Showing newest 45 of 60 posts from August 2010. Show older posts
Showing newest 45 of 60 posts from August 2010. Show older posts

Tuesday, 31 August 2010

Communique from hiding in South America concerning the frame up of August 14 in Chile

translated from the italian translation in culmine

Thursday, August 26, 2010

We are writing from clandestinity all over South America. We delegates of the undersigned collectives are making an effort with the times to convene to send a message of truth to all aware people oppressed by the State of Chile.

1 - We condemn the terrorist way of acting of the State of Chile over the past 200 years of systematic repression and social inequality maintained by blood and fire by each of its rotting institutions.
2 - With the full force of our insurgent people we REJECT the performance of searches and arrests that plagued the young people on Saturday, August 14.
3 - With total absolute responsibility we hereby WE DECLARE that ALL those arrested do not belong to, nor have they ever been part of, the collectives that have decided to respond to historic State violence with bombs. We know this and the government of the clown Piñera and Attorney Peña also know it.
4 – WE ACCUSE, as directly responsible for this TV show, the State, the bosses and the fawning press, they have all hidden the social violence that they have imposed, pointing the finger at the occasional bomb explosions that are simply the outcome of the inequalities and oppression of this snob capitalism. THE STATE IMPOSES THE SOCIAL WAR, we did not invent it, we who are its victims. We, on the contrary, have stopped being victims and have risen up as free human beings.
5 – WE HAVE NEVER BEEN in the Occupied houses. Any person of normal intelligence knows that those are cultural spaces in which young people meet to converse, debate, and hope to live at community level. If the state CRIMINALISES these places is only due to pure myopia and implicit defeat in wanting to destroy anything they cannot understand. The systematic indiscriminate repression of the young is the zenith of the orthodox fascist.
6 – WE HAVE NEVER SUBMITTED TO nor have we entered into alliances with political parties or movements related to the right, centre or left. WE NEITHER HAVE NOR DO WE RECOGNISE the authority of anyone, either bureaucrats or marxist ex-combatants nor people with mental problems that claim actions that they never carried out (like this stranger who stabbed his girlfriend and still survives in prison). WE ARE libertarians. WE DO NOT HAVE MILITARY HIERARCHIES OR PARTY DIRECTIVES. WE ARE FREEDOM FIGHTERS. WE ARE EVERYONE.
7 - We, the undersigned collective, WE HAVE PLACED BOMBS. Our objectives were: banks, financial corporations, embassies, police stations, barracks, churches, political parties, gyms of the lords of this country, everything that belongs to the historical oppressors of the working people. WE DO NOT REPENT, moreover IT IS OUR PRIDE, as is the fact that so far no police have approached us. WE ARE THEIR DEFEAT.
8 – WE REALISE that the summer earthquake struck most of the structures of all the collectives, that limited our actions and so far it has not been possible to rebuild what was lost.
9 - In these over 20 years we have been using different types of weapons. If we had wanted we could have caused fatalities. The famous TNT has been a part of the popular arsenal for a number of years. The office of Chilectra attack was not the first time that we have used it, all the comrades responsible for this attack confirm so here. If you want to know where we got it the answer is simple: from the market, the same that you idolize and the new prosecutor protects. (In the investigations the Chilean military intelligence are looking into the actions carried out with the explosive TNT, - NDT).
10 - The Prosecutor Peña. What can we say about him. What everybody knows : that he was a cocaine addict as a student, called “jalandro” by his neighbors for being jalero, with a greater sense of inferiority than his stature, hungry for power and for the chair of national Attorney, a friend of big drugs traffickers at the expense of the small ones that he arrested, liar, coward and potential murderer. This is Attorney Peña. Journalists: DO NOT BE AFRAID to know the truth about this sinister bureaucrat.
11 – WE DECLARE OUR COLLECTIVE REPUDIATION of the frame-up against the 14 young people. Those guilty of the libertarian bombings are the State and capital.


Ile-de-France - 12 use excavator to try to extract contents from ATM cashpoints


31/08/2010 - Two cashpoints (ATMs) were attacked early today by a dozen bad guys equipped with an excavator from a construction site at Plessis-Robinson (Hauts-de-Seine). The robbers, who managed to escape, have largely destroyed the facade of the bank branch but failed to steal the contents of the two distributors, the sources said. According to preliminary investigation, the criminals had stolen a digger at a construction site near the bank branch, Tuesday around 5:00, before tackling the two distributors.
"They started the engine like that of a stolen car by joining the wires of the starter. And then they went straight to the bank, where they managed to pull out the two distributors," he told a source close to the investigation. Surprised by local residents alerted by the noise, the robbers then fled on scooters and motorcycles, leaving the digger in the middle of the square.
"It was a spectacular attack. One has bomb attacks, but such operations, with construction machinery, it is very rare, especially in Ile-de-France, stressed the source close to the investigation. According to the head of a supermarket located close to the agency, who requested anonymity, the excavator remained on site for a part of the day before being removed. "The machine was completely embedded in the facade, it was amazing..." says a shopper.

Burdwan, Bengal - Ration riot breaks out


Aug 31, 2010 - MEMARI, BURDWAN: Ration riots returned to Bengal after three years on Monday. Villagers of Kolemollickapur, Memari, torched the house of ration dealer Swapan Mondal, wrecked the panchayat office, gheraoed nine food corporation officials and fought pitched battles with police for seven hours demanding the arrest of ‘corrupt’ ration dealers.
The villagers attacked policemen with arrows, spears, stones and bricks. It took waves of lathi-charges and tear-gas shelling by the RAF to break up the attack. The situation is still tense. Tuesday could see more violence, fear locals. In 2007, ration riots had scorched six districts in Bengal.
Burdwan is in the grip of a severe drought and has already seen two farmer suicides due to starvation and debt.
A week ago villagers met the BDO and informed him that they were not getting rations. « On Friday, when officials visited the village, the locals demanded that the dealer’s licence be suspended. The team said they would have to see the documents but they were not allowed to. A mob of 300 gheraoed them until they were freed by police, » said Burdwan DM Onkar Singh Meena.
« People of four villages have not been getting ration on BPL and APL cards since the first week of August. Police promised to bring the FCI officials only when we gheraoed the road last week. When they came, villagers locked them in a school demanding the arrest of the ration dealer, » said Binod Mondal, a local.
Villagers are still blocking the Memari-Maldanga Road demanding the arrest of a ration dealer. Police have arrested six persons for Monday’s violence.

Tacoma, WA - Anarchists attack two banks

social rupture

30/08/2010 - The communique goes down like this:
"One bank was attacked and another sabotaged in Tacoma, Washington.
One of them being Wells Fargo the main investor in GEO Group and the Northwest Detention Center, an immigrant detention center(prison) that sits comfortably in the Tacoma tide flats. “NO PRISONS (A)” was spray painted on the side of the building and 3 windows were smashed. Bank of America also had an ATM card slotglued.
Bank of America is one of the three joint financial advisers (including Merrlin Lynch and Barclays Int.) for GEO Group Corp.
In solidarity with all imprisoned, in all prisons,
And for the destruction of the prison world.
- Anarchists"

Violent clashes in Jerusalem suburb, scores of Palestinians arrested


GAZA, Aug 30 (Saba) — Violent clashes erupted at dawn Monday between Israeli police and army forces and residents of the Jerusalem suburb of Silwan where many civians were arrested, according to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA).
Local radios said that Israeli police, army and intelligence forces stormed several homes in Silwan, arresting six Palestinians, including a woman.
They said that Palestinian youngsters pelted Israeli forces with stones and empty glass bottles. Occupation troops fired rubber and metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas at the angry crowds. No casualties were reported.
The arrests have been on for several days after Palestinians confronted radical Jewish groups which attempted to storm an ancient mosque. Several cars belonging to these groups were set ablaze.

Assago, nr Milan - Unpaid Carrefour workers fill up trolleys and refuse to pay

la repubblica

They approached the checkouts with trolleys full of pasta, water and nappies. "Let us go, we must feed our children."
It is the new warehouse workers protest at GS-Carrefour Pieve Emanuele, at the Carrefour supermarket in Assago, near Milan, to protest against non-payment of arrears.
When the manager of the supermarket arrived, negotiations took place to get an advance in the form of basic needs.
Then - after about half an hour inside - they left the trolleys in front of the counter and left the supermarket handing out leaflets.
For three months 60 warehouse workers of Pieve have had their pay packets reduced to zero hours and not been sent back to work. This despite two court decisions that give reason to the labour workers.
Yesterday a meeting between unions in the prefecture, Carrefour and Gemal consortium - which manages the contract - resolved nothing.

