Sunday, 28 February 2010

Cops, pigs, murderers

A demonstration took place in the Vyronas district of Athens some days after the murder of Nikolas Todi, father of a 6 months old child, during a bank robbery. [the black spots in picture are bullet holes]The innocent victim did not have any participation in the robbery and the pig who killed him with 9 bullets is still free and member of the greek police. In the demonstration participated around 600 people heavily surrounded by any kind of pig forces who used as an excuse the smashing of local offices of PASOK ("socialistic" party which is on government now) and attacked the protestors brutally with tear gas and beating them up.
more news from Greece:;_id=1137378

Saturday, 27 February 2010

News of the comrades arrested in Turin

translated from non fides
mercredi 24 février 2010

Some news from Italy, with above all the address of the comrades who are imprisoned and apparently held in isolation.
You can write to them in French, English or Italian, that helps to show that they are not alone and surely makes one feel better when one is in prison:
- * Luca Ghezzi, Via Pianezza 300, 10151 Torino
- * Andrea Ventrella, Via Pianezza 300, 10151 Torino
- * Fabio Milan, Via Pianezza 300, 10151 Torino
Yesterday about 60 people gathered in front of the CIE (centre of identification and expulsion) in Turin. News from inside, the resistance against expulsions, the resistance against being locked up in the CIE continue to be circulated. In any case, inside like outside the struggles continue.
Here below is a summary of some newspaper articles each with titles one worse than the other. (for example: "anarchists accused of over 60 actions", "2 years of raids and violence, operation agaqinst the anarchists", "behind the revolts of the immigrants..."
- 1) The arrested comrades are considered to have carried out 2 and a half years of struggle against the immigration politic of the Italian government and against the detention centres. Pêle-mêle are evoked :
- occupations of the Cgil, the Red Cross, Lega Nord, an Egyptian museum, the Greek consulate where solidarity faxes were sent from.
- regular gatherings in front of the CIE in via Brunelleschi (referred to as "assaults" or "attacks" by police and media)
- actions against firms that collaborate in the functioning of the CIE (the Red Cross again)
- demonstrations in public places such as the bio restaurant Eataly where during a hunger strike an intervention took place with distribution of leaflets.
- the small action at the very chic restaurant « Il cambio », frequented by right wing politicians and journalists of Turin, where, still during a hunger strike of detainees in the CIE, excrement was thrown into the room.
- 2) It is suggested that behind the revolts there are people who struggle against detention centres, prisons,.... Certain newspapers, basing themselves on extracts of telephone interceptions, relate extracts of conversations between comrades and detainees going back to July 2009, saying that they were inciting them to revolt. As if these people, foreigners with no stay permits, were too stupid and too happy with their situation to think of rebelling alone...
- 3) In the police logic, there are leaders, they present them, expose them, put their photographs in the newspaper, 2 of the 3 people are in prison.
- 4) Re the raids at Radio Blackout it is said that the investigation concerns the part that carried out the struggles in the detention centres and also information put out on the radio and sms to warn about police patrols...
- 5) It is pointed out that « investigations » against this figure of the "enemy within", which in Italy they call « insurrectionnalist anarchists » are continuing.
Solidarity and freedom to everybody with or without papers in Italy like elsewhere!

Crete - Youths mark Cretan teacher with swastikas

from Greek daily Kathimerini

'Police on Crete yesterday were seeking the two men who carved swastika symbols on the arm of a 27-year-old teacher on Wednesday night – the latest in a string of racist crimes on the island in the past two months.
The woman was attacked while getting into her car in the Halepa suburb of Hania by two masked youths who used a razor blade to carve two Nazi symbols onto the skin of her left arm and another three on her jacket sleeve. Police said they believe the perpetrators had targeted her as she had been offering Greek language lessons to the children of immigrants. Nikos Tzaras, a spokesman for the Cretan Migrant Forum condemned the attack as “barbaric and cowardly” and said he believed the assault and other racist attacks were being coordinated by “a center in Hania.” Wednesday’s attack follows a string of assaults on migrants and two attacks on a synagogue in Hania last month.'

Friday, 26 February 2010

Against Education - in Solidarity with Alfredo Bonanno - Communique from New York City

from: Comrades 10:36μμ, 26 Friday February 2010

We attacked Marathon bank, a subsidiary of the same Piraeus bank that Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos are accused of expropriating.

Capitalism is a system of relationships, which goes from inside to out, from outside to in, from above to below, and from below to above. Everything is relative, everything is in chains. Capitalism is a condition both of the world and of the soul.
-Franz Kafka

There is nothing left; nothing that hasn’t been molded, molested, or completely crushed; nothing that has managed to escape the network of power as it scours every inch of the earth, lodging itself into every crevice. Crowding each moment, the omnipresent asphyxiation provides ample evidence to this all-encompassing totalization. Heads bowed, backs bent, we bear the weight of the day in our beleaguered entrails.
read more:

Déjà vu: the frame up against Alfredo Bonanno has begun

ANSA, 25 février 2010
translated from: cette semaine
Athens, 25 feb. - Alfredo Bonanno, the Italian anarchist over 70 years old imprisoned last October following an accusation of concourse in robbery of a bank in Trikala, is suspected of being the author of another robbery carried out last July at Argostoli, on the island of Cefalonia. Bonanno's lawyers contest this accusation.
According to police sources cited by the media, Bonanno, with a false beard and wig, would have been recognised by one of the witnesses on the basis of a cctv video, while he robbed the Bank of Cyprus, pistol in hand, 6 July in Argostoli. The information has been partially confirmed to Ansa by a spokesman of the central police station, according to which "an old Italian is considered author of the robbery at Argostoli, which rendered 26 000 euros". The spokesman did not give Bonanno's name directly but implied that it was him.
Joanna Kurtovic, the Greek lawyer of the old Italian imprisoned in Korydallos (Athens), has expressed her doubts concerning the identification on the basis of a video and a critique of the way this accusation was made public. Bonanno, who suffers from diabetes and has cardio-respiratory problems, is one of the main theoreticians of anarcho-insurrectionnalism (sic). He was arrested at the beginning of October with the Greek anarchist Christos Stratigopoulos following the robbery of a bank in Trikala, for 47 000 euros. The Italian was later arrested in an hotel where the police found the proceeds of the robbery. Bonanno's defence is that he received the bag from Stratigopoulos, without knowing what it contained. His version, the lawyer points out, has been confirmed by Stratigopoulos, who has taken full responsibility for the robbery. The judge, apparently due to Bonanno's previous record, already having been sentenced in Italy, did not believe him and sent him to prison awaiting trial.

