Showing newest posts with label Dickheads. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Dickheads. Show older posts

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Cracker Comments - Steve Price(MTR)

Last month, Steve Price from radio station, MTR interviewed John Rogerson, the CEO of the Australian Drug Foundation. The topic was the AFL’s 3 strike drug policy.

Steve Price: What do you think of this idea that you can have 2 strikes and still not be named?

John Rogerson: I think it’s one of the strengths of the policy. This policy is about trying to help players who are using drugs to get off them.

Steve Price: Wouldn’t publicly shaming you after the 1st offence be more likely to get you off than keeping it a secret?

John Rogerson: The research is very, very clear on this. Public shaming does not work … one bit.

Steve Price: I don’t know how you can say that. 

Yes, the man known as the “Angry Dwarf” was not going to accept the word of a drug addiction expert or even the dozens of studies into the subject. He had his own views and it became obvious that nothing was going to change his mind.

Steve Price: How’s it working?

John Rogerson: It’s working because the number of players failing tests is decreasing.

Steve Price: That’s the numbers caught. You’re not really suggesting only 14 AFL players in the 2009 on and off season took illicit drugs, are you?

John Rogerson: I don’t know what else we can expect the AFL to do. They are testing and testing more and clearly the percentage of players failing tests is decreasing. I think what we need to bear in mind with this whole program is that if we look at the level of drug use in the AFL compared to what’s going on in the community, it’s far, far, far less so we look at the recent stats around cannabis use, 20% of males aged between 20 and 29 are using cannabis. The AFL have got one failed test.

Steve Price: Yeah, but those stats don’t match reality.

John Rogerson said on at least 5 occasions, that research clearly shows that publicly shaming drug users has a negative impact. What was Steve Price’s source of information? Why was he so adamant that John Rogerson was wrong and he was right? Price was more concerned with punishing a player than any need to help them.

Steve Price has a long history of trying to sensationalise moral issues, especially drugs. From way back in the days when he worked on 3AW, to his years on 2UE trying to crack the Sydney market, Price has been consistent with his “Shock Jock” image and bursts of moral outrage. For those who might not have had the pleasure of seeing Steve in action, here is a refresher.

The problem with bucketheads like Steve Price is that they take themselves so seriously they forget the need to check facts. It’s being perpetually angry, self righteous and having an insatiable quest for popularity that will enviably lead to taking short cuts and without the facts, it can backfire. ABC’s MediaWatch has at least 2 examples of this. But the biggest problem for Price is hypocrisy. Steve might hate drugs but his love affair with booze is somehow OK. He has written about his own excessive drinking several times for News Ltd and even has a police record for drunk-driving. Interestingly, his drunk-driving conviction didn’t stop him fronting a report on car hoons for A Current Affair. Conveniently, his current disqualification for drunk driving wasn’t mentioned and either were his 7 driving offences including 5 for speeding. Another example of hypocrisy was the failure to declare his wife, Wendy Black, worked for ex Workplace Relations Minister, Joe Hockey. How many interviews did he conduct with politicians without declaring that rip-snorter? And to top it off, it seems that the bulldog image he endears so much can be a wee bit sensitive at times. Steve Price has the honour of being one of Australia’s most litigious journalist. He has sued Steven Mayne from Crikey, Richmond’s Kevin Bartlett, Adnews magazine and Dr Turf as well as threatening various others with court action. Not surprisingly, he himself has been sued 3 times at least including one incident involving gay slurs.

Very much about different styles of talk radio and why Steve Price is moving to Sydney, and it's seen as quite a good move for Steve, because he probably suits the radio shock-jock culture that Sydney has got firmly entrenched far more than he suits Melbourne. His sort of abusive and abrasive style I think will sit very well in a 2UE where you've had John Laws for years and up until recently, Alan Jones, so I think he fits that genre of shock-jock quite well.

Let’s face it. Steve Price is not a journalist or a well researched opinionist. He is a shock jock like Stan Zemanek or Alan Jones. His holier-than-thou rants might boost his own self confidence but it is a far cry from the serious, hard hitting “journalism” that he tries to portray. Maybe, someone should tell him that defying experts on air with smug, bully-like tactics does not change the facts. It may entertain an ignorant public by sticking it to an ivory tower academic but it still just boils down to trash reporting from a uninformed, shock jock.

This is a big part of the MTR philosophy: you don’t have to read a book to know what’s what.

