Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rioting in Lyons - Videos

Those interested in videos of the rioting in Lyons and Paris can turn to François Desouche. Below, one of the videos - about two minutes in length - that captures the noise and chaos of the disruption. The high-school students were marching in protest against the retirement reform bill, when they were invaded by those who wait for such opportunities. There were many arrests and about twenty-five persons were slightly injured. The last few seconds of the video show similar violence in Nanterre, near Paris.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Guerilla Warfare in Lyons

The following appears at today's edition of Novopress. You should know that there have been student demonstrations in France over the government's plans to reform retirement. These demonstrations, as so often happens, provided a good excuse for gangs to move in and create mayhem:

Lyons is in a state of shock. Multicultural gangs taking advantage of demonstrations by high school students protesting the plan to reform retirement, set fire to the streets of the downtown area and caused blood to flow. Cars, trash cans, trucks, city property, have all been destroyed. Many businesses were attacked. Faced with urban warfare of this magnitude, the mayor of Lyons, Gérard Collomb, on a trip to Asia, announced his decision to return to his city by Wednesday morning, due to this emergency.

In the neighborhood of Croix-Rousse, in the 1st, 7th, and 8th arrondissements, there were multiple incidents. In Lyons, as in the Défense area of Paris, Foot Locker stores, that sell articles coveted by the thugs of the ghettos, were targeted by the rioters. The CNIT (center for new initiatives and trends) was partially closed as a security measure.

"Under the cobblestones, the beach", was the dream of the rioters of 1968. In 2010, under the cobblestones, the thugs?

According to
LCI, about sixty hooded thugs with iron bars went in the direction of Nanterre after tearing up the Foot Locker store in the Défense sector of Paris:

"There was some damage," explained the assistant manager of Foot Locker, "but our security guard intervened quickly. The young persons destroyed most notably the store windows, the mannequins and the metal curtain protecting the store", which remained closed today (Tuesday) while damage was being assessed. "They were young little guys wearing hoods who ran away when we intervened; they weren't very mean, and I did not see any iron bars," he said, toning down the story.

Note: I will try to have more later.

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Candidate Bardot?

Brigitte Bardot has written yet another letter to Nicolas Sarkozy. I'll never know why, but she must feel that by bringing him face to face with his failures she can trigger a change. As always with Bardot, this is about the suffering of animals ritually slaughtered to produce halal meat - not just for Muslims as we now know - but for all of France (and for much of the world). A previous letter in which she berated him and his ministers for their indifference and cowardice was posted at GalliaWatch in July. Here is her latest reprimand, taken from her website, in which she announces her intention to run for president of France in 2012!

Mr. President,

I have to admit that you are incapable of doing what you say you will do and of keeping your promises. It's appalling, scandalous, but that's the way it is!

On December 22, 2006, you wrote to me: "I want the halal slaughterhouses to begin now, concretely and rapidly, to implement a generalized procedure that stuns the animal before slaughter." You used even stronger language on September 27, 2007, at Elysée Palace, when you assured me that it was your job to "definitively impose" the stunning of animals during Jewish and Muslim ritual slaughter.

Not only have you done nothing, but your successive interior ministers made the decision for you by firmly opposing a generalized stunning of animals before bleeding them.

Because of you, in our slaughterhouses the animals' throats are slit while they are conscious. Their throat is cut, but they can still feel pain until they lose consciousness... These barbaric procedures are unworthy and unacceptable in our so-called civilized era!

Mr. President, you do not keep your word, it's a fact, everyone knows it, but what makes it even worse is that you refuse to tell the truth to your fellow citizens.

Today, the derogation allowing for slaughter without stunning is no longer an exception "limited" to ritual slaughter, but a general rule, even though the French people do not know they are consuming meat produced from cruel slaughtering methods. The European Union is concerned about this development that affects our country, and it is looking into labeling that would specify the method of slaughter.

Note: This implies that the E.U., which is very pro-Muslim and pro-halal, finds nonetheless that the French have gone too far in making halal the standard for everyone.

Your Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux declared that he would oppose this measure of transparency for the consumer. His staffers are going even further, since they are now working on a "halal referential", that would ban all forms of anesthesia for animals. The last straw is that the Muslim authorities did not ask for this. They acknowledge that there is nothing in their sacred texts that forbids the stunning of an animal before the blood-letting. Here, we have gone far beyond collaboration and this is certainly not helping to make our nation great!

Since you do the opposite of what you say, and since your ministers hide the truth from the French people, I am going to study the proposal from the "Alliance Ecologiste Indépendante" that I become their candidate in the 2012 presidential election... Somebody's voice must be heard in defense of the animals, since nobody, on the Right or Left, gives a damn!

I no longer have faith in you, but you could limit the damage by reminding your interior minister that France is a secular country. This would be a lesser evil.

Brigitte Bardot

If you click the link provided above to her website, you will see graphic images. At the bottom of the page is a link to her letter in PDF format.

The leaders of the AEI (Alliance Ecologiste Indépendante) are denying that they asked Bardot to be their candidate. Antoine Waechter, one of the two party chairmen declared:

"I don't know what misunderstanding could have led to such a supposition. The question was never raised by the offices of the AEI, and no measures regarding BB were ever submitted to me. (...) Mme Bardot's action is respectable, but not sufficient to warrant a presidential campaign."

And yet, according to Au Feminin:

Last September Mr. Waechter had written a letter to BB. A copy was sent to Agence France Press, and the least one can say is that it was not indifferent to the fame and the commitment of the former sex symbol:

"We will present candidates throughout the country in the 2012 legislative election, and we're looking for the best person to represent us in the 2012 presidential election. We have you in mind, and would like to discuss it with you."

Caught in the act of lying, Mr. Antoine Waechter! But why?

Note: I cannot answer the question. If she is telling the truth, and it appears she is, it could be the AEI is angry that she broke the news instead of the party itself. But she did not say she was a candidate; she only said that she would study their proposal. So I don't see why the AEI is backing off.

Var Matin published an interview with Bardot following her announcement to consider the offer from AEI. It is too long to translate, but here are a couple of passages:

- What got into you?

- My decision to be the AEI candidate in 2012 is above all aimed at stirring up the hornets' nest. Sarkozy is incapable of doing what he says, of keeping his promises. Somebody has to be heard. To think that I have to go into politics that I hate... but that's how laws are passed. The influence of my Foundation is unfortunately not enough.

- Isn't it an anachronism to find you in the camp of the ecologists, when everyone expects you to be on the side of the "hard" Right?