Twenty-one dead, 50 hurt in Bangladesh factory fire

Fri Feb 26, 2010

DHAKA (Reuters)
At least 21 people were killed and nearly 50 injured in a fire at a Bangladesh clothing factory on Thursday, doctors and police said.
The fire raged for more than two hours at the Garib and Garib Newaj Garment factory in Gazipur, about 50 km (30 miles) north of the capital, Dhaka.
Doctors at Gazipur hospital said 13 of the dead were women. Earlier, fire services said they had taken 18 seriously burned people to the hospital.
Clothing factories in Bangladesh are prone to fires as a result of poor safety standards.
The textile industry is one of the country's most important, accounting for more than $10 billion in exports annually, more than two-thirds (80 percent) of total exports.
Eleven fire tenders brought the fire under control after more than an hour and fire crews searched the building for the dead and injured.
A local reporter earlier said some of the injured were fighting for their lives in hospital and the death toll was likely to rise .
The cause of the fire was not immediately known. Relatives of the victims flocked to the scene.
A police officer said there were many casualties but declined to give figures.

Hundreds of civilians and anarchists attack riot police during land eviction in Padang Raya, Makassar

Hundreds of civilians and anarchists attacked riot police during the eviction of land 4.900 m2 in Padang Raya, Makassar, South Sulawesi on tuesday, 23. One person injured.
Molotov and stones were being thrown at the 400 riot police and by their stupid mistakes, the tear gas that was supposed to be targetted to the attacking-civilians who defended their neighbourhood, were blown back by the wind and hit the police. The riot police retreated and the militant civilians win. Up to this day, the blockade and struggle against eviction is still happening.

from: anarchistnews

Athens - unexploded bomb claimed

from Greek daily Kathimerini

'A little-known terrorist group called Popular Will on Wednesday claimed responsibility for planting a homemade bomb outside the political office of Citizens’ Protection Minister Michalis Chrysochoidis in Peristeri, western Athens, on Wednesday night last week. The device was destroyed in a controlled explosion by bomb disposal experts. The discovery of the device came a day after a blast outside the offices of US investment firm JP Morgan.'

Arson at UDI headquarters in Antofagasta, Chile

From Liberación Total via Hommodolars Contrainformación:
February 21, 2010

On Saturday, February 20, while they were trying to beat the world record for “most nighttime bathers” on Antofagasta beach, a group of individuals took advantage of the darkness of the night. Acting under the cover of informal organization, we carried out an incendiary attack at the headquarters of the right-wing, ultra-conservative Independent Democratic Union (UDI) political party. Along with fire and paint-bombs, we left the following communiqué:

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Brandon plastics factory arson suspect charged

BBC news 25 February 2010

Plastics factory
Fire spread from a perimeter fence area to outbuildings
An 18-year-old from Norfolk has been charged with an arson attack on a plastics factory in Suffolk.
About 50 firefighters were needed at Chase Plastics, London Road Industrial Estate, in Brandon, on Saturday.
David Allison, 18, from Peppers Close in Weeting, Norfolk, has been charged with arson and will appear before Bury Magistrates' Court later.
Two males, a 15-year-old from Brandon and 18-year-old from Thetford have been released on police bail.

From Amfissa court - witness account of the murder of Alexis Grigoropoulos

from Greek daily Kathimerini
24 February 2010
'A graphic artist who witnessed the shooting of teenager Alexis Grigoropoulos in central Athens in December 2008 told a court in Amfissa yesterday that she saw the two police special guards involved aim directly at the schoolboy and then walk off nonchalantly after firing two shots.
..She rejected claims by policemen Epaminondas Korkoneas and Vassilis Saraliotis that their patrol car had been targeted by a group of youths. She said that nothing was thrown at the vehicle but there had been some form of verbal exchange. The special guards returned a few minutes later.
“They were walking in step, giving the impression they were looking for a fight, they provoked the kids verbally and one of the policemen made a rude gesture. I assume that the kids swore at them but I could not hear anything.”
“I saw both of them taking out their guns. I am sure of it,”
“They both drew them at the same time, as if it was choreographed, as if they were prepared. They held the guns with both hands and pointed straight ahead, not diagonally, nor up in the air. They aimed straight. I heard two shots and jumped back.”'

Bristol - RBS attacked with rocks & fire over Tar Sands project

Wednesday February 24, 2010 author by Carlo Giuliani - Black Bloc Report this post to the editors

In the early hours of Tuesday 23rd February 2010, anarchists attacked the Royal Bank of Scotland HQ in the heart of developing Bristol, UK.
Despite road traffic and proximity of security, the mob succeeded in breaking windows, smashing paint-bombs against upper floors and setting fire to tyres in the middle of the road.
A litany of abuses by RBS or any other bank could continue for pages, but it is enough to state that every bank is part of the financial prison which incarcerates and impoverishes all of us.
These actions will escalate and multiply.
We dedicate this action to all indigenous fighters and their allies struggling against the Tar Sands project in Kanada which RBS is an investor in, and also all those who fight against the 2010 Winter-Olympics.
This action is also in solidarity with Alfredo M. Bonanno, Christos Stratigopoulos, Polykarpos Georgiades, Vaggelis Chrisohoides, Giannis Dimitrakis, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, the entire London G20 defendants/prisoners and all other prisoners in struggle.

