Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Service of Motherhood

By Charles Stanley:
"Children are a blessing from the Lord (Ps. 127:3-5). Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the needs of their families. Whether they are awake at night nursing a baby, spending their time and money on less-than-grateful teenagers, or preparing meals, moms continuously put others before themselves.

Sometimes this constant serving can be exhausting and even discouraging-particularly for a first-time mother. But you can take real encouragement from Jesus. One of the best examples of gracious servanthood is found in John 13:3-16. By kneeling to wash His disciples’ feet, the Lord showed that the key to true leadership is humility. And it is humility that leads to eternal reward.

Unless you are willing to stoop down and get your hands dirty, you will miss the real riches of motherhood. By dying to your own desires and pouring your life into someone else, you become like Christ and create a godly legacy that will carry on for generations to come. What greater blessing could one hope for? Of course, the motivation for serving others is not to reap benefits, but when we follow God’s plan for our life, that’s what happens.

In giving us children, God places us in a position of both leadership and service. He calls us to give up our lives for someone else’s sake-to abandon our own desires and put our child’s interests first. Yet, according to His perfect design, it is through this selflessness that we can become truly fulfilled."
One of my take-aways from all this is how much this applies to not just motherhood, but life in general and that perhaps the biggest problems we face comes down to just the two things mentioned here: (1)selfless servitude--or lack there of and (2)humility--or lack there of.  It was ironic this devotional touched on humility because recently I was thinking it is the single most important quality to have as all other good qualities seem to stem from it. I wouldn't say humility is the key to leadership, but rather the key to life. I don't know if our modern world can even grasp anymore the concept of humility, as evidenced in this video:

Feminism aids in the cultural misunderstanding about humility, because it is a philosophy that is "me" first. Behind all the "women's rights and issues" efforts, the life force behind feminism is making us turn inward to a life of selfish servitude and sometimes arrogance. That side effect of feminism is something we all absorb; women, men, and children.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New Blog Look and Anti-Feminism Theme

I am in the process of updating and refreshing the look of this blog. When one first starts blogging they never know where it will lead. In the beginning, I had the idea this would primarily be a homemaking blog. While such issues still greatly interest me, it is not my passion when it comes to writing. What I love is fighting feminism and covering all sorts of related topics. Since that is the dominating theme here, I wanted to create a new look to make it clear this is an anti-feminist blog first and foremost. I will still cover other topics as I feel inspired. I also should reiterate that I write from a Christian worldview perspective.  Some believe this is primarily a stereotypical Christian blog filled with verse and theology. It is but it isn't.  I write about anti-feminists issues form a Christian lens, as opposed to some of those who write from a secular or atheist lens. With that said, I think I am pleased with my new header as it captures the dominant theme. My fight is against feminism because it breaks the bonds of "loyalty-harmony" (as shown on the banner between the two kneeling), the bonds that Christianity is largely based upon.To learn more about my header image, click here.

In the next few days I will be doing some spring cleaning with links, blogroll, and widgets. I have many I have been meaning to add to my blogroll. If you would like to come on board, please send me a link and I will consider. I also want to de-clutter the look and focus on the essential. I may add a new link section for "men's rights" since they are spearheading anti-feminist writing and doing a stellar job to boot. I realized why I spend so much time on men's site is because they are the ones taking feminism to task. Were women en masse holding feminism accountable, I would be at more female sites, but you just don't see that happening.

Probably every time you come here something will look different until I am done tinkering. Thanks for your continued support and I look forward to fighting feminism in all shapes and forms.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Conservative Feminists Claim Men Cause Abortions

To make it perfectly clear that conservative feminists are still feminists, I present the following from Red State Feminists in an article entitled “Successful Fetal Surgery at 19 Weeks: Time to Open Our Eyes to Fetal Life and to the Responsibility of Men” (also covered by MarkyMark and PMAFT ):

“…….it will finally be time to realize that ABORTION IS A MEN'S ISSUE. That's right, for too long we have assumed abortion is a women's issue. It's not. Men make women pregnant. Women don't make women pregnant. Can we open our eyes and see that reality, too?
It is the sexual incontinence of men that drives the vast majority of abortions in our nation. Men want to have sexual relations with no responsibility concerning what happens to their female lover--even if what happens is pregnancy. It's time for pastors and bishops and rabbis and imams to starting telling it like it is over the pulpit: "Men, if you made a woman pregnant, you are morally responsible for the abortion. God will hold you accountable that you sired a child in a context where you had no intention of taking care of the child and its mother." Isn't it time that we engaged the moral choices men are making that create the abortion problem in the first place? But most of these pastors and bishops and rabbis and imams are men, and so abortion wrongly remains a "women's issue."
If we are going to open our eyes to the reality of fetal life, then it's also time to open our eyes to the reality that it is men that are causing abortions. The next time your religious leader gives a sermon on the topic of abortion, listen carefully to see if they preach about both these realities. If they don't, then be a Red State Feminist and speak up!”

A few reoccurring themes:

1. Female denial/refusal to take responsibility for her part.
2. A religious scolding about the moral choices of men all the while women's moral choices get a pass. She is not morally responsible for the abortion or for perhaps even being as "sexually incontinent" as him.
3. The assumption that men have no intention of wanting or taking care of a child.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Horrors of Strengthening Men

This is not an endorsement for Allen West. It is merely my observation on the latest political brouhaha.
"Because, according to West, women's role is to strengthen men.  In his speech, he said:

"We need you to come in and lock shields to strengthen up the men that will go into the fight for you - to let these other women know, on the other side, these Planned Parenthood women, the Code Pink women, and all of these women who have been neutering American men and bringing us to the point of this incredible weakness, to let them know that we are not going to have our men become subservient. That's what we need you to do. Because if we don't, then the debt will continue to grow."
A million things can be inferred from this. I am only focusing on one--the horror that arises when it is suggested that women should support or strengthen men. Had it been suggested that man's role is to help strengthen women, one can imagine the outpouring of praise. Our culture is now built around strengthening women, yet one comment that women may have a role to play in strengthening men is deemed hateful. 

If as a woman you insist you don't need a man to fight for you---great! I wish you success. There was a time though, not too long ago when men and women needed each other. That time is long gone. Men are going their own way and women are going their own way. Sad, but that is reality. Despite the last several decades and all the efforts that were put forth to strengthen women (pushed by feminists, but granted by men), some women can not even shudder the thought of supporting men.

Some women will chuckle at this and take glee with the inference that men are so weak they need women to help them. This makes them feel strong. Oddly, it takes a strong person to admit they are weak or need help. That is more than some women can say.  Comments have already been made that West and presumably those who agree with him are "not real men". Oh, how familiar is that? I'm sure this stems from conservative women as well, ironically those who West thinks can help him. Since women have been raised to believe that "real women" don't need men for help, it follows that likewise "real men", don't need women for help. They don't know what else to think. Feminism killed the concept of interdependence.