The interview with John Rogerson was disgraceful. Throwing in ridiculous comments like, “You think it’s OK to take drugs, do you?” or using out of context scenarios are just cheap ploys to win a straw man argument. But nothing stings your credibility more than not knowing who you are actually interviewing. 

Steve Price: OK Thank you John, John Rogerson CEO from the Australian Drug Foundation. Can we work out what the Australian Drug Foundation actually is? So I can tell people why that bloke has got such a stupid, soft view of the world. What a dumb thing to say. What an absolutely stupid thing to say. What are the Australian Drug Foundation? A marketing arm for drug dealers?

There you go. “Can we work out what the Australian Drug Foundation actually is?”  Maybe, this question should have been asked before the interview. I wonder if Steve would ask the same question about Good Sports, Australian Drug Information Network(ADIN), Community Alcohol Action Network(CAAN), Centre for Youth Drug Studies(CYDS) or the DrugInfo Clearinghouse? All these groups are part of ADF. They certainly are not, “a marketing arm for drug dealers”.

Full Transcript


Steve Price: What do you think of this idea that you can have 2 strikes and still not be named?

John Rogerson: I think it’s one of the strengths of the policy. This policy is about trying to help players who are using drugs to get off them.

Steve Price: Wouldn’t publicly shaming you after the 1st offence be more likely to get you off than keeping it a secret?

John Rogerson: The research is very, very clear on this. Public shaming does not work … one bit.

Steve Price: I don’t know how you can say that. 

John Rogerson: The research shows right around the world shows that if you want to help people with their addiction, where it drugs, sex, food, whatever. Then publicly shaming them has a negative impact.

Steve Price: So we should have kept Tiger Woods sexual escapades secret and he would have been more easily cured?

John Rogerson: Nah, definitely not saying that.

Steve Price: But you are saying that.

John Rogerson: No, the evidence on this is very, very clear. Public shaming is not to going to help anybody in our community get off any addiction that they have.

Steve Price: As an employer, shouldn’t I know if one of my employees is taking drugs illegally? 

John Rogerson: Well, I guess it depends on what you are going to do. If you look at the general community attitude towards illicit drugs, there is all sorts of hire and shame when they hear of anyone who takes illicit drugs. And in general Steve, it stigmatises these people. So therefore that doesn’t help with their recovery. So the whole purpose of this program is to help people recover. And stigmatising them, berating them is not going to help. 

Steve Price: It’s just a soft way out. It’s just saying we’ll keep it secret. No one will ever know, if you’re not a bad boy again, we won’t punish you.

John Rogerson: I don’t know how you can say that. Clearly this policy, this program is working.

Steve Price: How’s it working?

John Rogerson: It’s working because the number of players failing tests is decreasing.

Steve Price: That’s the numbers court. You’re not really suggesting only 14 AFL players in the 2009 on and off season took illicit drugs, are you?

John Rogerson: I don’t know what else we can expect the AFL to do. They are testing and testing more and clearly the percentage of players failing tests is decreasing. I think what we need to bear in mind with this whole program is that if we look at the level of drug use in the AFL compared to what’s going on in the community, it’s far, far, far less so we look at the recent stats around cannabis use, 20% of males aged between 20 and 29 are using cannabis. The AFL have got one failed test.

Steve Price: Yeah, but those stats don’t match reality.

John Rogerson: What would you like them to do Steve?

Steve Price: What I would like them to do is make public those players who are using drugs so if I have a 17 year old kid who is going to be drafted, I would like to know the club is going to be tough on their players who take drugs and they aught to be sacked. I’d be sacked if I got caught taking drugs.

John Rogerson: Well, you might be sacked.

Steve Price: Not might … would be!

John Rogerson: But the average person in the community who got caught using cannabis for example... 

Steve Price: Train drivers - sacked. Police officers - sacked. Ambulance officers - sacked. Doctors - sacked. 

John Rogerson: There’s an issue there about public safety. The average person in the community caught using cannabis does not get put in jail. They actually get support, treatment and diversion.

Steve Price: What about the average person who goes out and buys ice, ecstasy and cocaine from a drug dealer? That’s fine is it? What message are you sending to young people? 

John Rogerson: What this is about, and I know the view in the community is, let’s get tough on them, it actually doesn’t help them.

Steve Price: The community actually reflects what really should be the real view. They should get tough on people. This is just a soft way to deal with the issue. It is absolutely just ruining the lives of so many young people. 

John Rogerson: No, no… 

Steve Price: You think it’s OK to take drugs, do you?