For international struggle against capitalism and the state.
from actforfreedom

Chilean Court Agrees To Detain Mapuche Youth On Terrorism Charges

Santiago Times
15 February 2010

'A court in the southern city of Temuco (Region IX) on Friday agreed to keep a Mapuche youth charged under anti-terrorism laws in preventative custody after his arrest on Thursday.
Job Morales was arrested for an arson attack that occurred on September 11 last year. Over 360 hectares of land as well as property and machinery belonging to local Elsa Fernandez was torched during the attack. Police allege Morales was trying to flee the country when detained.
The court also ruled in favor of prosecutor Omar Merida to permit the ongoing detention of supposed Mapuche activists Jorge Cuyupan Niripil and Daniel Canio Tralcal, allegedly Morales’ accomplices in the attack.
Cuyupan was previously arrested over a break-in at a country estate in January last year and will face charges of arson and attempted homicide.
Tralcal stands accused of attacking a tourist bus in August 2009 and is alleged by prosecutors to be among several Mapuche activists to have been trained by Columbian terrorists in 2006.
The Araucania region is the scene of long standing tensions between Mapuche indigenous groups and local businesses. Activists are fighting for Mapuche land historically their to be returned to the community. They say their land was taken illegally by the Chilean state. Land occupations and attacks against businesses in the area have become increasingly common in recent years.
All three men can be held indefinitely under Chile’s antiterrorist laws. The government’s undersecretary of the interior Patricio Rosende announced that anti terrorism laws would be used in Mapuche-related violence last October after a spate of highway attacks in the Araucania Region (IX) (ST. Oct 13, 2009)'

US bank bombed in Athens

Wednesday, 17 February 2010
From: The Vast Minority
GREEK resistance fighters have hit back at the global bankers plunging their people into poverty.

A bomb exploded outside a JPMorgan Chase office in Athens on Tuesday - thanks to the usual warning, nobody was hurt.
Reported the New York Post, in a report headed 'Blast proves Greeks miffed': "The blast comes just days after reports that JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs and other banks may have played a role in creating the current sovereign debt crisis looming over a number of European countries by selling to those nations products which helped them spend beyond their means.
"A JPMorgan spokesman declined to comment on the bank's sovereign financing business. Goldman officials also declined to comment.
"While no one has yet claimed responsibility for the blast, the explosion happened against a backdrop of increased frustration across Greece amid signs that the Greek government will be slashing costs in an effort to avoid a financial collapse.
"Indeed, the European Union yesterday said it would consider providing substantive aid to the struggling country only if it first took steps to help itself, including balancing its budget, slashing spending and imposing new taxes. The country has until March 16 to come up with a plan.
"The anticipated belt tightening by the government doesn't sit well with Greek citizens, many of whom have taken to the streets in recent days to protest.
"Greece's national deficit has ballooned to 120 percent of gross domestic product -- the highest among the countries in the European Union, according to data from Bloomberg. Perhaps even more troubling, Greece has $11 billion in debt that will need to be refinanced in April and May, said Larry Kantor, head of research at Barclays Capital.
"Earlier in the week, Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou suggested in published reports that Greece may be just the tip of the iceberg. 'Today it is Greece, tomorrow it can be another country,' he warned.
"Indeed, many observers say bigger countries such as Spain could pose an even bigger threat to global financial stability than Greece."
The global war against capitalism is only just beginning...

Anti-2010 Olympics Convergence Feb. 13 Blockade Golden Ears Bridge

Feb. 13, 2010, as part of the Anti-Olympics Convergence in Vancouver B.C., members of Coast Salish Katzie First Nation and supporters blocked the Golden Ears Bridge.
The Bridge spans the Frazer River between Pitt Meadows and Langley, and is adjacent to Katzie 1 and Katzie 2 Reserves. It is about a half hour drive outside of Vancouver.
The bridge opened on June 16, 2009. It is owned by Translink, who say, “it will have major long-term impacts on the region, improving travel times and promoting economic activity.” Clearly disregarding the negative impacts on Indigenous people.
Construction of the bridge desecrated a 3000 year old burial ground. It’s massive pilings in the river disrupt currents, and the ability of local Katzie fishers to fish. Situated at the mouth of the Frazer River, the bridge effects already threatened habitat for Salmon and Indigenous fishing communities all up the Fraser River.

read more:

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Turin - police operation against anti-racism and solidarity

On February 23 Digos officers searched dozens of houses of comrades in Turin and in other locations in northern Italy, on order of public prosecutor Padalino. Six comrades were arrested (three are now in prison and three under house arrest) and many others had their home invaded by agents in uniform who seized computers, mobile phones and boxes of paper. The accusation justifying this big police operation is, as usual, that of conspiracy, which allows the cops to arrest comrades accused of nothing more than… their antiracist activity!
As police reports state, in fact, the accusations against the comrades are linked to public initiatives, gatherings, actions in the streets and in the piazzas, distributions of leaflets; all things aiming at breaking the silence surrounding the widespread racism and security delirium typical of today’s Italy.
For those who haven’t noticed it yet, concentration camps can be found all over Italy, where women and men are locked up, whose only ‘crime’ being to have managed to flee their countries without drawing like hundreds of other migrants. Raids and deportations compel the inhabitants of poor neighbourhoods to live as clandestine and, most worryingly, to surrender and accept more and more miserable living and working conditions. ‘Italians’, on their part, seem unable to do anything but grasping the scanty privileges that an agonising capitalism has left to them, as they are being brainwashed by an incessant racist propaganda that instigates fear and stirs a war among the exploited.
This police operation is the nth attempt, this time carried out in a sensational way, to silence those who have not resigned to fear, those who still dare practise solidarity against exploitation and to shout it aloud in the silence. The accusations, as we said, are based on the solidarity that the investigated comrades are guilty of having expressed towards migrants in struggle, a tireless and furious struggle going on in the CIEs (immigration detention centres) of the country, and, in this particular case, in the CIE of Corso Brunelleschi, Turin.
It is not by chance that in the context of this operation, police also raided the site of Radio Black Out, the only free radio in the airwaves of Turin, from whose microphones some of the arrested antiracists used to speak; a radio which, in spite of everything, has given voice to the many struggles disturbing Turin’s passivity and indifference, from those of migrants to those of students, from those of workers to those of NO TAV activists. It is not surprising, therefore, that the powerful of Turin and their cops are annoyed and frightened at the noise of the battle waged against them; and they are trying to hit those who have never concealed their determination to blow in the fire of revolt in order to feed the few but proud signals of life in a deadly city.


