeholder approach to fight climate impacts, engage in adaptation and achieve climate justice. They also calls Sri Lanka Delegation to the Climate Negotiations to play an active role. The symposium was organised by the Centre for Environmental Justice/Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka and the Practical Action( Sri Lanka. India, Bangladesh Programme). Read the Sri Lanka Civil Society statement for the Government of Sri Lanka and its delegation to Cop16.
  Floods in Colombo is the result of filling wetlands
Flooding In Colombo, the capitol of Sri Lanka today( 11th November 2010) is the worst flooding in Sri Lanka in the recent times. The whole city including Colombo 7 and Parliament was also under water. According to the Disaster Management Centre 260,109 people from 57,920 families have been affected so far and 11 houses have been completely damaged and 257 houses have been partially damaged. Filling of the wetlands in the city of Colombo is mainly responsible for this flooding.
  Deadly lead in paint
  CEJ tested number of paint brands available in Sri Lanka and found most enamel decorative paints available in Sri Lanka contain very high levels of lead. Lead is deadly for your child. Sri Lanka Standards Institutions is now making specifications to control lead in enamel paints, toy paints and automobile paints. READ MORE
Climate Justice Now!

Climate Change is a universal problem created by the developed countries by emitting large amounts of Green House Gases. COP 16 will be held in Cancun in Mexico in January 2010. Let's fight for climate justice!

  Nuclear power by 2025
  Sri Lanka is planning to build a nuclear power plant by 2025. Nuclear power is world most riskiest power generation. It requires billion of Rupees. This will be powered by Thorium according to the Minister of Power and Energy.
  Persistent Organic Pollutants
Persistent Organic Pollutants have been banned under the Stockholm Convention. PCB is one among them. But Sri Lanka still imports PCB contaminated transformers and inductors.
Proposed Sugarcane plantation in Nilgala
5000 Hectares of Nilgala Forest will be destroyed for the proposed Sugarcane plantation which will produce ethanol and sugar. This is the catchment of the Galoya Reservoir and a part of the Medicinal plant forest established in 3rd Century BC by King Buddadasa.
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justice- Quarterly News Magazine
  justice online  
  Environmental Law Education  
  Can We expect Climate Justice in Copenhagen?  
  Coal, renewables and the CO2 meter  
  World Environment Day 2009- Your Planet Needs You! Unite to Combat Climate Change  
  Recycling water policies  
  Proposed Garbage dumping in Waga  
  Is the Wild Life Department protecting it’s property or giving it away? - by Kamini Vitarana  
  Get them out of Our Planet - by Dilena Pathragoda  
  Biofuel and the Food Crisis - by Hemantha Withanage  
  Climate Change and Environmental Governance- by Hemantha Withanage  
  The G8, Environment and Climate Change- by Hemantha Withanage  
  Environment Conservation Levy and Climate Adaptation  

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