John Rogerson: No, I definitely don’t think it’s OK to take drugs. But if we are going to help people using drugs get off them, then public shaming, putting them in jail, all that stuff … it doesn’t work. And the research and evidence is really clear on this. So it’s alright to have public opinion to be really tough on them but it doesn’t work.

Steve Price: OK Thank you John, John Rogerson CEO from the Australian Drug Foundation. Can we work out what the Australian Drug Foundation actually is? So I can tell people why that bloke has got such a stupid, soft view of the world. What a dumb thing to say. What an absolutely stupid thing to say. What are the Australian Drug Foundation? A marketing arm for drug dealers?

Monday, 28 June 2010

How Most People Get Their Information About Drugs

Fox News in the US is fairly much what you would expect from a Murdoch owned TV station - heavily biased conservative spin, anti Obama/Democrats, anti-abortion, strong patriotic themes bordering on jingoism, pro-war, supporters of the "War on Drugs”, very Christian - anti-Muslim etc. But, apart from the show’s obvious bias, it derives much of it’s derision from it’s promotional tag line - Fox News … Fair & Balanced!  It doesn’t take long for someone with an average intelligence to realise just how unfair and unbalanced Fox News really is. For the uninitiated, it would be very easy to mistake it as a self parody comedy sketch.

The latest Fox News outrage is a TV commercial by The Drug Policy Alliance(DPA) released last month. The commercial has upset 2 of their most outspoken commentators, Megyn Kelly and Bill O’Reilly and prompted them to lash out with some very interesting claims. The problem though, is that their claims are false even to the point of being ridiculous. Fox News is renown for misleading figures and bizarre claims when it comes to drugs but this latest effort shows how far some anti-drug pundits will go.

First, the DPA commercial.

DPA Commercial

Watch as Fox News makes their astonishing claims. Keep an eye on the statistics they put up as facts.

Fox News Clip 1

Fox News copped a lot of flack over their report but Megyn Kelly was on a mission. Especially when she found out that fellow Fox News employee, John Stossel agreed with Sting.

Fox News Clip 2

Boy, does that woman hate Sting. You had to laugh though at her “ivory tower” rant and the slur that some unnamed source told her, “Mr. Sting is a big fan of certain substances”

But, it was Megyn Kelly’s attempt to ridicule John Stossel that was most appalling. Although every attempt was made to push out the usual misinformation and false figures as facts, Stossel stuck with the evidence and corrected Kelly several times for flat out lying. In typical style, Kelly kept changing the topic and throwing up straw man arguments but Stossel debunked every point she made.

-All this as you have California, Washington, New Hamshire, Rhode Island and Massachusetts all considering or have passed laws legalising marijuana
-Alcohol has an addiction rate of 10%. Cocaine … 75%.
-The studies show that the places where it’s been legalised, crime has gone up, addiction has gone up
-- Megyn Kelly

The facts:
-Countries that had effectively legalised drugs had decreases in crime and addiction, not increases
-Alcohol has an addiction rate of 15% with cocaine at 17%
-No state in the US have passed laws legalising marijuana

John Stossel must have upset some Fox News heavies and Bill O’Reilly was sent in clean up the mess. And what better way to discredit the DPA commercials than through the founder, Ethan Nadelmann. Armed with their only fact - children are mistreated more often by those with substance abuse problems - Bill-O went into action a few days later.

Fox News Clip 3

Was it really a surprise that Fox News didn’t have a legitimate argument and their attack on illicit drugs was unfounded? As Ethan Nadelmann pointed out, alcohol is the main cause of mistreatment towards children, not drugs but Bill-O wasn’t going to admit to that blunder. His simply dismissed it as “Bull”. Like Megyn Kelly, Bill-O skipped from point to point as each of his claims were pulled apart with facts. Very shallow reporting from Fox News.

It’s sad that this is how many people are getting their information about drugs. The drug debate should be about what’s best for society and how to deal with the problem of drug abuse but it’s dickheads like O’Reilly and Kelly who are prepared to openly lie and criticise those who are doing nothing more than telling the truth. Supporters of prohibition have self serving reasons for their hard line stance on drugs and will go to extreme measures to push their opinion onto the public. That includes accusing a whole country of being morally depraved because of their liberal drug laws.

The attack on The Netherlands by Fox News last year, is a classic example of how a country with very successful drug laws is made to look as immoral and unsafe because it defies the old established views that tough penalties are the only way to fight drugs. This is not so much, a war on drugs but a war on culture.

