
Play Off Pensiveness

As kid born and fed in Toronto Canada, hockey was a big thing growing up in the 70's. The Leafs on Hockey Night in Canada every Saturday night was a staple on cold winter nights. Adjusting the speaker wire I would use for an antena, to get the Leaf game on Wednesday nights from and CHCH 11 Hamilton's...well that was another story. Why the hell we had to get a broadcast from a city 80 miles away for our own town team was beyond me as a kid. This was pre cable TV and during the Harold Ballard years of ownership. So that explains it I guess. Philly's Broad Street Bullies. Peter Puck. Dave Keon. Detroit Redwing rivals in the late 70's and 80's.Salming. Eddie Shack. Ron Ellis...oh the good ol dayze!

Well the Leafs have not been in playoffs for 7 years now. It's shameful. Not so much that I think the Leafs can win a cup. But the fact that a whole generation of kids in this city (including my kid) are growing up without the magic and fever that this town experiences when there is a playoff drive...it's just sad. Blame it on big corp. It would be great for kids to experience that, like I did. With all the busllshit in the world these days, it would be nice to rally around the TV with my shorty, and re-live some of that magic. Like I did with Leaf Pyramid Power in the 70's...remember that?? During the 1976 Quarterfinals against the Flyers, Red Kelly utilized his ‘Pyramid Power’ theory as a psychological ploy. Kelly had his players believe that pyramids were a source of energy and strength. The Leaf coach then placed small pyramids under the bench and in the dressing room. All this was to no avail as the hated Flyers won the bitter quarterfinal series in 7 games.

So here it is. Playoff time again. No Leafs again. Only two Canadian teams. One in the West. One in the East. The best thing Leaf fans can hope for is a Habs VS Canucks FINAL!...now that would be cool....to bring the Cup back home to Canada.

For the record...I'm taking the team with the coolest sports logo EVER!!!! (next to the buds). The Vancouver Canucks will win the cup!

But in the future. If I ever see a tattoo on my kid with the Canuck logo
all because that's the team she could only watch growing up...then I'll cry. I'll cry long tears of blame. Blame'in tears for The Teachers Pension Fund that have the biggest shares in the Leafs and those fat cat greedy swine - sitting on the board at Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment.

SHAMEFULL I SAY...worse than the Harold Ballard Years...at least Ballard gave us playoffs and Pyramid Power!


Moloko Vellocet

Here is the soundtrack to one of my favorite films of all time. A Clockwork Orange - Directed by Stanley Kubrick. Written by Anthony Burgess. When it come to Milk Plus...I prefer the Moloko Vellocet over the Moloko Drencroy when listening to Ludwig Van

Plexi and Chrome

So if I use this plexi and chrome stereo instead of buying an Ipad 2, can I cap and trade?


Liz 1955

1955– Elizabeth Taylor on the set of “Giant” after having her 2nd child.

Mamma Lucia !!!!!!!


A french painting on the wall of my English Pub?




Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars (1973) - Video

Here is a cool photo of the king of the spiders, the late great Mick Ronson.

Director: D.A. Pennebaker
David Bowie ... Himself / Ziggy Stardust
Mick Ronson ... Himself
Trevor Bolder ... Himself
Mick Woodmansey ... Himself
Angela Bowie ... Herself

The July 3rd, 1973 historic concert of the 'leper Messiah'. This was to be David Bowie's last concert with the the Ziggy persona and the Spiders from Mars. A great medley of 'Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud'/'All The Young Dudes'/'Oh! You Pretty Things', a Lou Reed cover, and a Rolling Stones cover are but some of the highlights.

Sisters of Mercy - Rotal Albert Hall - Video Concert

One of the first English gothic rock bands. Formed in 1980. The band cited Leonard Cohen, Hawkwind, Gary Glitter, The Velvet Underground, The Stooges, Mot繹rhead, Suicide, The Birthday Party, and The Fall as among their influences.[7] Cohen himself wrote and performed a song entitled "Sisters of Mercy" on his debut album, Songs of Leonard Cohen. The band shares influences with other bands in the first wave of what is termed "goth" music.

Whilst the band enjoys a considerable fan base with overlapping interests in so-called dark culture, The Sisters of Mercy consider themselves first and foremost a rock band. They have actively discouraged their association with "goth" via regular public statements in the press, not to mention stipulations in their standard contract riders. Nevertheless, this has not stopped them from regularly appearing at festivals where this music is featured, such as M'era Luna. In addition, The Sisters of Mercy were highly influential to the second wave of Gothic rock bands.[

Director: Mike Mansfield
Craig Adams
Andrew Eldritch
Wayne Hussey
Runtime: 57

Description: This video captures the Sisters of Mercy at their absolute peak of perfection, when the entire world lay at their feet. To see Eldritch clinging to the mic for dear life, Adams rocking back and forth to the throbbing bass, Marx and Hussey background images in the mist.