- You can say that I am neither on the Right or the Left, but on the side of the animals and of nature. I don't care a fig about the rest!

- Seriously, will you see this through?

- As I said, I'm thinking about it... Do you realize that for thirty-seven years I have been looking after the animals, and there is still no improvement. I'm 76, and I've had it. I'm not going to live fifty more years, so I really must get things moving! The politicians must react. Generally, I first write them a letter, then I insult them. Now I've decided to run (laughter).

- You thanked Carla Bruni for her position on furs. Will she extend a friendly hand to you?

- Pffft... No. Last June I sent her the first Bardot hand-bag made by Lancel. Two and a half months went by before she deigned to thank me. And it was only because I spoke about her lack of politeness to the media. I expect nothing from her, any more than from her husband who is happier taking care of the Roma than the animals.

Note: Bardot's candidacy, if it materializes, will be purely symbolic. It will be the anti-halal ticket, and as such it has much importance, but I doubt that she will make much of a dent in the voting results. We don't know what her position is on other issues, if indeed she has a position on any issue besides animal welfare. Will she come out against immigration, against public money being used to build mosques, against subsidies and medical care for immigrants? In the interview above she said she had no interest in anything but the animals. Does she realize that the lot of the French people has to improve before the animals can really be helped? The people have to regain pride in their country, their farms, their countryside, their culinary traditions, before they can give compassion to the animals. Children have to be properly cared for and educated, so that they grow up with a sense of responsibility towards the animals and nature. A lot of work has to be accomplished before halal becomes a dim memory.

In the name of "compassion", the French opened their borders to Muslims. The animals are paying the price for this "compassion" in suffering and blood. The French people are, in a manner of speaking, also being bled, as their numbers dwindle in favor of the "new blood" of immigrants.

The ritual slaughter thus becomes symbolic of the greater destruction of an entire civilization.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Pride of the Republic

In September, when schools re-opened, Nicolas Sarkozy made a trip to Marly-le-Roy, in the department of Yvelines, west of Paris. The school he visited is called an "internat d'excellence". We would call it a magnet school for gifted children. An "internat" is a boarding school, something that is still much more common in France than in the U.S.

Many of the students were children of immigrants. The president laid it on thick. But this is what we had to do in the public schools beginning way back in the late 60's when the demographics (to put it gently) began to change. Flatter them, pander to them, build up their self-esteem, and in so doing, rob them of any realistic self-analysis, deprive them of the intense satisfaction that only comes with achievement after hard work and self doubts, relieve them of all fear of failure, thus making the whole operation invalid from the outset. However, the topic of educational leveling is more complicated than that, and will wait for another time.

The JDD (Journal du Dimanche) had this account:

Nicolas Sarkozy wanted to show that he was not a "rich man's president". While visiting a new magnet school reserved for meritorious youngsters from under-privileged environments, he lauded the merits of this type of establishment. "This is a project that is dear to my heart," he assured them. For him it is about giving more opportunities to "children of the neighborhoods" since they are the "pride of the Republic". Created as part of Fadela Amara's plan called "espoirs banlieues" (hope for the suburbs), the magnet schools are just one government measure for developing social diversity in the preparatory classes for the "grandes écoles".

Note: The "grandes écoles" are schools of higher learning, equivalent to universities, but often considered to be academically superior. The graduates of these schools, who must pass a test in order to be accepted, are usually assured a position somewhere in the vast French network of government employment.

Fadela Amara, born in France, of Algerian origin, is Sarkozy's minister of urban policies, a position that is now under the Ministry of Labor, Social Relations and the Family.

In a speech strongly focussed on equality, the occupant of Elysée Palace proved himself to be very ambitious: "This is a place for all young people who want to pull themselves up, who want to succeed and who make an effort. We are going to give them an extra opportunity," promised the president. "You should be proud of your background," he declared to pupils most of whom were from immigrant families. "I want all this talk about poverty, fate, and giving up which associates origins and neighborhood with failure, to stop (...) A critical step in this process will take place here," he reassured them.

When schools re-opened, eleven magnet schools also opened their doors, in addition to the one in Sourdun (Seine-et-Marne), that has been operating for a year. Eventually the government plans to recruit up to 20,000 middle-school, high-school and university students. "Equality is not giving the same thing to everybody, it's giving more to those who have less", Nicolas Sarkozy, the ardent defender of meritocracy, said in summary. The 139 pupils of Marly-le-Roi, who came from Trappes, Villiers-le-Bel, Etampes, and other cities in the Parisian region, were chosen from 383 candidates.

The president also spoke of the ERS (establishments of social re-insertion), the first of which is to be inaugurated on Monday September 13. Young people, "who have experienced total failure in the regular educational system" will be sent there. About twenty of these ERS are to be created. Their mission will be to prepare these young persons for a "re-introduction into the educational system." If the experiment works, Nicolas Sarkozy is hoping that one ERS will be implanted into every school district. (...)

Note: If the students in these ERS have totally failed in the regular system, it is most likely because of their conduct (which, in turn, is related to a refusal to integrate into an alien culture, and to a low level of intelligence to begin with). In this case, the ERS is actually comparable to what we call a "boot camp" - a special school for teen-age thugs, truants, and general disrupters of order. Probably one IS needed in every school district.

The photo shows Sarkozy with a few of the lucky ones. Notice that they are all girls. This may be to show off that there is no gender bias, but more likely it is a reflection of the reality of inner-city schools. Most students are girls. The boys are in boot camps, in jail, or not in school at all. It is also possible that more girls are being born. I don't know if there are statistics on this, but there were many more girls than boys in my school district after 1968, and as time went on, the situation worsened. Girls filled most classes, with the boys in a tiny minority. At graduation, long lines of girls, short lines of boys, received their diplomas.

Note too, the blissful look on the face of the tall man in the background. Is he a politician? The school principal? No matter, he has the proud look of a new father. The red-haired woman, clearly moved by the occasion, looks like Fadela Amara.

One final comment: The French are clearly imitating us. We have managed to destroy our once-efficient public school system by implementing a curriculum based on liberal ideologies. Included in this vast chaotic failure are the magnet schools, that attracted as many bad students as good ones, and eventually wiped out the better ones. The predictable outcome of mixing the bad with the good is that the good will quickly disappear. Then everyone will be bad, and equality will have been achieved. That's how it's done, folks.

