Party and Picnic in Triton Square, NW1 – 24/01/11

Come to a picnic and party in Triton Square, London on the 24th January 2011 from 2pm as part of the National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts.

Bring music, drums, whistles, banners, food to share and let’s brighten up the faceless corporate wasteland that is home to poverty pimps Atos Origin Ltd.

Musicians, poets, orators, ranters, shouters, all benefit claimants and supporters welcome. Please help spread the word and invite your friends.

Triton Square is on the North side of Euston Road, a minute or so from Warren Street tube and less than five minutes from Euston/Euston Square or Great Portland Street tube stations.

Part of the National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts on the 24th January 2011. For details of events in other cities please visit:

Facebook event at:

Thessaloniki 4 trial update day #1 by some attendants in solidarity

What follows is the first in a series of updates that will cover the Court of Appeals of our four comrades in Thessaloniki, day by day. Background information at

Friday 14 January 2011, 9am, Thessaloniki Courthouse.

The legal team of the defendants succeeded in its application to change one of the panel of three judges (a former state prosecutor) for another, less-biased one. Also, a fair number of the police witnesses (5-6 of the originally about 40 in number) asked to be excused because they knew nothing of the case.

The first prosecution witness was Police Officer Stamatis, the arresting officer of Simon Chapman. Simon’s lawyer, Christos Bakellas, set about demolishing the police witness testimony.

The next two prosecution witnesses (policemen) almost admitted the fact that they planted evidence against the arrested protesters. Neither police witness could say if forensic examination ever took place. These two officers were credible in that they didn’t know anything of our comrades’ arrests and could only say that they stuffed various molotovs and weapons in any available backpack to hand. Point being: any evidence found in a backpack is compromised.

The first day of the trial adjourned around 3.30pm Greek time (GMT+2).

Solidarity demo for Thessaloniki 4

A demonstration is planned at the Greek Embassy in London on the first day of the trial at 2pm, Friday 14th January 2011.

Check the website or facebook pages for full details nearer the time as well as regular updates on the campaign.

Background: Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Don’t Let Them Get Banged Up

Over a hundred people were arrested after a demonstration confronting the European Union summit, held in Thessaloniki in Greece back in 2003. Seven people were imprisoned and held on remand, including UK protester Simon Chapman. The prisoners began a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days.

A massive worldwide solidarity campaign followed including demonstrations, direct action and occupations leading to all seven being released on bail. All the charges were eventually dropped.

Years later after appeals from the Prosecutor the charges were reinstated. The first case finally came before the Courts in January 2008 where Simon Chapman and three of the other defendants – Suleiman “Kastro” Dakdouk (Syrian origin), Fernando Perez Gorraiz (Spain) and Michaelis Triakapis (Greece) – were found guilty.

All of those accused maintain their innocence and video and photographic evidence clearly shows police planting a rucksack filled with petrol bombs next to Simon see the photo, and also see:

This didn’t stop him receiving a prison sentences of more than eight years, with the other defendants all receiving over five years.

They will now face the Appeal Court again in January 2011, when they have the opportunity to appeal against their convictions. This means we have less than two months to build a campaign, raise vital funds and show true global solidarity to the defendants.

Please link to the campaign’s website on your web sites, forums, blogs, facebook profiles etc, tell friends and family and help to spread the word. Join and share the facebook page at:

or join and share the facebook group:

Solidarity with the Thessaloniki 4!

National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts: Day 2

Target Atos Origin and the Poverty Pimps

Take Action Against Atos Origin and the Poverty Pimps on the 24th January 2011:

Atos Origin have just been awarded a £300 million contract by the Con-dem Government to continue carrying out ‘work capability assessments’.

It is claimed assessments are to test what people can do rather than what they can’t. The real purpose is to strip benefits from as many people as possible.

This testing system has already led to people with terminal illnesses and severe medical conditions being declared fit for work and having benefits cut. GP’s are ignored in favour of decisions made by Atos Origin’s computer.

Plans announced for the scrapping of Disability Living Allowance have also revealed that this intrusive testing is likely to be extended to everyone on some form of disability or health related benefit.

