Monday, October 25th, 2010
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Head of Sustainability Practice (UK, London)

Highly respected and innovative pan-European sustainability strategy and communications consultancy has expanded and wishes to appoint a senior individual to join the team of passionate individuals and head of the sustainability practice. This position is a pivotal role within the company and will be critical to the future growth and direction of the company. The work will involve shaping the overall sustainability offer and seeking out and working with clients throughout Europe, client advisory work, and


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Further News

Environment Manager (UK, London)

Acre has been engaged by a globally recognised media company to source an Environmental Manager. The organisation's sustainability program is one the UK's most highly regarded and this role will play a vital part in the company's continued success and evolution at the forefront of

Global Compact Introduces Differentiation Framework

(New York) – The UN Global Compact has launched the Global Compact Differentiation Framework, a practical roadmap to help all companies in the Global Compact improve sustainability performance and disclosure and to give recognition for progress made. Using the Communication on Progress (COP) as its platform,

Global Compact Launched in Trinidad and Tobago

(Port-of-Spain) – Today a Global Compact Local Network was officially launched by the Trinidad and Tobago Manufacturers’ Association (TTMA). During the launch event TTMA presented findings from their Multilateral Investment Fund project– Improving Labour Productivity through internal Corporate Social Responsibility. The project aims to improve

Principles for Responsible Investment Forum Attracts Record Attendance

(San Francisco) – The UN-backed Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) – an initiative co-developed by the UN Global Compact and the UNEP Finance Initiative – convened its third annual conference in San Francisco on 5-6 October, an event that drew record numbers of institutional investors. Nearly

Regional Network Launched in South East Asia

(Sentosa/Singapore) Reflecting the growing importance of environmental, social and governance issues for Asian businesses. the ASEAN Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Network was launched at the second International Singapore Compact CSR Summit. Over 300 participants from business, civil society and government attended the event. The new, Singapore-based

Corporate Responsibility Assistant – Part Time (UK, London)

A major steel manufacturer is looking for a part time (2.5 days per week) Corporate Responsibility (CR) Assistant for their London based Sustainability team. Supporting the CR team in their daily operations, the successful candidate will be managing the information flow between the immediate team,

Sustainability Director (Germany)

Our client is one of the worlds leading manufacturers of renewable energy systems. They are highly regarded in their field and committed to building a company renowned for its global compliance and sustainability strategy. An immediate opening has arisen for a highly experienced sustainability expert

Business Manager, Land, Water and Wildlife Program (USA, San Francisco)

With world attention focused on both the environment and the economy, Environmental Defense Fund is where policymakers and business leaders turn for win-win solutions. This leading green group, founded in 1967 as the Environmental Defense Fund, has tripled in size over the past decade by

Director: International Climate Initiative

Acre has been retained to find an international climate change expert to join a world renowned not-for-profit climate group. As the Director, you will be primarily responsible for developing and delivering a compelling and coherent vision for the International Climate Initiative providing strategic direction on

New Report Shows the Way to Low-Carbon Revolution

(Mexico City) – A new report launched today at the Business for Environment (B4E) Conference in Mexico City by the Low Carbon Leaders Project, an initiative supported by the UN Global Compact and WWF, stresses that transformations in the way that needs are met would

Global Business Leaders Commit to a Low Carbon Future Governments Called on to Lead Climate Policy

(Mexico City) – Over 300 companies from nearly 30 countries today committed to reducing their emissions in the energy, information and communication technologies (ICT) and buildings and construction sectors at the Business for Environment Climate Summit. The event was held under the patronage of the

General Assembly Reaffirms Critical Role of Private Sector in Advancing the Millennium Development Goals

(New York) – At the conclusion of its High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG Summit), the UN General Assembly stressed the critical role of the private sector for development and called on businesses everywhere to contribute to the MDGs. The Summit’s outcome

UN Secretary-General Urges Business to Embrace “Development Compact” for the Millennium Development Goals

