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Death Penalty
Prisoners of Laos: Kay Danes Appeals For Hakit Yang, St. Paul, Minnesota Hmong, others ‘I would like to raise my continued growing concerns for the three U.S. Citizens that went missing in Laos August 25th, 2007, following arrest,” said Kay Danes, Advocate, with the Foreign Prisoner Support Service. “These men have not returned to the United States, to their families.” Full Story
Lawyer Stephen Kenny hailed for pro bono work
A lawyer who defended David Hicks against the US military and who regularly works pro bono for refugees, asylum seekers and native title groups has been recognised for helping the disadvantaged. Adelaide lawyer Stephen Kenny has won the Law Society of South Australia's justice award for 2010. Society president Richard Mellows said Mr Kenny should be praised for his selfless dedication and passion for helping others in the community. - Full Story Support Orphans of Death Row Inmates!
FPSS in the Media
The Foreign Prisoner Support Service is organised for the charitable purpose of creating education and awareness about foreign internment, prison conditions and foreign judicial processes, drug education and prevention, in an effort to seek to deter would-be offenders, and to campaign for those wrongfully convicted, to safeguard the rights of prisoners in accordance with the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and to assist charitable and other philanthropic causes in the community to promote Human Rights and Fair Trials for all.

Estab.1995 - We are strictly volunteers offering our services and experience to help others.
PO Box 5401, West End Q 4101 Australia
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Save Gaile Owens from Tennessee execution Save Gaile Owens from Tennessee execution
The Tennessee Supreme Court announced on April 19, that it has denied the commutation request, filed on Friday, Feb. 5, on behalf of Gaile Owens. Governor Phil Bredesen is now the only person who can decide to commute Gaile's sentence of the death penalty to life in prison. It is important now more than ever to show your support for Gaile. Please make your voice heard by calling or writing Governor Phil Bredesen. Visit the learn more section for more information about what you can do to show your support.
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  • Visit Ryner Christopher Visit Ryner Christopher
    I would very much welcome a visit or letters from people throughout the world. This would help me to maintain a positive outlook for the future. I am so lonely at times even though I am surrounded by hundreds of prisoners. If you feel inclined to write to me then I would be so grateful. Thank you to the Foreign Prisoner Support service for including my name on their prison pages.
  • Case Information
  • Kay Danes Speaks Out For Hmong Refugee in Thailand
    I am deeply concerned to read ongoing reports that describe, at best, serious violations of human rights committed by Thai authorities against Lao Hmong refugees at Nong Khai immigration detention centre. According to reports released by Human Rights Watch, the Thai authorities are denying refugees the basic necessities, such as clean drinking water, food, and access to proper sanitation facilities, in order to coerce the Lao Hmong refugees to accept 'voluntary' return to Laos. This puts the Thai Authorities in direct violation of International Law. - Click Here for Information
    F E A T U R E * C A M P A I G N * Brenda Martin is a Canadian woman who has been imprisoned in a Mexican jail without due process for over 2 years and at this point, her fate is in the hands of the Mexican Government. Brenda's family and friends have been desperately attempting to raise awareness of her plight, calling on the Canadian Government to ensure that she receives a fair trial....... read more of her sad story click here
    "Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him." Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
    Just in case you forgot - Click Here to read the Universal declaration of Human Rights
    Copyright - An important message to website owners
    All information at this site is © Copyright 1995 - 2010 'Save-A-Life' & 'Foreign Prisoner Support Service' unless stated otherwise. As with all our information AND more specifically, information relating to CAMPAIGNS AND/OR PRISONERS we have been granted special permission to disclose this type of information by the families and/or by the detainee themselves. Therefore, if you wish to use any of this information to re-create in your own website or elsewhere, please contact us - save breach of copyright. News stories are reprinted for archival, news reporting and information use only and are credit where possible. Click here for the legal stuff

    Daniel Morcombe
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