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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “democracy”

  • Greenpeace Commits More Crimes At Sea

    Depleted CraniumAuthority Authority: 430
    A recent Greenpeace “protest” included the installment of individuals on a oil drilling ship in the UK.   The initial intention was to block the ship from going to sea for more than a month, however, the organization has now stated it will remove them because of a court order which would have held Greenpeace ...
    2 hours ago
  • President Talabani Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the General Assembly

    Middle East Affairs Information CenterAuthority Authority: 138
    Note: There is an email link embedded within this post, please visit this post to email it. | Note: There is a print link embedded within this post, please visit this post to print it. Thu, Sept 23, 2010 | UN TV UN Photo/Ky Chung President Talabani Addresses the General Debate of the 65th Session of the ...
    2 hours ago

    Russia: Other Points of ViewAuthority Authority: 119
    by Patrick Armstrong Luzhkov . The number one story in Moscow these days is thefuture of Mayor Luzhkov. It is highly probable that the present campaignagainst him is blessed by the Kremlin. It is rumoured that theobject is to get him to go quietly. Luzhkov is a powerful man but that’s a ...
    4 hours ago
  • Its just this simple

    What Would Jack Do?Authority Authority: 148
    7 hours ago
  • Do MDGs Exclude Democracy And Human Rights?

    ::Colored Opinions::Authority Authority: 125
    Nkunda, a member of  Rwandas chapter of Blogger Anonymous (using anti-detection software is mandatory) , in an interview with Anthony Painter (part 3) made this pertinent remark: "MDGs unfortunately havent been able to reach consensus on democracy and human rights" After meeting Gordon Brown, Nkunda met Juan ...
    8 hours ago
  • Question of the Day

    Incentives MatterAuthority Authority: 108
    Should zombies be allowed to vote ?
    10 hours ago
  • Will money influence lawmakers on Cuba vote?

    Along the MalecnAuthority Authority: 440
    The hearing begins at noon Wednesday in Washington What is a congressmans vote worth these days? $3,000? $10,000? $100,000? We may get some insight into that on Wednesday when the House Committee on Foreign Affairs considers H.R. 4645, also known as the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act. More ...
    10 hours ago
  • Nigerias Presidential Race-It’s Neither Ribadu nor Utomi

    Africa UnchainedAuthority Authority: 482
    In Grandiose Parlor : I would love to see either Ribadu or Utomi become president one day, but what they are doing is trying to score a knock-out victory without throwing a punch! They must earn their slots, politically. They need to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty by learning to operate from ...
    11 hours ago
  • Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard To Deliver Thatcher Freedom Lecture

    PA Pundits - InternationalAuthority Authority: 459
    By Theodore Bromund On Tuesday, September 28, at 4 pm, the former Prime Minister of Australia, the Hon. John Howard, will deliver the seventh Margaret Thatcher Freedom Lecture at The Heritage Foundation, under the auspices of the Margaret Thatcher Center, on The Anglosphere and the Advance of Freedom . ...
    12 hours ago
  • Humour in SeriousMalaysia

    Mustafa K Anuar's blogAuthority Authority: 117
    As many of us know by now, cartoonist Zunar was detained yesterday for having published a cartoon book, Cartoon-O-Phobia , which seemed to have rattled the authorities.    At the time of writing, police investigation is still going on. This episode not only affects Malaysia’s status as far as media ...
    13 hours ago
  • Catholic Worker groups part of faulty FBI probe, says new report

    Resistance StudiesAuthority Authority: 123
    By Carol Zimmermann, Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — A handful of Catholic Worker groups across the country were among the anti-war activists, environmentalists and animal-rights groups wrongly investigated by the FBI, according to a lengthy report released Sept. 20 by the Justice Department’s Office ...
    15 hours ago
  • What “World Opinion” Are We Talking About?

    PA Pundits - InternationalAuthority Authority: 459
    By Dr. Laina Farhat-Holzman The UN’s opening session is September 21 this year and Iran’s president Ahmadinejad entertained us again at the opening. This is also a good time to review the UN’s concept of “world opinion.” The General Assembly seems only interested in Israel’s sins, while all other ...
    17 hours ago
  • Congratulations! YOU are what democracy looks like!

    Green Mass GroupAuthority Authority: 436
    Woo-frickin-hoo!!!!!!!! From the Jill Stein for Governor campaign: Dear friends and supporters, YOU DID IT!  YOU blew past the $100,000 we needed to ensure our place in the media consortium debate. Our voices will be heard! Voters will get to hear real vision and practical proposals for our common ...
    17 hours ago
  • Oyster Roundup!

    The MudflatsAuthority Authority: 652
    ~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more… Joe Miller Job Killer Only two letters off, but right on the money.  It appears as if we have another candidate in the Alaska Senate race, and he seems suspiciously like that other guy…  You can enjoy the fun at his website HERE , his ...
    21 hours ago
  • The Power Of (Political) Unions

    Peppojs WebsiteAuthority Authority: 123
    There’s been allot of different ways to rule a country over the past centuries. If we focus on the past, we notice that theres been allot of different monarchies and aristocracies that had their own way of power. But what about the rest of the people? Don’t they have anything to say for themselves? Indeed ...
    22 hours ago
  • Wallowing in Decline - By James Traub

    Foreign PolicyAuthority Authority: 752
    Americans have gone from gloating over their global influence to bemoaning the loss of it. They were wrong then, and theyre wrong now.
    1 day ago
  • Totally hypocritical UK ‘Justice’ system

    Cllr. Martyn Findley (BNP)Authority Authority: 119
    You may not think that I am the most objective person to seek an opinion from when the discussion comes around to the burning of national flags and religious books.  Namely flags of Christian nations and an Islamic book. I don’t personally have time for people who wish to disrespect others by burning symbols or ...
    1 day ago
  • Front groups are breaking rules on campaign spending — but does anyone care?

    Public CitizenAuthority Authority: 137
    Stunning Statistic of the Week: Average amount that senators who voted for TARP and against financial reform received from the financial sector since 2007: $879,803 Source. Most groups broadcasting elections ads violate rules, hide donors’ identities More than two-thirds of outside groups spending heavily ...
    1 day ago
  • Democracy delivers, Obama tells UN

    Democracy DigestAuthority Authority: 444
    Democracy advocates are lauding President Barack Obama’s speech to the UN General Assembly as his most forceful and eloquent statement yet of the case for promoting democracy and human rights. But some caution that the administration’s laudable rhetoric needs to be tested in practice.Obama reminded world leaders ...
    1 day ago
  • Burma’s Suu Kyi ‘on voters’ list’

    heave-ho.orgAuthority Authority: 464
    Burmas detained pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is on a voters list for the first general election in 20 years, eyewitnesses tell the BBC.
    1 day ago

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