Saturday, 25 September 2010

Cagliari, Sardinia - Beatings in prison and prisoners' protests in solidarity


25/09/2010 - We learn today that 2 nights ago in the prison in Cagliari, Sardinia, a group of about twenty cops once again showed up the infamous character of this structure by closing the common section in order to open a cell and beat up some Tunisian-Algerian detainees. Despite the protests of the entire section with the launch of objects and shouting out against the tormentors, the damned bastards carried on.
This news, like much more, is unfortunately often suffocated inside the filthy four walls of prisons and it is only thanks to prisoners who are not prepared to be silenced that it emerges from the cemetaries of cement.
One of the beaten boys was dragged away and sent who knows where.
Remember that in this prison there is a comrade who is always ready to fight to keep his spirit intact.
To write to him:
Francesco Domingo
Buoncammino Avenue, 19
09123 Cagiliari-Sardinia


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