
Citizens For Justice was originally established in 2005 with the aim of filling the lacunae that existed at the time, of organizations advocating for the rights of community affected by environmental issues emanating from mining activities in Malawi. CFJ initiation conception was to campaign on environmental and economic justice, this has been broadened to respond to challenges and threats to environmental justice on advocacy and lobbying for maximum utilization of Malawian natural resources to achieve positive environmental, social and economic and sustained development for local communities.
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Why Citizen's for Justice

Citizens for Justice is a non-profit making organization advocating for environmental and social justice which seeks to respond to a number of emergent and recurring challenges threatening communities in Malawi. These areas emanate firstly from the drive to industrialize Malawi through the extractive industry which has posed environmental challenges, labor issues, corporate abuse and marginalization of vulnerable groups.
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Citizens For Justice - A Free, Informed and Empowered Malawian Citizen
Mailing Address: Post Dot Net, Box X100, Crossroads, Lilongwe, Malawi Physical Address: Off Blantyre-Lilongwe Highway, Falls Estate, Plot #574, Lilongwe, Malawi
Tel:+265-1-727 822 / +265-1-727 828 Fax: +265-1-727 826 Email:
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