Gradisca, Italy - 3 military police wounded in escape attempt from detention centre


(ANSA) 29/08/2010 - TRIESTE - A new escape attempt, unsuccessful, last night in the middle of identification and deportation from Gradisca d'Isonzo. Three military wounded.
Around 21:30 am thirty detainees were up on the roof of the centre of the structure trying to climb over the railings, but the intervention of the military surveillance foiled the attempt.
It resulted in a brief scuffle, with three soldiers slightly injured by blunt objects used by immigrants.
[No mention of the condition of the prisoners]

Toowoomba, Australia - 'Thieves' cut alarm system and access safe at engineering company


August 31, 2010 - Thieves have pulled off an elaborate burglary at a Toowoomba engineering company to steal a five-figure sum from the safe.
Police said sometime between 5.30pm on Sunday and 7.30am yesterday, Gyral Implements in McDougall Street was broken into.
The culprits cut the alarm system on the outside of the building, removed the blue-strobe light and jemmied several doors to gain entry.
They then used grinders from within the premises to break into the safe and steal a "substantial sum of money''.

Berhampore, India - Students and teachers riot after death of a student

social rupture

28/08/2010 - Students and teachers of a school in West Bengal's Murshidabad district clashed with the police on Friday following the accidental death of a student. Twenty people were injured in the violence and road traffic was disrupted.
Four students were injured by bullets allegedly fired by the police while 16 policemen were hurt in brickbatting.
According to the police, Khaleda Khatun, a class IX student of Murari Pukur High School at Suti, was killed on the spot after being run over by a speeding truck while coming to school.To protest against this, students and teachers of the school put up blockades on NH-34, the highway linking north and south Bengal, disrupting traffic movement, they said.
When the police arrived at the spot, the agitators ransacked their vehicle and pelted stones at them.
Following this, the policemen lathicharged the people and fired tear gas shells, sources said, adding 16 policemen were injured in brickbatting.

Darwin - Fire, prisoners on the roof at Australian immigration centre


29 August 2010 - SYDNEY - Masked men, some armed with long poles, are standing on the roof of an Australian immigration centre in which a fire broke out Sunday, reports said.
One section of the Darwin Immigration Detention Centre, which houses up to 500 asylum-seekers, had been on fire but the flames had now been put out, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation said.
The immigration department refused to give details but said they were working with emergency services to deal with the incident.
"There’s an ongoing incident at the centre," a spokesman told AFP.
Reports said about a dozen men were on top of the building, banging on the roof and making noise, and attempting to stop anyone climbing up to join them.
The men appeared to be wearing masks while some were wearing hoods and others had paint on their faces, the ABC said.
Australia has a policy of mandatory detention for boatpeople and generally processes asylum-seekers at Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean but increased numbers of arrivals has recently forced the reopening of centres on the mainland.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Thessaloniki, Greece - Attacks for Solidarity to the Anarchists in Chile

fromthegreekstreets /culmine

Sunday, August 29, 2010
The night of Saturday 28th of August attacks occured against 5 diplomatic vehicles in Thessaloniki. The action was claimed by a group named “Diplomatic Body of Arsonists (for the intensification of international solidarity)” and is dedicated to the comrades in Chile that are prosecuted, with 8 of them being imprisoned and 6 more facing charges, and to Panayiotis Masouras and Charis Chatzimichelakis, in preventive detention in Conspiracy of Cells of Fire case. Just 31 August the Court of Appeal will decide whether or not to extend custody for two of them.



The injury of another prisoner in Grevena prisons caused a riot today. Prisoners burnt their mattresses demanding better living conditions, more leave days etc. The conditions in most of democracy's hell holes are inhuman.
Vangelis Pallis (49 years old), aka ‘Apache’, seriously injured inside Trikala’s jail Saturday, August 28, 2010
This morning, at 9 o’ clock, Vangelis Pallis was found in his cell seriously injured in the neck by a piece of glass. The headquarters of the jail said that he did it by himself. The advocate ordered his cell to be sealed for further investigation. Vangelis Pallis is now in the intensive care, hospitalized in a very serious situation.
Vangelis Pallis has many times in the past participated in riots inside the jail. In the big riot in the jails in November 2008, as he was a member of the steering committee, he was on a hunger strike for a long time. People that know him say that there is not even one chance in a million that he injured himself with his own will
As you understand, he is fighting against the cruel conditions of the jail. Therefore, our suspicions about what really happened are not unrealistic.
Updates soon.
Picture from outside Trikala jail Aug 2010

Colmar, France experimental field of GM vines sabotaged


In the night between 14 and 15 August, sixty reapers and harvesters destroyed the 70 plants of the experimental field of the Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Colmar. After entering into the ground at about 5 am they started to destroy the biotech variety, then they alerted the media.
The same variety, planted in 2005, had been sabotaged in 2009.
The director of the INRA at Colmar Jean Masson says that after the previous attack, at a cost of 16,000 euros, the researchers were able to re-graft the cut plants. This time however, with great regret, he announces that it will be very difficult to save the project since the trees were also uprooted [unwittingly providing an interesting suggestion to Night mowers].
After the attack of 2009, for which a man was sentenced to a fine of $ 2000, INRA had taken several precautions to protect the site: a double fence, military barbed wire, an intruder alarm and cctv camera system that would have prevented further acts of vandalism.
The alarm worked, but the reapers closed themselves in the field with chains and took time to eradicate it. The police arrived 10 minutes after the break in, but were unable to do anything decisive. The mowers were taken to the police station of Colmar and interrogated before being released.
In 2007 France introduced the "crime of mowing" involving a tightening of penalties from simple damage. The introduction of this repressive tool is, however, crippled by the environment that gave birth to it: in fact it refers only to the mowing of GM maize, which has been widespread in these years, not the destruction of other biotech varieties.

Saturday, 28 August 2010

France: Lille, Nantes, Toulouse one night in August

translated from cette semaine

August 25, 2010 - Bois Blancs, Lille
Police in response at Bois-Blancs were attacked by thrown missiles on Monday night when they accosted the occupants of a suspicious vehicle. It was during a routine intervention that police officers were attacked around 22:30 Monday night in rue Coli in Bois-Blancs.
Officers were busy controlling the occupants of a suspicious vehicle that had been reported following a theft of car accessories carried out the same morning in the neighborhood when some unknown people emerged and started throwing projectiles at them. The windshields of two police vehicles were damaged. There were no injuries. The police, however, had to curtail their presence on site, taking with them the five occupants of the vehicle, three minors and two majors. They were released yesterday, no link having yet been established with the flight.
The investigation continues on this subject, and another investigation was opened by Lille metropolitan Police regarding throwing of projectiles.
Yesterday afternoon, an identity control was to be conducted in the area of Bois-Blancs. "To show the whole world that there are no zones of lawlessness," explained a police source said yesterday.

Nantes: Violence in neighborhoods north of Nantes after arrests (AFP)
August 25, 2010 NANTES - About thirty young people participated in urban violence during the night between Tuesday and Wednesday in a northern district of Nantes following the arrest of three of them, it was learned from the prefecture. "A group of people, some hooded, and armed with iron bars, attacked street fixtures, smashing the windows of a store, a school and two vehicles" after arrests for robbery, In addition to bus shelters and school windows being smashed, a burning car and a van were still visible late Wednesday morning in the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood was quiet, without any visible police presence.
The violence occurred at about 23:00, said the prefecture. Shortly before, around 19:00, the arrests took place nearby, in which two policemen were slightly wounded, the source said. Of the three people arrested, one was able to flee, according to deputy prosecutor in Nantes. "The inquiry has been hectic," tear gas had to be used, says one police source.
Shortly after 23:00, many calls from witnesses at the central state were "thirty to forty people picking on bus shelters and bus shops, some were hooded and armed with iron bars, he said. Upon arrival of police, including half a company of CRS, supported by the PBM (local security group), the CDI (Company departmental intervention) and BAC (anti-crime brigade), the demonstrators had fled, police said.

Toulouse: Gunfire and stones against police
August 25, 2010 - Toulouse: Gunfire and stones against police (Le Parisien, 25/08/2010)
Police came under heavy gunfire and stone-throwing that injured one of them in the night of Tuesday to Wednesday in the sensitive district of Bagatelle in Toulouse. Officers of the Mirail anti-crime brigade were called before midnight to intervene in the city where shots had been fired. In helping a victim of the shooting police were repeatedly fired at with a shotgun by masked individuals, reported the union Alliance. According to another professional organization, the SGP-FO police unit, the first union of peacekeepers one particular individual in a vehicle opened fire on the car of the LAC.
The ensuing chase turned into an ambush when police were confronted with about fifty people engaged in classic stone throwing, said Police Unit SGP-FO.
One policeman was wounded by the hail of stones. An inquest has been opened for attempted homicide of the police officers.

Friday, 27 August 2010

Communiqué from Mónica Caballero, anarchist prisoner in Chile

translated from culmine with rage love and solidarity, to be read, corrected and circulated without delay.