01. First And Last And Always
02. Body And Soul
03. Marian
04. No Time To Cry
05. Walk Away
06. Possession
07. Emma
08. Amphetamine Logic
09. A Rock And A Hard Place
10. Floorshow
11. Alice
12. Fix
13. Knockin' On Heaven's Door


Super Stud

Rival Sons @ Tattoo



Rival sons





Sheen's Korner

Hunter s Thompson would be proud

Sheen'Korner EP 4

Sheen's Corner


Web Sheriff

How is it that a private company called Web Sheriff, can mislead the public to thinking that they are the Internet Police. They brand themselves with a USA Sheriff logo, and call themselves "internet police" on their website? A US sheriff is typically the highest law enforcement officer in the county. A sheriff is in most cases elected by the population of the county.


Impersonating a police service is illegal in Canada. Should John Giacobbi be charged with impersonating a police force? He describes himself as independent consultant, but the company looks a lot like an official gov't agency or police force on their website.

Would it be legal If I put a logo up on my site and call myself a The Social Media Internet Policing Marshall - Special Forces Division?


Representing your client in the justice system is one thing.

But representing your client in the justice system... And... installing fear into the defendants by misleading them that you are also the the highest law enforcement officer in the district...well that's going to far!

And bands like The Black Crowes and Prince should be ashamed of themselves!

TAG THIS SHERIFF: The Black Crowes, Prince, Lady Ga Ga, Justine Beiber

The Truth will set you free

"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine



Keith Richards Interview Guitar Player 1983

GP: In the last few years there’s been a new aspect of your tone—more distinct, with a slight click, almost like a slap bass in rockabilly. “Hang Fire” and “She’s So Cold” are examples, and especially the last section of “Little T&A.;”

Keith: It’s our equivalent of that rockabilly thing. I think you’ll find that comes from using a lot of analog delay on Ron’s guitar or my guitar or both of them, and I dampen it. That’ll give you that ticka-tacka-ticka. I always use that green MXR analog delay. I’m told it’s quite out of date now and old fashioned, but I got it free and I forgot that time marches on and they make better ones, or so they say. I don’t know. I’ve worked very well with those MXR things, and they’ve been very reliable.

Can you judge the sound of an electric guitar before you plug it in?

Maybe to a certain extent. If the neck and the action feel right, you’re more than halfway home, even before hearing the electronics. Things like weight and the density of the wood indicate certain things, but you simply need to play it to really tell. And it doesn’t take long.

On record you’ve used several very different types of guitars—Gibson Les Pauls and ES-335s, Fender Telecasters, and others. And yet a listener can tell right away that it’s you, from stylistic clues, but also from the sound alone.

I use a whole load of different guitars, that’s true, but they’re not all that dissimilar in type. I mean, 90 percent are probably Telecasters, old ones, but more than that, you can’t really separate style and sound, you see. People do separate them when they’re talking about music, but all of that often misses the whole point.

You’re suggesting that the style is the sound?

Yes, part of it, more than any particular tone setting or pickup or anything like that. I’ll just adjust to the sound of the track as we go—the sound of the bass drum and especially Ronnie’s guitar. The style is adjusting along with the sound. There’s never a conscious effort to get that “Honky Tonk Woman” tone or a thing like that. You may get it or you may not. But that’s not what you’re thinking about. You’re thinking about the track.

Some people were amazed to read in your first Guitar Player cover story that on “Street Fighting Man” there are no electric guitars.

Two acoustics, one of them put through the first Philips cassette player they made. It was overloaded, recorded on that, and then hooked up through a little extension speaker, and then onto the studio tape through a microphone.

Rival Sons in Toronto

One of my favorite "LIVE" bands these days. SO-CAL's Rival Sons play three shows in Ontario. Humble Pie meets Zoso. All original real rock. Real tone! The way ROCK is meant to be played. Jay Buchanan's vocals are dirty - raspy - with rock soul funk sugar. Killer pipes and he plays harp too! Sons play London, and two shows in Toronto then there off to SXSW in Austin.

Thurs @ Call the Office, London Ontario
Friday @Tattoo Rock Parlour (9pm) Toronto
Saturday@ Cherry Cola's Rock n Roll Lounge (3am start at my favorite bar)

The last time they played Cherry Cola's that late, the bar was out of control. Liqour will be flowing til 4am, due to the festival too.
So lube your livers.

It's looking like I'm going to the Friday show. They go on at 9pm. I'm meeting up with some "out of town Americans and Canadians" after work at the rock bar - The Hideout. 6:30PM Friday. Hope to see ya




White Bikini's Rock

Custom Van Craze of the 70's

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride: Hunter S. Thompson On Film (2006) - DOC

Check comments for links to doc.

Buy The Ticket, Take The Ride: Hunter S. Thompson On Film (2006) was directed by Tom Thurman, written by Tom Marksbury, and produced by the Starz Entertainment Group. The original documentary features interviews with Thompson's inner circle of family and friends, but the thrust of the film focuses on the manner in which his life often overlapped with numerous Hollywood celebrities who became his close friends, such as Johnny Depp, Benicio del Toro, Bill Murray, Sean Penn, John Cusack, Thompson's wife Anita, son Juan, former Senators George McGovern and Gary Hart, writers Tom Wolfe and William F. Buckley, actors Gary Busey and Harry Dean Stanton, and the illustrator Ralph Steadman among others.