Showing newest posts with label Carnival. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Carnival. Show older posts

Monday, April 27, 2009

34th Carnival of Socialism

Hello, and welcome to the 34th Carnival of Socialism. Pull up a virtual seat, open your favourite brand of ethical Cola and enjoy this fortnight's round up from the Socialist blogosphere, feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments. Thanks to those who sent in suggestions before hand.

I did this at short notice so it may be slightly demographically skewed - apologies for leaving out so many excellent lefty bloggers, these are the quality posts that I've read in the last two weeks so I'm bound to have missed many - regard it as a taster.

First let's have some reports
  • Jess Hurd is a lefty photographer who took this snap of a stop and search in progress.
  • Joseph attended the annual Stop the War coalition conference in London
  • HarpyMarx reports on the Left Economic Advisory Panel conference
  • An Unrepentant Communist reports on the Rome rally launching the left's Euro-election campaign.
  • Jon Rogers hopes to encourage UNISON members to vote for the left.
  • Lenin reports on the sacking of a key union activist.
  • At Stroppyblog they take on the council leader who is cutting a swath through education.
  • Jacob attacks the "students leaders" who wont support lecturers' strikes.
Now some historical themes
  • Reading the Maps looks at the changing meaning of Anzac Day
  • The Nation of Duncan remembers the Hillsborough disaster.
  • Splintered Sunrise has been reading and wonders whether some of Marx's writings might be a bit embarrassing for today's Marxists.
  • Mick Hall remembers trade union leader Jack Jones.
  • Charlie Pottins takes a historical look at the fight for trade union rights.
A number of bloggers have discussed Labour
  • Cruella thinks that the plans to address the gender pay gap are crumbs from the table.
  • Neil Clark just interviewed Alice Mahon a long serving MP who just left Labour.
  • Sue regrets her decision.
  • Dave Osler reflects on being spammed by the Labour Party.
  • Next Left says the best way to support Climate Minister Ed Miliband is to protest against him.
  • Gill George asks us to prepare for public sector cuts.
  • On a similar theme NUJ left asks what are public services.
  • Some Roses Are Red takes a different tack and attacks the Tories - in song!
Some reflections on international affairs
  • Jews Sans Frontiers look sat Iranian President Ahmadinijad's recent controversial speech.
  • Left Luggage thinks the Left in Britain romanticises international movements while ignoring their organising lessons.
  • Greater Surbiton writes on Moldova's so called twitter revolution.
  • Septicisle writes on the terror plot that never was.
And now some miscellany
Then there are some interesting cultural themes
And finally
  • Roobin asks whether the end is nigh.
As far as this edition of the Carnival is concerned - yes it is. The next Carnival is over at BoffyBlog on the tenth of May.