Antiracists without borders

from informa-azione

Against the high speed railway (TAV) in Val Susa

Val Susa February 2010

The TAV (high speed railway project), which poses a devastating risk to the beautiful Val Susa region (northern Italy) and aims at satisfying businessmen’s needs, had been stopped by widespread popular protests in 2005. The current Italian government is determined to build the infrastructure necessary to the project. Numerous actions and demonstrations against the TAV are therefore taking place in Val Susa in these days.
One of these demos was brutally attacked by the police on February 17 2010 in Coldimosso: a comrade from Turin was hit on the head and lost consciousness and a woman was also violently beaten. As the police prepared themselves to hide their violence by interfering with medical reports, the comrades prevented the cops from taking the wounded away.
The comrade with a head injury was taken to the Molinette hospital in Turin with a suspected brain haemorrhage. He remains in serious but not life-threatening conditions. Digos officers tried to ‘visit’ him but the comrades forced them out of the hospital.
The day after, in solidarity with the struggle in Val Susa, anarchists blocked the vans carrying La Stampa daily to its newsagents for one and a half hour. This newspaper gives voice to the powerful of the TAV and is responsible for their incessant pro-TAV propaganda. Some of the van drivers showed solidarity to the comrades until anti-riot police arrived on the spot to restore order and to allow La Stampa being distributed.
Slogans highlighting the similarities between cops and journalists were spray painted in the area.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Galizia - attack against Benetton in Lugo

source: culmin, translated from informa-azione

On the attack on the Benetton shop in Lugo

Seven masked people entered the shop right in the centre of Lugo, giving no possibility of identification to the cctv cameras.
According to investigators, the group probably prepared the attack in advance, taking advantage of the carnival festivities in order not to attract attention. They believe, moreover, that there is some anarchist organisation behind it. In fact, in the libertarian forums news of the attack was spread extremely rapidly, including details of what was written on the walls of the shop.
The police believe that the attackers could also be from Lugo and that they are linked with other groups that have carried out similar actions, in other Spanish cities, even if not recently. For example, in Gijón, something similar happened.
Up until yesterday morning the action had not been claimed by any anarchist group, but it is possible that in the next few hours the action will be claimed in some anarchist page in the internet.
Closing of the shop
The damage to the inside of the shop was considerable. The authors of the incident broke the windows with clubs. The metal detector at the entrance was also damaged. Inside clothing was thrown to the ground, some stained with red paint.
Computers and coat hangers were also damaged.
The employees were not attacked in any way. The attackers were only concerned with material damage. The police have no doubt that it was a question of an attack in defence of the Mapuche community of South America that have been carrying on a struggle for a number of years against the controversial Italian brand. Inside the shop, in fact, was written "Marichiwueu" (sic!) which apparently means "vinceremos one hundred times"(sic!, mari=10)in Mapuche. In the internet, the action was described as "vendaval anarquista no Benetton de Lugo" (in lingua galiziana "storm in the Lugo Benetton")...

19/02/2010 – 17:38

Catamarca (Argentina) - Repression and resistence against gold mining


From Friday, 12 February, that individuals and members of the assembly of Andalgala "el algarrobo" have been blocking the road, preventing the passage of the earth-destroying lorries along the way that unites the districts Chaquiago and El Potrero, where the vehicles going to the La Alumbrera mine pass.
The demonstratorsd were surrounded by agents of the Infanteria, by those of the Kuntur group and the local Polizia with guns, helmets, shields and police dogs. Yesterday, 15 February, the repression let loose to free the transit. Teargas, rubber bullets and truncheons were used, and 20 people were held. In the face of such a situation, about 600 demonstrators moved to the main square to demand the liberation of those being held and the resignation of the mayor and the governor ofd the Catamarca province.
The repression was unleashed again, but this time the demonstrators burnt cars, destroyed the offices of the mining company Barrick Gold, the town hall offices, then looted and set fire to a supermarket.
We support this and any other clash with capital, the state and any other kind of power..
For as long as poverty exists, there will be rebellion

A few anarchists. Buenos Aires, Argentina.-
Ven, 19/02/2010 – 17:41
translated from informa=azione

Sunday, 21 February 2010

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS - Hundreds of Teens Riot Outside Movie Theater
One police officer injured, six teenage girls arrested after incident outside Severance Town Center.

CLEVELAND HEIGHTS -- Six teenage girls are under arrest and a police officer is hurt after a riot at a local shopping center.
Police describe the incident at Severance Town Center in Cleveland Heights as a "major disturbance." Cleveland Heights police say they had to call in officers from three neighboring departments to bring the situation under control.
"We got about 100 teenagers up in here's crazy, we need some kind of security," the manager of the Wal-Mart store is heard telling a 911 dispatcher at 8:42 P.M. Sunday.
Officers say the disturbance began at the Wal-Mart where more than 100 teens roamed the store. They say many took bicycles off racks, and raced them up and down the aisles.
"Have you asked them to leave the store?" the dispatcher asks the manager. "There are so many of them, it's like 100 of them, I asked a couple of them to could turn into a situation, so I'm asking for police presence," the manager replies.
"Police cars responded and managed to clear the juveniles out of the store, but then they re-assembled over at the Regal Cinemas," explained Cleveland Heights police chief Martin Lentz.
...police say three girls started fighting, then several fights broke out in the lobby. An officer sprained his wrist when he was pushed up against a wall.
"The group from Wal-Mart joined approximately 100 waiting to get into the there was legitimate patrons trying to buy tickets, but pushed their way into the lobby area," said Chief Lentz.
Police say the crowd swelled to about 250. Cleveland Heights police were forced to call in officers from Shaker Heights, University Heights and South Euclid to help get the situation under control.
Six girls, between 14 and 16-years-old were arrested. They appeared in Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court Tuesday where they were charged with aggravated rioting.
"You're here for an alleged riot outside of a movie theater where people can't even go to the movies because there's groups of kids out there in packs fighting," juvenile court magistrate Valerie Bickerstaff told one of the girls.
All six girls were ordered held in juvenile detention for a varying amount of days. Then, they must remain on home detention.
According to a police report, many teens were "screaming, yelling, blocking traffic, and running in front of moving vehicles" during the melee.
"It's scary to the public too...Severance Shopping Center is very important to this city, we can't have something like this continue," said Chief Lentz.
Police say they will review security video from inside the Wal-Mart to try to identify other teens who may have been involved.