Fox News - The Netherlands Report

You may have noticed the blonde factor at Fox News - Megyn Kelly, Monica Crowley and Margaret Hoover. Do they have a factory that spits out lying dumb blondes with ridiculous views? You may also be asking yourself, how can Fox News produce such dribble without a storm of criticism. Where were the media on this? Where was the outrage at such scandalous accusations? Why did it take a YouTube response to set the record straight?

Response to The Netherlands Report

More here:
Fox News responds

Fox News response debunked again

And on it goes…

And for more on Megyn Kelly lying about statistics

Related Articles

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Brumby Lies About Safe Injection Clinics

I think the evidence now suggests it is not the way to go
-- Victorian Premier John Brumby - Talking about supervised injecting facilities (The Age)

The evidence ... What evidence?

A spokeswoman for Mr Brumby was unable to provide details on the evidence against supervised injecting rooms.
-- The Age

If this isn’t the most blatant case of government deceit, I would love to know what is.

The evidence Brumby speaks of simply doesn’t exist. What does exist though is plenty of evidence that safe injecting centres are the way to go and a local report released just yesterday proves it … again.

Rejecting a publicly funded life saving program like a safe injection clinic is the prerogative of the premier but there is also some responsibility that goes with the decision. Especially when it involves cold face lying to further his political career. Now Brumby must face the real life consequences of his decision. In short, he has condemned some people to overdosing and dying and others to serious infection with the possibility of loosing an arm. Brumby’s selfish, vote seeking actions will cause death, pain and grief … all of it avoidable. I hope one day he is called to produce his “evidence” to those families who loose someone from an overdose where a safe injection centre should have been.

A safe injection centre this is not some radical strategy that has experts undecided but a scientifically proven program that operates in several countries very successfully. It is endorsed by nearly every medical group and expert in Australia including popular support from the public. According to a poll run by The Age, as part of the article below, nearly 4 out of 5 Victorians think we need such a program. 

I want to know why John Brumby thinks he knows more than the hundreds of experts who support the injecting centre and why his opinion is important than the publics. More importantly, I want to know where John Brumby’s mystical evidence is and will he reconsider if he can’t produce it?

Mobile Injecting Room Backed
Kate Hagan
June 2010

Victorian Premier says injecting rooms are not the right way to go.

A MOBILE supervised injecting van should be considered for Melbourne due to the city's geographic spread of drug markets, experts say.

While admitting the issue is difficult politically, experts have renewed their push for supervised injecting rooms following a new report by the Burnet Institute detailing their success at reducing harm in Sydney and overseas.

And they say a mobile facility - such as one that has operated in Barcelona - could be a cost-effective way to provide services in multiple locations where drug users gather including Footscray, St Kilda, Dandenong and Richmond.

The report was commissioned by the Yarra Drug and Health Forum after residents, particularly on public housing estates in Collingwood and Fitzroy, complained of drug users injecting on their doorstep and called for a system to get them off the streets.

Forum executive officer Joe Morris said: ''People who live on the estates continually say, 'Why doesn't the government provide an area for these people to go and inject?' It doesn't mean they support drug use - in fact, some of them are very conservative in their views about what should happen to drug users - but if it's going to happen and if these people are going to inject, then they want a place for them to go.''

Mr Morris said he was aware of Victorian MPs from both major parties who privately supported supervised injecting facilities.

''I'm very hopeful that they will come out, particularly after the election, and stand up for what they believe,'' he said.

Premier John Brumby said yesterday that the government did not support supervised injecting facilities: ''We looked at this issue in some depth some years ago but I think the evidence now suggests it is not the way to go, and we've got no plans to change our policy.''

A spokeswoman for Mr Brumby was unable to provide details on the evidence against supervised injecting rooms.

A Liberal Party spokesman said the opposition did not support them. The Greens continue their support for the facilities.

Professor Robert Power, of the Burnet Institute, said evidence showed injecting facilities improved public amenity by reducing crime, public injecting and discarded needles.

The facilities had also reduced overdoses and risk behaviours for HIV and hepatitis B and C, he said.

Poll: Does Melbourne need a safe injection facility for intravenous drug users?
Yes 79%
No 21%

Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Steve Fielding … Fuck Off!

How long will we have to put up with this ignorant, self righteous twat? This part time clown, part time politician has no qualms about mouthing off about subjects that are too complex for his tiny, pea sized brain. Like arguing against doctors and drug addiction experts, when he has little knowledge about the subject.

Greens High On Soft Drug Policy: Fielding
June 2010

Family First Leader Senator Steve Fielding says the Greens are up to their old tricks with their plan to stick heroin injecting rooms on street corners across the country.

