Crossing The Line will be on hiatus until August 2009.  Do to a  difficult financial situation at the moment we will be unable to continue doing a weekly podcast of the show.

We will return with a monthly show covering the same issues regarding the Palestinian/Israeli conflict that you have come to expect from our dedicated team.

We do hope you'll bear with us during this hard time and we appreciate all the support that you have given us over the last three years. Past shows will still be available for all who wish to hear them in our archive section. Please feel free to circulate former shows to concerned citizens worldwide.

Thank you again for everything and we'll be back in August!


Naji Ali
Executive Producer and host
Category: general -- posted at: 10:20 PM

There will be no CTL episode this week. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Category: general -- posted at: 8:17 AM

 This week on Crossing The Line: The UN Committee Against Torture releases a scathing report on Israel's continued use of torture on Palestinian prisoners we'll speak to Louis Frankenthaler of The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel about the report and a follow-up report that PCATI issued.

Also this week, after nearly two years of isolation from the outside world - courtesy of the Israeli military - ongoing extrajudicial assasinations, acute malnutrition, and a host of other issues facing the Gaza Strip's 1.5 million residents activists from Brittan organized a massive convoy of goods and services to send to the occupants of the world's largest open-air prison. We'll speak to Fatima Mohammadi an activist and coordinator of Viva Palestina about the convoy and the challenges they face.
Direct download: CTL_Podcast_May_22nd.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 1:54 PM

This week on Crossing The Line: Dori Smith of Talk Nation Radio speaks with Ron Yaron of Physicians For Human Rights about Israeli war crimes committed during the three week assault on Gaza. Later in the show, Smith plays clips from a documentary film by the Guardian's Clancy Chassay and Julian Borger. They investigated Israeli war crimes in Gaza and attacks on hospitals and medical workers.

And finally, May 15th 2009 marks 61 years since The Nakba or "Catastrophe," when more than 700,000 Palestinians were forcibly removed from they're homes by Jewish militia groups, today we'll hear the voice of one who remembers the events that changed the lives of herself, her family and all Palestinians in their homeland.
Direct download: CTL_Podcast_May_15th.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 1:15 PM

This week on Crossing The Line: Investigative journalist and Crossing The Line contributing producer Nora Barrows-Friedman will spend the hour speaking with Hazam Jamjoum of Badil; The Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugees' Rights about Israel's practice of apartheid.
Direct download: CTL_Podcast_May_8th.mp3
Category: podcasts -- posted at: 12:52 PM