The darkest corners of the musical universe...

Welcome to, your first step in exploring the darkest corners of the musical universe. We have been travelling the spaceways since 2001, reporting on Exotica, Space Age Pop, Easy Listening, Library Music and weird sounds in general. Over the years our focus has expanded, and we now cover anything from iconoclastic rockers to the wackiest outsiders.

We always welcome your contributions and feedback. Our contact details are here.

Latest review

Fremdkunst - Fremdkunst: B-Beats & SoundscapesFremdkunst - Fremdkunst: B-Beats & Soundscapes
Sometimes things don’t happen in a linear way. Usually there has been a demo that caught the attention of a label before a record is produced, or the artists found their own label and self-produce demos, records or any other way of music sharing they see fit.
With Fremdkunst is the other way around. B-beats & soundscapes appeared in 2007 as a demo-version, it inspired the creation of the label Fremdtunes and becomes, three years later, a full-length album and the first physical release of the company at the same time.
Dj Mace and Dj Optimus are the founders of Fremdtunes and are naturally also behind Fremdkunst, the first as producer and the second as guest. Together with guitarist Shycop and Dj Vindictive they also are the core live formation of the group, accompanied by guest vocalists. On this record we find collaborations with saxophonists Erwin Vann and Mete Erker and singer Lieve van Tujil. Read full review...

Label news

Gypsyliana - Sonus NomasWe have been releasing music on our label WM Recordings since 2004. Our releases are available from all major download stores, but we also offer over 100 freely downloadable albums in mp3 format.

Our latest release is now available from all major download stores:

Happy Elf - It's A Wonderful World
Happy Elf is the alter ego of multi instrumentalist Jeroen Elfferich from Delft, the Netherlands. He is one of the most productive artists on our label. The music of Happy Elf can be labeled as electropop, but actually it is much more than that: it’s pop music made with analogue synthesizers. More...

We accept submissions of your music for release in various formats. We are also interested in reissueing previously released music (Exotica, space age pop, easy listening, outsider music, and other styles that fit in with the theme of our site). Don't hesitate to contact us.


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