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Posting Issues

I've become aware that the archive feature of Blogger does not operate satisfactorily. When you click a month and year in the right margin, you are supposed to get a full and complete list of all the articles for that time period. Instead you get a partial list. Some, but not all, of the missing articles may appear in the previous month's listing. This means that some articles are not available anywhere in the archives unless you happen to know the perma-link. While most readers don't make extensive use of the archives, everyone should have access to all articles. This is a new problem since years ago it did not happen. It could be an issue of pagination. It could be that my articles are too long. But I still feel that everyone should have easy, obstacle-free access to all articles. The same problem exists with the so-called "labels". You should get a complete list of all articles that carry a certain label, but often it is only a partial list. I have, for example, hundreds of articles labeled Nicolas Sarkozy and Jean-Marie Le Pen. Apparently Blogger sets limitations on such things.

On a different note, recently I received some comments complaining that François Desouche was "off the air". However, when I checked, the problem had been resolved. I did not post those comments; however, if things like this happen, I like to be made aware as soon as possible. FDS has had many difficulties in the past, but always manages to come back.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

René Galinier - Not Quite Free

René Galinier is only half-free. He has been released from prison on the condition that he not return to his home in Nissan-lez-Enserune. According to an article at the website devoted to his case:

(...) A strict judicial surveillance and the forbiddance of a return to his home in Nissan are the two conditions for his release. This is a humiliation for this sick man and it places him in the worst psychological state, preventing him from preparing his defense in a trial that shouldn't be taking place at all, since it is certain that a jury will acquit him. He is being charged with attempted voluntary homicide; the case is likely to be tried by a criminal court.

The author of the article then adds that the demonstrations set for October 16 in 50 cities have been suspended. Instead they will wait to see if impartiality gets the upper hand over judicial harassment, and if not, there will be a major demonstration in November at Béziers - site of the prison where he spent two months.

Readers' comments are divided over whether or not they should continue to put pressure on the courts, or just wait. Waiting wins out. René Galinier is safe somewhere (his exact whereabouts are not known) and will probably benefit from some peace and quiet.

I'm surprised at the charge of "attempted voluntary homicide". Even if one feels he acted rashly, there was no premeditated intent to kill anyone. He was acting in self-defense. In America voluntary homicide is called "first-degree murder", and is a capital crime. Had he actually killed the girls, we might charge him with second-degree murder or with manslaughter, but we could not charge first-degree murder because there was no "malice aforethought". The French courts are going to have to prove INTENT. He did not set out to kill anyone that night. His home was broken into. He could have invited the two girls in for tea, yes that's true, but his natural and normal instincts were to grab a gun and shoot. And, as a reader reminds us, he DID call the police first.

The only case the court has is one of "racism" because of a remark he made: "sale race" (dirty race). They may try to convince the jury that this remark proves he had a pre-existing prejudice that predisposed him to commit murder. An argument that is weak as water. He needs a very good lawyer. The real question remains unanswered: Will the two culprits be brought to trial as well? Or is Galinier just being used by the justice system as a kind of scapegoat, in order to avoid any trouble with the gypsies? They cannot release him to go home, because he may be killed. They cannot arrest the two girls because violence may break out. So Galinier is a diversion, until they figure out what to do.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Sarkozy the Catholic

On Friday Nicolas Sarkozy paid a visit to Pope Benedict in Rome. The hypocrisy behind such a journey was wryly noted by many critics from different perspectives - the "laïcards" (secularists) at Riposte Laïque believe he disgraced France by making the sign of the cross four times and reciting the Pater Noster, something the head of a country where "laïcité" reigns supreme must never do (they say). Others, closer to Catholicism, feel his trip was pure publicity designed to win over disgruntled Catholic voters who are now sorry they voted for him in 2007. Still others are critical of his unexpected request for a rosary from the Pope, to give as a gift to his wife's grand-niece. Does one ask the Pope for a gift? I don't know, but it would never occur to me to do it. The Pope graciously gave him the rosary, probably feeling it was better to give it than refuse. Who knows, it may bring solace to the girl. And France could use another rosary.

In an analysis of Sarkozy's latest electoral manipulations, Yves Daoudal, writing in his weekly journal Daoudal Hebdo #98, enumerates some of the feats Sarkozy is performing in his bid to be re-elected in 2012. First, he pretends to deport the Roma gypsies. Yes, they are deported, but if they so choose, they can return to France after their "vacation" in Rumania.

Then he turns to "Sarko the Catholic":

On a visit to Vézelay he rhapsodized over the Christian heritage of France, announced he would order restoration work to be done on Vézelay and, speaking of the "the long mantle of churches, basilicas and cathedrals on our territory," misquoted a line from an 11th century monk. The actual line reads: "You would have thought that when the world shook itself, it threw off its old clothes in order to cover itself in a white vestment of churches."

The mantle covering France is therefore white, not long. But Sarkozy probably finds the mantle a bit too long...

Daoudal then relates that while in Vézelay, Sarkozy attended a screening of the movie "Des hommes et des dieux" (Of Gods and Men), about the monks of Tibéhirine in Algeria, who were killed in still unexplained circumstances. Among other comments made by the president, who had visited Tibéhirine when he was still Interior Minister, this one stands out:

"In Tibéhirine, I understood the invincible strength of love and true meaning of the word 'tolerance.'"

And he did not fail to add that "brother Christian de Chergé does honor to secular and republican France." (sic)

Finally the visit to the Pope:

This is the crowning achievement of all that preceded it and set the stage for this great event. On September 8, Nicolas Sarkozy announced he was going to meet Benedict XVI. The Vatican spokesman drily responded to journalists: "If the French president has a request, it will be taken into consideration, according to the usual procedure." The uncouth man then condescended to make an official request. And, on September 28, the Vatican announced an October 8 meeting. Since I am writing this on October 6, I don't know what our president will say. But I'm sure it will be beautiful and very Catholic. Unfortunately, we won't have a photo of him with the world's most beautiful woman: for the obvious reason that the third wife of the twice-divorced president is not going on this trip...

Now, of course, we all know what Sarkozy said and did. Here is a short adaptation of the account of the trip from JDD:

Sobriety, serenity and spirituality. For his second visit to the Vatican, Nicolas Sarkozy avoided the errors in protocol of December 2007, when he was accompanied by a vulgar comedian named Jean-Marie Bigard, and by his wife Carla Bruni. The couple had not been married in a church.

Nicolas Sarkozy entered the room known as the "Little Throne Room" where a slightly tense Benedict XVI awaited him. "Hello, Mr. President", said the Pope, warmly shaking his hand. Nicolas Sarkozy answered: "I am very happy to see you once again". Benedict recalled his fond memories of his 2008 trip to France. "It is France that has a wonderful memory of your visit. It was a great success," complimented Sarkozy who was more and more relaxed. The two men went into the library for a discussion about which little is known except that it dealt with international matters.

