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Certain Days Political Prisoners Calendar

Visit to get your copies of the 2011 Certain Days political prisoners calendar. 42 gorgeous pages of art and writing by, and about, political prisoners. Makes a great holiday gift!

Welcome to 4strugglemag

About us

4strugglemag is a joint project between anti-imperialist political prisoner, Jaan Laaman, and organizers with the Toronto Anarchist Black Cross. We publish writing by political prisoners, prisoners of war, and their friends and family.

We publish 3 issues a year. Our readers can access all our content online, or subscribe to receive paper copies at home.  Prisoner subscribers receive free print copies in the mail. If you read us online, please consider making a donation to help us continue to provide free prisoner subscriptions.

Editor’s message

You have just come to a dynamic and unique publication, where Truth (real and raw) speaks to power. This magazine focuses the insights and experiences of U.S. political prisoners on major issues of the day. While a lot of the writing is by political prisoners, other activists, allies, revolutionaries and insightful outside voices are included. We publish 3 issues a year and all back issues remain posted on the website (

4strugglemag is an independent non-sectarian revolutionary voice. We are unapologetically anti-imperialist and solidly in support of progressive National Liberation, especially the struggles of New African/Black, Mexicano/Chicano, Puerto Rican and Native American Nations presently controlled by U.S. imperialism. Reflecting the work and principles of political prisoners held by the United States, 4strugglemag advocates for Justice, Equality, Freedom, Socialism, Protection of our Mother Earth, Human Rights and Peace. is primarily an e-magazine, but hard copies are available (free to prisoners, $5 an issue for people outside — yearly $15 subscriptions are available). We encourage readers to respond, critique and carry on discussions in the magazine. We welcome email and mail at our P.O. box. The address of each political prisoner is posted with their article so people can directly communicate with them (no political prisoners have access to the internet). We like dialog, but we are not going to print racist or pro-imperialist messages, so you government agents and klansmen don’t bother wasting your time.

Each issue of 4strugglemag focuses on at least 3 main topics. Additional unrelated poems, graphics, essays, announcements and more are included. Unsolicited writings and graphics are accepted and welcomed. We won’t guarantee printing, but we’d like to see your work. This and other correspondence should be sent via regular mail to the following address: (remember it costs 75 cents to send a letter to Canada from the U.S.).

P.O. Box 97048
RPO Roncesvalles Ave.
Toronto, Ontario
M6R 3B3 Canada

or via email to:
Jaan Laaman, editor
anti-imperialist political prisoner