27/08/2010 - Chile
All the insurgents:
The hegemony of power came on the scene on August 14, around 7 am, when agents of the GOPE enetered the place where I live or lived, the squatted house "La Crota", destroying the gate of our library, the CDAI (Centro de Documentación Anarquista Itinerant) by linking it to a machine and pulling it away. Hearing the noise I just made it in time to go into the courtyard where police, armed to the teeth and with their characteristic arrogance, blocked me.
Later I was taken to a room where they read out the accusations for which I continue to be held. During the same procedure my hands were submitted to an examination, in search for traces of explosives. This examination was carried out without my knowing anything without anything being explained: a huge mistake on my part. The same examination was made against two other people who were in my beloved home: Vinicio Aguilera and Diego Morales, and is the only evidence that they have to accuse them. I tried to greet my fellow humans, canines and felines. One of my 4-legged comrades never stopped barking at the police. He never moved away from us. I stroked him and headed toward the front of the house, Biblioteka (CDAI), which was destroyed like a classic postcard of the totalitarian regimes. At that moment I was handcuffed, handcuffs that were my company for several hours on several occasions. In coming out from my beloved place, that the prosecutor would have described as "power centre", the press try to snap the perfect photo of the "bombers". They just received our deepest contempt. With my head never bowed I took the opportunity to shout slogans for the Mapuche prisoners, those who are currently on hunger strike. In the police car I was able to pick up on what news was being spread.
When I reached 33 ° Commissariat I found several others in my same situation and more who were continuing to arrive. There are 14 of us. The courtroom hearings for the control of the generalities was full of comrades, friends, affini, relatives, brothers, who like us felt uncertainty. Illicit terrorist association and placing of explosive devices are the accusations against us. The formalization will be Tuesday. In coming out of the courtroom we managed to hear cries full of rage and anger from our people. Cries that deeply moved us and gave us strength for what was to come. We are not alone! Your actions and your attitude fills me with pride! Waiting until the formalization of the charges was eternal. Isolated, without any news, and not even a pencil. When the day arrived after Power had tried to leave us as long as possible in prison, through bars and handcuffs we managed to touch the hands of our comrades and shout a few words. During the hearing only one family member was allowed entry for each accused. The Church has associated with the Fiscalía Sur (the prosecution - NDT) and the Ministry of the Interior. The Prosecutor Alejandro Peña began with eloquence to expose the foundations of the Illicit Terrorist Association (which only exists in his head). According to him, the organization is informal, democratic and horizontal. At least this definition made us smile. So many years of investigation for such a complicated resolution?
What a precarious mentality for such honourable officials. Then, they continue with the evidence for each defendant: items such as books, photographs, written words, phone tapping, computers, pens, videos, posters and probably this same statement will be at the root of our dangerousness. As if the circus was not enough already, in a gesture both Machiavellian and morbid the respected attorney shows photos of Mauricio Morales who died after the explosion of the device destined for the school for prison screws in May 2009. He tried to wound us, but has only fueled our hatred.
A great element of proof would be the declaration of Gustavo Fuentes Aliaga, alias "El Grillo" narco-trafficker who on 31 December 2008 stabbed the comrade Candelaria Cortez-Monroy seven times. The court ordered 180 days of investigation.
But already we are no longer 14, but 8. 6 comrades remain kidnapped in the cells of capital. A strong hug to them. Four judges and years of investigations were not enough to find new items to mount an artifice of such proportions, leaving us in prison like this.
Currently I'm in SEAS (High Security Section) of the CPF (Female Penitentiary Centre) of Santiago. I shall continue with my vegan diet. The struggle against domination does not compromise up until the final consequences.
Proud of what I am and of my comrades, I embrace every act of solidarity and rebellion. They will not silence me. No more than the individual can and must fight for their freedom, nothing can move them but their heart.
May the wilderness protect the dear felines running on the rooftops and may a night of black auspices never come.
To everyone today and always: "Neither God nor master"
With a heart in pieces, but beating stronger than ever!!
By putting an end to all exercise of authority and power, make anarchy live.
Mónica Caballero, SEAS, CPF, Santiago, Chile, Anarchist Prisoner

Thursday, 26 August 2010

USA - Repressive structures up in flames

Kaikoura courthouse destroyed by fire yesterday morning.
25/08/2010 - Detective Richard Rolton, of Blenheim, said police had found the area someone had broken into the building and where they believed the fire started.
The remains of the 119-year-old courthouse will be demolished today as it was a risk to the public.
Kaikoura District Court manager Pip O’Connell said he had not yet found an venue for the next sitting of the District Court on September 10. He did not know if the courthouse would be rebuilt.
Fire Destroys Wisconsin Parole Office
08/25/2010 - A two-alarm fire destroyed a parole and probation office on 73rd Street and Capitol Drive at about 4:30 a.m. Tuesday.
Bright orange flames seared through the roof as firefighters began their attack about 4:30 a.m.
Afraid the roof would cave in, the firefight moved from the inside out. A second alarm sounded, and the fire was finally extinguished. Those first firefighters at the scene became a key part of the investigation.
Investigators won’t say yet if the fire is arson. Once the flames turned to ash, police and state Fire Marshal’s Office joined in, looking for clues as to how the fire started.
A rock appears to have shattered the front door and firefighters could tell where the flames first sparked.
The Department of Corrections is trying to salvage what records it can and is temporarily moving its 28 employees and operations to another location
Arson suspected at Liverpool Council chambers
25 August 2010 - POLICE have confirmed the devastating fire which destroyed Liverpool Council chambers on August 15 is being treated as suspicious.
The case has been taken over by the State Crime Command’s arson squad, which will continue the investigation into the fire.
Strike Force Guideon has been set up to focus solely on the investigation.
At 12.35am on Sunday, August 15, police and NSW Fire Brigades crews responded to the fire at the council’s chambers and administration centre on Hoxton Park Rd.
By the time crews arrived the fire was already alight with the building engulfed in flames.
An intruder alert sounded just before the fire started.
No one was injured as a result of the blaze.
Molotov cocktail hurled into new cell phone store
The arson squad is investigating after a Molotov cocktail was hurled at the ground floor of a commercial/residential building in Rosemont.
An alarm went off at 3:50 a.m. Wednesday when the front window was shattered, and a Molotov cocktail tossed into the store.Firefighters were quick to arrive at the scene, and were able to limit damage to the front of the building located at 2565 Belanger, near Molson.Nobody was injured in the attack, and none of the apartments above the store were damaged in any way.Investigators are gathering evidence to determine who pitched the incendiary device into the new store, which was reportedly set to open soon for business.
Girl, 15, charged with school arson
Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - A 15-year-old girl from Moosomin First Nation has been charged with arson following an Aug. 18 fire that destroyed a school trailer.
The fire also damaged a building adjacent to the wrecked school trailer, the RCMP said.
The girl is scheduled to appear in North Battleford provincial court on Sept. 23.
It was the second time public buildings burned on the reserve this summer.
On June 23, the RCMP office was substantially damaged by an early morning fire, which the RCMP suspected was arson.
No one has been charged in connection with that fire.
Moosomin First Nation is about 35 kilometres north of North Battleford.

Chile - Comunique from prison of arrested comrade Andrea Urzúa

translated from culmine with anger, love and solidarity

24/08/2010 - Comrades, friends, brothers, family,
A week has passed since the aggressor of women, the honourable Attorney Peña's, media show, (an allusion to a domestic violence complaint concerning the Chilean Marini - NDT). These have been hard days, far from my family, seeing a science fiction show on TV legitimised by audiences who have only shown how inefficient, ridiculous and barely credible the justice of the rich is.
It all started Saturday, August 14, at 6.50 am. While I was sleeping with my companion and my little daughter I heard a noise that made me think of an earthquake. But no, they were agents of the GOPE that ... were searching the place where I live. It was all very violent, while they were beating, blocking and handcuffing my companion I and my little one had weapons turned on us. A lot of shouting, excited police told us: "quiet, collaborate ... don't move, don't talk ... don't make it difficult" ... in those long seconds I thought I might be killed by those wretches with the little one in my arms ... we didn't understand what it was about ... we asked them to calm down, to show us the search warrant, what were the accusations ...
There was no reason for all the fuss ... we asked them not to aim their weapons as I was with my baby ... we tried once blocked, to calm them down and get them to explain to us what was happening ... a cop appeared, like the others, armed to the teeth, asking me my name, when I tell them who I am he looks satisfied to know ... everything was very stupid, they knew perfectly well that I lived there, knew where I work, the places I frequent, I saw them, they were too obvious ... about two months ago an RP came asking for me to my in-laws' house (where I live) with the excuse that I was a 'victim of VIF', it was obvious that the persecution that had gone on for years had not ended, that strange visit was intended merely to confirm my address. I do not want to present myself as a victim, but nothing can explain the violence of pointing a gun against an 11 month old baby girl,this action is at best despicable and without justification. At 7:45 in comes the Captain ... the one who was in charge of the searches and arrests. Only then did things calm down a bit ... forensic police in white overalls shut themselves in the bedroom where I sleep with my family (a room which, like the rest of the house was searched more than 6 times) they took away books, the computer, our telephones and an infinite number of things that really I do not understand what function they could have in “Operacion SALAMANDRA”. While they were searching every room of the house they were filming us, taking photos ... the captain tells me that my arrest is part of the investigations carried out by the comedian Attorney Peña, the famous Bombas case, investigations going on for four years, with four successive prosecutors, with arrests that led nowhere, that rely exclusively on the declaration of a schizophrenic, narco-trafficker and woman beater called Gustavo Fuentes Aliaga, alias "El Grillo". The accusations against me are: "transport of explosives and illicit terrorist association".
Between 9:30 and 10 they transferred me to 33 ° commissariat where I am "genteelly" received by a high-ranking policeman (without identification) who shouting asks me my name and threatens me with: "Now you'll see that this is not a game" ... the situation started to get heavy when I see "my friends" there too ... the press ... the jubilant cops ... the truth is, the situation was too much ... they try to subject my hand to an examination for signs of explosives, but I refuse because there was no lawyer present ... the show went on, other reporters, other cops, other people ... We are moved (in that place we were already 10) to the control of the arrests. There both the prosecutor and the Ministry of the Interior appear as complainants, for a judge there is donna Alejandra Apablaza who not only did not take our concerns into account, but left the investigations open until Tuesday 17.
I am taken to the high security section of the CPF (central Female Penitentiary) of Santiago, isolated from the other prisoners. On Tuesday, at the hearing for the validation of the arrests, the Catholic church associated itself as a complainant, after the preparation of the police programme that Peña had prepared shows us the "evidence" with which we are accused of illicit terrorist association. Telephone conversations that say nothing compared to the usual calls you can have between friends, videos that can be found on the Internet (made from TV programmes), leaflets, posters ... all public things in anyone's possession. They say we are an illegal association that has an "informal, horizontal and democratic" structure. That the leaders are Pablo and Garza. All the others, we would have a horizontal position, without intermediate leaders or any other position. It is said that our goal is the elimination of capital, the bourgeoisie, the church and any kind of power ... all with only 300 Chilean pesos.