The two exchanged gifts. Mémoires d'outre-tombe and Le Génie du Christianisme, two original editions by Chateaubriand (who was ambassador to the Holy See) offered by Sarkozy; a porcelain and an engraving of Saint Peter's offered by the Pope.

But the president wanted more. After the exchange of gifts, he leaned towards the successor of Saint Peter and asked for a rosary for his wife's grand-niece. No sooner said than done. Rather than being offended by this small twist on protocol, Benedict XVI had a secretary bring in a rosary. The Pope does not refuse the French president anything.

The article then describes the circumstances in which he made the sign of the cross four times, and his recitation of the Pater Noster, just before leaving the basilica.

Other websites have had much to say about this visit. A comment by Robert Marchenoir at Le Salon Beige indicates that Sarkozy's request for a rosary was completely out of line:

- This was gross. The gifts offered weren't enough for him. He felt perfectly entitled to ask for another. With the excuse that it wasn't for him. The Pope did not offer gifts to Mr. Nicolas Sarkozy, he offered them to the President of the French Republic. What does the grand-niece of Madame have to do with this?

Not to mention the electoral objective of his action.

Another comment:

- If he thinks we're going to vote for him as a result of this visit, he is sadly mistaken. Those who turned in a blank ballot (in 2007) did so because of the non-negotiable points and because of his wretched record as minister of the Interior. The points are still there, but in addition we have had to put up with his crazy ideas and his flashy life-style that we did not know about at the time.

Note: The non-negotiable points of the Church relate to ethical issues such as cloning, abortion, euthanasia, etc... Catholic voters who wanted to vote for Sarkozy in 2007 had to wrestle with themselves before going to the polls that day. Some abstained, some left the ballot blank, but many did vote for him.

Really, they think Catholics are idiots. The Holy Father must have laughed to himself even though his affection for the former Eldest Daughter of the Church is still great and he must feel great pity for us.

But Nicolas Sarkozy is not the only French president to have asked for a rosary. According to another comment:

- On this topic, I have an anecdote in the same vein on a meeting between François Mitterand and Pope John-Paul II (if my memory serves me correctly, there was a story on this in Paris-Match at the time). Danielle Mitterand did not dare ask the Pope for a rosary, so her husband asked for it instead on her behalf.

It's interesting that two of the most disastrous presidents in recent French history asked for a rosary. And in both cases it was for someone else. Maybe it is not unusual to ask the Pope for a rosary, but when a head of State does it, the effect is an embarassment for his country.

More of a faux-pas, I feel, was his comment about Christian de Chergé, reported above. To say that this monk brought honor to secular and republican France is to insult the monks and the Cistercian order. He should have said that Christian de Chergé brought honor to France. But that would have been too traditional...

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René Galinier - Free At Last

According to a message from Novopress, René Galinier was released from prison today (Wednesday, October 13). I will post a longer article when I have more information. The issues now are whether or not he will still be prosecuted and whether or not the two girls will ever be punished.

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

René Galinier - Update 3

According to Novopress, René Galinier, the 74-year old victim of a burglary by two young gypsy girls whom he shot and wounded, has once again been denied his freedom by the appeals court of Montpellier. On October 5, the court deemed that:

" (...) keeping him in detention is the only way to bring to an end the exceptional and persistent disruption to public order, provoked by the gravity of the infraction, the circumstances of its commission, and the degree of damage". Remember - the "infraction" (...) was that, on August 5, he caught two female burglars inside of his home and shot and wounded them.

The court also presented this quite incredible argument: "A release could also arouse incomprehension within the victims' ethnic group and trigger fears of reprisals over the indictment."

Note: I'm not sure of the exact translation of the above passage. First, it seems the court is regarding the two girls as the victims (of course, in a way they ARE victims of the shots fired by Galinier). Second, what indictment is the court referring to? Certainly not that brought against Galinier. It must refer to the investigation and indictment of the girls themselves (which has not yet taken place). Which means the girls are not victims. The court does not seem to acknowledge Galinier as being in any way a victim of the girls, but the court does admit to its fear of a gypsy vendetta! Novopress goes on:

So René Galinier will remain in prison because, as an ethnic Frenchman, he shot two Gypsies instead of two girls from Brittany! And since the Gypsies have a strong sense of family, or so it seems, they could decide to take justice into their own hands! The French justice system recognizes that it cannot protect "Papy Galinier" against an ethnic vendetta!

The article concludes with a quick reminder of the many demonstrations that have taken place in support of Galinier and the many that are planned for the days and weeks to come.

Another article from Novopress, posted about 24 hours later, indicates that René Galinier is suffering from depression as a result of the court's decision. He now fears they will never let him out:

René Galinier was deeply upset when he heard he would be kept in prison. And now he fears he will never get out. Except feet first. "Now, they will never let me go", he confided to a cellmate, adding, "My heart won't hold out." He is suffering from prostate cancer and needs regular medical care. Both Michèle Alliot-Marie (Minister of Justice) and Nicolas Sarkozy were informed of this in August, shortly after his imprisonment.

While René Galinier has been indicted for "attempted voluntary homicide" because he shot two young women who had broken into his home, the two girls, to the best of my knowledge, have still not been brought before a French judge. One of the two gypsies, Marina P. even left France, without any trouble, for a country of eastern Europe. She could not even claim she was underage, since she is 21. (...)

With Marina P. gone, the justice system must fear only the family of the other "victim", Sanela M., 11 years old, who is still hospitalized (...)

Note: I had reported that both girls were out of the hospital. That information could have been wrong or it came after this article was posted.

This article also closes with information about demonstrations in support of René Galinier, and says that two more deputies from the ruling UMP party have signed a petition urging that he be released: Lionnel Luca and Philippe Vitel.

French readers can keep up with the latest, either at Novopress or at this special website.

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Boycott Campbell's Soup

I borrowed the image above from Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch. He provides several links to articles on the decision to go halal by Campbell's Soup (Canadian branch). The comments are interesting too - many urge a boycott of Campbell products, others insist they will renounce the stocks they hold in the company.

Note that Campbell is doing this to please the ISNA (Islamic Society of North America), a "Wahhabi-funded racket" with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

You can also check out TPMMuckraker and Scaramouche.

