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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “coalition”

  • CareFirst will recognize nurse practitioners as primary caregivers

    FierceHealthcareAuthority Authority: 144
    While members of the American Medical Association may have their doubts about whether nurses are up to the task of serving as primary-care providers, CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield of Baltimore apparently has no such qualms. An announcement made by the insurer last Friday that nurse practitioners will be allowed to ...
    6 hours ago
  • Quote of the Day

    News Benedict BroganAuthority Authority: 131
    Oliver Letwin, in the Commons today:“Labour presided over a Government that acted like a magazine. We intend to preside over a government that acts like a government.”
    6 hours ago
  • Pro-LGBTQ Demostration Planned at Mormon Temple

    Feminists For ChoiceAuthority Authority: 127
    Last month we told you about a speech that Mormon leader Boyd K. Packer gave at the Mormon Church’s bi-annual general conference, where Packer stated that being gay is a choice, and that God wouldn’t make people gay, since homosexuality is a sin. This speech is part of the same old, same old for the [...]
    7 hours ago
  • Video: David Cameron outlines proposals to reduce Whitehalls power

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    The prime minister outlines his coalition governments business plans in a speech in the Foreign Office, pledging to give individuals and communities more control
    11 hours ago
  • The coalition must go further on tuition fees

    IEA BlogAuthority Authority: 130
    The decision by the coalition government to raise the cap on tuition fees to £9,000 per annum is a step in the right direction, but to be truly competitive in the global economy British higher education needs leaps, not mere steps.   The colossal increase in those attending university has made the old system of ...
    12 hours ago
  • Five Days in May – review

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    Radio 4 Five Days in May (Radio 4, Saturday), Matthew Solons drama based on post-election negotiations between the three main parties, was brilliantly done. It played out tense scenes that were fictional, but was based on interviews with those who took part. What I liked best was that the cast didnt go for ...
    15 hours ago
  • Another world is possible

    What's With The Climate?Authority Authority: 92
    Lavanya Julaniya , the very own IYCN member interned with Canandian Youth Climate Coalition. Sharing her learnings, insights and reflections. Hope you all will agree that another world is possible after reading this. Memoirs It was the morning of May 12th 2010; I boarded the Air India 187 flight to Toronto and ...
    16 hours ago
  • No More Apologies - The Return Of The Cleggist Uprising

    Walk This World With MeAuthority Authority: 112
    Remember the euphoria among Liberal Democrats in the lead up to the General Election this year? The excitement, the hope and the expectation would be dashed as the results came in showing an increase in vote but a loss of seats (typical FPTP result!). And to be honest weve been on the back foot since then. Every ...
    16 hours ago
  • Whatever happened to Ed Miliband?

    The Appalling StrangenessAuthority Authority: 133
    Y’know, I thought being Leader of the Opposition meant that you were supposed to lead, well, the opposition. Thus far, Ed Milibands leadership had consisted of retiring from frontline politics to relative obscurity. Which is a bold strategy, but not likely to be a successful one given his current position. There are ...
    16 hours ago
  • Oldham could point the way to a Lib Dem obliteration

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    The byelection will provide a perfect experiment in coalition politics. Perversely, Labour has least to worry about Oldham makes an odd sort of Thermopylae , but Labour and the Liberal Democrats seem destined to choose it as their field of battle. Twice now dirty campaigns among the old mills and hills of Lancashire ...
    16 hours ago
  • Activism Recap

    NoodleFoodAuthority Authority: 135
    This week on We Stand FIRM , the blog of FIRM (Freedom and Individual Rights in Medicine) : 01 November 2010: The Repeal Pledge by Paul Hsieh, MD 01 November 2010: Ralston: Health care queries for candidates by Paul Hsieh, MD 02 November 2010: Antos: Confessions of a Price Controller by Paul Hsieh, MD ...
    17 hours ago
  • FANGFANG-FORTIN FOREVER FRIENDSHIP STIMULUS BRIDGE: Chinese Communist-Canadian socialist steel business deal would be coup for friendly mayors of Nanning & Victoria… VICTORIA TAXPAYER NIGHTMARE

    CCC BLOGAuthority Authority: 128
    GREGORY HARTNELL’S WORST NIGHTMARE: COMMUNIST HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSERS MAKING EASY MONEY FROM CANADIAN TAXPAYERS   The City of Victoria has a longstanding ‘sister city’ or ‘twin city’ relationship with Suzhou, China. But recently, for reasons not properly explained at the time or since, the Mayor of ...
    18 hours ago
  • Equity for women stuck in reverse

    frogblogAuthority Authority: 489
    Today the Biennial New Zealand Census on Women’s Participation in 2010 was released. It shows that women’s participation in governance, professional and public life is backsliding, and that we’re losing ground on the gender pay gap, with 24 public service departments having gender pay gaps greater than the ...
    19 hours ago
  • Pictures from Art & Beer 2010

    Beer and Sci-FiAuthority Authority:
    The Art & Beer event last month was a tremendous amount of fun. It’s the second time I’ve organized the event and I hope the museum continues to invite me to do it. If you’re unaware of it, Art & Beer is an event that highlights one of Portland’s most well-known crafts, beer, as a form of art. If you ...
    22 hours ago

    CALEDONIAN COMMENTAuthority Authority: 117
    In the UK the Coalition government’s plans for welfare reform have been attacked by Dr Rowan Williams (pictured above), the Archbishop of Canterbury. The head of the Church of England claimed that they could plunge the unemployed into “a downward spiral of uncertainty, even despair”. In a surprise intervention ...
    23 hours ago
  • Backbench rebellions at postwar high for coalition

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    MPs break ranks more frequently in current parliament than any since second world war, new research shows Backbench rebellions against the government have been more frequent in this parliament than any since the second world war, according to new research, with 59 rebellions out of the first 110 votes. This is double ...
    23 hours ago
  • Letters: Defence, delusion and the need for rational discussion

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    Lets hope Simon Jenkins doesnt give up because "so few others" see the absurdity of our defence policy ( G2, 5 November ). Some analysts have pointed out how ill-served weve been by postwar governments determination to "punch above our weight", with its global pretensions. The only realistic aspect of this policy ...
    23 hours ago
  • David Cameron sets out plan to reduce Whitehall power

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    Prime minister due to publish government plans for next four years using website that allows voters to track progress David Cameron will today publish full details of the governments plans for the next four years, in a way he claims is tantamount to a "power shift" from Whitehall in favour of individuals and ...
    23 hours ago
  • On workfare, maybe the coalition really wants to help the jobless | Jackie Ashley

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    The plan to force the jobless into unpaid work depends entirely on the detail. Labour is right not to howl with outrage Nothing the coalition does will matter more than how it deals with welfare reform. People in work may be upset about taxes, pensions or services; but life will go on. The economic outlook for most ...
    1 day ago
  • Rowan Williams: Plans to force jobless into unpaid work are unfair

    The Guardian - Authority: 987
    • Archbishop of Canterbury warns of spiral of despair • Iain Duncan Smith to unveil white paper this week Iain Duncan Smiths plans for welfare reform suffered a setback today when the archbishop of Canterbury suggested they were unfair and could plunge the unemployed into "a downward spiral of uncertainty, even ...
    1 day ago

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