Bristol: No Olympics on Stolen Native Land solidarity

Bristol demo in solidarity with anti-olympic protests in Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories No Olympics on Stolen Native Land!

Wednesday evening a small, but rowdy group of local anti-Olympic athletes gathered in Bristol to show their solidarity with those resisting the Olympics in Vancouver, where there has just been several days of action against the five ringed corporate circus on stolen native land.
In Bristol, anti-Olympic athletes did a tour of the city center, making the link between the invasion, colonisation and subsequent genocide of indigenous peoples in “Canada”. They targeted the corporate propaganda screen in Millennium Square, John Cabot and the Matthew.
The Matthew is a replica of the ship that John Cabot sailed from Bristol to what is now called Newfoundland. This helped start the colonisation of the Americas, which has lead to over 500 years of exploitation and genocide in "Canada". It is a sad reminder of the legacy contained in this city's history.
The London 2012 Games are just around the corner and there is not better time to start your training as an anti-Olympic athlete!

from actforfreedomnow

Brussells -11 wooden trees set on fire opposite the High Court

Wooden trees set on fire in front of Justice Building
Sunday night, 11 wooden trees were set on fire on Place Poelaert, in front of the High Court in Brussells.
from suie et cendres

Brussels - Fuck Social Control


"Monday morning - Gray Street 221 - building with Prevention Service, offices of security and prevention agents, communal agents and street educators, the service techno-prevention: shutters and windows broken.
On the door, tagged in white: NIK LE CONTROLE SOCIAL [Fuck social control]"
from suie et cendres

Tongres - Escape from juvenile prison


TONGEREN - Three minors escaped from the new juvenile prison in Tongeren. Only one is still free, the two others were caught because they fell off the wall. This was the first escape since the reopening of this prison in november 2009. The other prisoners apparently made a human pyramid to make the others escape.

(A few days later, the fugitive was arrested in Antwerp)

from suie et cendres

Anderlecht - Dutch Televison crew attacked


ANDERLECHT - A television crew of the Dutch Television NOS was attacked in Anderlecht while they were filming an arrest in this "hot neighboorhoud" about the continuous riots and robberies. A group of youngsters fought againt the arrest and afterwards against the journalists. A politician who was accompanying them also had to flee. No journalist got hurt, material damage was limited.

from suie et cendres

Arson against Earth-destroying machinery in Mexico

From Liberación Total:

February 19, 2010


On February 8, we again decided to break the routine of this alienating society, declaring ourselves at war against the destroyers of the Earth, against those who thought revolt had been wiped out by the constant imprisonment of anarchist warriors.
This time, we headed for a construction site at night, empty of workers, bosses, and meddlers. We prepared two incendiary devices made with gasoline, diesel fuel, and motor oil, placing one by the wires near the engine of a backhoe and the other inside the front tire of a water truck used for the incessant advance of urbanization.
We struck in solidarity with prisoners Abraham, Emmanuel, Socorro, Víctor, and the recently arrested Adrián Magdaleno González. We struck with our vengeful fire in Ecatepec, Mexico State. While the police lackeys were watching the banks and luxury car dealerships (which have already been the targets of cells against domination), we were attacking a construction site vital to urbanization. Those responsible for this outrage against nature and the murder of animal species know that we sabotaged them. While local government thinks it is lashing out against delinquency, it can’t stop the fire of insurrection in defense of the Earth.
Let’s spread fire, stones, and bombs in solidarity with the prisoners at war in Mexico and the rest of the world.

- Earth Liberation Front
translated by thisisourjob

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Athens, Sunday 14th February 2010

Anarchist Saboteurs' took the responsibility for blocking 63 cash-machines in Athens with glue, silicone and polyurethane foam on 11th and 12th of February. They express their solidarity with the comrades Polykarpos Georgiadis and Vaggelis Chrysochoidis, accused for participating in the kidnapping of industrialist Mylonas. They condemn the state and the bosses as kidnappers, thieves and asassins who plunder the lives of people in daily time, imposing us as an one and only solution, the payed slavery.

athens indymedia

Monday, 15 February 2010

Anarchists against the Olympics in Vancouver

13 February Vancouver


A few dozen anarchists dressed in black and their faces masked caused incidents Saturday in the centre of Vancouver, on the first day of the Olympic Games, breaking windows along the way, according to images in the local media.
According to police, quoted by the media, about 200 demonstrators hurled objects at the forces of order and sprayed cars and buses. Anti-riot police intervened to disperse the demonstrators, proceeding to at least two arrests.
Friday evening a tense confrontation between a few hundred demonstrators and police for two hours, when dozens of masked demonstrators tried to break the security cordon around the entrance to the stadium BC Place, site of the opening ceremony.

Cette semaine

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Centre for Judiciary Studies in Lisbon hit with paintbombs

In the early hours of 9 February the Center for Judiciary Studies (in Lisbon), where the judges of tomorrow are built, was hit with paintbombs.
Solidarity with the prisoners in struggle and with the comrades persecuted by Justice, here and elsewhere.
Freedom for António Ferreira de Jesus, serving a hidden life sentence.
Freedom for the anarchists Alfredo Bonanno (who has a serious health condition) and Christos Stratigopoulos, imprisoned in the Greek concentration camps.
Freedom for all.