To date around 40% of appeals against Atos Origin’s decisions have been successful.

The Government also plans to cut £2.5 billion from Employment Support Allowance. Plans to limit the benefit to just one year will mean that even those who are deemed unable to work will be presumed to have made a miraculous recovery. Meanwhile the budget for Disability Living Allowance is to be cut by 20%.

With the recent changes in Housing Benefit and possible changes to Council Tax benefit, these cuts will leave hundreds of thousands of people with severe health problems without enough money to feed themselves and heat their homes.

That’s if they aren’t forced into unpaid labour, no doubt inflicted on them by poverty pimps like SERCO and Action for Employment. Whilst millions of people face homelessness, disruption, debt and ill health the gravy train is being extended for those companies which seek to profit from the misery of others.

It’s time to fightback and hold these companies to account.

Atos Origin do not just do health related testing. They are a global IT and Consultancy company with offices around the UK. One speciality they boast of on their website is having: “a team of Organisation and HR professionals who undertake the analysis, design and execution of headcount reduction.”

A list of Atos Origins locations can be found at:

Other poverty pimps include:

Action for Employment




Please list more examples in the comments and organise now. Contact us with details of actions, protests and events taking place near you.

facebook page at:!/event.php?eid=173084439389460

email: notowelfarecuts (at)

National Troll A Tory Day! – December 15th

For all those unable to attend the National Day of Action Against Benefit Cuts we are pleased to present the first National Troll A Tory Day* on December 15th 2010.

*We aim to be as inclusive as possible.  With this in mind Tory can also be taken to mean Lib Dem, as we can longer see any difference between them.

Spend the day online firing out as many passionate, mischievous, heartfelt or just down and dirty rude messages to the Tory press, Tory or Libdem bloggers and Tory/Lib Dem MPs wherever they may skulk.

For too long the media have portrayed benefit claimants as scroungers, lazy or fraudulent.  This is our chance to tell the truth about life on benefits and how these cuts will affect us all.

The obvious candidates are the Daily Mail, The Daily Telegraph and The Sun.  All allow comments and in the Mail’s case these comments are sometimes unmoderated.  Find a recent story about benefit claimants, or just dive in an interrupt the latest chat about X Factor.

In the event comments are removed or strictly moderated then why not switch to Tory/Lib Dem bloggers.  Government supporting website Guido Fawkes and MP Iain Dale are two of the most prominent.  Again comment moderation may be turned on, but don’t let that put you off, make them work for their living for a change.  Should you tire of these, then Iain Dale has a handy list of the top 100 Conservative blogs to get your teeth into.  There’s a similar list of Lib Dem blogs on Libdemvoice.

Facebookers might want to pay a visit to the facebook pages of David Cameron, Nick Clegg or Vince CableConservative Home, and also have the facility to leave comments.  Lots of Tory councillors and MPs have blogs, use google to find them and give them a piece of your mind.  If you have a blog yourself why not write a post about the upcoming benefit cuts or use facebook, twitter or any of the new fangled devices available to show your contempt.

You can write to your MP via   Or how about a letter to your local paper explaining to them how the vicious benefit cuts are likely to impact on you or your family.

The internet gives us unprecedented opportunity to tell this spineless Government exactly what we think of them.  Let’s come out in force on the 15th December and start the fight back against the welfare and housing benefit cuts set to devastate so many lives.

Capitalism is dying, let it burn – Report From the Front Line of the London Mob

A London College Student Writes for the void:

Having successfully escaped my college before they attempted to imprison us again, following the events of the 24th, when our tyrant deputy head locked the gates, resulting in many of us just climbing over them anyway, I began my journey to Malet Street.

I got on a bus and sat there for about an hour or two. Drove past Russell Square and saw the sister protest forming at around 12ish. By the time I reached oxford circus, I could already hear the drone of the media helicopters circling in the air, for something new to twist and serve up as propaganda.

By the time I reached Piccadilly Circus, numerous riot vans were making their way to Malet Street. Joining up with a group of boys who had made their way down from Golders Green, I proceeded with the rest of the students who had come down to demonstrate on that day. Rolling up fags, waving black flags and chanting ‘Tory Scum!’ we trooped along quite happily and peacefully down to Malet street. It was only as we came to a standstill that the trouble began.

