Saturday, 2 October 2010

Mapuche: most end hunger strike after 82 days as Chilean Government declares it will annul trials under anti-terrorist law

translated from culmine

The majority of the Mapuche have decided to end the hunger strike that went on for 82 days, after reaching an agreement with the government. The government will desist from all trials under the anti-terrorist law present in the courts of the country, according to the agreement, because they believe that the acts for which the Mapuche have been accused cannot continue to be classified as conduct punishable under that law. In addition, the government will continue to sponsor the project to reform military justice, which is already in parliament, so that civilians are not tried by such courts.
The announcement was made by the Archbishop of Concepción, Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati, accompanied by Natividad Llanquileo, a spokesman for the Mapuche in the prison of El Manzano and undersecretary of the presidency Claudio Alvarado.
The Mapuche who withdrew from the hunger strike are being held in prisons of Concepción, Temuco and Lebu. Of those who are in prison in Angol, only Waikilaf Cadin accepted the agreement, while the rest will decide tomorrow morning. To these are added Andrés Gutiérrez Cona, in the prison of Valdivia.


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