Friday 24 September 2010

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Friday, 24th September 2010

The #Twitterjoketrial Disgrace


You may remember Paul Chambers. He's the poor sod tried and convicted for tweeting:

"Crap! Robin Hood Airport is closed. You've got a week... otherwise I'm blowing the airport sky high!"
The context? He was trying to visit his girlfriend in Northern Ireland. It was January. There was snow. Nottingham airport was closed. This was frustrating. So he tweeted this - evidently ill-advised - joke. And was arrested under the terms of the Terrorist Act and subsequently prosecuted - and shamefully, convicted - under Section 127 of the Communications Act for sending an "indecent, obscene or menacing"message....

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Filed under: Britain (408 more articles) , Lunacy (129 more articles) , O Tempora, O Mores (156 more articles) , Police (43 more articles)

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Hibernian Woe


As Iain Martin notes, it didn't take Labour long to welcome the news that the Irish economy shrank by 1.2% last quarter*. Welcome isn't quite how they put it but since Irish economic pain is a weapon with which the opposition can attack the coalition, Irish misery is a price worth paying so Ed Balls can feel vindicated.

At least those who think fiscal restraint is needed at times such as these and who were perhaps too quick to welcome last quarter's healthy growth in Ireland can say they want to see Ireland do well.

In truth,...

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Filed under: Economics (24 more articles) , Ed Balls (142 more articles) , Ireland (84 more articles)

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Thursday, 23rd September 2010

The Chain of Command


Rounding-up some reactions to the new Bob Woodward tome, James Joyner asks a good, if disturbing, question: what happened to civilian control?

Bernard Finel, a professor at the National War College and Atlantic Council contributing editor, goes further:  "President Obama seems to be in over his head in trying to deal with national security. He has not been able to control the process.  He’s been manipulated by his generals.  He’s been frustrated in his efforts to put his own stamp on Afghanistan policy.  Instead of setting policy, he’s been cast in the role of fighting


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Filed under: Afghanistan (214 more articles) , Obama (270 more articles) , Petraeus (7 more articles) , Whitehall (27 more articles)

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Mourning in America


A pretty good ad produced by Citizens for the Republic:

By good, I mean of course, effective and a nice echo of Reagan's famous Morning in America ad. Don't expect a GOP-controlled Congress to do much better however. The GOP's Pledge to America basically amounts to "rolling back" non-defence, non-entitlement spending to, oh, 2007 levels. That may not amount to a pledge to do nothing but the rhetoric of the document is not, I think, matched...

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Filed under: Americana (306 more articles) , GOP (168 more articles) , Mid-terms (4 more articles)

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Wednesday, 22nd September 2010

Sarah Palin Will Not Be the Republican Nominee


Peter Beinart says the GOP is "her party now". Robert Lane Greene at the Economist says "she has to be considered the front-runner." Jon Chait and David Frum agree. So does Paul Mirengoff. Andrew Sullivan, unsurprisingly, asks "who can beat her?" Standing athwart this tide of pessimism - for none of those cited here want Palin to be the Republican nominee - are Ross Douthat and Daniel Larison.

I agree with Douthat and Larison. The case for presidential-nominee Palin rests upon the weakness of the field putatively lined up against her. (Assuming...

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Filed under: 2012 (22 more articles) , Americana (306 more articles) , GOP (168 more articles) , Palin (48 more articles)

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Obama vs Petraeus vs Bob Woodward


Bob Woodward is the best (and perhaps nastiest) blackmailer in Washington. Sure, you don't have to co-operate with him but you know what will happen if you don't. Those who talk to Woodward are always treated kindly by the great stenographer; those who decline his advances invariably become the villains.

Each time this happens it becomes easier for Woodward to persuade people to talk to him for his next book. And since his slabby books (really, like Thomas Friedman's works they merit being called "tomes") have become some kind of quasi-official instant history it's always necessary to work out who...

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Filed under: Afghanistan (214 more articles) , Books (102 more articles) , Obama (270 more articles) , Petraeus (7 more articles) , Washington (130 more articles)

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