The picture of the body of Punky Mauri after the explosion was shown to us in a Machiavellian sadistic way... and so on without any logic but to arrest us, trying to close the space of solidarity with political prisoners, counter-cultural spaces ( some of them defined by the prosecutor as "power centres") and all that is against the government, the system and power. I always thought that with the rise to power of Piñera all those against the fascist government of the bosses would be struck, but I never imagined that this would happen with such stupid, vulgar tricks. In fact the evidence is so rude and crude that it would not surprise me if this letter was seen as another proof against me. There are many things in my head, there are many ideas, so much anger and so much love ... kidnapping is the word I have in mind, I am another who has been kidnapped ... they are keeping me away from my family and friends only for being what I am: one that is convinced of the idea, an ironclad solidarity, one that thinks, one that criticises ... actually, as I once read: "Solidarity is a powerful weapon" and it is obvious that they fear it. When I got to know the struggle I fell in love with her. You can speak of madness, but it is my beautiful madness ... I struggle for emancipation, I love freedom with my whole being, with all my strength ...
Now it remains only (for the time being) to send you much newen (strength in Mapuche language - NDT) thanking you for each one of the demonstrations of affection and support. I ask you to keep your eyes open, because it does not end here, that's obvious. A strong, close and fraternal embrace to each one of you.
Andrea Urzúa Cid
P.P S.E.A.S. C.P.F.
August 21, 2010

Hlaing Bwe Township, Karen State - Two DKBA child soldiers desert

burma news international

25 /08/2010 - Two child soldiers [14 and 15 years] of the Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (DKBA), who did not want to join the Border Guard Force (BGF), deserted to KNU’s brigade 7 on 22 August.
"We don’t want to be Burmese Army soldiers. Our battalion commander told us that we would be in the Burmese Army in the future. When he was going back to the rear camp, we escaped. We want to fight the Burmese Army."
Saw Khu Muu has been in DKBA four years but Saw Der Eh was in service for a year. They live in Htee Yar Thay Htar and Kamar Htar village.
"I live in Htee Yar Thay Htar village. When I was 10 and studying in the fifth standard (middle school), DKBA soldiers came to our school and forcibly recruited us. Three of us, me and another third standard student, were taken away. Our parents and school teachers didn't say anything because they were afraid. I attended basic military training for four months but I didn't go to the battle front," Saw Khu Muu said.
Likewise, Saw Der Eh told KIC, "I have never studied in a school. I worked in a paddy field. DKBA soldiers took me from my paddy field after they said that they needed soldiers to attack Mi Aye Pu camp. My dad and mom were afraid to say anything. I have been in DKBA for a year."
The child soldiers brought two AR assault rifles, 176 rounds of ammunition and seven magazines with them.
some background reading:

Some angry news from Belgium

suie e cendres

Resistance against arrest
21/08/2010 - Brussels – In Molenbeek, a small riot occured between the police and youngsters. The police had arrested a man who was searched for and has to do one year of prison sentence. Around 50 people fropm the neigbourhood resisted the arrest by pushing the police. A security camera got destroyed and a police van lightly damaged. No one got hurt.
Minkcages opened
20/08/2010 - OTENHULLE/POEKE – Unknown persons opened the cages of 300 minks. The owner of the mink farm declared that he caught almost all the minks again because he had put a larger fence which was not destroyed.
Graffiti on court building
20/08/2010 - BRUSSELS – The police controlled a 20 year old man after he had written 'Faut niker het systeem' [Fuck the system] on the justice building. He tried to run, but got caught a bit later. He will recieve a bill.
200 car tires set on fire
19/08/2010 - CHARLEROI – 200 car tires are set on fire inside the fence of a garage. Firemen need two hours to put the fire down
Destruction in school
19/08/2010 - KEERBERGEN – Press reports destruction in school in Keerbergen. The last few months have seen an important rise of this kind in the region.
Policeman hit
19/08/2010 - ANDERLECHT – A driver, who wanted to escape a nightly control, has driven over a cop who got hurt. The car, driving without license plates was found a few streets further on, the driver escaped.
Riot in prison
19/08/2010 - LEUVEN – When during the night prison guards tried to put a prisoner in the isolation cell, he fought back and hurt two guards. The guards called the police for an intervention and a small riot followed where one cop got hurt. According to the prison director Henk Mortier the incident is to be minimized, but other sources speak about quite a heavy incident which proves again the ongoing unrest in the prison of Leuven.
Luxury car set on fire
19/08/2010 - ANTWERP – A Mercedes was set on fire and burned completely. Yet another luxury car burned in a series that is becoming larger and larger.
Guard taken hostage, attempted escape
18/08/2010 - LANTIN – Yassine Dibi, 24 years old, tried to escape from the prison of Lantin by taking hostage the director Steensens. However, guards managed to stop him. Yassine declared to the judiciary police he was trying to escape. Yassine has been condemned to 13 years of prison for armed robbery and another escape from the Justice Palace in Brussels a year ago, where a armed commando liberated Yassine and two other prisoners. For this escape, he was condemned to 3 years prison.
Fire destroys truck with new cars
18/08/2010 - HAZELDONK – A truck with seven brand new cars was completely destroyed by a fire, on a parking lot. Police privileges the possibility of an intentional arson.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Chile – Comunique from prison from Rodolfo el Garza Retamales


Chile - Communique from prison of Rodolfo Garza el Retamales
On 14 August, at 6:40am, my house was raided by police of the Dipolcar along with the Gope, in search of evidence and accusing me of being the leader of an illicit terrorist association, the warrant signed by the prosecutor investigating the 'caso bomba'.
With the passing of hours, and after being beaten by police of the Dipolcar and officer Segis Sostomo of the RP 3239 of the 30th police station, I learned that even my parents' house has been subjected to raids, as well as three social centres and 12 houses of comrades in different municipalities between Santiago and Valparaiso, with the balance of 14 arrests, all accused of being part of an anarchist cell with two leaders, two financers and 10 operative members, all in the sinister imagination of the prosecutor Peña. Even before the formalization of the charges we males were transferred to C.A.S. maximum security prison and the women to Centro de Orientation Femenina, all placed in isolation.
Tuesday 17 a hearing took place to formalize the situation and there we were able to hear the evidence against us: phone tapping, photos, videos, examined clothing and a surprise.
This turned out to be a character known as El Grillo, who has collaborated and has offered himself to the prosecution as a witness, pointing in his confessions to some people -who have been arrested – who according to him are responsible for a number of acts of sabotage.
For those who do not know, this character was arrested Dec. 31, 2008 for attempting to murder his wife, Candelaria, today accused of illicit terrorist association. At the time of arrest Fuentes, alias el grillo [the cricket], told prosecutor Armendariz, that he, along with Candelaria and another three persons, had made and placed bombs and that he knew those who carried out the acts of sabotage, in an obvious attempt to clean his image and pass himself off as a major player in the social struggle.
At the hearing the hours passed, 15 in total, and we learned a vast amount of false prosecution arguments that contradicted themselves, provoking a smile from even the jailers throughout the media show. Despite the substantial amount of arguments presented by defense lawyers, who de-legitimized the prosecution evidence demonstrating the inconsistencies, the pressure of the Government through the Ministry of Interior could be felt.
In the end, 8 out of 14 of us remain in prison. Power has played all his cards and its sinister attorney-star could not be seen in a bad light in front of the public.
Now once again I find myself going along these corridors full of young people who fill the walls of the Chilean prisons, because it is for them that they were built to accommodate and conceal the social injustice, poverty and inequality of this system where the rich get richer and the poor content themselves with the crumbs that the bosses bestow on them.
From listening to the radio today to which I belong, I thank and appreciate the support they have given me since the first day of my arrest. You will be under fire, from here all my support and my strength. A kiss to each one of you ... to all the programs we hear, to the glorious people of La Victoria and its neighbours, a kiss to my son and all those who have shown solidarity with affection.