Senator Fielding’s comments come after it was revealed that the Greens will continue their soft stance on drugs ahead of this year federal election.

“As a community we should be getting tougher on drugs not softer,” Senator Fielding said.

“We have a wave of alcohol fuelled violence on our streets and we shouldn’t be making it easier for people to be taking illegal drugs and causing even more problems.

“This is just typical of the Greens warped policy ideas which will just erode away the moral fabric of our society.”

Senator Fielding said the policy of introducing heroin injecting rooms would only support the supply of illegal drugs and line the pockets of dealers.

“Melbourne has already had one drug war too many, just imagine the increase in demand for these illegal narcotics if the Greens were able to get their way,” Senator Fielding said.

“Illegal drugs rip families apart and there is no way we should be making it easier for these people to get their next hit."

Senator Fielding said if voters couldn’t trust Labor and Liberal they certainly couldn’t trust the Greens with their soft stance on drugs.

“Family First is the only party looking out for ordinary Australians without taking things to extremes like the Greens,” Senator Fielding said.

Steve Fielding should do us all a favour and fuck off! He is a fear mongering, morally vacant, self serving ponce. Let me tell you why.

Fielding’s latest response was to public health specialist and Greens’s candidate, Dr. Richard Di Natale. But calling a doctor "Soft on Drugs" because he recommends a scientifically proven program that saves lives is just typical of Fielding’s messed-up moral maelstrom. Fielding’s objection to safe injection clinics in Victoria is based on nothing more than ideology and political profiting. These clinics have been established in several countries and they all have been deemed a huge success. Opposing them with little more than anti-drug rhetoric just shows how shallow Steve Fielding really is.

How apt is it that this weekend, Alex Wodak and Ingrid van Beek have both been appointed as Members of the Order of Australia, mostly for their work establishing the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) and other so called, “soft on drugs” programs like the needle exchange program.

Like most modern conservative Christians in politics, hypocrisy is part of the game. And in this game, Fielding’s target who “will just erode away the moral fabric of our society” is also his political opponent who may just unseat him in the upcoming election. 

Fielding's rejection of science is not welcome in 2010. Fielding believes the world is only 10,000 years old and dinosaurs roamed the the earth with humans. He believes that a man called Noah gathered 2 of every species(including all birds, insects, whales etc.), put them on a boat and saved them from a giant flood that wiped out life on the planet. Maybe Richard Dawkins was correct when he described Fielding as having an IQ lower than an earthworm.

Dawkin’s comment may be more poignant through than just a dig at a well know buffoon. Steve Fielding has a self confessed learning disability. Add to this his bizarre views of evolution and his credibility is not looking too good. Publicity stunts like dressing up as a beer bottle and semi-stripping in a protest march doesn’t help either. This is what he said to SBS News a few days ago.

The Greens are up to their old tricks. They’re soft on drugs and really this is the wrong message to be sending Australia. We’ve got a huge street violence issue and going soft on drugs is going to make it worse not even better.

Does this even make sense? It sounds a lot like a bunch of choice, scary words randomly joined together. 

As with all self righteous, anti-drug warriors, the drug using population are often portrayed as some sort of dark evil that corrupts society. Rarely are they grouped into their appropriate classes - recreational users and addicts. Mostly, these two groups are worlds apart but usually they are lumped in together under the title of scumbags, druggies or junkies. It’s this ignorance that might explain comments like this:

Illegal drugs rip families apart and there is no way we should be making it easier for these people to get their next hit

These people? Does he mean, “these people” who are someone’s friends or family or co-workers. Or does he mean those faceless junkies who should be stopped from using drugs at any cost? I would love for Fielding to explain how providing safe, medical facilities for “these people” is making it easier for them to buy their drugs? 

As a community we should be getting tougher on drugs not softer

What the hell does, “soft on drugs” actually mean? Whenever we hear this term, it usually refers to evidence based strategies that save lives or reduces harm. If that is being “soft on drugs”, then Fielding has some moral dilemmas to work through. Does he just choose to ignore the ample evidence showing the "War on Drugs" has failed along with our own ”Tough on Drugs" policy?

Fielding was elected with just 2519 first preference votes (0.08%), and his party as a whole received just 56,376 votes (1.9%) for the Federal Senate in Victoria

It mightn’t be headline news that Fielding is an utter fuckwit but when he shares the balance of power in the senate, it should be of major concern for all Australians. Ironically, Steve Fielding and Family First are not in the senate through popularity but because of the preference system in Australia. Only 2519 people voted for him. I wonder why?

