The Rules : Please read these before making changes to the site.

The Example Page : The simple way to make a new page: just copy & paste.

Creating New Pages

Basic Editing

Text Formatting

Full Documentation

The Sandbox : Practise your page-editing skills here, harmlessly.

Style Options : Change the way The Wikablog looks.

The Wikablog - Weblog Directory

For the love of God, no!

They said it shouldn't be done, and they were probably right, but here it is anyway: The Wikablog, so called because it's a big wiki of blogs. We, the Wikablog's shadowy masters, hope that it will fast become the ultimate wiki of blogs -- and why shouldn't it? All it needs is you. Yes, you.

If you've never heard of a wiki before, you're probably thinking that it's a very silly word. It's Hawaiian, apparently. Anyway, what it is is a website created by its readers. Look up at the top right of every page, and you'll see an "Edit Page" link. It does exactly what it says on the tin: click it and you can edit the page. Some few of them -- including this one -- are password protected, but most of this site is there for you to do with what you will. Needless to say, abuse this privilege and we'll hunt you down and beat you with rhubarb.

So what's the point of this site, and, once you've realised how fundamentally wonderful it is, what do you need to know to start taking part? Well, the point is that there are a lot of blogs out there -- a billion trillion gazillion, according to some experts -- and it's difficult to find out what they're all about without visiting every one of them and reading it. How tiresome. Here at Wikablog, you can, in just a couple of minutes, create a page about your blog or someone else's with a few words saying what it's about. Then other people can add to it. And you can add links to other similar blogs, and talk about the blog's history, and recount the tale of the great Himalayan Blog Controversy of 2002, and whatever else you like. Soon enough, any blog can have a detailed page on here, telling us all everything we could ever need to know about it short of bothering to read it. If you still can't imagine how valuable this service is, slap yourself.

But we're sure that won't be necessary. You're probably already thinking, "Gosh, how fundamentally wonderful," and you are, of course, right. So what do you need to know? How can you get stuck in?

Well, first off, please do read The Rules. They're very fair and simple. Thanks.

Then, for a quick & easy start, go look at the example page and just copy and paste a bit of code to create your very own page. Simple.

If you want to find out a bit more about how this site works, go and read about Basic Editing. If you feel you're ready for more than just the basics, have a gander at the full documentation.

Finally, you can make this site look the way you want it to by mucking around with the Style Options.

So off you go. Enjoy.

Entered your blog?

Burn the Wikaman.

Or get your static "Listed On Wikablog" logo .

And why not add yourself to the Wikablog Frappr Map?

Keep your family safe from felons and career criminals that are out to harm you. You can easily get a background check on someone in seconds.

See also: create pdf, image converter and photo geotagging software
mobile application development, pdf in jpg konvertieren. See also: PDF from DOC, PDF from DjVu, PDF from XLS.

How to convert image to pdf.

(The Wikablog has been built using the excellent PmWiki software. More information about PmWiki can be found at

Page last modified January 21, 2006, at 03:17 PM