Thursday, May 29, 2008

What to Expect From the Conventions...

What to Expect From the Conventions:
If you plan to attend the demonstrations at the Democratic or Republican National Conventions, you should already know what you intend to accomplish there and how you will go about it. If, for example, you intend to blockade a street, you should already be in a committed affinity group, have picked out a location, and be hammering out the details. Things never go as planned, but preparation helps get things off on the right foot. If you haven’t done any of this yet, there’s still time, but get a move on—one thing that has been proven not to work at mass mobilizations is for everyone to show up hoping everyone else has done the work.

Doubtless, there will be some—perhaps ten, perhaps ten thousand—for whom the conventions are a life-changing experience, and others for whom they will be non-events. We get out of life what we put in. But one has to prioritize—so how important are these conventions, anyway? Read More.
Que puedes esperar de las convenciones politicas?
Esta verano los Democratas y Los Republicanos tienen sus juntas cuando deciden quien les van a apoyar como candidato por presidente. Y como años pasados sus juntas será un punto de conflicto. Hay muchas colectivos organizando para disruptar las convenciones y mostrar el poder de nuestra resistencia.
Un Articulo en ingles sobre las protestas esta año.

Friday, May 02, 2008



New York City