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DRUGS WERE PLANTED in Schapelle's bag by Indonesian Baggage Handlers or police
Schapelle was a victim of Bali Police Shake Down
At the time of Schapelle's arrest, Indonesia was being told how to run their country by George Bush's SE Asia Deputy Sheriff,  PM John Howard.

Australia was insisting on Indonesia charging the cleric Bashir with terrorism. Indonesia had to stop our interference. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

On the day of Schapelle's arrest, all interference from Australia stopped. All co-operation between the AFP and the Indonesian police stopped. Howard announced that he would respect the rights of Indonesia as a sovereign nation. We had been warned in no uncertain terms to cease interference!

Corby supporters were told by John Howard to trust the Indonesian Courts to deliver justice. We were told to keep quiet.... And look what happened!
* Drugs were never proven to be from Australia. Despite her request for testing, the Bali police refused and then ordered to burn the evidence.
+ Fingerprints were never taken. Schapelle asked for this to be done but was refused by the Bali police saying it was not necessary.
+ Schapelle's baggage was not weighed. Despite asking to compare weight with checkin weight, the Bali police refused.
+ No investigation was ever made by the Bali police into her distribution network as it      never existed.
+ No investigation was ever made by Bali Police into her drug contacts in Bali as they never existed.
+ The AFP announced that it was not their job to clear people of criminal charges. She was never investigated by the AFP. No case to answer in Australia!
+ Alexander Downer said in an interview with Monica Attard on the ABC, "look at the Bali end!"
=  Schapelle was sentenced to 20 yrs for a crime that never happened!
The Story behind the Story
2o years for a crime that hever happened.
20 years in hell if she survives
20 years in Kerobokan is a Death Sentence
6 yesrs down .How much longer can she survive?
Schapelle Corby now cannot communicate coherently and suffers from a severe psychotic mental disorder that requires urgent repatriation to a suitable facility in Australia to have any hope of regaining her life. If she stays where she is now she will certainly die.... in prison!         
These three videos explain in simple language what the media and the government do not want you to know.
The Corby Scandal Part 1
The Corby Scandal Part 2
The Corby Scandal Part 3
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