Entries from December 2009

December 21, 2009

A Tory PPB

Liam Murray on Twitter suggested I have a go at this. Here’s my attempt to write a Conservative PPB that I think would be effective. I hope I don’t need to add that I think it’s awful nonsense, but y’know, walk a mile in the other fellows shoes and that… PPB “New Management” We open [...]

December 16, 2009

The descent into Crankdom…

No, this isn’t another post about climate change… Last night, over dinner, my girlfriend and I (how pompous – me and my girlfriend? the little lady and the gorilla? Legs and me?) had an interesting debate about why people develop an obsessive tendency to oppose what everybody else sees as obvious and undeniable, and whether [...]

December 16, 2009

Would the Tory “Green insulation” plans be a green rip off?

Today, David Cameron uses the Guardian to re-announce his plans to allow Tesco and Marks and Spencer to use a proportion of people future fuel savings to fund loft insulation work  today. So if doing £1,500 of work on greening your home would save £300 a year, then £100 each year would go to the [...]

December 15, 2009

Tim Montgomerie and the Daily Express- Stupid and Stupider.

Is there some strange mutual attraction between Tory bloggers, climate change nonsense and mid market tabloids? Over the weekend it was Iain Dale and the Mail, and  now it’s Tim Montgomerie’s Conservativehome and the Daily Express. Both Conservativehome and the Express  have splashed on “100 reasons climate change is natural”, a list compiled by regular Conservativehome [...]

December 15, 2009

Poking a beehive with a big stick

is great fun, honestly. Sadly, my time is limited and work must be done. While I enjoy responding to the numerous poo pies being thrown in the previous thread, I can’t devote today to it. Things to do, conspiracies to join. So henceforth, I shall respond to global warming myths, half truths and selective quotes [...]

December 14, 2009

The Daily Mail and Iain Dale – Dumb and Dumber.

A hilarious moment today, dredged up from looking at the Blogs over the weekend. Poor old Iain Dale. He’s not a climate change scientist, but he wants so desperately to believe that climate change isn’t something we should believe in, so he breathlessly reprints articles that claim to show that climate change is a hoax, [...]

December 14, 2009

Still sexist after all these years.

Something to think about when reading the papers today – Anyone who thinks that Sally Bercow’s political views and activities are in any way the business of John Bercow is just being an old fashioned sexist idiot, however they dress it up.   That’s all really. (Oh and for those who argue that she’s getting special media treatment [...]

December 10, 2009

A Party Election Broadcast

Minds far more intelligent than mine are running away with the intellectual ball on the PBR. Perhaps the strangest contrast yestoday was the difference between that the Government proposed and the Irish Budget later that afternoon. Watching the Irish was like watching a premonition of a future Tory budget. The ghost of Osborne future, if [...]

December 10, 2009

This blog is making me fat.

Last night I had a choice. I could either go to the gym and get my run on, or I could do a post about the PBR. I chose the former. But I felt guilty. I should have been at my keyboard, giving my little all for TIGMOO, trather than exercising selfishly. Looking back, there [...]

December 9, 2009

It is most disagreeable…

…when work gets in the way of pontificating. I will write about the PBR, but not yet. I am, as ever, open to offers of renumerated employment for the service I provide so readily for free. PS. Did anyone else watch this weeks episode of “The Thick of it” and think “But David Hill’s lovely… [...]