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Smoking Taxes - What About Those Who Don’t Quit?

This article might be 12 months old but it's still relevant considering there's a proposal to raise tax on cigarettes and push the price to over $20 for a pack of 30s.

(20/04/2009) The Heart Foundation and their chief Dr. Lyn Roberts, can go fuck themselves. These imbeciles are once again wanting to increase the tax on cigarettes in the upcoming federal budget as part of their relentless drive to outlaw tobacco. They want to increase the price of cigarettes by 21% which is 7.5¢ per cigarette or $3 for a packet of 40s, which incidentally is much higher than the current CPI. If you’re a regular reader here, you’re probably aware that I have harped on about this issue before when many smokers including myself were financially savaged previously by increased taxes. Did I mention that the Heart Foundation and their chief Dr. Lyn Roberts, can go fuck themselves?

I get it, smoking is a killer and increased pricing is an extremely effective tool for reducing smoking rates. I know that smoking related illness kills more people and costs more to the health system than alcohol and all illicit drugs combined. On the surface it all sounds compelling and is a “no brainer” as Dr. Lyn Roberts describes it but if you get past the moral imperatives and the anti-smoking dogma, then there are some serious issues that need addressing.

Let’s clear up one issue that unsurprisingly never gets mentioned by the anti-smoking brigade. The burden on the health system is huge running into the billions of dollars but alas, the tax income from tobacco is actually more. So, let’s get this out ... the government nets more money from smoking taxes than it pays out in health costs. I just needed to clear that up for the readers who constantly whinge we are wasting medical resources on ambulances who pick up people suffering from drug related problems or self inflicted health issues.

Now the reality. Pricing deterrants have been proven to be very effective in preventing smoking rates. What it basically does is make smokers reconsider the financial cost versus the pleasure but for the poorer folk, it actually prices the product out of their reach unless they sacrifice something else ... and that usually means food, clothes or other essentials.

I use the term ‘smokers’ casually and I really should use more appropriate terminology ... addicts or substance abusers or those with a chronic relapsing disorder. Nicotine is highly addictive and some experts say it is the most addictive substance we know of, including heroin. Of course, these people have never gone through heroin withdrawals or if they have, they have short memories. The point is, smokers are addicted and quitting is not easy. It mightn’t have the severe physical effects of heroin withdrawals but physiologically it’s up there with the best of them - opiates, cocaine, alcohol, laughing at Andrew Bolt etc. Like all drugs of addiction, some addicts manage to abstain from tobacco better than others. For those who find the expense of cigarettes just too much to bear, and finally quit, it’s a success for the social engineers at the HQs of various anti-smoking groups. Less smokers, less smoking related illness, less deaths and it’s also great news for the ex smokers that are now free from nicotine. Yaaaaaaah!

But what about those who didn’t quit. Once we get past the hollow cries that smokers are pathetic and weak, we are still left with over 3 million smokers. Those who are on lower incomes are more likely to smoke than those who can afford to which adds to the problem. How are they going to cope with paying $3 extra per packet? Take an example budget where a couple buy 14 packets a week between 2 of them. That is already a massive $224 per week but with the proposed tax hike, it adds nearly $50 to the weekly budget. This is simply discrimination against lower income earners.

It might be okay for Dr. Roberts to skip into work all smiley and giggly that she has cut back smoking for the masses but all around her are millions of people who are being pushed to the edge. There are families being ripped apart by a legal product known to be highly addictive. Those that succumb to the strangaling prices and quit are off the hook but those who can’t are doomed to deepening poverty. Not having enough money to buy clothes, food or pay bills might not affect the anti-smoking crusaders but it is all too real for millions of people. Loosing $50 per week means something has to be sacrificed ... skipping lunch during the week, the kids miss out on school events, Christmas presents etc. These are real for many people but there could be more severe ramifications. Divorce, depression, alcoholism, suicide and wrecked families are all symptoms of financial stress.

I can hear some minds ticking over ... just give up smoking for god’s sake. Easily said but if it was that simple, we would not have this problem. So what are the alternatives? I am not an expert but blanket strategies never seem to work out well in any field. A more targeted approach is needed. For example, if one aim is to stop people taking up smoking then maybe existing smokers should register with the government and those without a permit pay the extra tax? Maybe the tax should be based on income/debt so that low income earners will not be forced into poverty. I’m sure there are more streamlined strategies possible. Until then, anti-smoking zealots are going to continue ruining many lives under the guise of saving lives.
Boost Tax On Smokers - Heart Foundation Sky News April 2009 Smokers who puff through a packet a day will have to find an extra $1,000 a year to feed their habit if a leading health group has its way.