Most of all, you should take a look at the Muslim website based in Canada. They provide a list of Campbell products that are halal. Note the Arabic script in the steam, below.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Halal for Delta Airlines

If you travel by air, it is best to take your own food. Gate Gourmet, the major supplier of food for airlines, has announced it will be serving only halal food. This appears to affect Delta Airlines, as well as numerous European companies. Read the article, dated September 10, from the Financial Times if you are registered. If not, here are a few excerpts. Please note that a similar article appeared in the Daily Mail around the same time, and was linked in a GalliaWatch post, but the Mail article did not mention Delta.

The airline meal is heading for an unexpected transformation, as the world’s largest independent aviation caterer looks at making most of its dishes halal, or compliant with Islamic dietary laws.

“My aim is to make our large hub operations halal compliant,” said Guy Dubois, chief executive of Swiss-based Gategroup, whose Gate Gourmet division customers include Delta, Cathay Pacific and British Airways. Its first dedicated halal kitchen will open soon at London’s Heathrow airport.

“If I produce everything according to halal standards, I will reduce complexity and increase cost effectiveness,” he said. “It isn’t driven by social or religious considerations.”

Halal dishes cannot contain pork or alcohol and any meat in them must be from animals killed by a cut to the throat so they are drained of blood.

Airline caterers have long made such meals in smaller parts of their kitchens, but Gategroup believes it will be the first company based in a country without a big Muslim population to switch to making its main kitchens halal. (...)

But for the $12bn airline catering industry, the more pressing concern is the added complexity and costs of halal meals, which must be made, stored and transported separately from non-halal or “haram” (forbidden) food.

Care must be taken to ensure kitchen cleaning products contain no alcohol, for instance.

The large industrial dishwashers that caterers use have to be drained and disinfected after washing equipment from a western airline before they can wash an all-halal airline’s utensils, a process that takes up to four hours.

Storing halal food separately also takes up valuable space, which is “a major inefficiency”, said Peter van Niekerk, the head of Gategroup in the UK.

The company’s new £2m ($3m) halal facility at Heathrow is much smaller than the main kitchen, but Mr van Niekerk sees obvious cost benefits in what he calls an “inversion”, where the larger area becomes halal and the smaller one non-halal. (...)

Note: "Inversion" = "invasion"

Gategroup’s Mr Dubois said: “Today, halal food is a special meal, but I can see a time where pork chops are the special meal and all the rest is common.”

Mr. Dubois sees clearly into the future.

We are not allowed to smoke anywhere - not even in our own apartments according to some leases, we are not allowed to even think that white people are victims of racism, and soon we will not be allowed to eat Western-style food on planes. Infamy! Will Americans who travel protest, or just dig into their halal meal and complain that it wasn't tasty enough?

The problem, as I have pointed out in other posts on this topic, is that you will not know you are eating halal food, unless you do some research ahead of time.

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Saturday, October 09, 2010

A "Concrete Example of Dhimmitude"

The city of Woippy, in the department of Moselle, region of Lorraine, has a long history going back to Gallo-Roman times. The first written mention of the city called "Guapeio" is in a Papal brief dating from 1123.

Jumping ahead, the city was annexed to the German Empire in 1871, following the Franco-Prussian War, and returned to France in 1918 following WWI.

Woippy was again annexed to the Third Reich from 1940 to 1944, during which time it was renamed "Wappingen". It was the scene of numerous deportations, and of factories that made mechanical parts for the Third Reich, using the labor of Soviet Ukrainian prisoners of war and members of the Moselle resistance. This industrial complex was heavily bombed by the Americans in 1944, an event that had a profound traumatic affect on the inhabitants of Metz and Woippy. The city was finally liberated by Patton's 95th Infantry Division in November 1944. (Source: Wikipedia)

Today it appears that Woippy is once again annexed to an alien power, in this case Islam. It did not happen as a result of conventional warfare, but rather as a predictable consequence of the dhimmitude of the mayor, François Grosdidier (photo).

Yves Daoudal has written on several occasions about Woippy, noting that the construction of the Woippy mosque was entirely financed by the city in the name of an "intercultural center." Grosdidier himself admitted that the financing was illegal, but skirted the issue by saying: "A mosque can only be a private establishment. Here we have a public establishment." But as Daoudal points out in his weekly Daoudal Hebdo, #97:

Therefore, it was financed by the city as a public establishment. And yet it is a mosque and only a mosque, built according to the rules of Islam. Therefore, it's a public mosque... obviously reserved for Muslims.

Just as avenue de Thionville that leads to the mosque is public. But Grosdidier had street lamps topped with a bulb bearing the Islamic crescent installed all along the avenue.

And the city turned over to the Muslims "the management of the intercultural center"... It's all free. The Muslims do not pay rent, or any other fee. It's the city that foots the entire bill.

To be precise, François Grosdidier had decided that this is how it would be for the first two years.

The two years have passed. During the Aïd el-Fitr holiday, last September 10, a thousand Muslims gathered at the mosque "to celebrate with fervor the end of Ramadan", as a local paper put it.

The article goes on to say that the Muslim leaders of the mosque thanked the city for its financial assistance.Then they asked for one more year of freedom from financial obligations in order to pay the imam they were hoping to recruit.

François Grosdidier might have felt that this was getting to be a bit much. But no, he didn't. After all it was not his money, but that of his constituents and if they reelect him it will be because the dhimmis of Woippy are happy to finance Islam. François Grosdidier therefore reassured the Muslim association:

"I was determined that you should practice your faith in dignity, but also in physical, psychological and juridical security. We are well aware that your first responsibility today is to welcome a full-time imam. It would be an absurdity for a place such as an intercultural center not to have a minister of the faith. The city will continue to help you financially for as long as it takes for you to recruit an imam, organize yourselves around your association and then take responsibility for the whole operation. We will have to arrive at an agreement that clarifies the relations between the association and the city, because it is important that we define these reciprocal guarantees. "

Thus, François Grosdidier went beyond the Muslim requests. They asked for one more year of freedom from financial obligations, and he gave them an indefinite extension... Until they are able to take full responsibility for the whole operation... And how will they do that, since they have arranged not to assume this responsibility today? So an agreement will be necessary by which the city commits to paying for everything (except, it seems, for the imam), with no limitation on time, and the Muslims agree that everything will be paid for by the infidels of Woippy...

Dhimmitude is characterized most notably by the tribute that the infidels must pay the Muslim community. Woippy is a concrete example of dhimmitude.