UN Private Sector Forum* brought together top executives with government, UN and civil society leaders to address business role in achieving the MDGs (New York) – Calling an investment in the Millennium Development Goals “an investment in growth, prosperity and the markets of the future”,

Head of Environment, Health and Safety (Denmark, Copenhagen)

The Corporate Sustainability department at Danisco is seeking a leader for our global Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Strategies at our Headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. As EHS leadership is a very important aspect of our CSR/Sustainability focus, the successful candidate will have high visibility in

Corporate Responsibility Coordinator EMEA – Belgium

Our client, one of the largest multinationals in the world, is currently looking to recruit a Corporate Responsibility Coordinator, to be based in Belgium. This organisation has an already strong CR team, and is looking for this individual to lead on a number of projects. You

Karl Homann

Businesses & Consultants

Siemens Sustainability Report 2009


General Assembly Reaffirms Critical Role of Private Sector in Advancing the Millennium Development Goals
Siemens published its new Sustainability Report 2009 here. The report makes it clear: For Siemens, sustainability is the path to profitable growth and long-term value creation. To achieve these goals, the company is intensifying its efforts in various areas: innovation, closing a gap on sustainability information >>
The future of green >>
CR expert and author, Deborah Leipziger, to lead Human Rights Solutions Forum research in the Americas >>
The Concept and Business Case of Sustainability >>
Siemens Sustainability Report 2008 published >>
(New York) – At the conclusion of its High-level Plenary Meeting on the Millennium Development Goals (MDG Summit), the UN General Assembly stressed the critical role of the private sector for development and called on businesses everywhere to contribute to

UN Secretary-General Urges Business to Embrace “Development Compact” for the Millennium Development Goals >>
CEO Water Mandate Convenes Special Session in Stockholm >>
Emerging Markets Take the Lead in Promoting Sustainable Stock Exchanges >>
Governments Renew Support for the Global Compact >>
Global Compact Encourages Business Contribution to Humanitarian Efforts in Pakistan >>

Research Institutes

Is a Board Position a Conflict of Interest?

Business Councils

Report Urges New Approach to Valuing Businesses

Here’s an story (in which I was quoted) by Paul Turenne, in the Winnipeg Sun: Gerrard slams WRHA manager’s ‘moonlighting’. The story is basically about a senior executive (Brock Wright) at the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (the public body responsible for administering hospitals in and around that city) who took a position on the Board [...]
Corporate Governance and Ethics >>
Ethics and Economics (And Coffee Too) >>
Ethical Issues for the Chilean Miners >>
Wall Street (1987) — “Greed is Good” >>
Chilean Miners: What is Rescue Worth? >>
Barcelona, 22 Sept – For many years there have been inconclusive attempts to prove that improved environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance positively affects overall business performance. Now a new report from a European research team proposes that companies

Hewitt Best Employers in Canada Study 2010 >>
How aware do you live your life? >>
EABIS Annual Colloquium – CR and Sustainability: Leadership and Organisational Change >>
BSR 2006 Conference >>




Congress on Experiential Learning

for Eurostudia, a transatlantic, trilingual and peer-reviewed Journal for European Studies. Deadline for submissions: November 1st, 2010 Corporate Social Responsibility has become a topical issue for both decision-makers and scholars. The concept of CSR is underpinned by the idea that corporations can

New issue of Business & Society Review (volume 115/3) >>
Global Standards: Between Regulation, Normativity, and Rhetoric (Call for Papers) >>
New issues of Business Ethics Quarterly (volume 20, 2+3) >>
New issues of Journal of Business Ethics (volume 95) >>
New issue of the Journal of Corporate Citizenship (volume 37) >>
How does today’s management education use experiential learning to improve management development and executive education? This will be the most important though not only question addressed by the Congress on Experiential Learning organised by EABIS on 25/26 November 2010; supported

Workshop: Academy of Management Meeting in Montreal >>
Workshop on CSR Regulation and Global Governance >>
Symposium: “The Future of Economics and Management” >>
CSR – Japanese and German Approaches and Experiences >>
Ethics in Crisis: A Call for Alternatives (EBEN Conference) >>

