The original federal Liberal Party was born a century ago this year. It is an anniversary about which the contemporary Liberal Party has been distinctly coy, reluctant to complicate the historical orthodoxy that its foundational hero is Robert Menzies and its birth year is 1944.

An exception is shadow attorney-general George Brandis, who has waged a lonely crusade to shake the party out of its complacency towards its history. Earlier this year, in a pungently titled essay, Ours is the party that forgot its past, Brandis lamented that the watershed events that led to the creation of the first incarnation of the federal Liberal Party in 1909 were slipping past without commemoration.

He reminded those whose myopic reading of the party's ancestry extended no further than 1944 that the Liberal Party did not ''spring from the mind of Menzies like Athena from the brow of Zeus''.

What happened a century ago and why this coyness by contemporary Liberals? In May 1909, the three non-Labor groupings in Federal Parliament, the largest two of which were the Liberal Protectionists and the Free Traders, merged to wage a common battle against the Labor Party. Initially known as the Fusion Party, the new entity subsequently adopted the title Liberal Party and is a forerunner to the modern Liberals.

In short, not only is there a case that 2009 marks the centenary of the Liberal Party, but also the 100th anniversary of the Labor versus non-Labor party system within which politics has largely been played out in Australia ever since.

One possible reason why today's Liberals equivocated about celebrating fusion - it did belatedly stage a commemorative dinner in September - is that the immediate result was a Labor triumph. The Protectionists' decision to throw in their lot with the Free Traders caused a popular backlash, especially in Victoria, where the union was seen as a betrayal of the state's liberal tradition, which helped Labor become the first party to win majority government in the history of the Commonwealth at the 1910 federal election.

The ambivalence might also have something to do with the fact that fusion was a marriage of convenience rather than love. This was particularly the case for the predominantly Victorian Liberal Protectionists and their moving spirit, Alfred Deakin, who was inaugural leader of the newly formed Liberal Party.

Deakin had long acknowledged the logic of a two-party system, but for most of the first post-Federation decade he and the Protectionists had co-operated with Labor rather than the Free Traders. The Protectionist-Labor alliance had been responsible for much of the foundational legislation for the new nation.

Even as a fusion beckoned in the context of Labor's growing electoral might, Deakin recoiled at joining with the conservative Free Traders and dreamed of sustaining a middle party: ''Liberal always, radical often and never reactionary.''

When he finally accepted the inevitability of unification in May 1909, he did so joylessly: ''I would have done almost anything to avoid taking the course I now recommend. It has been taken … only as a last resort.'' Some of the Protectionists so abhorred the Free Traders that they refused to join the new non-Labor alliance. They feared, as The Age predicted, that fusion would be a ''political boa constrictor'' which would eventuate in liberalism being swallowed whole by conservatism.

As this suggests, one of the legacies of fusion was the uneasy coexistence of liberal and conservative elements within the Liberal Party - a point Brandis made when he delivered the Alfred Deakin Lecture last month. Yet Brandis also asserted that for the greater part of the last century, liberalism, not conservatism, was its dominant ideological impulse.

That is until the leadership of John Howard. According to Brandis, Howard was the first significant Liberal Party prime minister, stretching back to Deakin, who ''did not see himself, and was uncomfortable to be seen, purely in the liberal tradition''. In short, under Howard, the party's ideological gravity moved towards conservatism and away from liberalism.

Elsewhere, Brandis has also related this philosophical re-balancing to a shift in the party's geographic centre away from Victoria (the home of Deakin and Menzies) to NSW.

Climate change is, of course, the issue that most starkly highlights the cleavage between liberal progressives and conservatives in today's Liberal Party. The fact that it harbours so many hardline conservatives who reject climate change science is undoubtedly rooted in Howard's successful remaking of the party in his image.

As prime minister, Howard dictated a position of scepticism on global warming until the political realities forced some death-bed repentance in 2007.

Howard's philosophical legacy is creating enormous dilemmas for Malcolm Turnbull, who naturally aligns with the party's liberal wing. In the coming days, as Turnbull faces continuing conservative intransigence over climate change, perhaps he will have cause to recall Deakin's words as he ruefully contemplated the handiwork of fusion: ''I am covered with maledictions by Labor men, which are relished by the men obliged to sit behind me … Behind me sit the whole of my opponents.''

Dr Paul Strangio is a senior lecturer in politics at Monash University, and co-editor of Confusion: The Making of the Australian Two-Party System.