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  1. @ross_stalker Our press is one of the most embarrassing things about the UK.
  2. Waltz with Bashir is on More4 at 10. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend watching it. And if you have, I still recommend it.
  3. @ross_stalker Re EU bans cars
  4. @jood88 @thedancingflea Wowzers! Is that real? Looks disturbingly like a Cadbury's Easter egg.
  5. Littlejohn surpasses himself with an inaccuracy to sentence ratio of 2:1 via @tabloidwatch
  6. @thedancingflea My mum has one of those! #shame
  7. @thedancingflea Ooh, royal pie. Nice. But did you also drink from your limited edition Kate and Harry mug (
  8. Embarrassing Startup Britain compared to cheap voucher site < That's rather unfair on cheap voucher sites.
  9. Express EXCLUSIVE: Insiders reveal Kate and Will's wedding to feature cake, speeches, balding princes, racist grandads.
  10. @thedancingflea I know, right?!?!?1 The Express MUST reveal more amazeball facts!!
  11. You know you're reading good journalism when sentences begin with "We think..."
  12. Riveting stuff. RT @RoyalReporter: St James's Palace has confirmed Kate Middleton has had a hen party. We think it was at a friend's house.
  13. @els76uk It was me but you should thank the man himself, @istyosty for his valuable Mail cleansing services to humanity
  14. If your kid started to saw Hitler in everyday objects, you'd worry a bit, wouldn't you? HT @matthewgardner
  15. @matthewgardner There are no words to describe that.
  16. @ross_stalker Haha, yes. Have you see the EU's response? Very funny, can't find link atm.