You are reading the English news section on CSR NEWS. Read our German news here. >>


Is a Board Position a Conflict of Interest?
Here’s an story (in which I was quoted) by Paul Turenne, in the Winnipeg Sun: Gerrard slams WRHA manager’s ‘moonlighting’. The

Corporate Governance and Ethics
“Corporate governance” is the term used to refer to the policies and processes by which a corporation (or other large,

Ethics and Economics (And Coffee Too)
A bit of economics can go a long ways in helping understand a range of issues in business ethics. I’m

Ethical Issues for the Chilean Miners
On August 5, 33 miners went down into the San José copper-gold mine; over two months later, 33 entrepreneurs emerged

Wall Street (1987) — “Greed is Good”
I just re-watched the original 1987 film, Wall Street. (The sequel, Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, is in theatres now,


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Scholz & Friends Reputation




Bayer AG

Kirchhoff AG

Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank AG

Siemens AG

Novartis Stiftung

Bertelsmann Stiftung


News in other languages

German News

Bayer 04 Leverkusen trainiert behinderte Jugendliche: ein Projekt des DFB und der Bayer AG
Leverkusen > „Einfach Fußball“ heißt die Gemeinschaftsinitiative des Deutschen Fußballbundes und der Bayer AG, die Partnerschaften zwischen Fußballvereinen und Förderschulen unterstützt. Die Initiative will geistig behinderten und lernbehinderten Kindern und Jugendlichen einen Zugang zum Vereinsfußball ermöglichen. Wie diese Integration gelingen kann, soll ein Leitfaden den Vereinen und Schulen erklären. An

Mindestens 14 Tote bei Brand einer Ölquelle in Birma
Ragun > In Birma sind beim Brand einer Ölquelle mindestens 14 Menschen getötet und 58 weitere verletzt worden. Die Quelle nahe dem Ort Pakkoku im Zentrum des Landes sei am Sonntag aus bislang noch ungeklärter Ursache in Brand geraten, sagte ein Behördenvertreter am Montag der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Auch ein Tag

Frauen im Handwerk auf dem Vormarsch
Landau > Frauen sind im deutschen Handwerk auf dem Vormarsch. Inzwischen werde jede vierte Firmengründung von einer Frau vorgenommen, sagte der Präsident des Zentralverbandes des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH), Otto Kentzler, der "Rheinpfalz am Sonntag". Auch bei den Meisterprüfungen sei der weibliche Anteil mittlerweile auf über 20 Prozent gestiegen. Noch 1991

Prähistorisch essen: die Steinzeit-Diät
Angebauter Reis, Weizen, Kartoffeln und Milch kamen spät auf den Speiseplan. Vorher waren wir Jäger und Sammler und aßen, was wir fanden und erlegten. Anhänger der Steinzeit-Diät wollen zu dieser Ernährungsweise zurückkehren.

Mangelnde Hygiene in vielen deutschen Restaurants und Imbissen
Berlin > Die Hygiene in Restaurants und Imbissen hierzulande ist oft mangelhaft. Die Lebensmittelkontrolleure entdeckten im vergangenen Jahr in 130.000 von 545.000 überprüften Betrieben Verstöße, damit verliefen 24 Prozent der Kontrollen negativ, wie das Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (BVL) am Donnerstag in Berlin mitteilte. Schlecht schnitten etwa Sushi-Restaurants und

Plüschtiere und Holzspielzeug oft mit Schadstoffen belastet
Berlin > Alarm im Kinderzimmer: Bei der Untersuchung von Plüschtieren, Puppen und Holzspielzeugen fand die Stiftung Warentest in mehr als 80 Prozent der Fälle gesundheitsgefährdende Schadstoffe. Zudem bringen verschluckbare Kleinteile Kinder in höchste Gefahr, wie die am Donnerstag in Berlin vorgestellten Testergebnisse zeigen. Verbraucherschützer sprachen von einem "Skandal" und forderten

CSR Press Review

New York Times

Financial Times

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