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-- Daily Since 1997

* New York City has 22 sq. mis. of vacant land and a half a trillion dollars of site rent -- enough to replace other taxes.
Land Values Taxes and State Banking

* Alaskans get oil money while in the rest of America inequality keeps worsening, as the New York Times shows.
PFD season brings Alaskans a wealth of choices

* Senior Editor Fred Foldvary is well aware of the objections from critics of sharing rent or collecting rent for public revenue.
Arguments Against Land Value Taxation

* 17 African nations celebrate their 50th anniversary of independence. Yet what broke up the continent into 54 nations?
Memories of Colonial Africa (Part 2 of 5)

* Israel grants Arabs citizenship, so can all citizens there buy land? Their critics in the US can't hardly speak out.
Helen Thomas stands by her comments about Israel

* Economic anomalies -- Lending rate of zero. Our elders suffer inflation. Only the French protest. Nobelists condemn leisure.
Japan's central bank again cuts rates to zero

* Holding a constitutional convention received support from a US senator and the Goldwater Institute but not a majority.
Constitutional Traitors & Supporters

* Sr Editor Fred Foldvary proposes certifying the understanding and practice of ethics of leaders in all fields.
On being Ethically Certified

* People in the pulpit speak up for the public recovery of land values, an ethos for peace and prosperity.
Prominent Blogger, Candidate, & Economist Pro-LV Tax

* Your chance of developing diabetes from smog is high even in counties within EPA limits. Do you live in one of them?
Top 10 Dirtiest US Cities

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The Progress Report is published daily by the
Benjamin Banneker Center for Economic Justice and Progress, a nonprofit organization.

We are RSAC Rated   Global Network
of Organizations Working for Human Rights and Sustainable Development