Chile - list of comrades hostage of the state of Chile


22/08/2010 - Here is the list of the 14 comrades, that were and are, held hostage by the Chilean state. Below is the condition they are in, where they are being held and respective charges against them. Comrades held hostage:
Rodolfo Retamales: Held in C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days for conspiracy.
Pablo Morales: Held in C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days for conspiracy
Felipe Guerra: Held in C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days .
Carlos Riveros: In “freedom” pero precautionary measures.
Vinicio Aguilera: Held in C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days.
Mónica Caballeros: Held in C.O.F. formalized custody of 180 days.
Andrea Urzúa: Held in C.O.F. formalized custody of 180 days.
Camilo Pérez: In “freedom” but with precautionary measures.
Cristián Cancino: In “freedom” but with precautionary measures.
Diego Morales: In “freedom” but with precautionary measures.
Francisco Solar: Held in the C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days.
Omar Hermosilla: Held in C.A.S. formalized custody of 180 days, for conspiracy.
Candelaria Cortez: In “freedom” but with precautionary measures.
Iván Goldenberg: In “freedom” but with precautionary measures.
C.O.F.: Centro de Orientación Femenina
C.A.S.: Carcel de Alta Segurida
Precautionary Measures: Cannot leave the country, a ban on communicating with each other, sign weekly, prohibited from visiting prisoners or going to social centres and squats that were raided.

19 year old Richard Ñegüey Pilquimán, one of the 19 Mapuche on trial for resistance to Lleu Lleu is dead.


Mapuche territory -, August 22, 2010 - Richard Ñegüey Pilquimán only 19 years, died in his community, in Puerto Choque, Lleu Lleu. He apparently committed suicide. He was one of the 19 Mapuche on trial for resistance to Lleu Lleu, and was free but with restrictions.
The information was provided by the chief prosecutor of the Cañete Radio Bio Bio. Police said it "rejects the intervention of third parties."
Richard Ñegüey was accused of "illicit association to steal firewood” concerning the recuperation that his people were carrying out in the area of Puerto Choque, south of Lake Lleu Lleu.
Richard is the son of Peru Ñegüey Segundo, also indicted in the same trial.
What is strange is that out of the 19 accused, he was the one that risked the least years in prison. The sentence sought by the antimapuche prosecutor was 301 days in jail, and as Richard had no previous convictions, he could remain at liberty.
Accusations made by young people of Lleu Lleu, under threat of attorney Andres Cruz to defame the community and go on trial as protected witnesses should be held in consideration.

very bad news...
The tribunal of Concepcion decided that the prison guards can forcefully feed the Mapuche prisoners that are on hunger strike. There are 8 mapuche in the prisons of El manzano and in Lebu. 44 days after the hunger strike started, dizziness, alteration of the dreams, collapsing and even loss of consciousness is affecting the mobilization of those on hunger strike.

Monday, 23 August 2010

Germany - luxury cars continue to be torched


HUNDREDS of luxury cars are still being torched every year in Germany as part of a radical uprising against the capitalist system.
The latest reported incident saw an upmarket vehicle in Prenzlauer Berg set on fire on Wednesday this week, reports
There is a website calling 'burning cars' (Brennende Autos) which plots arson attacks on a Google-powered map.
The featured area is centred around Berlin, but there are so many incident flags on the map that the city is obscured, apparently overwhelmed by the rampaging fires.

Warren County, MO - Fiery spree leaves cop cars in flames


Warrenton - Two young men aged 19 and 21 were each charged with first-degree burglary, stealing a motor vehicle and stealing over $500. Bond is set at $100,000.
The sheriff reports: At about 1:30 a.m. Thursday, the duo went to the parking lot behind the courthouse in Warrenton. They put a firework into the fuel filler tube of a Warren County sheriff's patrol car and lit it. But the fire didn't catch, and the pair ran off. They went to a nearby home and stole a can of gasoline. Then, they put a gas-soaked rag into the fuel tank of a patrol car and lit it.They ran to a nearby park and watched as firefighters put out the fire. The car was gutted. It was worth about $8,000, the sheriff said, and contained several thousand dollars' worth of police equipment.
After that, the pair broke into two homes and stole a truck. Hours later, at about 11:45 p.m. Thursday, they put gasoline into a weed-killer pressure sprayer and sprayed gas onto three cars owned by the Warrenton Police Department. They lit the gas and watched as it burned out. They came back with more gasoline and charcoal lighter fluid. They started another fire on the police cars. An officer saw the fire and used a fire extinguisher to put out the fire. Only one police car was damaged.
A half-hour later, the men set the stolen truck on fire and drove it onto railroad tracks near the Highway 47 overpass in Warrenton.

Palaio Faliro, south of Athens - eight men pull out bars and escape from cop station cells


23/08/2010 - Two policemen stationed at the precinct of Palaio Faliro, south of Athens, were suspended yesterday after eight detainees escaped from their cells by pulling out the bars of their windows. Of the eight men, four Palestinians, two Afghans and an Algerian had been due for deportation. The eighth, a Pakistani, had been detained on drug dealing charges. Officers later traced two of the Palestinians. The two officers on duty at the time of the group escape have been charged with neglect

Agra, Uttar Pradesh - Angry farmers attack police and government officials

August 17th, 2010 - Agra : At least two Uttar Pradesh government officials and at least half-a-dozen policemen were injured Tuesday when they were attacked in Agra district by farmers whose land was acquired for the Yamuna Expressway project, police said.
The injured included sub-divisional magistrate (SDM), Etmadpur, Circle Officer, Etmadpur police station, and several jawans of the provincial armed constabulary.
Circle Officer Mahendra Singh was badly injured while tehsildar Pradeep Singh was hit on the head, forcing him to run for cover. He was later admitted to a nearby hospital after he began bleeding profusely, police said.
At least a dozen vehicles were smashed. The injured were been admitted to Agra emergency, a police officer said.
Police said Tuesday evening that farmers today ploughed the land in possession of the Expressway Authority and damaged the boundary wall of the company building the new highway to connect Greater Noida with Agra.
The agitated farmers of the Etmadpur area wanted parity in compensation rates with Noida and Aligarh farmers.
They told the police that they had collectively decided to go to any extent, as it was a matter of life and death for them.
When police tried to push them back from the expressway, the farmers turned violent and pelted stones. The violence, which started at 9 a.m., continued till 2 p.m.
Police also pelted stones after the mob refused to be pushed back. They also used batons and rubber bullets to disperse the mob. A large number of villagers reported injuries.
Reports said district administration officials were in Etmadpur area trying to persuade farmers to cool down and accept the state government’s terms promising enhanced compensation for the acquired land. But the farmers were adamant.

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Bristol (UK) - Mitie Head Office Targetted


13 August 2010 - “Mitie national headquarters in Emersons Green were visited. 43 windows smashed. Mitie bosses make money from the recession. They are parasites on councils, the public and their own workers who are exploited. To the Mitie workers we say our battle is not against you. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. We sympathise with the workers who were made redundant. To the Mitie bosses we say feeling nervous, under attack and unsure of the future? Welcome to Precarity.
There will be more visits.
Two Mitie vehicles were visited in Staple Hill and Lockleaze. Tyres punctured, windscreens smashed and bodywork damaged. This was done for the same reasons.”

Thursday, 19 August 2010

Azadi! Kashmiri women take to the streets


16/08/2010 - WOMEN are playing an incrasing frontline role in the Kashmiri people's struggle for freedom. Reports Soutik Biswas for the BBC: "Young and old, middle-class and poor, mostly dressed in floral tunics, they defy the armed forces, pelting stones at them, shouting slogans and singing anti-India songs. When night falls, some of them even lead protests with their children."Firdousi Farooq became involved after her 14-year-old son was murdered by Indian state forces who claimed the studious youngster was a "miscreant who was part of an unlawful assembly".
She said: "Why should I not protest? Why should I not pick up a stone? I am doing this in the honour of my martyred son. I am doing this for azadi (freedom) from subjugation and repression."
Adds Zaitun Khan, a young woman whose brother was murdered by state forces while on his way to work: "I will go and join the protests now. He never protested or threw a stone in his life. But he died. How many more men will have to die? I want to go out and protest and demand freedom. Freedom to live."
The report explains this is not the first time that women in Kashmir have come out in droves to protest, but their numbers and impact appear to be greater than ever before.