Bruno Gollnisch, of the Front National adds this:

A former worker for the extreme Right, the UMP mayor of Woippy has chosen, as have many others, the path of dhimmitude, of submission, not so much to Islam, as to the dominant ideology of the UMPS (i.e., UMP + PS). The ideology that wants French France, in the name of "inevitable evolutions"and the "meaning of history", to disappear in favor of a "pluralistic" society, a mosaic, atomized and communitarian.

Note: In other words split, like an atom, into ethnic groups, with no dominant French culture.

Note: Regarding the financial obligations of Muslims, from all I have read since I first started this website, it seems safe to say that no one ever really expected them to assume their own financial obligations. The idea from the outset was that the cities should foot the bill for very long periods of time, until the cities actually became of the owners of the mosques. This is in total violation of the 1905 law. You can review one of my earliest posts on this topic here.

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Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Geert Wilders' Trial

Those interested in following the Geert Wilders trial should turn to Gates of Vienna for updates. The latest article is entitled The Second Day of the Kangaroo Trial. There's much more on the home page.

On the home page there is also a troubling article on the travails of being an anti-Islamic blogger in Switzerland. If you did not know things were that bad, this article should give you plenty of food for thought.

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His Final Bow? - Update

The previous post may have been just that - previous. A reader alerted me to the contents of Philippe de Villiers' website that has the following communiqué issued by Patrick Louis, general secretary of the MPF:

Philippe de Villiers has left the General Council of Vendée, the department he governed for 22 years. He indicated, in his press communiqué dated September 30, 2010, that it is in no way a withdrawal from political life, at least not from national politics.

In the current context of the major economic, social and political crisis, the MPF, more that ever, has its place in the French political landscape, and in the construction of the future of our country.

Confronted with the intentions of certain right-wing political organizations to reach out to our members, our officials and our supporters, the Mouvement Pour la France is sorry to answer them and to inform them that Philippe de Villiers, who conquered illness, and who has given up the governorship of his department, is more than ever in the national political race. We are, moreover, happy to see that so many political families are turning to the MPF, to such an extent that they are soliciting our electoral base and our members.

These mendacious methods, aimed only at political gain, are the signs of political clientelism. But politics, is not a game, nor is it a system of clientelism.

To quote the words of Philippe de Villiers: "Power is not something you buy ("une consommation"), it is a service."

We therefore call on all Frenchmen who have appreciated the work of Philippe de Villiers in Vendée to join the Mouvement Pour la France.

Note: It is too soon to know what this means. If, as Patrick Louis says, the MPF is not only alive and well, but recruiting new members, then the authors of all those articles at Novopress are guilty of misrepresenting the actual situation. They explicitly stated that the MPF no longer exists ("n'est plus"). To recruit new members is not unusual, but to state that a party is no longer functioning, when in fact it is functioning, is dirty pool.

But the next question to consider is this: What does Villiers mean by "national politics"? Is he going to forge a path of his own - something that is not likely to succeed, or is he going to enter into the government of Nicolas Sarkozy, something that has been rumored for a while and that seems now much more probable. If he does enter the government, what will he do, and how much leg room will Sarkozy give him?

Recently, Nicolas Sarkozy has been re-fashioning himself into a self-made right-winger, first by expelling a few gypsies (and then allowing them to return to France, with the blessings of the Rumanian government), second by reaching out to Catholic voters with promises to restore Christian churches, third, through more promises to arrest crime and criminals (the very criminals he allowed into the country and to whom he has offered all the benefits France can offer) and now, possibly, by allowing Philippe de Villiers into the government, presumably at the ministerial level, and in exchange for what no one knows at this point.

We can only wait with bated breath for the concrete results of these changes of habit.

On a completely different note, Marine Le Pen and Bruno Gollnisch are in competition for the leadership of the Front National. She has indicated that the FN is a centralizing party, jacobin in nature, without emphasis on regionalism, while Gollnisch insists he is the opposite - anti-jacobin, and devoted to the maintenance of regional differences and needs. To what extent all of this is genuine or politically expeditious, if not downright obscurantist, is also impossible to know at this time, but the FN has always been centralizing, and many have called it the party of the nationalist Left.

Note too that the more centralizing a party is, the more it will stress integration of foreigners and, by that very fact, intermarriage with foreigners.

The Bloc Identitaire rejected the FN because of its anti-regionalism. Philippe de Villiers seemingly rejected the UMP because of its open-borders policy, its pro-EU position, its laxness on crime, and its tendancy to eradicate the French national identity, including the regional identities, among other issues. Meanwhile, Riposte Laïque and its supporters fiercely defend republican values, meaning, at bottom, that anybody can live in France provided they obey the laws of the Republic. In other words, RL is also jacobin.

It will be interesting to watch how this plays out. But so far, Sarkozy has always won, no matter how much the polls show him at a disadvantage. He knows how to win, because he is a consummate liar and because people apparently want to be lied to (I think Louis de Funès said that in a movie. It fits the circumstance.)

And finally, on a nostalgic note, in a Paris-Match interview last summer, Louis de Bourbon said he is ready to rule, if the French call him.

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His Final Bow?

Philippe de Villiers has resigned his position as general councillor of the department of Vendée, and is thus ending his political career. About a year ago he was diagnosed with cancer, but he has fully recovered. His reasons for leaving are the topic of much speculation at Le Salon Beige and Novopress, and, I'm sure, many other sites. Villiers was the one French party leader I really liked - an appealing mixture of aristocracy and republicanism in the better sense of the word, a committed patriot, a resolute sovereigntist in the E.U. Parliament, and devoted governor of Vendée, he stood out by his outspoken belief in the incompatibility of Islam and French values, by his refusal to be associated with anti-Semitism, by his traditional positions on education, ethical issues and historical questions involving the Revolution, particularly as they affected Vendée, by his support for Alexander Solzhenitsyn when the rest of French politicos snubbed him. He was a practicing Catholic, and the father of seven, and though his personal life was far from spotless, his supporters would have gladly looked the other way in order to help him gain political stature and credibility among the French people. For reasons that I have never understood, the voters murdered him at the polls in 2007, and again in 2009, but I kept hoping he would hang in. When he joined in some sort of "pragmatic" association with Nicolas Sarkozy's UMP party last year, his detractors gloated that he had always been a cowardly weakling under the thumb of Sarkozy and he was simply returning to the fold, whence he came. I have to admit I was unhappy about his move and assumed that it was a maneuver to enter into national politics, but secretly I still kept hoping he would regain strength either in the Front National or in some other coalition.

Apparently he is war weary. Possibly all the disappointments and his illness have led him to reassess his life and his goals. For him to give up Vendée is truly astonishing, since the economic and cultural success of this one-of-a-kind department has been the major motivating force behind Villiers' tenacious reluctance to leave politics despite his lack of national recognition.

