Frequently Asked Questions

Can I receive Last Gasp's newsletters?

Yes. Go to our newsletter page for more info.

How do I become one of your wholesale customers?

If you sell books and comics and want to become one of our wholesale customers you first need to read our wholesale terms. Next, you should fill out and submit our credit application.

Important: You must be a verifiable retailer and be able to provide us with a copy of your State Resale License.

How do I submit art or writing to Last Gasp's editors?

Last Gasp does not generally accept or publish unsolicited submissions. However, if you would like to send a proposal, please read the following guidelines.

Last Gasp publishes 12-20 books a year. We specialize in unusual and extraordinary high-quality books in the fields of pop culture; pop surrealism & lowbrow art; comics & graphic novels; erotica; photography; and poetry & literary fiction; and gift items. Please familiarize yourself with Last Gasp's publications prior to submitting anything to our editors. You can find our books in your local bookstore, library, our catalog, or online at (Note that Last Gasp's publications are different from the books Last Gasp distributes from other publishers.)

When sending in a submission, please remember that it may take up to three months for Last Gasp to review it. We advise sending us copies of your material and keep the original for your records, as we accept no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. A proposal should include as many of the following items as possible.

  1. Cover letter with brief description of the project and description of any enclosures.
  2. Proposal, including outline, introduction, illustrations list, sample captions, and text/sample chapters.
  3. Sample illustrations or photographs (duplicates rather than originals).
  4. Author/illustrator/photographer biography, including publishing credits and credentials in the field.
  5. A self-addressed, stamped envelope for return of the materials.

If you are submitting fiction (a novel or a short story collection), you will need to be brilliant or have a lot of luck. Last Gasp rarely publishes fiction. Submit the complete manuscript and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

Do not submit original art or other original materials and please keep a copy of your project. Please note that material unaccompanied by a SASE will not be returned.

PLEASE NOTE: These guidelines are for informational purposes only and do not constitute a solicitation of any manuscript, artwork, transparencies, or other material. Submission of any unsolicited materials shall be done at the author, photographer or illustrator’s own risk of loss or damage.

Submissions should be sent to

Attn: Editorial Submissions
Last Gasp
777 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110

How do I submit a publication to Last Gasp for distribution?

To have your publication considered for distribution, inclusion in our newsletters and on the website, please send a non-returnable review copy to the attention of our Submissions Department.

We select items for distribution that seem to fit into the types of stuff that we already sell: the unusual, underground, and out-of-the-ordinary. Also, we have to carry items that we think will sell for us. Please do not be discouraged if we decide not to carry your product at this time. Last but least, please be patient. To receive a response, you MUST include a self-addressed stamped envelope. Please wait 6-8 weeks before following up with a phone call after you've sent us a review copy. Keep in mind that we purchase all products at a minimum of 60% off the cover price (for an item retailing at $10, we would purchase it at $4). The vendor (you) must pay to ship the goods to our warehouse. Payment terms are consignment or net-90 day billing, depending on the product.