Santiago, Chile - 25 anarchists arrested before comrades appear in court


SANTIAGO – At least 25 people were arrested on Tuesday before the first court appearance of 15 suspects in a series of bombings in Santiago and other cities in Chile, police said.
The protesters, the majority of them fellow anarchists, were arrested for damaging public property and disturbing the peace.
Fourteen of the suspected anarchists appearing at the hearing were arrested last weekend in operations in Santiago and Valparaiso that included searches of squatter settlements in the capital and residences. The 15th defendant is an anarchist already serving prison time for previous offenses.
The courthouse in Santiago was surrounded early in the day by three security rings manned by about 150 police officers equipped with water cannons and tear gas. The security perimeter was extended to a nearby Metro station, where a checkpoint was set up to check the identification of people using the facility.
The tight security for the hearing, allowing only one relative of each of the suspects to be present, as well as only one reporter from each news outlet, caused a delay of more than one hour in the start of the proceedings.
Special prosecutor Alejandro Peña, who is in charge of the case, ordered last Saturday’s operations after investigating the attacks for several months.
Physical evidence, such as traces of explosives on the skin and clothing of some of the defendants, links the suspects to the bombings, prosecutor Marcos Emilfort, who is working with Peña, said Tuesday.
Rodolfo Retamales and Pablo Morales, two former members of the leftist Grupo Lautaro that fought the 1973-1990 military dictatorship of Gen. Augusto Pinochet, are among the suspects in the case. Retamales and Morales spent more than 12 years in prison for crimes committed after the restoration of democracy. The press has identified the two men as the masterminds behind the series of bombings that killed one person, an anarchist who was carrying a bomb on a bicycle in Santiago last year. The bombings targeted banks, the offices of foreign companies, embassies, churches and police stations in Santiago and other cities. Retamales’s lawyer, Alberto Espinoza, criticized the extensive media coverage of his client, saying that it “weakens the right to a defense a lot.” EFE

Patras, Greece - desperate migrants try to hide on trucks waiting to board ferries


18/08/2010 - Truck drivers clashed yesterday with illegal immigrants in the port of Patra, which has again become a hub for undocumented people seeking to stow away on passenger ferries heading for Italy.
Yesterday’s clashes were prompted by migrants trying to hide on trucks that were waiting to board ferries. Sources said that this sort of incident has been happening regularly lately. It is estimated that there are some 700 illegal immigrants currently living in Patra.
About 250 are Afghans who live in the northern part of the city, some 300 are Africans who live in the southern areas and the rest are North Africans who have found temporary shelter in old, abandoned buildings.
It has now become common for these migrants to stand outside bakeries or supermarkets in the hope of gleaning some scraps to eat. Some also rummage in trash dumpsters, as a decision by the Achaia Prefecture to provide the immigrants with one meal a day has yet to be acted upon.

Hundreds of villagers block highway in eastern Afghanistan to protest night raid by Nato and Afghan soldiers that left two people dead


18/08/2010 - Hundreds of villagers have blocked a highway in eastern Afghanistan to protest a night raid by Nato and Afghan soldiers that left two people dead.
A statement from the Nato-led International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) said two “Taliban insurgents” were killed in the raid in a district near Jalalabad.
But villagers said the men were civilians; their protest temporarily closed the highway connecting Jalalabad to Pakistan on Wednesday.
“The Americans who killed these people should come and see whether it is civilians or insurgents they killed,” Mohammad Gul, one of the protesters, said. “We need an explanation from them.”
Many of the protesters chanted anti-American slogans, like “down with Obama” and “down with foreign forces,” during the hours-long protest.
Isaf said the men had been involved in roadside bomb attacks, and that Nato and Afghan soldiers were fired upon from “multiple directions” as they entered the compound.

The protest mirrored a similar demonstration last week, when Nato and Afghan forces raided a house in Wardak province. Neighbours claimed the night raid killed three civilians, and hundreds of them took to the streets to protest the following afternoon.
Afghans have staged a number of similar protests in recent months: Villagers near Jalalabad burned tyres in May after a night raid killed at least nine people, and hundreds protested after Nato troops opened fire on a bus in Kandahar in April.

Paris - An individual enters the courtyard of the Elysee palace in car - arrested and placed in psychiatric hospital

PARIS 19/8/2010 - A man driving a car managed to open the doors of the presidential palace. He was arrested and placed in a psychiatric hospital.
On the night of Sunday to Monday, a man tried to enter the courtyard of the Elysee by car. At the wheel of a Renault Clio, the man went to the main entrance to the Presidential Palace, 55 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, circa 4:00 am. In order to impersonate an official car, the motorist has activated a beacon perched on his dashboard. According to RTL, which revealed information, the officer on duty at the gate warned the military command responsible for greeting visitors and control of the palace, but no policeman came to verify the identity of the driver. A policeman who was in the courtyard activated the gate, and the security supposed to block the path of the vehicle was lowered. The motorist was able to easily park inside the courtyard. The Elysee denies this story and says he was immediately arrested by the Republican Guards at the gate and handed over to police.

Naushero Feroze - Sindh flood victims battle with batons upon complaining


17/08/2010 - The government has not done enough to help the homeless flood victims of Naushero Feroze. When they tried to complain, they been brutally charged with batons. The same situation developed upon the departure of PML-N chief Nawaz Sharif from Sukkur, SAMAA reported on Tuesday.
According to details, after hearing about the arrival of Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah, the flood victims of Naushero Feroze reached near the Dadu-Moro Bridge, but for security reasons the administration did not allow them to go ahead.The flood victims tried to move ahead and after failing they started to protest aginst the restriction on their movement. The administration initially showered them with kicks and punches and later on thrashed them with batons.
Consequently, many sustained injuries.
Syed Zafar Ali Shah (MNA) has strongly condemned the baton charge and said that there was no reason to torture those who are already suffering from various troubles.
After Nawaz Sharif's departure from Degree College Relief Camp in Sukkur, there was unrest during the distribution of aid items. The police started a baton charge to control the flood victims. Consequently, many women and children sustained injuries; an old lady fainted.
According to the flood victims, without any planning the administration started to distribute aid items and all the deserving flood victims with cards were being ignored. Things were being distributed among the chosen known people which caused unrest and the situation got out of control.

Vitoria, Basque Countries - containers burned by hooded group

BILBAO, 19/08/2010 - The wave of attacks, street violence that began eleven days ago in Maruri and Ondarroa continued Tuesday in the capital of Alava with the burning of two containers by half a dozen hooded people.
For the police, the recent riots represent a qualitative leap in the campaign of street violence triggered this month and, according to sources, show that there is a reorganization within the ranks of the radicals, especially after the police exerted pressure for months had seriously hampered, or directly prevented many of their movements.
The riots took place in Vitoria at 21.45 hours in the neighbourhood of Zaramaga. In Mendoza six people with their faces hidden approached two containers in the street and set fire to them. They fled in a hurry and disappeared into the adjacent side streets.
The attack marks a difference from those that occurred in the early hours of Tuesday in Azkoitia, or last week in Zarautz, where street violence activists came to burn thirty garbage containers while the town celebrated its party (up to now it has been customary for the radical environment to provoke incidents that time). In Vitoria, however, there were celebrations and it has been shown that the attackers were perfectly covered up. Police experts say the fact that it was half a dozen hooded people is already a sign of a more organized decision to commit a higher level of street violence. Moreover, the continuit, there have now been six attacks of street violence since August 8, making the police believe that there is some kind of slogan at the base of carrying out this wave of unrest. Nor is it considered a coincidence that two large parties at the San Fermin in Pamplona and Vitoria passed without any disturbances, and that the escalation has occurred in recent days. According to some analysts of the security forces, it is still early to know which factors are behind this activation of street violence, but they are certain that there is a reorganization of the structures among radicals responsible for coordinating and controlling the attacks

Thessaloniki, Greece - Firebomb attack at Turkish Consulate


13/08/2010 - A predawn firebomb attack on the Turkish Consulate in Thessaloniki yesterday prompted contact between diplomats in Athens and Ankara, although authorities in the northern Greek city insisted that the Molotov cocktails were thrown at the police guards rather than at the building itself.
Police sources said that three men wearing motorcycle helmets approached the consulate, located on Aghiou Dimitriou Street in the city center, at about 4 a.m. From a distance, they started swearing at the two policemen who were standing guard outside the building. One of the three assailants allegedly shouted: “Pigs, we are going to burn you,” before two firebombs were thrown. One Molotov cocktail landed a few meters from the guards’ sentry post and set fire to a climbing ivy on the outer wall of the consulate; the other exploded in midair. Nobody was injured and no arrests were made.
Authorities are treating it as just another of the many firebomb attacks that take place in the northern city. Nevertheless, due to the sensitive nature of the matter, the Greek government was quick to condemn the incident “absolutely and categorically.”

Madrid - Police Academy and a Benetton store attacked in solidarity with the Mapuche prisoners


Last night the Benetton store (the company that in collaboration with the Chilean State steals land from the Mapuche people, and exploits them as cheap labor, confining them in kind of concentration camps) in calle Fuencarral, in Madrid was attacked again. The door was destroyed by a large stone and the inscription: "Here we exploit the Mapuche people" left at the secene. A police academy near Atocha was also attacked, this time the window of the entrance door was smashed with a hammer. The words: "Solidarity with the Mapuche people" and "animal killer".
For the defence of the earth, for the defence of all animals.
Solidarity with the Mapuche prisoners on hunger strike.
For the destruction of the means of production.
We have nothing to self-manage (and even less stupid celebrations of consumption).