The Bloc Identitaire, the very active identitarian movement of regional resistance groups, has received into its ranks several members of Villiers' MPF party (Mouvement pour la France). They, in turn, are appealing to the other members of the MPF to join them. Novopress, the news service of the Bloc, posted this communiqué on October 1:

By resigning from the General Council of Vendée, Philippe de Villiers has just ended thirty years of a political struggle marked by his love for his region, his love for France and the defense of our civilization.

The MPF, already weakened by the lessening, over time, of its political specificity and by the electoral reversals that ensued, no longer exists. There will be plenty of time later to return to the maneuvers and intimidation (a dishonor to those who indulged in them) that forced Philippe de Villiers to refrain from expressing his indignation, and then to retire from the scene. The pressures he endured during the 2007 presidential election will remain, on this subject, extremely significant. Now the time has come to carry on his struggle and his work.

In two decades as head of the General Council of Vendée, Philippe de Villiers gave back to the Vendeans a pride in their common history all the while anchoring them in modernity. By restoring its sense of identity, he turned the region into one of the most dynamic of France, and one of the most harmonious, open to a Europe whose technocratic institutions he opposed, but whose rich civilizations and diverse cultures he always defended.

For some of us it has been years, for others a few months, since we realized that the MPF no longer had a future, and so we, former officials and members of the MPF, joined the Bloc Identitaire, in the belief that it was closest to the ideas that we have always advocated and that it was most likely to bring future gains. We can only say that the results have been most gratifying, both in the political sphere, and in the activist and human spheres.

Today we call on all members and leaders of the Mouvement pour la France to join us in the ranks of the identitarians, with the same audaciousness as that shown by Philippe de Villiers, who, in 1981, refused to serve the Socialists in power and, ending his career as prefect, embarked instead on his political and cultural combats.

We are here to welcome you.

Below, a picture of the cover of Minute, a paper publication that is carrying this story. Some excerpts have been published by Novopress, and I'll try to have a post on this soon.

If you are new to the site, and would like to know more about Philippe de Villiers, you can click the label below, but due to Blogger's limitations, you will probably only receive a partial list of the numerous articles about him.


Sunday, October 03, 2010

No Place to Debate

This article was on the home page of Yves Daoudal's blog yesterday (October 1). It summarizes in clear language an event that caused a flurry of activity in the media and on the Net. In a nutshell, a debate was cancelled twice to appease the dhimmis and the Muslims, then an impromptu gathering was held near the National Assembly by Riposte Laïque.

I've been receiving e-mails from RL and from readers. So here, first, is Daoudal's synopsis:

"La Droite Libre" ("The Free Right"), a sort of satellite party of Sarkozy's UMP party, that talks like the Front National (...), had scheduled a debate at UMP headquarters on the theme of "Immigration, Islamism: Is France threatened?"

Daoudal then lists some of the people who were to speak. They include Christine Tasin of Riposte Laïque, UMP deputy Christian Vanneste, and the mayor of Montfermeil Xavier Lemoine. All three, within certain limits, have been sharply critical of the Islamization of France.

Le Monde told its readers all the bad things they should know about such a debate, and the UMP party made known, two hours after the paper hit the streets, that la Droite Libre was not associated with UMP (sic) and that it could not therefore "hold the event at party headquarters."

La Droite Libre then decided to hold its debate in a room of the National Assembly. But this time, it was the CFCM (French Council on the Muslim Religion) that rose up, and issued a communiqué in the form of a fatwa, signed by its president Mohammed Moussaoui. The president of the National Assembly (similar to our speaker of the house), Bernard Accoyer, immediately banned the debate...

You will note that Mohammed Moussaoui wrote the following: "The CFCM denounces forcefully the unacceptable amalgamation of this unfortunate and scandalous association between the Muslim religion and the debate on immigration."

Daoudal points out:

The amalgamation is Mohammed Moussaoui in person. The president of the French Council on the Muslim Religion is of Moroccan nationality...

But you will note above all that the CFCM is an agency that can dictate its orders to the president of the National Assembly. And that the president of the National Assembly obeys the CFCM.

Other than that, dhimmitude is merely a point of view...

Here is the communique issued by La Droite Libre when it learned it could not hold its debate at UMP party headquarters or even at the National Assembly:

Yesterday to our great shock, the president of the National Assembly, Bernard Accoyer yielded to the pressures of the CFCM and decided to cancel this important meeting of La Droite Libre, in a place that is highly symbolic of debates of the Republic.

The event is laden with consequences: in truth, it is the first time, since the passing of the 1905 law, that a religious association has succeeded in obtaining a ban, pure and simple, of a public political meeting in the halls of national representation, on the pretext that Islam would be stigmatized. Our meeting, in the presence of political personalities, experts, and one imam, raised the issue of real connections between Islamist religious extremism and immigration which, if it turned out to be the truth, would place the values of France in danger."

La Droite Libre solemnly asks the president of the National Assembly if this was why he agreed to satisfy the freedom-destroying demands of a theocratic pressure group and if he believes, as does the CFCM, that Islamism is synonymous with Islam, which is not the opinion of la Droite Libre. We are sorry to say to those who expected to attend this debate that they cannot go to the National Assembly. We will organize a new meeting on these themes of major importance in the near future.

Note: La Droite Libre has a way to go in its understanding of Islam. The CFCM is telling the truth.

Riposte Laïque posted a long long long editorial by Cyrano, which I could never translate, but here, as usual, is a cartoon for your enjoyment. Bernard Accoyer speaks:

"I obey the CFCM and cancel the debate. No cojones, no trouble."

Then I received an e-mail from someone named Claude Barratier (actually the e-mail was sent to Riposte Laïque, but I received it since it was forwarded to those on RL's mailing list). He appears to be a contributor to RL, and a resolute proponent of laïcité. According to Barratier, this is no biggie. He says:

It's no big deal. It's only a problem of place not of substance. Just as Xavier B. is master of his UMP headquarters, so Accoyer is master of his.

Note: Xavier B. refers to Xavier Bertrand, general secretary of the UMP party.

Halls for discussions like this exist in Paris. The networks of the extreme-right can find them. You must continue the debate and in the future don't choose places that are apt to be forbidden, that should have been obvious (...)

Sarkozy is the promotion of monotheism, against laïcité. Review his speech in Rome. Catholics, Jews and Muslims are the heirs of this monotheism. Ecumenism (...) works very well in a State that has betrayed the Republic.