A visit to the Greek embassy in London. Solidarity to Alfredo and Christos

On Wednesday, 10 February at around eleven am. a group of comrades and friends went to the Greek embassy in Holland Park, London, in protest against prison conditions in Greece, and to hand in a fax to the Greek Ministry of Justice (see below) demanding the immediate release of anarchist Alfredo Maria Bonanno who has now been held for six months on charges of concourse in robbery despite his increasingly precarious state of health. The group went to the main entrance with a letter and tried to enter, after attaching a banner to the railings of the balcony saying ‘Fire to the prisons (in Greek and English). Freedom to Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopolous’. Embassy officials refused to open the door and could be seen cowering in the background as, seconds later, five police cars arrived on the scene and a consistent number of police ran up the steps and into the Embassy, the symbolic State boundaries that existed in 2009 having been broken. With the normal contempt of governments towards the people they claim to represent, the embassy refused to accept the letter. Despite attempts by the police to get the comrades to leave, they stood their ground and continued to occupy the balcony while others gave out leaflets and copies of the fax to passersby. Meanwhile more police arrived, some visibly carrying guns. The group only left after the letter was seen to be in the hands of the embassy boss.
This small demonstration of solidarity was aimed at showing the Greek State that our comrades are not alone. We know perfectly well that such acts are in themselves futile concerning the struggle against repression and the fate of our comrades, and should be seen in the context of a wider and deeper projectuality of international solidarity aimed at a generalisation of the attack on the existent.
In fact, the same evening we got news that, once again, the application for bail for Alfredo on medical grounds has been refused, confirming what is now clear to all, that the continued incarceration of this comrade has little to do with judicial procedure, but is a question of political revenge aimed at his physical and psychological destruction. Whether they will succeed or not is a question that concerns the whole movement, it is up to individual comrades to decide where they stand. Already diverse manifestations of solidarity have taken place in various parts of Europe and beyond, as part of the struggle in course. May this continue to spread, each according to their own creativity and choice of methods.
Any act of solidarity for a comrade turns out to be an act for all. It affects all the exploited, inside and outside the prisons of capital in our common need to throw down the walls of oppression and misery everywhere, tear every prison to the ground right to the last stone, and break out into the infinite challenge of freedom.

letter to the Minister of Justice

10 February 2010
To the Minister of Justice, Trasparency and Human Rights,

We are here today to denounce the ongoing imprisonment of Alfredo Maria Bonanno in the prison of Koridallos, Athens, in spite of the announcement of new detention measures by the Ministry of Justice whereby thousands of prisoners presently being held in conditions that amount to torture in Greece’s overcrowded prisons and concentration camps would be released while awaiting trial.
Given his advanced age, his seriously compromised health and the fact that the charges against him fall into the category of a misdemeanor, it is patently clear that the protracted detention of this 73-year old anarchist comrade is not based on the official judicial accusation of concourse in a robbery in the small town of Trikala six months ago, but is an exemplary case of political revenge against his ideas, aimed at his physical and psychological annihilation.
Active in the anarchist movement for decades, one-time militant in the resistance against the dictatorship of the Greek colonels (1967-1974), writer and editor of many anarchist theoretical works: these are the political reasons why Alfredo Bonanno continues to be held under life-threatening conditions.

With the present, we, a few anarchists and lovers of freedom in London, demand the immediate liberation of Alfredo Maria Bonanno.

International solidarity initiative
to Alfredo M. Bonanno

For the destruction of all prisons

leaflet handed out outside the embassy

Like every other population on the planet, the Greek people are facing a situation of grave economic hardship due to the greed and avarice of bankers, politicians, church leaders, within the context of a global economic system based on the plundering and abuse of natural resources and the exploitation of millions of people.
In that beautiful country, considered by many here as no more than a pleasant holiday resort, it is, as always, the young people, immigrants, over-exploited workers and unemployed to bear the brunt of the crisis. Brutal policing and judicial repressive measures are being employed, and these are sure to get worse over the coming months as more and more people are pushed beyond the limits of stoic endurance. During the weeks following December 6 2008, the whole country was shaking at the wrath of school pupils rebelling following the murder in cold blood, by a policeman, of a fellow pupil, Alexandros Grigoropoulos. They were joined by thousands and thousands of anarchists, immigrants, students and young unemployed, in a widespread social rebellion. Representatives of the repressive forces of this country are now present in Greece to help their Greek counterparts in the repression of all forms of protests while the Greek people continue to suffer the consequences of the economic choices made by the above.
In spite of a protracted hungerstrike in November 2008 involving 7-8,000 prisoners, Greek prisons are full to overflowing and some are such that even the guards refer to them as extermination camps. Promises by the politicians of the recently elected Pasok (socialist party) in government have been mainly ignored and thousands of prisoners continue to suffer in appalling inhuman conditions.
At the present time all expressions of anger and rebellion in Greece are being brutally repressed, inside and outside the prison walls, but the struggle for freedom is vibrant and alive, and is an inspiration everywhere.
The spirit of rebellion will never be suppressed.
Active solidarity in the struggle.
Destroy all prisons

a few anarchists

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Molotov against Corfu police station and Corfu municipality police office

Two people attacked Corfu police station with molotov bombs early this morning (Monday February 8).
At 01.05am at Seroko square on Samartzi Street where the police station is, the two tried to
cause a fire by throwing the molotov at the front of the station wtihout success since the fire didn't do much damage.
They also threw some leaflets with antiauthoritarian slogans.
They ran off and the guard chased them, managing to catch one of them, a 29year old Greek woman. From the findings and investigation it was announced these were the same people that attacked the Corfu municipality office with molotovs on Sunday Feb.7th 2010 by throwing stones to break the windows of the basement on Dessila Street and throwing two molotovs into the office.
The girl was severely beaten during the "questioning" and is due to appear before a district attorney tomorrow.

from Act for freedom

Belgium: fire at building (of detention centres) company

7February 2010

Michiels construction company on fire

On Thursday night, a number of machines belonging to the Michiels construction firm in Heist-op-den-Berg were destroyed by fire. Michiels is one of the construction companies building the new detention centre in Steenokkerzeel. A crane, a machine and the hangar electricity suffered 200 000 euros damage.