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Milan, Italy - Revolt on the roofs of via Corelli detention centre. One escape.
16 2008 2010 - The roofs of Cie via Corelli in Milan have been the scene of a real revolt. The balance is 6 detainees and 5 policemen wounded and an Algerian immigrant who managed to escape and is now untraceable.
The clashes took place last night where 18 immigrants, 17 of them North Africans, climbed on the roofs of Cie Via Corelli Milano, causing unrest in order to break out.
Which was successful for one Algerian, who has since 'disappeared'.
The uprising caused damage, in particular some windows were destroyed. Six policemen were bruised, as well as 5 immigrants, three of whom were injured jumping from the roof to escape. All have been sued for damage and resisting a public officer.

Repressive strike in Chile. Solidarity now!

Agents of the BIPE (Police of Investigation) and the ERTA (equivalent to the SWAT) on the other side agents of the GOPE (Especial forces of the Normal Police), LABOCAR (CSI) and the department of intelligence of the police and a series of helicopters and police cars was the armoury used by the police for the 17 raids, in Santiago and Valparaiso, at dawn on Saturday August 14. Among the 17 houses were 3 Squats and Social Centres, the squats being La Crota Bike Punk and the Squat Social Centre and the Sacco and Vanzetti Library in downtown Santiago and the Autonomous Social Centre Johny Cariqueo in the Pudahuel municipality. Two houses were raided in Valparaiso. The excuse for this police operation lies in the “Bomb Case”, and 23 of the attacks with explosives registered in Santiago, which according to the police version would have direct links with the arrested.The first raid was in the squat La Crota Bike Punk by the GOPE where the result was 6 companions arrested. Of the six held three were kidnapped, a female comrade with an arrest warrant and for the other two the police invented traces of TNT on their hands. Then was the turn of the SSC and the Sacco and Vanzetti Library, by the ERTA and the BIPE, wheothey took out the metalic grid of the window with a police car. The agents also carried out shootings with rubber bullets, hitting the body of two companions. From this space were arrested 5 companions one of whom remain kidnapped.
At the same time the Libertarian Library Johnny Cariqueo was raided in the Pudahuel municipality, in this space the police breaking in smashing access doors and no one was arrested. The police also raided 14 houses, 12 in Santiago and 2 in Valparaiso.
With a total of 17 raids realized by the defenders of order and 14 companions kidnapped.
Formalization of the hostages.
This Saturday around 16:00 pm the companions where brought before the 11º Santiago Court Guarantee where the southern prosecution request extended their detention until next Tuesday, 17 August, where they would be charged with "installation of explosive or incendiary devices and terrorist conspiracy" (law made by Pinochet), a request which the Ministry of Interior would also make, risking 20 years. During the hearing, once again the circus nature of the Chilean courts was demonstrated. Judge Lidia Bruna agreed to each and every one of the requests of the Prosecutor and the Ministry of Interior (press presence, extending the period of detention for three days, isolation of the companions among themselves and from the outside, and also the order to bring the police collaborator Gustavo Fuentes "El Grillo" to the audience next tuesday, to formalize with the rest of the alleged members of this "terrorist conspiracy." The vultures of the bourgeois press were all in the courtroom and fired their flashes once the judge gave the signal for the guards to bring in the companions.
The arguments of the defence were heard and denied one after another. The judge had everything ready for each resolution automatically read it with her voice of old bitch from a paper on her desk. When they ask to a companion if they had anything to say in relation to detention, he said he had been repeatedly been threatened with death, and she responds “that’s all?”. Neither did the story about the destruction of particular houses of the companions seem to attract much attention. The Prosecution justify the injuries cause by the police to a companion of the Sacco and Vanzetti (a rubber bullet his head and he was kicked on the nose) in the fact he would have been looking out of a window of the building throwing things and destroying evidence, thing that the companion denied this version immediately calling it “Imaginative”, was reprimanded for showing disrespect to the prosecutors. So beating and threatening people with death and unnecessarily smashing into houses is part of the norm that judges uphold, but any questioning of the repressive apparatus cannot take place in this circus. This lady continued with the same attitude when the defense counsel talked about an "orchestration" between the different media to blame our comrades.
When it became clear that the show was already coming to an end on Tuesday at 9:00pm, they began to hear the cheers of support, very welcomed by the spirits of our companions. Banners spread outside the courtroom, songs of support were sung ("Free the prisoners to fight"), the expression of the old fascist lady was that of disgust and horror, some bodyguards immediately surrounded the prosecutor Alejandro Peña.
After wrangling between those who went to support our comrades with two types of police dogs (police and press), the fascist judge made another for the 14 comrades to be taken inside and then, from the cells area, came a contingent of furious policemen armed with sticks and shields, that flew over the benches of defendants and lawyers with the clear intention of beating up friends and relatives of the detainees.
Of course, the bourgeois press has noted that all the comrades who came to support, well as the accused, attacked the press and other guardians of the capitalist order, but the truth is that the aggression came from the guards, while police and journalists beat many people savagely, and outside the enclosure were joined by riot police launching a manhunt that was not intended to arrest anyone but to punish directly. The companion Luisa Vergara had a traumatic brain injury, the mother of one of the detainees had minor injuries caused by a fucking journalist, and luckily most of the windows of this temple of shit (the court) were destroyed to be used against the officers.
Also, several journalists were beaten and their cameras damaged. No companion was arrested but many were beaten by the agents. Once outside the courts the companions found out that the SSC and Library Sacco and Vanzetti was being closed by a joint operation by the two police deparments. During the afternoon, the building had been guarded by a truck from the PDI (Police Of Investigation), whose occupants at first denied entry to a group of companions, but later agreed to let them in and take some things, warning that there was an order not to let the building be reoccupied. Hours later, at about 18:30, police hentered the squat and were carrying out work to close all access. The Library and all the other things that were not seized (this time they took little in the raid) remained sequestered there. The police did not exhibit any eviction order or anything, and said it was orders of the prosecutor. They also said the squat would be recovered by their legitimate owners, the ISP (Internal Revenue Service). A quick operation that took them by surprise yielded a number of books that were put to safety, sparking a short police chase in the area without anyone being arrested.The Kidnapped Companions are:
-Pablo Morales: Ex-Lautarista (A military political organization that operates in Chile at the end of the dictatorship and the beginning of democracy). Arrested at his house in Santiago.-Rodolfo Retamales: Ex-Lautarista. Arrested at his house in Santiago. Also was raided their parent’s house.-Omar Hermosilla: Ex-Lautarista. Arrested at his house in Santiago.-Andrea Urzùa: In 2008 the police say that and Marcelo Villarroel (companions in trail for a bank robbery) were held. Arrested at his house in Santiago-Felipe Guerra: Arrested in SSC and Library Sacco and Vanzetti. Also was raided his mother’s house. The companion was injured by agents of the ERTA.-Cristian Cancino: He was arrested in the squat “La Idea” after the death of Mauricio Morales (comrade killed by his own bomb on May 22, 2009), where the police charged him with almost 500 grams of black gunpowder. Cristian decided to assume his guilt in a short trail to get out of jail.-Carlos Riveros: Arrested at his house in Santiago.-Camilo Perez: Arrested at his house in Santiago.-Ivan Goldenberg: Arrested at his house in Valparaiso. Police say the gun that Mauricio Morales was carryingat the time of his death, was owned by the grandfather of Ivan.-Candelaria Cortès-Monroy: Arrested at his house in Santiago. Candelaria in 2008 was stabbed by Gustavo Fuentes aka "El Grillo" who was his partner and who is accused of placing bombs.-Francisco Solar: Arrested at his house in Valparaiso.-Monica Caballero: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”.-Diego Morales: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”. The police invented that Diego has in his hands traces of TNT.-Vinicio Aguilera: Arrested at the squat “La Crota”. The police inveted that Vinicio also has in his hands traces of TNT.
All male companions are in the high security prison and female comrades in Women's Counseling Center.
Immediate Solidarity with our comrades kidnapped by Power!
The “terrorist conspiracy” exists only in the head of the prosecutor Peña!
More info, pictures and video: (In Spanish)

Monday, 16 August 2010

ANTI-ANARCHIST REPRESSION IN CHILE. Immediate freedom to the 14!!!


16 August 2010 - As was foreseeable and had been widely preannounced by the Chilean media, on August 14 a great round-up of anti-authoritarians and anarchists took place in Chile. Various social centres were raided and written material confiscated. 14 comrades were arrested. According to the Chilean media, investigations concerning over 100 explosive and arson attacks in Chile also concern European citizens, in particolar some Italians. Culmine, given the urgency of spreading information and communiques about the arrests, will publish material in Spanish and translate it into English as soon as possible. Given the seriousness of the attack on the Chilean anarchist movement, Culmine are available right away to spread solidarity initiatives for the arrested comrades struck by the repression.
a strong embrace to the Chilean comrades
Immediate freedom to the 14!!!

