Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Repression in Greece met with a New Wave of Occupations/ SF State Occupied in California!

The streets will win, or the terror will win...
In Greece the protests held for the anniversary of the murder of Alexis have been met by heavy repression and brutality. The police have made incursions into the supposedly protected spaces of the public universities three times and are holding hundreds on fabricated charges. Bail for arrested comrades is thousands of euros.

Despite the repression action continues and a new wave of occupations has begun at universities and of radio stations throughout Greece.

Informacion sobre Grecia
con video y fotos por Liberacion Total

(student occupiers barricade themselves inside SFSU)

In San Francisco breaking news is that students at San Francisco State University have just occupied the business building. About 30-40 students are inside the building, with another 50 outside. The occupations continue!

SFSU Occupiers Blog