Monday, April 11, 2011

Destroy All Monsters
(Full Soundtrack)

Here is the soundtrack to the 1968 Godzilla film "Destroy All Monsters" as scored by the great Akira Ifukube. This out of print soundtrack was something I acquired when I bought the 50th Anniversary Edition of the film on DVD. The DVD came packed with this disc which was a major selling point to me at the time. If you are a fan of the early Godzilla films and Akira's scores you'll definitely enjoy this. It has a good share of familiar cues and new stuff.

As far as the film goes when it gets down to action of the monsters fighting it's quite enjoyable, but there are some slow moments that I wish would not have not dragged on as long in between fights. The final battle against King Ghidorah is pretty fantastic.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Skunk Ape (song)
Donny Lee

Here is a weird track I came across last summer called "Skunk Ape" by an artist by the name of Donny Lee. This isn't soundtrack related at all, but the tune is in that vein as far as a good monster song. It was released in 1985 on record (vinyl) in what appears to be a single version. I don't know much about this artist or release. The song details the singer's true or made-up events of him learning about and experiencing a Skunk Ape situation. It has just that right magic to easily have appeared in some bad 80s B-movie about an abominable creature.

It's a 80s country sounding tune, which is not something I'd normally listen to, but for this track it's a perfect genre to perform a weird tune like this. If you are into weird monster themed songs I highly recommend this gem. The MP3 File album art has a scan of the original record and has some  additional production info if that info interests you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Critters- David Newman
(Expanded Soundtrack)

Here I have available the score to the 1986 sci-fi/horror film "Critters". The score was composed by David Newman. This release I have here is actually the original score, plus the pop music tracks heard in the film making it an expanded version of the soundtrack that I got from my friend The Long Island Ripper at the Inferno Music Vault. I believe his buddy Phaota provided the additional pop tracks and some additional cues not heard on the original release, which is really excellent for fans of the film so hats off to them. To add my own little touch to this release I created some album art based on one of the original posters for the film. Newman's score is pretty enjoyable, but the crown jewel of the score is "Critter Skitter". I'd say this is worth downloading just for that track alone.

My friend Freddy's Fingers from The Paradise of Horror blog was recently talking about "Critters" and I had to post this one. Enjoy! I have added the trailer to the film below. One thing that I find odd about it is that it doesn't use Newman's score, but uses a cue from Charles Bernstein's score to "A Nightmare On Elm Street". I wonder why this is, aside from it being a New Line Cinema release. Maybe Newman's score wasn't ready at the time the trailer was cut.

"We're here for the Crites."

Monday, March 21, 2011

Pacific Heights
(Full Score/Soundtrack)

Here is the out-of-print score/soundtrack to the 1990 thriller "Pacific Heights" starring Michael Keaton, Matthew Modine and Melanie Griffith. The score was composed by the prolific Hans Zimmer. This particular score is interesting in that it's only comprised of four tracks. Instead of a breakdown of each cue from the film, it's large 8 min plus suites. Fans of Zimmer and the film should enjoy this one.

Back in the mid 90s I worked at a video store and came across this flick and ended up really enjoying it and would watch it regularly in the store and the flick grew on me more. It's just a strange story about this guy systematically ruining these peoples lives.

"You're a brave and stupid man." - Carter Hayes

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Race With the Devil
Leonard Roesenman
Soundtrack (Movie Audio Rip)

 Today I have a bootleg soundtrack from the 1975 action/thriller "Race With the Devil" starring Peter Fonda and Warren Oates. This soundtrack was created by ripping audio from the original film by the person who runs the The Master Cylinder blog, so credit goes to them. There was never an official release of Leonard Rosenman's score and as many of you soundtrack fiends know, any soundtrack is better than no soundtrack. I can live with audio rips if that's the best you can find. I admittedly haven't seen this flick yet, but after seeing the trailer from time to time it's one I must see. The Better Geek Than Never website recently reviewed the flick and that only increased my desire to see this flick. Check out their review it's a fun read.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

In Search Of... - Full Soundtrack
W. Michael Lewis & Laurin Rinder

Here is a soundtrack that has been long out of print that I was looking for, but knew very little about. It's the soundtrack for the old television series that ran from 1976 to 1982"In Search Of..." hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The show investigated paranormal types of topics and attempted to uncover the truths surrounding them.

One surprise that I can't say is good or bad about the soundtrack is that some of the songs seems like definite cues taken right from the show which I love, but other tracks have a heavy disco vibe going for them which includes the main theme. I would have liked to hear just straight music from the show along with the great into. However, as I listen to it more some of those disco infused tunes have grown on me. If you are a fan of the show I would recommend checking this out.

"This series presents information based in part on theory and conjecture. The producer's purpose is to suggest some possible explanations, but not necessarily the only ones, to the mysteries we will examine."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Silver Bullet - Jay Chattaway
(Full score/soundtrack)

Here is the full soundtrack by Jay Chattaway for the 1985 film Silver Bullet. This is one of best Stephen King movie adaptations. It's based on the book "Cycle of the Werewolf". The movie sticks to the book pretty well, with a few changes here and there that I'm willing to accept, I mean there have been so many movies based on King stories that were completely unwatchable that a few changes here and there I can live with.

That being said it's one of my favorite werewolf flicks, my only gripe is that I wish the werewolf looked a little more "Howling" and less Teddy Bear like. Thankfully the director kept the werewolf hidden most of the time which always leaves the monster up to your imagination... and that's usually better than putting the monster out there in full light.
"I'm a little too old to be playing "Hardy Boys meet Reverend Werewolf"!"

Download the soundtrack-score here!