I personally did not come down and walk from Oxford circus to Malet street to be told by organizers who had struck deals with police, that we could demonstrate and exercise our human right of free movement as long as we stuck to a planned route, and neither had the majority of people who had turned up on that day as well. If I wanted to waste my time, I would have held candles with NUS representatives.

No. We turned the back around and brought down the barricades. So down came the obstructions and out came the beginning of freedom.

After successfully bringing down the ‘safety precautions’, we were able to join up with the protesters on the other side. And together we all marched down to Parliament Square. But of course the officers were not having that. How dare we attempt to reach the dwelling of the precious politicians who are selling us all out? So like good dogs they began to charge back at us with batons and shields. We then in turn, ran back at them with fencing. I have never before seen people so willing to sacrifice their own safety in the hope of freeing others. Anarchists, who the media have portrayed as spawn of the devil, were those who pushed to the front of the crowd, to take the beatings from the police in order to allow the rest of us to push onwards and escape.

We almost broke the line of police at that point, but then the lovely police officers decided to reinforce themselves with horses and charge us. To my delight, I watched later as one of them, fell off his horse and was trampled by it. Is it just me or is it animal cruelty to actually use a horse and bring it to a protest in the first place?

Seeing as we did not fancy on getting stampeded to our deaths that day, we turned around and made our way backwards. We were then faced with even more police, their horses and riot vans. Today was obviously not going to be simple. More charging, more beating. More student resistance, more charging. Stalemate.

At this point I left the front of the kettle to eat my sandwich on a wall.

In a last ditch attempt to actually try and negotiate with these animals, and be allowed to just go home now whilst it was fairly calm, myself and a group of boys who had travelled from outside London, went around the lines and tried to gain some information as to when they would let us out. But alas, I never learn, the police are liars and will always be liars. After getting sick of walking back and forth from pig bloc to pig bloc, we just went to sit back down again on the wall. I remember seeing a guy standing in front of the officers holding a sign reading ‘welcome to pig city’.

The police cannot even claim to receive any respect from the public anymore; they are a joke and quite a bad one at that as well. We are fighting for justice and instead of the officers- whose jobs will also be cut might I add, actually marching with us, they chose to wage war on us instead. So let them have it.

Contrary to reports that some people were allowed out, the only people who actually got ‘let out’ are those who escaped. One of the guys I was with received a phone call from 2 of his friends who had been let out of the kettle by police only to be forced back into it again as they tried to leave.

Pissed off and hungry we sat on the ground and waited for 6 o’clock to just hurry up. Those minutes are what I would describe as the countdown to apocalypse. We knew the vote would be yes, as the government – do not have any care for the average person and we knew that all hell would let loose as soon as it was announced.

And then it began. Back down towards the back of parliament square, it was all kicking off. From where I was sitting I couldn’t really see clearly, but we could hear chants of ‘Who’s kettling who? We’re kettling you!’.

Aww, the poor police were hiding being their shields and shaking as they experienced the ‘safety measures’ that they dished out on us being used on them.  As we watched students break into the Treasury, I can say proudly that I have never witnessed anything so beautiful. As they broke in and blacked out the windows, it was pure symbolism that we the oppressed, would not tolerate being robbed of our rights in order to fund these buildings that represent the beliefs of the minority elitists who scrounge off us.  In a nation where the state values money over the welfare of its people, may the black flag be hung everywhere. May the brick walls be smashed.

After receiving news that some people were being let out of the kettle, stupidly again we chose to believe that the police have souls, and attempted to find an exit. Once again we did a tour of the police blocks, and after being ignored every time we tried to gain information we settled for standing with the rest of the crowd.  After waiting for about an hour, we returned to our beloved wall. At about quarter to 9, I made my way back to the bottom of parliament square and waited to be let out at 9.

Foolishly, we smiled as the police bunched us up together and marched us as if we were goats down to Westminster Bridge. As I witnessed on officer confiscate a boys Oyster card and remove someone’s hat, it was pretty clear that as we were being marched down, we probably were not going to go home at 9. The law had pretty much gone out of the window.

