Illustration: Dyson

Illustration: Dyson

No one likes this emissions trading scheme. If you're worried about global warming, it is inadequate, a compromise diluted by more compromises to blunt its impact. If you don't believe that burning carbon is heating up the planet, it's pointless: it's just a tax that will cost jobs.

Yet when Labor was elected two years ago, there was a bipartisan consensus on the need to act against climate change. The Howard government pledged to introduce its own scheme from 2011 or 2012 - without any dissent from Nick Minchin, Barnaby Joyce or any other Coalition MPs or senators. Ross Garnaut, appointed by the Labor states, was working with his team on what would become a world-class blueprint on how to cut emissions at minimum cost.

Now, two years later, we are about to find out whether we will end up with an emissions trading scheme so watered-down that it would not reduce our emissions for another generation - or whether we end up with nothing, to start again after next year's election.

How did that bipartisan consensus dissipate, leaving us with a choice between doing nothing, or having an ineffective scheme - which, Brian Walters, SC, warns in legal advice to the Greens, could require taxpayers to pay ''up to several orders of magnitude greater than the compensation currently proposed'' if it has to be strengthened later.

There are many reasons why the consensus vanished. Let's take a few:

First, as Sir Isaac Newton observed, ''to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction''. Every landmark step that has made us the country we are proud of has been opposed by people motivated by inertia, familiarity with the way things are, or by vested interest.

Two centuries ago, when William Wilberforce led the campaign to abolish the slave trade, the counterparts of Nick Minchin and Barnaby Joyce fought to defend it as an area of legitimate business in which governments should not interfere. Yet who thinks we should allow slavery today? In that argument, which side was right?

A century ago, the big issue in the Western world was whether women should have the right to vote. Those who oppose new ideas blocked it for years with all kinds of arguments as to why women should have no say. Yet who today would argue that only males should be allowed to vote? Who got it right?

It's been the same on issue after issue. Defenders of the status quo fought against working people having the right to vote: it was only in 1950 that all Victorians got the right to vote for the Legislative Council. Sir Winston Churchill in the 1930s was obsessed not only with combating Hitler but also with combating Gandhi, opposing any suggestion that India be given independence.

Under John Howard, the Coalition in the 1980s opposed the introduction of Medicare and compulsory superannuation with the same kind of wacky overstatement some of them now use on climate change (such as Joyce telling us we won't be able to buy steaks).

Or remember the fear campaign waged against the introduction of unleaded petrol? We were told cars would be way more expensive and engines wouldn't start. It was all rubbish, put out by vested interests and those who instinctively oppose change.

Tackling climate change is far bigger and tougher and more complex. It will increase the cost of energy, and while there are easy ways to reduce our energy use, they are paths we have not taken. Read between the lines of a new report by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, End use energy intensity in the Australian economy, and it shows that almost all gains in energy efficiency in the past 20 years have been wiped out by trends that use more energy: bigger houses, halogen lights, SUVs, video games, plasma TVs, and so on. Tackling climate change effectively will challenge what we now take for granted.

These changes will create losers. Some companies squealing for compensation are just trying to squeeze money out of a weak government. But if the emissions trading scheme has any teeth, Victoria's brown coal power stations gradually will close. Even so, compensation should be limited to shut-down costs, generating alternative employment, and grants or tax breaks for investors to build new, low-emission stations.

The second reason the issue is too hard for politicians to solve is that climate change is a global problem, yet we have no global government. Garnaut called it ''diabolical'' because no government can solve it, yet action by all countries of any size is needed.

In Australia, the campaign against the emissions trading scheme has highlighted the costs it would place on us today, yet, as Garnaut argued, the biggest costs of climate change are likely to be felt 100 years hence - and the people of the future have no say in our decisions now.

Third, it is clear that the world is warming, but there is uncertainty about how serious the consequences will be. How far will the seas rise? Will it melt the Arctic, and the Greenland and the West Antarctic ice shelves? Will food production be able to keep up in a dryer, hotter Australia?

In the real world, progress comes unevenly, in ugly, inadequate compromises that fail to meet their goals. That's where we are now.

Tim Colebatch is Age economics editor. This column is based on a speech he will give tonight at the Hamer Oration.