The Heart Foundation is urging the federal government to target smokers in the May budget by boosting tobacco tax by 21 per cent - or 7.5 cents per cigarette.

It would be the first rise over and above inflation in a decade.

The move would prompt 130,000 adults to quit and prevent 35,000 children from getting hooked on cigarettes, the foundation's chief Lyn Roberts says.

'Increasing tobacco tax is, quite frankly, a no-brainer,' Dr Roberts told the National Press Club.

'It will, in particular, benefit people of lower socio-economic status, drive up quit rates, improve health and increase disposable income.'

Dr Roberts said the increase would pour $1 billion into government coffers, which should be spent on preventative health measures.

'We have really quite a strong history over a number of years in Australia of being able to implement tobacco tax or excise increases quite successfully,' she said.

'If people could quit smoking in these tough times, an average smoker ... would probably save around $5,000 a year.'

A spokesman for federal Health Minister Nicola Roxon said the government would not be drawn into budget speculation.

The Cancer Council of Victoria has released a study of 4,500 smokers that found almost three quarters of respondents would try to quit if prices were increased to $20 per pack.

Smoking is a key risk factor in cardiovascular disease (CVD), which encompasses heart disease, stroke and blood vessel disease and is responsible for more than one third of all deaths in Australia.

Death rates for CVD have declined from their peak 40 years ago but Dr Roberts said she worried the downward trend could turn around. In January, a West Australian study of more than 1,000 Australian 14-year-olds found 29 per cent had a combination of risk factors that increased their chances of developing CVD.

'Like the US, progress here continues to lag in obesity, diabetes and physical inactivity,' she said.

'I ... fear that if these trends continue in Australia we could see CVD death rates rise again in the years ahead.'

Dr Roberts is pushing the government to develop a national food reformation strategy, which would pressure food manufacturers and fast-food outlets to make their products healthier.

'If we can get food companies and takeaway outlets to substitute palm oil (which contains about 55 per cent saturated fat) with oils low in saturated fat, we could make a very big impact on public health.'

She said a tax on junk food could be difficult to apply but the foundation was keen to explore the option, which was recently adopted in Denmark.

The foundation has also asked the federal government to become involved in its campaign to make people aware of the warning signs of heart attack and the importance of calling triple-zero fast.

'Disturbingly, far too many people wait too long to seek urgent treatment for heart attack,' Dr Roberts said.

Related Links:
Smoking and poverty link probe
Smoking Ban - Putting the Boot into Mental Health Patients
Tobacco Tax Increase Hurts The Poor

Monday, 12 April 2010

Bogan Schapelle Haters Love The Hillbilly Press

Nothing says moron more than those Daily Telegraph readers who try to out do each other by seeing who can make the most crass and vile comment possible. Especially when it comes to the Schapelle saga that has moron after moron chanting mind numbing comments like, “do the crime, do the time”. A recent article titled, Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health, in the Daily Telegraph and repeated on the website had a total of 82 comments with 11 of them saying, “do the crime, do the time”. A chant for fuckwits if ever there was one.

Suck it up princess... you do the crime, you do the time
Posted by Joe - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

What possesses so many bogans to write such mindless dribble? And it’s not just the sheer hatred for fellow Australian, Schapelle Corby that is so breathtaking but the high number of readers who take the time to make these vile comments. Don’t they have pigs to feed or banjo lessons? 
What a croc! Do the crime then do the time! See you in 2024 Schaps!!!
Posted by Ando - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

Most of these readers actually believe they are being decisive and resolute, taking a principled stand on a tough issue and not letting such feeble personality flaws like compassion or empathy to blur their judgement. They may feel they are acting in accordance with morality and just showing recognition of right and wrong but in realty they are simply being arrogant and are most probably, being hypocritical as well. Not being face to face empowers these tiny minds to say things they wouldn’t normally say. It’s all too easy to pretend you’re clever by making confronting, cruel comments when your real identity is conveniently hidden behind an alias on the anonymous internet. 

Just the same old wishy washy story from Schapelle once again, she only got half the book thrown at her to begin with; why do they keep posting this sad sad excuse for life on half-newsworthy sites? She did the crime, now do the time, as simple as that.
Posted by H of Brisbane - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

Then of course there are those who think of themselves as more intelligenter than others and like to use grown up words and be more profounder. I can be confident though that if you added up the sum of their collective IQs, it would come to less than 30. With so many clever, self appointed experts, it was inevitable that some readers would attempt to link cannabis with Corby’s mental condition.