I am still waiting for an explanation as to why at 10:30 I was still being held illegally on Westminster Bridge.

On a fucking bridge above water. What would have happened if someone had fallen off?

Between 9 o’clock and the time I was actually released, I can honestly say this was the only time I began to panic. On top of Westminster bridge, another riot was beginning. As the police beat us whilst detaining us illegally, without any explanation we had no choice but to push back. After repeatedly asking officers why we were actually being kept here, the only answer we received was ‘You were told before’ –  I guess legally this qualifies as an announcement? A woman next to me came to the front and literally began to beg the officer to let her go as her son, who was about 7 or 8, was about to faint due to the fact he needed an injection. Even with all of us shouting ‘let him go’ and the boy standing in the clear view of the officers, she was ignored and pushed back into the crowd. Another lady attempted to appeal to the better side of the officers (ha!) and explained to one of the more ‘humane’ looking ones that she was about to faint and could she please be allowed to go home, the officer promptly boxed her in the face with a shield. At this point I decided to phone home as I knew I was not going anywhere anytime soon.

Having being patient enough and whilst having our democratic rights being shat on, we then began to retaliate. The only way we were getting off this bridge was to fight our way off it. As we pushed forward the police responding by whacking us. As people began to lean over the side of the bridge, the police responded by attempting to squeeze us even tighter together. A boy in front of me attempted to explain to the officer at the front, that by them keeping us here they are only worsening the situation, if they had let us go home when we were calm this would not be occurring, besides the officers weren’t receiving overtime for this anyway, were they?

At about 1030–ish, we began to move forward off Westminster bridge, only to be stopped again. As we waited for the officer to allow us one by one out of the kettle and into the ‘walk of shame’. As we walked out individually we were faced with two blocks of officers on either side. The joy on their faces as they watched citizens limp home. Some even insulting us as we walked past. Maybe this is part of their job description as well, I don’t know.

All I can say is that, seeing as the government and the fools that “uphold” the law for their benefit, have introduced this modern day style of warfare against UNARMED protesters, we will uphold our dignity and strike right back. We do not care if they charge us, beat us, kettle us, deprive us of toilets, food and medication, we will not give in and we will not beg. We will fight.

It doesn’t matter that the Con-dems won by about 21 votes, we were not defeated. It doesn’t matter that I walked home barefoot and injured. It doesn’t matter that officers followed us onto the trains on the way home. The 9th December 2010 will be remembered as a victory in my eyes. When you have watched those who have been repeatedly beaten, go back to try and ensure our escape, sacrificing their safety and you watch thousands of ordinary people around you linking arms and pushing together, you begin to appreciate the meaning of solidarity. We are no longer afraid to stand up to these criminals.

I do not know how many people were arrested and I do not care how many officers were injured. May all your horses trample you. I send out my sympathies to all those who were injured, especially Alfie Meadow. I send out my solidarity to any of those who have been arrested in this fight for REAL freedom.

As long as police and the government have the right to legally kill and maim, we will never have any rights. We will live in fear. I do not intend to roll over and give in. I will fight for my rights and the rights of the future generation.

We will be back.

J from London

National Benefits Cuts Website Now Live!

With the recent announcement scrapping DLA this couldn’t be more timely:

Here’s a message to the bastard Clegg from the comments which deserves wider attention:

“To Nick Clegg, he won’t see this but anyway.

You promised disabled people that you wouldn’t change DLA, you promised people with long term conditions that DLA would remain a vital benefit for them and you wouldn’t change that. you promised us you would leave DLA as it was. Although I didn’t vote for your disreputable party many disabled people did, some of them good friends of mine did vote for your party because they believed you, they believed your promises, they believed you would look after disabled people. So why have you changed your mind. Why did your government, and it is your government today announce that DLA was to be scrapped. Why have you after promising you wouldn’t, plunged thousands of disabled people into despair and and made us all fear the future. I have never felt so afraid of the future since I started using a wheelchair as I do now.

You lied Mr Clegg, you lied.”