Note: It was in Rome, shortly after being elected, that Sarkozy spoke of "positive laïcité", meaning a recognition of the importance of religion, even for those who are not believers, and an equal respect for all religions. Secularists and Catholics, for entirely different reasons, were angered by the speech, the former resisting all forms of religion, the latter resisting Islamization. French readers can review his words here.

While I don't know anything about Claude Barratier, I would venture a guess that to him, caving in to the CFCM is not different from caving in to the Vatican. On the surface, this is true. But the religious heritage of France is Catholic, not Muslim, and the consequences of caving in to the CFCM will be a further deterioration of French values.

Furthermore, Barratier does not seem to question the notion that the three religions named have the same God. To him all religions are equally bad, or so it seems from the brief message above.

Finally, even though the debate was cancelled the group did meet in a restaurant and talk freely for two hours. This meeting was put on video, and Cyrano devoted a page of Riposte Laïque to the event. Cyrano admits that those present did not agree on many things, but were united in a sense of urgency over the crisis of Islamization:

The evening's participants did not all share the same vision of the society in which they want to live. It was obvious that the Catholic monarchist had no fond feelings for the secular, social and feminist Republic defended by Riposte Laïque. (...) As for 2012, some feel that Marine Le Pen is the solution, while others feel the battle has to be waged within the UMP, or the Left. (...)

Below a scene from their discussion in the restaurant.

Below, Christine Tasin with the group in front of the National Assembly.

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Saturday, October 02, 2010

The Three R's: Repent, Repress, Revise

Since July there have been debates and discussions on the new scholastic programs for French schools that minimize Louis XIV and Napoleon. Imagine that! - a French history curriculum that reduces to the level of bit-players the two most famous French rulers in history. Historian Dimitri Casali penned the following critique that was published at journalist Eric Brunet's blog. I am taking it from François Desouche:

Reading the 116 pages of new official directives for school programs is surrealistic if not downright painful!

Francis I, Henri IV, Louis XIV and Napoleon will be reduced to the bare bones minimum in this year's programs in favor of the African empires of Songhaï and Monomotapa! This official decision was made this year in the name of "openness to other civilizations of our world" and until now has hardly been talked about. This astounding news disrupts the major references and bases of the education of young French people and leaves historians speechless...

The study of the Revolution and the Empire are sacrificed in order to better study the major commercial trade practices of the 18th and 19th centuries, including slavery and the black slave trade.

The new program for 9th grade again takes up the slave trade for a possible total of three hours of class time while the whole history of the Revolution and the Empire is hastily covered in less than 8 hours... compared to 12 hours previously.

Even worse, the new program offers the possibility of covering the Revolution only until 1799. The teacher is then free to omit entirely the Consulate and the Empire from 1799 to 1815, thus skipping many fundamental events of our history! (...)

Another edifying example: Louis XIV, who took up a large part of the 1st trimester of 9th grade has been replaced by a topic called "The emergence of the absolute king". The Sun King has now been pushed back to 8th grade at the end of June, after a heavily-laden program that treats at length the African civilizations of Monomotapa and Songhaï and the eastern slave trade. The risk that Louis XIV will be totally passed over in silence is clear!

French readers can read the whole article here.

The same historian, Dimitri Casali, initiated a Facebook group called "Notre histoire forge notre avenir" ("our history forges our future"), according to an article posted at France-Soir. The Facebook group is also connected to a petition that had 1200 signatures as of August 28. Casali called the new changes "pure scandal", and deplored that "the deconstruction of our history is rampant, and the proponents of this revisionism are slowly making inroads without anyone reacting." Casali also denounced a France that is "absorbed only in its guilty conscience for its past and this endless mentality of repentance."

The secretary of the Association of History and Geography Teachers, Hubert Tison, however, declared in Le Figaro:

Many young people in our schools are of African origin: they too must recognize themselves in our curricula.

Historian Max Gallo, also quoted at François Desouche, linked above, declared his concern:

... a good knowledge of history is a guarantee, it is a means of reaching an understanding of the society in which one lives (...) one reaches an understanding of the values that structure a society.

It is as if you were asking if being amnesiac was a good way to live. A society suffering from amnesia is a society that has no values.

Also on the topic of education, a reader sent me this article, posted at Creeping Sharia, via PressTV, about a Christian primary school in Blackburn (U.K.) that is being turned into an Islamic school. Yves Daoudal has the story in French:

A primary school run by the Roman Catholic Church in Blackburn will most probably be turned into an Islamic school in the first instance of such a conversion in the UK.

The officials at the Sacred Heart RC Primary School in Blackburn, Lancashire said the proportion of students baptized as Catholics there has fallen from 91 percent ten years ago to just 3 percent, which means “5 or 6” students” — now.

According to the Diocese of Salford, which is now in charge of the school, it will not be “appropriate” if the Catholic Church continues to run it. The local religious authority said they are to close the school, which will be handed over to other candidates including a local mosque.

Currently 97 percent of those studying at the 197-pupil school are Muslims, many of them Asians of Indian and Pakistani origins.

If approved to be run by the mosque, the Sacred Heart RC Primary School will be the second such institution in the city alongside the nearby Tauheedul Islam Girls’ High School, which admits specifically Muslim students.

A decision on which institution will run the school will be made later by a competition mechanism in which parents have much to say.

The Tauheedul Islam Girls' High School, which is also among the candidates for taking over the administration of the primary school, has been a constant name on the top 10 non-selective state schools listed based on their exam performances.

A decision on which institution will run the school will be made later by a competition mechanism in which parents have much to say.

Just as bad, if not worse, this 10-minute video about American middle school children being taken on a trip to a mosque in Boston, Massachusetts. Fascinating, but horrible.

Here are two comments at YouTube from a Muslim (presumably) viewer:

- Islam is the right religion and Allah is the right god. We will soon be the majority, our numbers increase every day. We will win and Islam will rule because Americans and Europeans are weak and do not fight us. They think their government will stop us, but their government does nothing and they are afraid to do anything themselves! Haha!!! In 10 years the world will be under Sharia, everyone will pray Allah and those who refuse will be put in prison. And women will know their place once again.

- It is the right thing for Muslims to convert Christian, American, European and Jewish kids. It is wrong for Muslims to talk to infidels but when we live in America or Europe we have no choice. So it is right for Muslims to convert Americans and Europeans, they are just protecting themselves. They have the right to do this. Why do WE have to make the sacrifice to live with infidels? It is our right to live only with Muslims, so infidels must convert. Racists!


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