Some of those arrested
Pablo Morales Furiman
Rodolfo Retamales Leiva
Omar Hermosilla Marín
Andrea Urzúa Cid
Felipe Guerra Guajardo
Cristian Cancino Carrasco
Carlos Riveros Luttgue
Camilo Pérez Tamayo
Iván Goldenberg González
Candelaria Cortés-Monroy Infante
Francisco Solar Domínguez
Mónica Caballero Sepúlveda

It is not known who the other two comrades are.
We are in contact with our brothers, hopefully everything will work out for the best
Death to the police

from the Chilean media, Santiago Times (read with care)

Raids Lead To Arrest Of 14 Alleged Members Of Chilean Anarchist Group
Monday, 16 August 2010 00:52
Police say financing likely came from Italy, Greece, Mexico and Argentina.
Police on Saturday led simultaneous raids that resulted in the arrests of 14 people suspected of belonging to a Chilean anarchist group accused of more than 100 bombings.
“Operation Salamander” culminated with 200 special forces troops and police raiding 17 homes in Santiago and two in Valparaíso over the weekend. Those arrested are accused of being involved in bombings and other suspicious activities that have affected banks, businesses, police stations, hotels, churches and gymnasiums, according to Metropolitan District Attorney Alejandro Peña, who was in charge of the operation.
“The arrest warrants are for the crime of terrorist conspiracy and placing explosive devices to produce fear in the population,” Peña said at a press conference after the arrests were made.Police have divided the organization into two subgroups. The first, they say, was responsible for planning, giving orders and delivering explosives.
Those arrested from this side include Andrea Urzua, who was also arrested with explosives in Neuquén, Argentina, in 2008.
Another member of this part of the organization apprehended Saturday is Rodolfo Retamales Leiva. Police accused Leiva of leading the anarchist network. He was arrested at his home near the center of Santiago. Leiva in turn accused the police of beating him during the raid. His attorney, Alberto Espinoza, said Leiva was innocent and was being linked with the organization only because of his past.
Leiva, known as “The Heron,” has a history of activism. He became a member of the Lautaro Youth Movement in 1989 while studying at Universidad Central, and in the early 1990s, he was involved in robberies and planting explosives. In 1992, he was arrested in connection with the murder of three detectives guarding the house of former Metropolitan Region Gov. Luis Pareto. In 1994 he was sentenced to 40 years in prison for the crime, but he was given early parole in 2004.His parent’s house was also raided, where his mother’s computer was seized. Leiva's mother, Maria Cecilia Leiva, was agriculture undersecretary under the government of former President Michelle Bachelet. Neither of his parents is under investigation.
The other subgroup of the anarchist organization described by the police is said to be in charge of operational aspects. Members of this division planted the bombs, they say. Seven of the people arrested are linked to this group.
The police also reported information regarding the group’s financial activities. Accounts at a Chilean bank were frozen and closed off from transfers. The manager of the funds, Óscar Omar Hermosilla, was arrested Saturday, as was Carlos Riveros Luttge, accused of financing the group.
Using an informant, police discovered international transfers to the account. Through the Cayman Islands, at least two deposits were made from Europe by Italian citizen Matteo Rossi. Rossi had visited Chile in 2008 and had contacted Riveros. Prosecutors say that a few years ago, the group was probably receiving money from countries such as Italy, Greece, Mexico and Argentina. The money was used for making explosives, finding houses for squatters and expenses of the group’s leaders.
A Santiago court requested that the detainees be held in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison. Surveillance has also been increased on other suspects, in case any further attacks are planned in light of Saturday’s raid.
Police say the investigation has lasted four years. The operation was conducted with the help of analyzing networks, forming contacts, wiretapping and monitoring houses.
Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter became involved in the operation in recent days and was briefed on the operation at a meeting with the prosecutor.
“There is no doubt that to bomb any country that claims to be modern and developed is a terrible crime,” Hinzpeter said. “And therefore, the government as plaintiff will apply the highest possible sanctions under the rule of law.”

PARWAN PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Three Afghans wounded in Parwan riot

bagram media centre

August 15 – Three Afghans were wounded today during a riot in the Pul-e-Sayad village of Bagram District, Parwan.
The injured were part of a crowd of rioters who were throwing baseball size and larger rocks at U.S. forces escorting a local contractor to an Afghan Ministry of Defense base. After numerous attempts were made to stop the rock throwing, in which servicemembers were injured, six shots were fired by a coalition soldier in self defense.
An ISAF offer of medical assistance to treat the wounded was declined by the riot leader. The condition of the victims is unknown.
A land ownership dispute between the MoD and a local villager is believed to be the cause of the rioting.

Saturday, 14 August 2010

DHAKA, Bangladesh - 5,000 attack power station and police


12 August 2010 - Thousands of Bangladeshis angry over frequent electricity outages lobbed stones at a power station and clashed with riot police Wednesday in a town outside the capital Dhaka, leaving at least 50 people injured, police said.
Police responded with batons and tear gas to beat back about 5,000 protesters, many of them armed with iron rods and stones, in Narayanganj town outside Dhaka, local police officer Akhtar Hossain said. Protesters also blocked traffic and smashed vehicles, and threw stones at the power station, but caused no major damage to the facility.
Several policemen were among the injured, Hossain said. Similar violence was reported in more than 10 other towns across this power-starved South Asian nation on Tuesday, but there was no reports of any injuries. Bangladesh has a daily shortfall of about 2,000 megawatts of electricity because of aging power plants, resulting in frequent outages.
The government says private companies will build at least more than 20 plants to produce nearly 2,400 megawatts of electricity by the end of next year. “The power supply will improve a lot when we will have the new plants in place,” said Abul Kalam Azad, a top official at the government’s power ministry. Narayanganj, the site of the latest power-related violence, is an industrial hub.
Residents say they get electricity for scarcely six hours a day and have to depend on makeshift power generators.

GRIMBERGEN, Belgium - Psychiatric asylum cells burned

suie e cendres

1/08/2010- A man who declared he didn't want any psychiatric treatment, put fire to his cell, damaging also other cells and a part of the building of the Psychiatric Institution in Grimbergen near Brusssels.
The fire caused considerable damage.

Tukwila, WA - Bikers cause cop to crash, taunt him after wreck


13 August 2010 - A State Patrol trooper was pinned in his car, dazed and bleeding profusely from a neck injury after a rollover accident, but the first people who stopped by the side of the road didn't help.
Instead, two motorcyclists, who were part of a group the trooper had been chasing before he crashed, clapped and laughed at him Tuesday evening on Interstate 5 in Tukwila, the State Patrol says."Seeing a cop down was hysterical to them. They thought it was the funniest thing they ever saw," said Trooper Cliff Pratt, State Patrol spokesman.
"They didn't know whether he was going to live or die and they didn't care. That's what makes it so hard to swallow."
The State Patrol offered this account of the incident:At about 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Salyer spotted a group of about 10 motorcyclists on sports bikes racing over the interchange between southbound Interstate 405 and northbound Interstate 5 at speeds of more than 100 mph.He attempted to pull them over, but they refused to stop. Salyer narrowed in on the pack's leader, trying to get identifying information from the motorcycle. As he did, two other bikers in the group cut him off, forcing him to swerve and slam on his brakes. Salyer lost control of his patrol car on the ramp from I-5 to northbound state Highway 599, struck the guardrail and rolled several times before ending up in a ditch. As he lay pinned in his wrecked car, at least two of the motorcycle riders pulled up to within 30 feet of his car, got off their bikes and began clapping and laughing. They rode off as other motorists began pulling up to the scene.
Salyer was treated for a concussion, head and neck lacerations and bumps and bruises, the State Patrol said.
According to State Patrol spokeswoman Trooper Christina Martin, witnesses told police that there may have been as many as 60 to 70 riders in the group and that the two that taunted the trooper may have been behind his patrol car during the pursuit, she said.

Bristol - biggest security firm not untouchable

uk indymedia

the evening of 11/08/10 g4s were greeted with the hate of fun loving people
No sigh no more!, g4s plaque was removed & taken away, the intercom was left from the wall by 5ft of wire at the red front door 10,portland sq , st paul's, so where were the biggest security firm when hit at home? can't protect themselves? , would you trust them with inmates or your property? , The growth of the security industry is an indication that the natives are growing restless

bristol domestic exstemist cell

Guangzhou, S. China - hundreds of residents clash with police against demolition of slum area ahead of Asian Games


13 08 2010 – Hundreds of residents in southern China clashed with police when authorities in Guangzhou started demolishing a slum area ahead of the Asian Games in November, a newspaper reported on Saturday.
Authorities have gone to great lengths to ensure a showcase Asian Games – China and Asia’s largest sporting event after the Beijing Olympics in 2008 — giving the city a massive facelift, demolishing homes, stifling protests and tightening immigration curbs for some foreigners including a lively community of African and Middle Eastern traders.
In the latest standoff, hundreds of riot police descended on Xian village in the Tianhe district in eastern Guangzhou, demanding residents of the gritty area move out.
Hundreds of angry residents refused to move, however, throwing rocks at the police until they retaliated with tear gas. Witnesses said many were beaten, the South China Morning Post reported, with around 20 people reportedly injured.
« We’ll defend ourselves till we die, » the newspaper quoted some residents as shouting during the standoff.
« Police were beating anybody who happened to be near, » a witness was quoted as saying. « I saw this young man badly beaten. He was seriously wounded. »
Numerous protests by residents against demolition over the past year have fallen on deaf ears. « They accused local officials of colluding with developers by selling their land below the market price. They also refused to move because they were trying to fight for more compensation, » the paper reported.