Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Greece - Letter of Kostas Gournas, now on hunger strike


I begin a HUNGER STRIKE from Saturday 9th October and until a written approval of my demand for transfer to the prisons of koridalos is given to me.

Six months after my arrest, the torturing in g.a.d.a. (police headquarters of athens) and my very obvious vengeful detention in Trikala prison, while I am a father of twin children 22 months old, I find myself in the 6th wing of Koridallos prisons temporarily transferred here for the attribution of additional charges for the case of the revolutionary organization Revolutionary Struggle. For 5 months now I wait for the answer of the Ministry of Justice to the application that I have put in, to be transferred to Koridallos prisons near where my family lives. The intentional delay in answering my application is included in the frames of tactics of psychological war that the ministry conducts against me and my comrades Roupa and Maziotis, since we have claimed the political responsibility for our participation in the R.O. Revolutionary Struggle and we have been defended its actions. Moreover, we have fought and we have achieved the two comrades to have a visit a week with their newborn son and this is a regular defeat for the ministry. This development, as well as the fact that I did not collaborate with the authorities despite my torturing (a thing that would be considered an enormous success by the regime) are the only reasons that they extend my detention in Trikala, since, in reality they avenge my own children.
Because however war needs always two, to my politicians opponents I notify the following:

I begin a HUNGER STRIKE from Saturday 9th October and until a written approval of my demand for transfer to the prisons of Koridalos is given to me. As a revolutionary, reliable fighter and a father I will not allow anyone to revenge my children and put them at risk, forcing them to drive 12 hours in one day, once a month in order to achieve their elementary need, even for only 30 minutes, the presence of both of their parents in their life. And because winter is coming…
my patience ends here.
Political detainee Costas Gournas
Member of R.S.
6th Koridallos

As of 9/10 Kostas Gournas is on hunger strike. Comrades from various prisons have stopped accepting food in solidarity:

As of 9/10 we are not accepting the prison food of the prisons we are in, in solidarity to anarchist comrade Kostas Gournas who is on hunger strike.
We stand even in this symbolic way next to the comrade's struggle to remain in Koridallos prisons, abolish the isolation situation for his family and political environment that is essentially being imposed with his imprisonment in Trikala prisons.
Michalis Traikapis
Alexandros Kosivas
Aris Sirinidis
Christos Stratigopoulos
Giannis Dimitrakis
p.s. Comrade Alfredo Bonnano, expresses his solidarity to comrade Kostas Gournas, but cannot participate in the action because of his severe health situation.

Monday 11/10 at the Polytechnic, Gini building 19.00, regular meeting for solidarity to imprisoned and persecuted fighters.
Matters to discuss:
-Solidarity actions to the accused of the Revolutionary Struggle case. On the 14th they have been called by the appeals court which will decide to continue their imprisonment or not. In the meeting that happened for this reason, it was decided to do a demo at Koridallos prisons on the 19th of october, a day when our 6 comrades will be held there.
-Information and solidarity actions for comrade Simos Seisidis. The comrade refuses to be transferred in steel cages, resulting in jeopardizing his visits to the rehabilitation clinic. Also on the 24th of October is the first of the courts he will have to face.


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