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Internal Audit Review of Data Handling

At its meeting on Thursday, 25 March 2010, the Corporate Governance Committee will hear about how progress has been made by the Force to address identified weaknesses within data handling.

 The review of data handling was originally undertaken by Internal Audit in August 2009 and reported to the Committee at its previous meeting in November.

The review had concluded that only limited assurance could be placed on the effectiveness of the control environment. A number of good security controls and policies were in place although opportunities to improve controls in a number of areas identified. The Committee will hear that it is anticipated that all outstanding recommendations should be fully completed by July 2010 with the exception of one to be completed by December 2010.


Welcome to the Sussex Police Authority

The Authority is an independent body that has responsibility for appointing Chief Officers of Sussex Police, setting the policing budget, scrutinising Force performance, ensuring that Sussex voices are able to shape the Local Policing Plan and overseeing that Sussex Police deliver their Serving Sussex Pledge.

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Setting Strategic Direction

One of the key responsibilities of Sussex Police Authority is to set the strategic direction for policing in Sussex.  The Authority fulfils this responsibility in all of its work, but click here to see how specifically will seek to shape the delivery of policing in Sussex. 


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Sussex Police Authority Managing Performance - image

Performance, and our ability to manage it, is key to informing and reassuring the people of Sussex about policing in the County. The Authority sets priorities for Sussex Police in the Local Policing Plan and monitors delivery against those targets. Click here to find out more about the performance of Sussex Police 

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Engaging With You

We actively want engagement from you in order to influence the direction and style of policing delivery in Sussex. Click here to find out how you can make your voice heard



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Upholding Standards

The Authority works very hard on behalf of the people of Sussex to ensure that policing in the County is delivered with the best possible value for money. We approach this overarching responsibility from a number of different angles.  Click here to find out more. 


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