Interesting that there is a strong link between excess marijuana use and depression and psychosis and here we have someone who was caught with excessive amounts of marijuana suffering depression and psychosis
Posted by Chris of Brisvegas - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

suffering psychosis That would be from the drugs not the jail Let her rott
Posted by Ben of wollongong - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

the issues are clouded regarding her apparant mental sickness,if it is the case then there is possibly mental instutions avaialable for such people. The fact remains she has been found guilty of a serious crime and the Drugs she was carrying could if distrbuted could have caused mental problems for others who knows what. I have know pity for any drug dealers or association with drugs they are the scourge of our society, Finally some how the society has also to take some of the blame for allowing the drugs to be so freely supplied over the years without truly stopping the corruption thatis so able paraded every day through our streets.
Posted by ken rowsthorne of Five Dock Sydney - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

My favourite comments though are those shrieking out in “think of the children” style and point out that many people would have become addicts from Corby’s dangerous bag of pot. BTW, pot isn’t addictive.

All sorts of situations could cause psychosis including the smoking of marijuana. Should I then feel pity for the thousands of Australians that suffer from psychosis through drug abuse? I have compassion and understanding but never pity. I am not saying that she has drug induced psychosis, but she is being held accountable for her part in the supply of the very drug that does have these effects of many. Should I feel compassion? Yes Should she be held accountable? Yes.
Posted by Bernadette Gregson of Forbes NSW - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

We don't care about her as she didn't care about who she damaged. Her family can say she is still into dope. I think she is as smart today as the day she was caught.
Posted by Jimmy - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

You would think that wishing her a lifetime of misery is sufficient but for some it’s just not enough. They have to also blame Schapelle for the media who write about her.

Schapelle Corby is not the only Australian in a Bali goal, isn't the Bali 9 still there?? Do the crime do the time...why is she constantly on the front page, she committed a crime, like others who do the same they spend time in goal without constant front page news!!!!!!!
Posted by Lorraine - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

It's been a few months since a story regarding Corby was printed. So here we go again. Anything to obtain sympathy.If she happens to get released.Watch how miraculously she will recover.She will never have to work again.Because she will be made rich by the womens mags and current affairs programs.Do the crime do the time.
Posted by bruce watson of boambee east - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

Amazingly, some readers think people with a mental illness should be locked up like the 1800s. 

The majority of prisoners throughout the world and in Australia have mental illnesses, should their sentences be cut as well? If she's insane that's more of a reason to keep her inside. We don't want this whack junkie walking about.
Posted by Mr Sensible of Sydney - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

Amazing the number of crims who claim insanity as an excuse for their crimes. But according to the Tele poll, few are falling for it. If she "...cannot control her mind, feelings and behaviour", she is a risk to others and obviously can't be allowed out of jail.
Posted by Fred of Chipping Norton - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

Is this really 2010?

Have you also noticed how many comments suggested that, like the book, Catch 22, if she is “insane” then she couldn’t possibly know it.

Interesting title of this article. How can an 'insane' person be sane enough to request a reprieve?
Posted by Justin Hunter of Brisbane - Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve For Her Health

If she's really "insane", she won't know what's she "pleading".
Posted by FuzionMan of Sydney - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

The grand imbecile prize for ridiculous comments in The Hillbilly Press must go to this reader. They managed to include nearly every point I have made so far. Bravo PJDJ of NSW!

He said Corby acts in a child-like way and is susceptible to exploitation. Isn't that her demeaner anyway.Wouldn't that be why she did what she did. I suppose it's worth trying anything, acting that is, to get out. If she is mentally unstable then lock her up in a mental facility. I wonder how many of our poor innocent children & grand children have ended up this way because of drug peddlers like her. If they do let her out on these grounds, & she returns to Australia, then us taxpayers will have to foot the bill for all her medical needs. In the meantime, she will rake in millions in book & movie deals. Do the crime do the time.
Posted by PJDJ of NSW - The Daily Telegraph: 'Insane' Schapelle Corby Pleads For Reprieve

With only a hand full of comments showing compassion for Schapelle Corby, the big question is why? Is Schapelle so evil that she deserves 20 years in sub-human conditions? Has she committed a crime so vile that she deserves to forfeit her mental state and suffer massive depression for the rest of her life? The answer is obviously no so why do so many readers wish upon her as much grief as possible? But there’s the crunch ... most Australia don’t think this way except readers of Murdoch’s Hillbilly Press. 

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