Disabled People Next in Tory Firing Line

And there was us thinking we could slip into cosy X Factor Christmas whimsy.

Maria Miller, the disability minister, has launched a consultation on plans to replace disability living allowance with a new benefit. “Disability living allowance has become confusing and complex. The rising caseload and expenditure is unsustainable.”

Which means more cuts, for the most vulnerable whilst the rich stay just as fucking rich.  We’re reading it now, can be found at:

Key points spotted so far:-

Currently individuals on DLA with certain health conditions or impairments are automatically entitled to specific rates of the benefit without a full assessment. We propose that for Personal Independence Payment there are no automatic entitlements, other than the special rules for people who are terminally ill.

Which sounds like benefit cuts on the cards for many already

“We also believe that advice from an independent healthcare professional should be an important part of the new process. In most cases, we envisage that this will involve a face-to-face meeting with an independent healthcare professional, allowing an in-depth analysis of an individual’s circumstances.”

More money for scum like Atos Origin then

“We know that some people’s needs may change over time, and sometimes so gradually that the customer themselves won’t notice. To ensure that everyone continues to receive the correct amount of benefit, we plan to periodically review all awards.”

Even more money for scum like Atos Origin then

“To ensure that support goes to those who face the greatest challenges, the benefit will only be available to people with a long-term health condition or impairment. Individuals will have to qualify for the benefit for a period of six months and be expected to continue to qualify for a further six months before an award can be made.”

By which time hopefully a few will have died off.  In poverty.

And predictably:

“Just as we are committed to providing unconditional support to those who are unable to work, we know that work is the best form of welfare for those who are able to do so. That’s why I want as many disabled people as possible to benefit from employment – it is not acceptable for anyone to be trapped in a cycle of dependency.”

And we all know where that’s leading.

Do not let these bastards do this.  Organise, protest, occupy, fight.  The National Day of Action Against Welfare and Housing Benefits must just be the beginning.

Website now live at:

Go Stacey, Vote Cher!

Thankfully it seems our worst predictions after last year’s Rage vs X Factor charade have not materialised.  Stacey Solomon is well on her way to becoming the nation’s sweetheart after her glorious victory on I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of here at the weekend.  The proletarian will rise again.

X Factor has stuck to it’s noble working class roots again this year.  Although the Darling of Tesco was sadly voted out last night and the pervy benefit scrounger is long gone our class is still well represented in this year’s X Factor final.

Matt Cardle has a great voice and is a painter and decorator.  So far so good, but let’s face it, he’s a bit of a dick.  One Direction are also out the of the game for coming across like a bunch of middle class models for British Home Stores.  Still at least it gives Simon Cowell someone to groom.

So it’s a two horse race between Cher Lloyd or scouser Rebecca Ferguson.  We like Rebecca, we really do, but she is a bit wet.  No-one so far has truly matched the proletarian spirit of Cher.  Who’d have thought someone would come along that makes Stacey look posh.   So make it a cocaine not ketamine Christmas for Cher and vote now.  Then rush out and buy her single and give her a well deserved Christmas Number 1.

A vote for Cher Lloyd is a vote for the working class!

In deference to the posh lying twats in government a call has been made to usurp this year’s Christmas number by buying Captain Ska’s Liar Liar. It probably won’t work, but we like the sentiment.

Clever People Not Wanted – New Government Policy on Science

News reaches us that the bunch of daft twats currently failing to run the country are to scrap the need for scientific advisors on the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD).

Home Secretary Theresa Bitch-features apparantly has trouble understanding anything that wasn’t written by a Daily Mail journalist and has vowed to take a far more unscientific line on government policy in the future.  This is hot on the heels on dimwit Iain Duncan Smith ignoring a paper on benefit reforms put together by his own department which broadly criticised the upcoming benefit cuts as fucking stupid.

Neither facts nor reason matter any longer.  The more stupid the better.  Plans for a ministry of stupid shit are allegedly well underway.  Pol Pot would be impressed, anyone who wears glasses should be concerned.  We’re going back to year zero folks, it’s the charge of the light brigade all over again with Tim nice but Dim leading the charge. Tally Ho!