30.01.2010, Cette semaine

Monday, 8 February 2010

Women organise secret arson campaign

July 1912
Christabel Pankhurst began organizing a secret arson campaign. Attempts were made by suffragettes to burn down the houses of two members of the government who opposed women having the vote. These attempts failed but soon afterwards, a house being built for David Lloyd George, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was badly damaged by suffragettes.
In 1913 the WSPU arson campaign escalated and railway stations, cricket pavilions, racecourse stands and golf clubhouses being set on fire. Slogans in favour of women's suffrage were cut and burned into the turf. Suffragettes also cut telephone wires and destroyed letters by pouring chemicals into post boxes.
Kitty Marion was a leading figure in the WSPU arson campaign and she was responsible for setting fire to Levetleigh House in Sussex (April 1913), the Grandstand at Hurst Park racecourse (June 1913) and various houses in Liverpool (August, 1913) and Manchester (November, 1913). These incidents resulted in a series of further terms of imprisonment during which force-feeding occurred followed by release under the Cat & Mouse Act. It has been calculated that Kitty Marion endured 200 force-feedings in prison while on hunger strike.
(Spartacus Educational)

Teenagers hunted after arson attack in Essex

6 February 2010
Four lorries were destroyed in an arson attack at a fuel yard.
Essex Police are trying to trace a group of teenagers seen running away from the scene moments after the blaze started.
Twelve fire crews were called to put out the fire at West Station Yard in Maldon, Essex, at 6.40pm, an Essex Fire and Rescue spokeswoman said.
Divisional Officer Andy Stapleton said: "Crews worked excellently to prevent the fire from spreading to fuel storage tanks in the yard. The fire affected four lorries in the yard."
Police said that CCTV shows a boy running across the yard before and after the fire.

The Press Association.

Greek farmers vow to stay on the road

'Farmers manning 12 roadblocks in central and northern Greece yesterday decided to remain put, despite some of their colleagues abandoning their protest at the end of last week.
The farmers from Thessaly and Macedonia met yesterday for talks in Tyrnavos, central Greece, and decided to continue blocking national roads until the government changed its “intransigent stance.”
Producers and livestock breeders have for the past three weeks been demanding more subsidies and better prices for their products as well as reforms in the agricultural sector.
However, the government has made it clear that the dire state of the Greek economy means that it cannot allocate any more funds to farming.
The decision of the central and northern Greek farmers was mirrored by those who have been blocking the Promahonas border crossing with Bulgaria in recent days. They too decided yesterday to continue with their blockade but clarified that they would only stop trucks from crossing the border, not cars.
The Promahonas blockade has already incurred the wrath of the Bulgarian government, which wrote to the European Commission on Friday to detail the losses that the country’s economy is suffering as a result of trade with Greece being held up.
In the letter, Sofia claimed that Bulgarian exports to Greece have fallen by 40 percent in recent weeks and that 110 businesses in the neighboring country report that they have suffered losses as a result of the blockades. In addition, the Bulgarians indicated that the number of Greek tourists heading across the border fell by 5 percent in January. They also said that imports from Greece have been hit, adding that some 90 percent of oranges and 75 percent of mandarins that are brought into the country come from Greece.
Meanwhile, tobacco and cotton producers yesterday requested face-to-face talks with Agricultural Development Minister Katerina Batzeli to seek clarification about the 560-million-euro subsidies that she has pledged to them.'
fro Greek daily Kathimerini

Viedma (Argentina) : clashes between young people and police

(5 février) For over seven hours, in various sectors of the Lavalle quarter, a series of attacks by young people took place against police and the local police station.
Three policemen were slightly wounded and there was damage to a vehicle and to the police station.Two attackers were quite seriously wounded. Lthe police had to have recourse to teargas and rubber bullets.
The Commissaire Rubén Calvo confirmed the arrest of two people, one of whom a minor, who would have participated in the series of attacks against the police. After that houses were raided in the Lavalle quarter and in other parts of the town.
The violent events started around 22h30, shortly after a group of policemen applied a judicial measure ordered by the Court of Instruction Nº4, Jean Bernardi, related to an inquest concerning stolen motorcycles.
There was "resistance" against the action of the police which provoked a reaction and the attack against the personnel' that he was in charge of reported Calvo. The young men's action was expressed with bricks, stones, iron bars and bottles, according to the chief of Nº34. coomissariat.

traduit de l’espagnol depuis Ai Ferri Corti, 6 février 2010
(translated from Cette semaine)

Sunday, 7 February 2010


They will never convince us, those fanatics of democracy, that life equals survival, that work liberates, that we have to be submissive slaves in the cogwheels of a global machine based on exploitation and oppression.
We will never become “good citizens” submerged in the depressing loneliness of our couch, audacious cowards at the commands of the security doctrine, satisfied with the mediocrity of our existence.
They will never correct our desires with laws, regulations and dungeons.
There will always be those who dare and will continue to attack against the logic and morality of dominion, which will burn in the same fire we have lit the ashes of knowledge and the flame of action.
We are not interested in creating myths of actions- tools in the hands of every oppressed with a conscience, as we are not interested in the construction of “innocent” and “guilty” by civic legality and all its lackeys.
We salute and respect the personal choices and the polymorphous action of comrades – anarchists, revolutionaries and rebels- who look the enemy in the eye and charge holding a dream in their heart.
Against the existent and its defenders we oppose our solidarity in practice and our raging desire for freedom, until the destruction of prisons and the society that creates them.

text of poster below, from Athens

Friday, 5 February 2010

Chile’s LAN Airline Agency Bombed In Argentina

05 February 2010 04:25

'A small bomb exploded this week inside a LAN travel agency located in the Argentine town of Neuquen. It was the second bomb attack on an airline in Argentina in seven months.
The blast occurred at 5.30 a.m. Wednesday and blew out some of the building's windows, although no one was injured. Police were able to clear the area around the building after receiving a warning ahead of the blast...
The attack was blamed on the anarchist militant groups known as the International Insurrectionalist Rebel Brigade of Jacinto Arauz. The group claims to represent Mapuche indigenous groups throughout the country and are believed to have participated in violent acts in the Angostura zone south of Neuquen.
The attack mirrored a previous bomb explosion by the same pro-Mapuche group at an Aerolineas office in Buenos Aires last year, in which minimal damaged was caused.'

Santiago Times

School Arson In Southern Chile

05 February 2010
'A rural school was set alight by arsonists early Monday morning and police believe the same arsonists started a second fire on private land moments later to cover their escape.
Witnesses heard shots before discovering a granary owned by local farmer Julio Molina ablaze. Damage to the granary is estimated atUS$50,000.
The intentionally started fires are the latest in a spate of incidents reported in Malleco Province so far this year. Previous attacks in the area have targeted forestry vehicles, farm equipment and a bridge.

Land rights issues are a sore point in much of southern Chile, where the indigenous Mapuche culture once ruled – until finally overthrown by the state of Chile in the late 1800s. Local indigenous groups are fighting farmers and businesses over the ownership of ancestral lands which they claim were taken from them by the Chilean state.
Mapuche activists have launched numerous land occupations in the past to draw attention to their cause. Regional land owners have taken to building ditches and fortifications to protect their land, while protestors are often injured or seriously hurt after clashing with police.
Last month Carabinero Walter Ramirez was imprisoned for two years for the 2008 death of Mapuche protestor Matias Catrileo (ST. Jan 18). Catrileo was shot in the back while participating in the occupation of a field in the same region as the recent outbreak of fires.
Another activist - Jaime Mendoza Collío - died at the hands of police following a similar incident last August (ST. Aug 17, 2009). Charges have yet to be brought against any of the Carabinero’s allegedly involved in the death.
Regional motorway traffic has also been a target in the past, with Mapuche groups blamed for attacking highway toll booths and trucks. The fears of motorists and business leaders prompted the government to install security cameras along the nation’s main “Route 5” highway where it passes through the Araucania region.
An activist arrested after a recent attack on motorway traffic is currently on hunger strike, protesting torture he allegedly received while in state custody.
Eduardo Osses Moreno claims to have been forcibly submerged in human excrement and urine by police interrogators. His Mapuche supporters insist that this torture is condoned by high ranking officials in the police and government...'

Santiago Times

| Anarchists enter the University of Athens building ahead of tomorrow’s gatherings: Fascists, no pasaran!

| Anarchists enter the University of Athens building ahead of tomorrow’s gatherings: Fascists, no pasaran! Friday, February 5, 2010 At around 1300 hours local time, anarchists, anti-authoritarians and anti-fascists started gathering at the Propylea building of the university of Athens, ahead of tomorrow’s fascist gathering and the anti-fascist demonstration that has been called in response. The comrades inside have been quick to clarify the building is not, as of yet, under occupation; yet mainstream media report exactly that, possibly in an attempt to lay the ground for the police operations that are likely to follow tomorrow. A statement from the people inside the Propylea building will be coming out soon. Continuous updates will be published here.

Greece - protest at prison of Grevena

A protest took place yesterday outside the remote prisons of Grevena, in north greece. Slogans were shouted and the prisoners from inside responded. After the protest they returned to the city of Grevena and gathered in the central square of the city.

from act for freedom

Athens: Statement by the Open Assembly from the University of Athens administration building

Friday, February 5, 2010

Today, 5th of February, anarchists, anti-authoritarians and anti-fascists chose to keep the university administration building at Propylea open, as a space of mutual coordination and struggle. Our aim is the molding of ideas and counter-information ahead of tomorrow’s anti-fascist gathering, which has been called for at 11 am at Propylea. A gathering standing against the nationalistic and racist rabble of fascist groups, which call for a gathering tomorrow at 3pm, at Propylea. A gathering juxtaposing the solidarity of the oppressed to the statist and para-statist pogroms against migrants. We stand hostile against institutionalised racism, as expressed via the citizenship bill, as well as those who with their misanthropic calls aim for the physical extermination of the migrants.
As the state targets spaces of resistance overall, the fascists attempt to invade a space which has come, through tough struggles, to belong to the world of freedom and resistance. We do not intend to surrender not a single square meter to the state and its para-statists.
We call every person in struggle to the open assembly at the Administration Building tonight at 8pm under the topic of tomorrow’s anti-fascist gathering at Propylea.

Open Assembly of the University Administration Building

from occupied london

Destruction in Anderlecht after man shot dead

dimanche 31 janvier 2010

One day after the cops shot dead a man, riots break out in the neighborhood where he lived. Hassan, who had escaped late December from the prison of Namur, was shot dead while he was driving away with his bike, after having robbed a supermarket. Shop windows were broken, the windows of a Renault-concessionary were broken and a car was put on fire. One minor was arrested while carrying a molotov cocktail. The cops, massively present with water canon, put an end to the riots after an hour. The days after, more cars were put on fire in the same neighborhood.

from suieetcendres

Invasion of Sodexo cantine

A group of people destroyed a part of the food at the Sodexo cantine of the ULB (university of Brussels) and took other food away. They sprayed slogans against deportations and asylum centres and left pamphlets where they explained the role of the Sodexo company in the asylum business.


Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Solidarity to Alfredo Bonanno and Christos Stratigopoulos - a visit to the Greek consulate in Berlin

Some flyers have been given out to the passer-byers. A fax has been given to the consul and sent over to the „minister for justice and human rights of Greece“. The fax sent was the same one Greek comrades already sent over during the last days in a similar action.
Alfredo and Christos, both active since long time in the anarchist movement, have been arrested on the 1.10.09 in Trikala, Greece, accused of committing a bank robbery.
Alfredo, 73 years old anarchist comrade from Italy has serious health problems and suffers under the heavy conditions in prison. Despite the fact that the Greek law prescribes an earlier release upon serious health problems, the authorities refused until now to set him free.
This small action has been a piece of solidarity along the struggle for the release of both comrades. Different expressiona of solidarity took place in different countries within the last months.
You can check further infos about the two comrades and the solidarity actions under: (in german) and (in english).
Posters in solidarity with both comrades have been printed lately and one can get them by writing to the abc berlin.
For the immediate release of Alfredo!
Freedom for Christos and all the prisoners – prison to become holes in the ground!

Poster by comrades in Berlin in solidarity with Alfredo and Christos

Monday, 1 February 2010

Firebomb attack in Athens

1 February 2010
'Unidentified vandals early yesterday smashed the glass facade of a tax office in the district of Neos Cosmos, near central Athens, before hurling firebombs into the interior. According to local residents, six youths carried out the attack that caused serious damage but no injuries.'
Kathimerini, Greek daily